Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 705 - Arrive at destination

Just as Ryan and they were talking, the sirens in the spacecraft suddenly sounded: “Warning, the ship’s radar has detected large-scale violent air movement ahead, requesting to turn on energy protection or change the route.

“Pick in the image.” Ryan commanded the artificial intelligence inside the spacecraft. As soon as the voice fell, a 3D stereoscopic image appeared in front of several people. From the picture, they can see that a huge wind column from the sea to the sky is standing in front of him. According to the data marked on the side, the wind column has a height of more than 3000 meters.

“Yunfeng, Yunfeng as high as a mountain.” Xida exclaimed softly as she looked at the projection in front of her. “We are approaching there now. What should we do next, do we need to avoid it?”

“I think we might need to rush in.” Baru said after carefully looking at the 3D projection, “This place should be a giant storm called the dragon’s lair. My father said that the sky Strong winds are blowing around the city. I think this unprecedented storm is the sky city that my father saw. “

“Then how should we get in, should we just rush in?” Xida said, looking worried. “With such a strong wind, I think that even the most advanced flying warships of the military will get chopped into pieces.”

“My father told me that there was an entrance on the wind wall to allow safe passage, otherwise the broken airship he used to ride would probably not be able to come back and tell me the story.” Baru said, then looked at Ryan, “So I think we may need to fly around this cloud peak and find the entrance.”

“In fact, it’s not so complicated. After all, our ship is much stronger than the flying ship in this world. The aircraft that can fly across galaxies in the harsh environment of the universe will never be afraid of the extreme conditions inside this planet’s atmosphere.” , Ryan ordered, “Open the shield and rush straight in.”

“Understand that the energy shield is on.” The voice of artificial intelligence came from the spacecraft. At the same time, a blue transparent shield like air bubbles rose over the surface of the spacecraft to cover the entire spaceship.

“Now let’s rush in.” After the spacecraft raised the energy shield, Ryan told everyone. I saw the spacecraft rushed straight towards the huge Yunfeng, and then plunged into it.

After the spacecraft entered the clouds, everything around was dark. The thick clouds blocked all the light, making the interior of Yunfeng as dark as the night without stars and moon.

In addition, the wind in the clouds is several times stronger than the wind outside the clouds. Under the violent friction of the air, one after another huge, like a dragon-like lightning rotating around the spacecraft and exploded. But no matter whether it is a blade-like wind or a powerful lightning, it can’t break through the thin energy shield outside the spaceship.

Under the influence of the spacecraft’s powerful engine, it took them more than ten seconds to break through the thick wind wall and rush into the interior of Yunfeng. After breaking through the clouds, the interior is a calm space with only a breeze.

After breaking through the surrounding clouds, Ryan took everyone to the forefront of the spaceship. The spaceship was remodeled. The lower level of the front end is the weapon and control room, while the upper level is the restaurant and observation deck. Observation deck. Under Ryan’s order, the three walls of the restaurant began to display the outside scene in real time, which looked like transparent.

“This is so beautiful.” Everyone gave a heartfelt admiration. At this time, the clouds that enveloped the entire spaceship had just dispersed, and a majestic sky city appeared in everyone’s sight.

The lower half of the sky city is a hemisphere, and the upper half is a wall that is raised in sequence by three. In the middle of the wall are some white buildings, and a giant tree on the top of the building emerges from the top, and the dense foliage covers all the buildings.

“It’s incredible!” Ryan also looked at the huge canopy that almost covered the entire sky city and expressed his emotions. “This tree clearly exceeds the upper limit that the world can support. How did this happen?”

“We can figure out why after we went up.” Hermione said, “But we need to find a place where we can dock now, because I think there are many buildings in this place that are heavily weathered, and I worry that our ship needs only a little touch Will break that building. “

Hermione ’s worries are not unreasonable, because the bottom wall of the city of sky stands like an aperture in the sky, which means that in the long time, the land below the city of sky is likely to be weathered. There are many reasons. In this case, leaning on your own spaceship does not guarantee that it will not destroy the buildings of the Sky City.

After making a circle around the entire sky city, Ryan and they turned on the spacecraft’s anti-gravity system and suspended it on an open space above the sky city. Just after they jumped off the spacecraft, a heavy footsteps came from a distance.

“Ready to fight.” Ryan and Hermione pulled out their wands and pointed to the place where the sound came out, and at the same time motioned the two children to find a place to hide. “You go back to the spaceship first, it’s safer there.”

“Understood,” Baru nodded and pulled Hida into the spaceship. As the crystallization of ancient technology, Ryan worried that they might encounter some defense systems not seen in anime, so this time first It is always okay for combatants to retreat.

Soon, a robot covered with moss came over. The robot glanced at the two red lights behind them, and then walked in the other direction.

“It should be for us to follow him.” Looking at the movement of this robot, Ryan and Hermione simultaneously thought of the robot in harmony with nature in the anime. To be precise, this robot with self can no longer be described as a robot. He should have possessed his own soul after a long evolution, which is a constructive life.

At this time, a purple streamer flew out of the spaceship ~ ~ and said to Ryan, “The big man just now let us follow him to appreciate this beautiful city.”

“Can you understand him?” After discovering that there was no danger, the two children also ran out of the spaceship. Xida asked curiously about the rose crystal floating in the air. “But I didn’t hear anything just now?”

“Of course.” Rose Crystal raised her head proudly. “Don’t forget that from a certain angle I am the same creature as him, in this case I know what he is going to tell us.”

Several people followed this robot along a path through a beautiful garden. On both sides of the path there were some beautiful buildings made of white marble. It’s just that because of the passage of time, these buildings are dilapidated.

However, corresponding to the broken building, the whole garden is full of vitality, and the plants grow lushly. Some cute little animals are running around in the plants.

“Wow, this is a city.” After being attracted to a square pool by a group of small otter-like animals, Hida saw a shocking scene through the clear pool water.

“This should be the patio of the sky city in the past.” Looking at the huge city hidden under the water, Ryan probably guessed what the pool was all about. “But then I didn’t know whether it was a coincidence or a robot job. , They converted this into a large storage tank to provide water for the entire Sky City ecosystem. “

Finally, under the guidance of the robot, several people climbed a huge staircase and walked through a deep doorway into the buildings that were seen at the top of the sky city.

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