Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 690 - Another year of christmas

The news in the newspaper today represents the end of an old era. At least after Voldemort ’s former control of the Ministry of Magic in London, Britain exerted a powerful influence on Guling Pavilion through various means, but it did not directly intervene in ancient times like now. The inner operation of the Lingge even made things that completely destroyed the cornerstone of the ancient Lingge.

You know, Gu Ling Pavilion can stand for so many years is not just the authorization of the Ministry of Magic. Let everyone believe that these fairies who were former enemies and store their wealth inside, the most important point is that fairies insist on maintaining the privacy of guests, while ensuring that they will not conspire to not belong to their wealth.

Although humans and goblins have different perceptions of wealth ownership, the goblin respects human cognition when there is a serious gap between the two forces. This also allowed Gu Ling Ge to exist for hundreds of years with this credit, and even monopolized the British financial industry.

But now it’s all over, just as Ryan traversed the United States and asked Swiss banks to hand over depositors’ accounts, which caused serious damage to the Swiss banking industry. The Death Eaters now move the gold away from the vaults that do not belong to them, which has also hit the Guling Pavilion. From now on, the Guling Pavilion has lost its gold signboard and will not occupy an absolute advantage as before. Too.

However, this behavior also shows that Ryan ’s previous tactics were successful. The Death Eaters now hope to raise enough money to make up for the damage caused by the destruction of the manor, and then stabilize the American wizards in order to obtain more. Resources.

“Oh, I really don’t know if I should be happy or sad now.” Hermione whispered, and was heard by Ryan next to him. So Ryan asked curiously: “What are you talking about?”

“It’s like this.” After watching the people in the tent, they walked out of the tent after discussing the previous things, and took away the two goblins who nearly passed out crying. Hermione opened her mouth very simply and said, “The loss on our side is indeed great, but the mysterious man is using long-term interests in exchange for short-term benefits. In a certain way, this is conducive to the further advantage of the war. “

“Fortunately, we introduced our own bank in advance, so the overall impact on us should not be great.” Ryan analyzed calmly. “But the impact on the mysterious man may be greater. Do n’t forget that today we can confiscate our wealth there, then tomorrow we will definitely confiscate the wealth of other people and even Death Eaters, and to be honest, Death Eaters We have more wealth than us. “

After walking out of the tent, Lane discovered that everyone was packing up the camp and preparing to evacuate. A guerrilla fighter came over and asked after watching Ryan walk out of the tent. “Commander, where are we going next?”

After hearing this sentence, many wizards who were cleaning up also turned their attention. The morale of the entire team is high because of the consecutive victories in the past, and everyone is eager to fight under the leadership of Ryan.

“I think, let’s take a holiday back to Hogsmeade today.” Ryan said to everyone, “After all, we have fought so long before, and it’s time to take a break. And I just read the newspaper, and the day after tomorrow should be It’s Christmas. “

“Is Christmas coming?” Many wizards showed expressions of sudden enlightenment. After all, they had been imprisoned in the dungeon or fled everywhere, even with the dementors. In this case, they have been living a very vague life. Until Ryan said today, they only realized that Christmas is coming.

“It’s great, go home for Christmas.” The wizards whispered, although they still have a strong fighting spirit and a firm fighting will, they will still feel some fatigue in the previous continuous battles. Therefore, for them, the opportunity to have a good rest and reunite with their family is definitely news to make them happy.

So after getting the news of going home for Christmas, everyone’s hands and feet are a lot more dexterous than before. Soon the entire camp was cleaned up. After the previous patrol returned, everyone returned to Hogsmeade with two goblins.

“Ah, welcome to you, our heroes.” Percy, who had just arrived at the door of Hogsmeade Town, as the captain of the town guard today, greeted them enthusiastically. “Oh, how did you all come over today?”

Ryan before they would send people to send those trophies and rescued hostages after the battle, but never a group of people all returned. So Percy asked strangely after seeing a group of people.

“Oh, we came back for Christmas.” Ryan explained, and after hearing this, Percy patted his forehead lightly. “Oh my god! You ’re right, Christmas is coming soon. I ’ve been so busy recently and almost forgot about this. It ’s just too bad. My mother would kill me if I did n’t think of it today– By the way, what about the two fairies in your team? “

Percy asked after seeing the two fairies that were standing behind the crowd and blocked by everyone so they didn’t see them. “Is this where you rescued the hostages from the previous raid? It feels like you will always come with all kinds of people every time you come over.”

“No, they just met on our way.” Ryan said, “But they have been chased by mysterious people before, so we brought them in hand.”

“If that’s the case, you’d better take those two goblins to the Ministry of Magic. I think the staff of the Ministry of Magic should be able to arrange a suitable place for them.” Percy said, other people also checked this time Ryan their pass. After seeing the companion’s gesture, Percy made a please gesture. “Wish you a Merry Christmas!”

“You are the same.” Ryan said, and then came to the main road of the town with everyone. There are now more people on the road than before. There was even the kind of prosperity before the war in Hogsmeade. Because it snowed a few days ago, there was a thick layer of snow everywhere in the town.

There are a lot of Christmas decorations in the shops on both sides of the road and on the road: people decorate the doors and windows of the store with a variety of sparkling ornaments and mistletoe ~ ~ At the same time, magic dyes have drawn various Christmas banners and The garland tied with branches hangs over the road with magic, and even some garlands are enchanted with special magic, and he keeps singing Christmas songs.

In addition, various Christmas products also appeared in the windows of many shops, and the merchants also carried out corresponding activities. For example, Ryan saw the panda man in front of the bank wearing a red and white Santa costume to distribute candy to every wizard who passed by the bank. In short, the tense atmosphere of war in the whole town is much less, and everyone is immersed in the joy of the festival.

“I will send these two goblins to the Ministry of Magic. After all, I am more familiar with the people over there.” Dirk Cresway said, this time everyone has come to the center of Hogsmeade, this place A huge Christmas tree is now placed, and several children are playing snowball fights around the tree.

“Okay, then everyone will disband now, go home individually, and we will contact you if something happens.” Ryan watched everyone leave after he finished speaking to everyone, and every wizard looked very excited, only those two The goblin looked like he was not at home, following Dirk’s magical steps toward the hill like a walking corpse.

“Then where are we going now? Back to school.” After watching everyone leave, Hermione turned around and asked. “Ginny wrote a lot of letters a while ago, and I really want to see them now.”

“For the time being, go to the Weasley joke shop,” Lane suggested. “I heard that a while ago, Weasley prepared some special Christmas products. I want to see how those products are selling now.”

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