Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 697 - Book of fairy tales

Before, Hogsmeade prepared some simple furniture and did some processing when constructing this temporary house. For example, in the workshop where the wizards need to put some simple protection spells on this house, but the furniture in the house is very simple, only a shelf, a table and a chair are placed.

And now, after they enter the door, Ryan finds that there should be a book on the empty table. The book is not very large, and it is about the size of a normal textbook. But the whole book looked very shabby. The black cover was spotted and peeled off in several places.

Checked it several times with magic, after confirming that there is nothing abnormal or harmful on the book. Ryan they walked to the front of the table and then stepped forward to start looking at the old book on the table.

“Why is the book” The Story of Shiwon Bidou “?” Hermione once read this book. She didn’t know why someone would lead them over and put this book in this place. After all, this book In the wizarding world, it can basically be considered that every family will have a book, similar to the “Andersen’s Fairy Tales” or “Green Fairy Tales” in the Muggle world. It is strange to draw them with an anonymous letter for this book. Things.

“This book is a bit different from ordinary books.” Ryan picked up the book on the table and looked at it carefully. “The” Shiwon Bidou Story Collection “in our hands seems to be the earliest batch, written in Runi, because many books have been deleted in the later period, and I now recognize this The origin of the book is because I once saw a book similar to this book at Professor Dumbledore. “

“Why delete the contents of these books?” Hermione didn’t understand. “It’s just a story book! Although it’s very different from the fairy tales we read when we were kids, it looks positive and sunny as a whole, and it is also very suitable for children to read. I don’t think which stories here need to be Was deleted. “

“This book is really no problem for us, but for the wizards who rule the magic world, there are some stories in this book that have a clear pro-Muggle tendency. And what is worse is that the book was released at ten. Early fifth century. “

“Early 15th century?” As a student of O in the history of magic, Hermione suddenly thought of what happened in that era. “Do you mean, is it because of the witch hunt?”

“It is true, the persecution of wizards intensified in Europe at that time. Many people in the magic world felt that casting a spell on the plague pig next door to the Muggle neighbor was equivalent to actively adding firewood to the fire that burned them. . Therefore, this book seems a bit outdated after its birth, so some wizards changed the content of the book to make it have an obvious anti-Muggle position. “

“For example, in the set of books I found at Sirius’s home, I changed the stories that helped ordinary people into ordinary people persecuting wizards, and then the crucible that came alive to eat ordinary people’s stories.” Ryan explained.

“Race hatred, racial conflict, plus crucible cannibalism? I think this story is really not suitable for children to tell.” Hermione commented. “What are the education of those children of pure blood family?”

“And at that time, some people even thought that any wizard who chose to be good with Muggles would be considered weak in magic and inferior in skill. For example, Brutus Malfoy, the direct ancestor of the Malfoy family, was in an anti-Muggle magazine. “The Witcher in War” wrote: We can say with certainty that any wizard who likes Muggle society is a person with low intelligence, whose magic is weak and poor, and can only be found in Muggle waste. A little superiority. “

“Of course, we now know that he is completely bullshit.” Lane opened his hand. “I can assure you that I can win the Malfoy family alone now, and the wealth we have now far exceeds the accumulation of the Malfoy family for centuries.”

Hermione laughed softly after listening to Ryan ’s mouth, Ryan lit up an oil lamp in the room, and then looked at this fairy tale collection page by page by the light of the oil lamp. Soon Hermione also recovered and leaned over with Ryan to read the book together.

“The person who left this book is a bit weird.” Ryan said after reading the entire book. “It may be to match the cover and content of the book. All the messages in it are actually ancient Runi. If it was not for me before I ca n’t understand these things if I have inherited them. ”

“This means that the former owner of this book is probably a pure-blood wizard with some family history.” Hermione said, “As far as I know, the pure-blood wizard family party chose to learn Guruni as a kind of identity. Practice. Just like those nobles in the United Kingdom who can learn Latin or Greek, all the rest of us except the two of us who were in the ancient Mojo course were wizards from the pure blood family. “

“What you said makes sense.” Ryan turned a page of the book and pointed to a line of Niven to Hermione. “You see, the main messages of this book are concentrated on the pages of the wizard and the jumping pot. For example, in the title, he wrote: Is this just a fairy tale? The same sentence is in the last three brothers. There also appeared once in the story, except that there was a sign of the Deathly Hallows. “

“That is to say, this person wants to remind us that the jumping pot is true.” Hermione said with her finger on her chin. “But what does this have to do with us? In this kind of war, we can’t Treasure hunt for adventure! “

“The other party went around in such a big circle certainly not to tell us an adventure clue,” Ryan said with certainty. “For example, there are two other comments on the story page of the jumping pot, one of which is that every Everyone dreams of getting such a magical treasure. Another thing is that magic is powerful. “

“It seems that this should be left to us by some pure-blood families, otherwise it won’t be written like this.” Hermione said, “So what do we do now, is we using magic to track that person?”

“Of course, you can’t always be found at your door, don’t you know what happened?” Ryan shrugged. “I also know that the man had just struggled so much to prevent us from finding him, but I think that guy should not know that our research on soul and space has exceeded most people. When I got the book, I ’ve started tracking, and now I can basically lock the other party ’s position. “

“Then let’s go find that guy now?” Hermione asked, his face eager to try. In the three months since the outbreak of this war, she has completely mastered her ability ~ ~ At the same time, she began to feel a little bit of the battle under the influence of the power of death. The possible raid generated some interest.

“Go find it tomorrow.” Ryan said. “These two days are Christmas holidays. I think it is more appropriate for us to rest for two days. Anyway, I have basically locked the identity and position of the other party, and I can basically determine who the guy is.”

“Have you already confirmed the identity and location of the other party? This is really good news.” Hermione nodded, and she could guess that Lion dare to guarantee the location and identity of the other party so much. It is estimated that the other party appeared after locking the other party’s location. In a manor of a pure blood family.

Although they attacked several mansions of pure-blood families before, the main target was still plantations. After all, their goal is only to cut off each other’s economic sources, not to kill for the sake of killing.

At the same time during the raid on the manor, they always leave a text after the attack to explain the reason for their attack, such as punishing the black wizard who indiscriminately killed the innocent, or saving the hostages held.

Under such circumstances, some of the marginal Death Eaters who did not participate in the indiscriminate killing of innocent people and the manor was not held hostage still chose to live at home. After all, according to the history of the previous attack, Lane did not kill any innocent people by mistake.

So those marginalized Death Eaters who cannot give up their homes because of the wealth and knowledge in their homes can now only choose to put the whole family ’s life on the ethics of the enemy, Lane, which was previously left in books and letters. The person who sent the anonymous letter traced by the traces should be one of the marginal Death Eaters.

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