Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 691 - Christmas sale

“It seems that the prosperity has been restored here.” Hermione said that the people coming and going on both sides of the street did look much better than the depression of a while ago.

“It’s just Christmas.” Ryan shook his head slightly. “This is some kind of venting after everyone was too tense before, and it can’t fully explain the problem. If the situation is to be completely improved, I think unless this war can really end.”

Just as they were talking, they had come to the door of the Weasley Joke shop. Unexpectedly, the people here were not as many as they had imagined, only one or two hurried wizards holding a paper bag Came out of the shop.

“Don’t you say they have a batch of goods ready for Christmas? How does it feel like no one is there?” Hermione asked strangely, looking at the deserted shop at the door. “I see those shops along the way, you are full of people inside and out!”

“This is indeed a bit weird.” Ryan went to the shop door and opened the door to make a move in motion: “But what happened here we can just go in and ask, we are already here anyway.”

After entering the store, Lane found that the store that was full of piles now looks more full. Half of the stores are stacked with large and small packages that have been wrapped in colorful wrapping paper, and the Weasley twins, together with several employees, waved their magic wands to wrap this kind of wrapping paper in more boxes.

“What are you doing?” Looking at the wrapping paper that is flying under the magic and the various products that are being packaged. Ryan asked the Weasley twins “Why don’t many people come to the store?”

“That’s because we don’t have enough staff this year and there is no way to guarantee business.” Fred stopped his work and looked up. “So we simply changed our approach this year to take full owl orders to sell Christmas products.”

“Looking at the current situation, your new sales method works well.” Hermione said while looking at the pile of goods. “You really are geniuses in store operations.”

“That is of course.” George, who was busy, said proudly. “This year there are really many orders from Hogwarts. This may be because Hogsmeade Day was cancelled for security reasons. Everyone hopes to take advantage of Christmas to buy one. Of course, In addition, the new developer potion that Ryan developed before is also very useful. “

“The new developer potion, what is that?” Hermione asked strangely. “I know that the wizards’ photos are active because of the special developer potion, but what’s special about the new developer potion you just said?”

“Of course.” Fred said, “Lyn’s newly developed potion can use those color films to wash out colorful photos, so our advertising posters are universal color photos. Now it seems that the wizarding world is the first The color magic poster works very well. From the perspective of order quantity, at least 1/3 of Hogwarts students have ordered goods from us. “

“Sounds great.” Hermione looked at the pile of goods on the side and counted them. “But Hogwarts shouldn’t be able to sell so much!”

“You’re right. Except for Hogwarts’ goods and some scattered orders, the big head is mainly from the newly opened bank.” Fred said, as a Weasley family, he certainly Know something about that bank. “The bank ordered a large amount of goods from us because of Ryan’s relationship and prepared to give it to its customers at Christmas time, saying it was to give feedback to customers.”

No wonder that the group of pandaren are considered to be the most business-savvy guys in the magical world of heaven, and even the tricks of sending small gifts to attract customers are unacceptable. However, the effect of doing so does not look good, especially after accepting decades of hard-to-do and ugly services. The wizards have an excellent view of the warm service of these pandaren. At least from the information sent by Xiong Duosu, the number of people who have deposited money in the bank has been increasing recently, and many financial activities have begun to gradually start. The entire bank is on track.

“It seems there are many things in it!” Ryan said, pulling out his wand. “Let’s help you, it will be Christmas the day after tomorrow. Anyway, we’d better handle this shipment as soon as possible.”

After joining Ryan and Hermione, the speed of packing these goods has accelerated a lot. Finally packed all the goods before lunch, afterwards several staff members floated the goods like an owl post office with a floating charm.

“It’s finally possible to go on holiday.” Fred, who watched the employees leave, said that after mailing the items away, they would go home and prepare for the annual Christmas holiday. “Our mother prepared a lot of food at home this time and was going to use a sumptuous dinner to repay our previous half-year’s hard work. Unfortunately, our brothers and sisters couldn’t come back this time.”

“Ron and Ginny can’t go home?” Hermione asked strangely. “If Ron doesn’t go home, I can still understand that after all, he will take the NEWT test this year and may need to review in school. But Ginny did not Things, why didn’t she go back? “

“Ron can review at school? Don’t joke.” George looked disgusted. “He must have taken advantage of this opportunity to play crazy, and I even doubt that he will probably go to his homework on the last day before the end of the holiday.”

“So why didn’t he and Ginny go home?” Ryan also asked curiously, because he felt that in this situation, people should want to be with their parents and relatives, rather than staying alone in Hog. Watts Castle.

“Don’t you know? By the way, you may not know, after all, you have been fighting in the wild during this time, and you may not have received any news.” George began to feel a little puzzled, but soon thought that Lane had been Wandering around to fight and rescue innocent people. It is normal to not know some news.

“This is the case. This year, Hogwarts asked everyone to stay in school on Christmas holidays ~ ~ This is a decision made out of safety considerations.” Fred explained, “Since last time After the Gwarts Express attack, the school thought that students should be kept in a safe castle as much as possible, rather than going outside to be exposed to the danger of Death Eater attacks, especially since Death Eaters are now crazy. Start attacking all people indiscriminately, not even the students.

“Understand the school professors’ ideas.” Ryan said that at least after the last Death Eater attack, they knew that there was no lower limit for Death Eaters to start. In this case, the little wizards scattered because of the holiday It is too easy to become the target of the attackers. In particular, many small wizards live in enemy-occupied areas and cannot be protected at all.

“Oh, has anything happened in school recently?” Lane asked, because he was going to Hogwarts Castle with Hermione for a while, and was a little worried that they would not go to school because of the new security arrangements.

“No major changes,” Fred said. “Except with your help, the witch problems and materials and materials problems of the little wizards have been completely resolved, and the teaching activities have been put on the right track. I have not heard that there are What changes are worth mentioning. “

“At this time, no change is the best change.” Lane nodded. “Hermione and I are going downstairs to make lunch now, and then we will eat together. After dinner, we have to go to the castle to do something.”

“Good idea, we were hungry after a busy morning.” George said, “I am looking forward to your lunch now. Although our mother’s cooking level is very high, we have not learned. Eat three brooms all day. The package here feels too bad. “

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