Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 696 - anonymous letter

The day before Christmas, Ryan and Hermione spent a day in a spaceship to place a batch of observation magic props to collect data in the seven previously selected locations. Until the sun started to go west, the sun turned everything on the earth into orange-red. Lane and the two of them finally dragged their tired bodies back to Hogsmeade.

“Wait to retrieve those props the morning after tomorrow.” After stepping on the thick snow and entering the town gate and coming to the street, Lane said to Hermione, “Because we have to analyze the conditions at different times throughout the day. The magic flow of the location is different. Then analyze the data to select the most suitable location, and arrange the cultivation of different magic plants according to the magic flow of the selected location. “

“After surveying for a whole day, I can feel that this work is really a bit complicated.” Hermione pressed her hand behind her sore waist because of the installation of magical instruments. “Yes, how much do you put in?” .After opening the space door just now, I saw that the materials you built for the three estates were stored in a warehouse. There are nearly a hundred warehouses in that place. “

“Uh, that’s something that is reserved for the outbreak of several large-scale wars or disasters in the world. I have a total of three similar warehouse clusters in different worlds, and the warehouse cluster of the end world is just one of them.” Lane explained. “The materials in each warehouse group can maintain the life of 100,000 people for three months, in addition to various magic raw materials that can maintain the normal use of 3,000 ordinary wizards in the second half of the normal period.”

“Is this the modern national reserve?” Hermione murmured. “No wonder you can destroy the important production institutions of the British magic world without hesitation, because you are confident that you can fill those gaps.”

“Yes,” Ryan nodded seriously. “Recently, most of the products in Weasley’s joke store are produced using these reserve resources, but I think the resources will be provided locally after these plantations are established.”

“So what is the demand for magical ores?” Hermione asked. “Before the mines we haven’t discovered, could this gap be completely covered by similar ores you got from other worlds?”

“Do n’t forget the trade with Heaven and the underground trade with Europe,” Ryan said, tilting his head slightly and approaching Hermione. “The Hogmore Ministry of Magic was not idle when we were fighting. They have succeeded. Recaptured more than 60% of the overseas trade channels before the outbreak of the war. This is enough for us. After all, the United Kingdom was not the main source of those magical minerals. These things mainly depend on imports. “

After listening to Ryan’s explanation, Hermione nodded. At this time, an owl flew towards them, and then dropped a letter when flying over them.

“This evening is Christmas Eve. Who will write to us at this time?” Hermione checked the letter on the ground and picked it up. “Huh-this is actually an anonymous letter.”

“Anonymous letter?” Ryan was also aroused interest. He was curious why someone would send such a thing to himself.

Understand that when the Hogsmeade Town is on alert, such letters cannot be mailed in from outside the town with ordinary owls. The only way is to release owls in Hogsmeade Town. Most of the cases where anonymous letters can be mailed are not friendly people. Ryan couldn’t figure out who would spend a lot of energy sneaking into the town just to send a letter.

“There is only one photo in the envelope.” Hermione had checked the envelope at this time, and after careful inspection inside and out, only one photo was taken out of it, and a purple ink was written on the back of the photo. Address of the newly built area in Gmode Town.

“What’s strange in the photo—” Hermione said after taking a last look at the photo before the sun went down, and then handed the photo to Ryan. “It looks like a tall glass for drinking wine, but the feet are a little short.”

Lane took the photo and looked at it seriously, and found that this photo is a bit old. But after a closer look, Ryan still found that it was not a goblet, but a strange crucible with one leg. The crucible was sealed in a transparent substance, and the entire transparent substance was placed on a stone table.

It may be because the person taking the picture is some distance away from the stone platform, so everything on the stone platform and the stone platform looks very small and a little fuzzy. That’s why Hermione considers this thing to be a glass.

“So let’s go to the address after the photo first.” Ryan was aroused by the photo, so he proposed, “Anyway, there is still a little time for dinner, and this place is at Hogmore. Germany, there should be no major danger. “

“You are right.” Hermione thought for a while and said, “If I remember correctly, this place is not too far from the temporary residence of the Weasleys. We can take a look first.”

After walking for three or four minutes along the main road in the town, they turned a corner on the path towards the pig’s head bar. Soon, they came to the townhouse in front of the destination. At this time it was already dark, but the candles hung on the tree to celebrate Christmas and the street lamps on the road illuminated everything clearly.

“Look, No. 7A South District.” Lane whispered and looked at the house, and soon they came to the gate of No. 7A South District. This is a standard new house in the town of Hogsmeade. The main building is a two-story red brick building with a pointed black roof and small windows on the roof for ventilation of the attic.

“There seems to be no one in the room.” Hermione glanced at the house through the iron gate of the courtyard and said. This is a very obvious thing, because today is Christmas Eve, people who live in Hogsmead use mistletoe branches early on, and the lights decorate the house beautifully. The house in front of it had no light at all, and there was no decoration outside.

Of course, this is no surprise ~ ~ After all, it was more necessary to build a house, so there are indeed many temporary houses that are now unmanned. For example, there are several rooms on this road without people.

However, unlike the unoccupied rooms, the snow on the iron gate of the house’s courtyard fell to the ground. At the same time, the snow on the courtyard also left a trace of the gate opening, and there was a row of footprints leading directly to the gate.

“Araho cave is open.” Hermione read the opening curse at the iron gate, and the door opened inward. There is basically no magic defense in this unmanned house. After crossing the small yard to the door of the room, Ryan first released a bunch of pink light and penetrated the cracks of the door and windows of the house. After confirming that there was no danger in the house, he used the same unlocking spell The door was opened.

“Fluorescent flashes.” After entering the room, Ryan lit his wand. The furnishings in this house are no different from the other rooms on this street, they are just some simple furniture. Because the environment in this place is good, there is not much dust in the room even if you have not lived for more than two months.

“Let’s look around for clues,” Lane said to Hermione. “I just checked that there are no magic waves in the room, so don’t worry about the door key or something. But for safety, don’t touch it when you see something different.

“Understood.” Hermione nodded, then raised her wand and followed Ryan. Because the temporary housing is not large, they quickly searched the ground floor and cellar, everything is normal here. But when they walked to the workshop on the second floor, the two found something on the desk in the workshop that should not appear here.

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