Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 692 - Communication in the principal\\\'s office

After having a lunch with Weasley twins, Lane left the joke shop and went straight to Hogwarts Castle. The defense around the castle is much better than before, especially the size of the patrol is much larger than before.

Although many of these patrols are composed of volunteers among the temporary residents who recently lived in Hogsmeade, the level may not be very high. But their appearance proves from the side that the previous panic has slowly ended, and everything is beginning to be on track.

Ryan originally planned to return to their room to deal with something, and then chat with friends. When they walked upstairs from the entrance hall, a fire burst in front of them, and a little phoenix flew out of the fire. After throwing them a roll of tight parchment paper, another blaze disappeared.

“It looks like Professor Dumbledore. I think he found me as soon as we walked into the castle.” Ryan said after taking the note, and then unfolded it. “Like our manor, as a building complex with a lot of magic circles and alchemy products, its owner can always control any information in this building.”

“So what is written on the note?” Hermione asked after watching Ryan unfold the note. “We are just back from the outside to the school. Is there anything that Dumbledore needs to find us so urgently?”

“I don’t know, because it just invited us to go to his office for a cup of tea.” Lane handed the small note to Hermione. Hermione saw that the note was only a simple invitation and today The password of the principal’s office. Nothing else.

“Sandwich Marshmallow.” After coming to the entrance of the principal’s room to read the exit order, the stone monster jumped aside and let out the spiral staircase of the principal’s room. Hovering up to the oak door, Lane knocked on the door, and the door opened.

The principal’s office is still the same as before. A round office is full of small strange sounds. The silverware of Professor Dumbledore was still placed on the small table next to it and the partition on the back of the desk, each rotating, spraying out smoke after smoke. The principal’s phoenix stood on a tall gilded perch behind the door as before, and when Ryan looked at it, he screamed and greeted Ryan.

Just as Ryan looked at the office with a bit of nostalgia, the door opened with a squeak. Principal Dumbledore walked out of a door above, then stood on the platform and greeted Ryan and them. “Ryan, Hermione, it’s great to see you again after such a long time.”

“We are also very happy to see you, Mr. Principal.” After watching the principal walk down the stairs and do the high-back chair, Ryan nodded slightly and said. “Is there anything you want to see us today?”

“Sit down first, you don’t have to be so nervous.” Dumbledore waved his wand, and two back chairs appeared at the large desk, along with a small coffee table in the middle of the back chair. “Just something very simple and want to chat with you.”

“Black tea and refreshments, right, really, your tastes are not like those of young people of your age. Instead, they are like the tastes of people of my age.” Principal Dumbledore said after watching Ryan sitting down As his words fell, a pot of black tea and a small saucer appeared on the coffee table.

“Thank you for these refreshments. The familiar tastes of black tea and snacks at school are always so nostalgic. Although I only left here for a month, I feel that I have been away for a long time.” After drinking half a cup of black tea and ate it. After ordering snacks, Ryan put down the cup and said with some emotion.

“Yes, the school will always leave us with some indelible memories.” Dumbledore nodded sympathetically, and then said, “The reason why I hurried to call you back after you returned to school today, There is one thing that needs to be discussed with you. “

Ryan They heard Professor Dumbledore start to speak and leaned forward slightly, staring at Dumbledore in a serious listening gesture, only to see Professor Dumbledore said. “I heard that a few days ago, you raided many manors.”

“Yes, you are right.” Ryan admitted, “In the previous month, we were fighting almost every day. It has to be said that the power of the Death Eaters now comes mainly from their manor. The various products produced and the command of the local Death Eaters in the UK, after destroying part of the manor and eliminating a group of local Death Eaters, we can clearly see that the resistance of the Death Eaters is being weakened, and the innocent are victimized. The number of people has also greatly reduced. “

“I know, I also got the news from my channel before.” Professor Dumbledore nodded and said. “But I must say, children, your approach is a little too radical.”

“Radical?” Ryan repeated the word, then said a little puzzled. “Do you think my actions are radical? But I don’t think my actions are radical. I can even say that my actions are mild.”

“Isn’t this radical?” After raising his hands and holding his half-moon-shaped glasses, Dumbledore took a serious look at Ryan’s face, as if he wanted to see what Ryan was thinking, “You must know, The wizard who died a month ago is almost the same as the wizard who died when Voldemort was most active in the last war. This is a huge loss for the wizard in Britain. “

“But, Professor. I can guarantee that everyone we killed deserves to die.” Hermione couldn’t help but stood up and argued, “Among the people we killed, the blood of the innocent was on our hands. Either a deadly spell was used in the battle. It can be said that even if we took so many lives, every killing was to save people. “

“I know, I know.” Dumbledore shook his hand to signal Hermione to sit down, and then said, “I assure you that I never thought that what you did was for an evil goal. As a There are over 100 years old, and I can trust my own vision at this point. It ’s just that I think the means you have taken have crossed certain boundaries. “

“Yes, we know that killing is the worst method.” Ryan said in a quick tone. “But it is undeniable that sometimes it is also the most effective method. Just now, for example, do you think that in the face of massacres Is there any better way for melancholy death eaters to stop their evil deeds than now? “

“Ah–” Dumbledore sighed softly ~ ~ and at the same time showed a tired expression, “I know that some people can’t look back now, many of them used to be my students , I really did n’t expect the situation to be like this. I still remember when they entered the school, they were so naive and lively— “

Watching Dumbledore began to recall the past. Ryan and Hermione glanced at each other without interrupting him. Ryan knew that Dumbledore had experienced many things when he was young. He lost his parents, sister, and brothers, and had no contact with his old brother. He turned against his like-minded friends and lovers. So after experiencing so many things in solitude, Dumbledore really put all his energy on the students.

Therefore, the situation in which the Hogwarts graduates are now fighting is not what the principal wants to see. In addition to the various pressures after the outbreak of the war, Professor Dumbledore actually has a lot of pressure in his heart.

As a leader of the White Wizard, he cannot reveal his weak side in front of everyone. So now Professor Dumbledore has not maintained the most powerful white wizard appearance after meeting someone at least equal in strength. So that the mood fluctuated a little, and began to talk about some past events.

Ryan did not interrupt, but listened quietly. After all, Ryan knew that if he had psychological pressure, he could find many people to talk to. And Dumbledore ’s identity is only for everyone to tell him, he ca n’t tell others. Under such a bad situation now, Mr. Principal must have accumulated a lot of pressure. Having a chance to talk is a good thing for everyone.

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