Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 706 - Enter the core

The view in the top building of the city of sky is amazing, because there is almost no trace of someone who has been in the whole building. The whole space looks green, and it looks like a huge primitive jungle.

“Are we inside a building? This building is really magnificent.” Baru looked at the thick trees with emotion. Suddenly he looked at the top of the big tree, then shouted with his finger pointing upward. “Look at everyone, the sky–“

Lean They looked up in the direction of their fingers, and really saw a transparent structure like glass. But Lane clearly remembered that the walls were white and opaque from the outside.

“It’s amazing!” Although this kind of one-way transparent material is also in the hands of Ryan, but this kind of one-way transparent material is used to make an oversized greenhouse, and then build a small primitive jungle that can circulate inside. Shocked.

But after walking through this small jungle, the truly stunning scenery appeared in front of him: a huge, miracle-like tree stood at the very center of the whole building, under the tree Broad and flat lawn.

A broken robot is standing under the big tree. On the ground in front of him and the big tree are each inlaid with a huge black stone slab. There are many things carved with a cuneiform text that has never been seen before. This and this English, which is common in the world, is not a language at all.

“It would be nice if I could read these words.” Hermione looked at the slate with regret, “It must have recorded a lot of knowledge and stories about this civilization, maybe it also recorded why those people gave up this. The reason why the city left. But it ’s too bad not to know these words now, just like there is no key at the door of the vault. “

“I guess it should be a warning to future generations.” Xida said, “They should have left the city after doing something wrong, so they left this stone tablet before leaving and told future generations not to commit Make the same mistakes as them. “

“Even if it is carved into a mural, at least let us guess what happened.” Ryan complained. “This kind of thoroughly mature abstract text makes it impossible for anyone to guess. In terms of the transfer of culture and knowledge, the accuracy of the drawing is relatively low, but at least once the civilization breaks down, the most important warning can be told to future generations. “

“Oh, Hida. From your secret name, you should be a descendant of the ruler of the city of Laputa.” Baru turned to ask Hida after hearing their complaint, “Your home Have you left any knowledge about this language? “

“Sorry, there really isn’t.” After looking down for a moment, Xida said very regretfully, “Our family only left a variety of spells, but unfortunately those spells need to be used with the pendant.”

“Okay, let’s find it here again. Maybe I can find more written records. If enough text is collected, I will try a prophetic magic to see if I can translate it.” Ryan shrugged to heaven. Looking at it, I was surprised to see that the color of the clouds on the outside sky had faded, and the storm surrounding the city had also decreased.

In his impression, the clouds around this city should be scattered only the morning after tomorrow. But at the current rate of cloud dissipation, Ryan estimates that the barrier formed by the storm around in an hour or two will disappear.

Ryan looked up at the sky and quickly attracted everyone’s attention. After looking out the window with his eyes, others quickly noticed that the clouds and storms now surrounding Lapda were spreading out. .

“I always thought that the stone used as the pendant was the key.” Hermione said to Ryan through the Phoenix brand. “But I didn’t expect that this city of sky is actually used for blood detection. It seems that Lapda’s technology is more powerful than we thought.”

“Oops, the clouds are gone.” A worried expression appeared on Xida’s face. “We just didn’t listen to the military’s radio. It said they would send flying warships to find Laputa. What if they took control of this floating city? I’m worried that the city will be used by ambitions. A tool to achieve your evil purpose. “

“Then what should we do?” Baru looked anxious, and then turned to look at Ryan, “If you are wizards, is there any magic that can make those in the military find this city of the sky?”

“There is indeed a way.” Lane nodded. “But it is absolutely impossible to cover up such a big city in a short time, even if we work together, it is impossible to hide the whole city before the flying warship arrives.”

As long as you think about the scale of this big World Cup venue, it took half a year to mobilize half of the magic world to cover it up, and you know that it is impossible for two people to apply so much complexity in 48 hours. Magic hid such a big sky city. And pure visual stealth is basically useless for those who have pendants as instructions.

“In addition to using magic to hide the city of the sky, we have other solutions that can also solve the current problem.” Hermione said at the edge at this time, “With the technological level of our spacecraft, it should be easy to shoot down. The coming battleship. To be precise, our spacecraft can destroy all the aircraft in the world with its powerful energy. As long as they ca n’t leave the ground, it ’s impossible to grab this sky city. “

“No, you can’t do this.” Hida shook her head after reacting. “If we kill like this, what is the difference between us and those who are ambitious?”

“So what do you say we should do?” Baru scratched his hair in distress. “We can’t hide such a big city, and we can’t eliminate the guys who might hurt this city. Is it? Can I just watch the city fall on the hands of some villains and bring darkness and killing to the world? “

“I have a way.” Ryan said, summoning Our Lady of Roses, “I see if I can find the control room of this city of sky, maybe I can find a good way ~ ~ so beautiful “” Baru and Hida marveled at the pink gemstone floating above Ryan’s head, and soon a pink light spot flew out of the gemstone under the guidance of Ryan’s spell. After a few circles around a few people, it flew past the door like this building.

Followed this spot, everyone ran out of the building and ran to the edge of this platform. Because of weathering, the original path has gone. Fortunately, the giant tree on the top floor grew countless roots densely scattered throughout the sky city, allowing them to follow these thicker roots all the way down.

With the help of the short-range phantom shift, they finally reached the plank road on the edge of the black hemisphere in the lower half of the sky city at the fastest speed. At this time, the pink light ball rotated around a wall. Then disappeared directly in the air.

“Yes, this is it,” Lane said, looking at a thumb-sized Lapda badge on the wall. “But in theory, a pendant is needed to open this door to the core area.”

“Then we–” Baru asked, but was stopped by Lane before he finished. “But my Lady of Roses can open this door, it only takes a little time.”

After speaking, Ryan drew a rune in the air while holding the Virgin Rose. In seven or eight minutes, these runes composed of light in the air gathered together to form a light that looks almost exactly like the pendant. Click and then sink into the wall.

In an instant, a hexagonal door appeared on the wall, and Ryan stood at the door with a please gesture. “Okay, let’s go in. It should be the core part of this sky city.”

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