Mystery Case Tracing [Criminal Investigation]

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Life money

The first thing Chen Jia saw when he woke up in a strange room the next day was Qin Tao. Qin Tao asked him where he is from, if he has any friends here, and where is his family. He said it was from Minyang, friend? He thought of Luo Zheyu and shook his head. The family also left without their parents. Qin Tao said, then you come with me, and I will be your family from now on. Chen Jia nodded, this is more than four years together.

“Did you meet Lu Zhongyan through Qin Tao?” Qi Chuchen asked.

Chen Jia nodded.

“When did you and Lu Zhongyan start contact?” Qi Chuchen continued to ask.

“A few years ago, he tried to contact me but failed. Qin Tao found out. This year I deliberately found him to contact.” Chen Jia showed a bit of disgust on his face.

“How did you find it? To be specific.” Qi Chuchen knocked on the table again.

“Wearing women’s clothes and going to the bar he often goes to, he knew it was me when he saw it.”

During the years when Chen Jia was with Qin Tao, Qin Tao was unwilling to take Chen Jia too much to participate in activities in the circle, and it didn’t matter that Chen Jia was relatively withdrawn.

For a while, Qin Tao suddenly fell in love with the appearance of beautiful girls, but he didn’t want to go further with those girls, so he ran to buy women’s clothing for Chen Jia to wear. Chen Jia is 1.69 meters tall and thin, so it’s really suitable to wear. Then Qin Tao became fascinated. He bought many different kinds of women’s clothing, which were very expensive. He also matched shoes and bags. He also bought fake **** and wigs online. He even asked an image artist to teach Chen Jia to make up, manners, and walk and sit. From time to time, let Chen Jia pretend to be a girl and take him to different places, including parties in the circle.

Chen Jiana would find it convenient and fun to go out in women’s clothing, and would be willing to cooperate. This made Qin Tao very happy, and even better for Chen Jia. Once Chen Jia accompanied Qin Tao to a shopping mall, Qin Tao went to the basement to pick up the car, and asked Chen Jia wearing high heels to wait for him outside. Chen Jia met Lu Zhongyan while waiting. Lu Zhongyan did not know when he found Chen Jia As a male, he walked over to say hello and asked Chen Jia to go out with him, but Chen Jia refused. Lu Zhongyan told Chen Jia that Qin Tao often played with him, don’t be shy. When Qin Tao came out and saw that Lu Zhongyan was pestering Chen Jia and was very angry, he quarreled with Lu Zhongyan. Lu Zhongyan scolded Qin Tao for being stingy, saying that I had played for you, what happened to you letting him play for me. Qin Tao said, he can only be mine, don’t think about it. He dragged Chen Jia away, and since then he has not allowed Chen Jia to contact the people in the circle.

At that time, Chen Jia knew that he was not the only one of Qin Tao. It was very painful. He ran to the bar to drink, and when he drank too much, he called Luo Zheyu. Luo Zheyu took him from the bar to the hotel for the second time and waited for him to wake up. Tell him this is the last time, I won’t care about you anymore, and neither will we. Don’t let me down in you.

More than a year before breaking up with Qin Tao, Qin Tao began to disappear often, sometimes disappearing for a week, sometimes disappearing for half a month, never saying where he went, and Chen Jia didn’t ask. Before breaking up, Qin Tao disappeared for nearly two months. After returning, he broke up with Chen Jia and told Chen Jia that the house he lived in could be transferred to Chen Jia, but Chen Jia didn’t want it. Qin Tao said that you can continue to live, and I will not come again. And tell Chen Jia, if you still need my help in the future, if you can find me, I will help you, money is no problem. Then he disappeared into Chen Jia’s life.

“Qin Tao never contacted you again?” Qi Chuchen asked.

“Later two months later, the bank card he gave me specially opened one million more. I thought it was the last proof of his love for me, and then I realized that it was my life money.” Chen Jia smiled bitterly and burst into tears.

“Buying life money?” Qi Chuchen intuitively felt that this was the key point, and raised the volume.

“About four months after breaking up with Qin Tao, I always had diarrhea and low fever for a while, and I didn’t have much energy. I started to take some cold medicines and gastrointestinal medicines were not very good. Then I would watch it on the Internet or on TV. There were too many news and posts, and I had a bad feeling in my heart, so I asked someone to buy a set of false identities, took the false identities to Haichuan Province, and went to the CDC for testing, and it turned out to be HIV positive. I have only been with Qin Tao, so he can only infect me.” Chen Jia’s tears slid across his face again.

“So, you think Lu Zhongyan infected Qin Tao’s disease, so you want to retaliate against Lu Zhongyan?” Qi Chuchen asked.

“Yes or not. After the diagnosis, my whole mind was stunned. I didn’t think about revenge or not. I took the medicine prescribed by the doctor and returned to Fengqi. I took the medicine every day and waited to die. I had a reaction to the medicine and frequent physical problems. I was tortured alternately in pain. I thought of death more than once during that time.” Chen Jia wiped tears from his face.

“Later I thought of Luo Zheyu and lied to him that I didn’t have a place to live. I knew he would definitely let me go to his house. I just want to live with him for a while and be able to see him every day, and then I will find someone else. I didn’t have a job and took medicine at my own expense. The money Qin Tao gave me didn’t last long. I didn’t know that Luo Zheyu didn’t want to see me at all. I lived alone in his house for a few months. Later, I also figured it out. Didn’t I harm him with him now? If Qin Tao is not ill, he might not leave me. Lu Zhongyan is responsible for all this.”

“So you want to kill him?” Qi Chuchen asked.

“I don’t want him to harm people anymore! He is ill and is everywhere, infecting many people.” Chen Jia said.

“We checked Lu Zhongyan and Meng Handong’s medical records. There is no HIV.” Qi Chuchen was puzzled. Although he was sure that Lu Zhongyan had it, why couldn’t he find it?

“You also checked mine, haven’t you?” Chen Jia sneered. “Qin Tao, Lu Zhongyan and the like are rich people who do not seek medical treatment in China. They all fly abroad to see doctors, buy medicines or be hospitalized. If they are not good enough, they will run away with false identities like me. Taking medicine, self-paid medicine will not be checked too strictly. If you are in the local area, you will go to the CDC regularly to take medicine and you will be seen. How can you come out to play?” Qi Chuchen includes the one-way glass partition behind him Everyone standing in the room had a thin, dense cold sweat coming out of their backs.

“Tell me how you contacted Lu Zhongyan.” Qi Chuchen asked.

“Can you give me a cigarette?” Chen Jia asked.

Qi Chuchen took out the cigarette case and handed it to Chen Jia, then lit it for him, and then ordered one by himself.

Chen Jia took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

When he decided to act on Lu Zhongyan, he moved away from Luo Zheyu’s residence and returned to Qin Tao and the residence where he once lived.

Lu Zhongyan was idle everywhere, adding groups and mixing forums. In order to get close to him, Chen Jia also added a lot of similar groups and forums. It was easy to meet him on the Internet. By watching people chat in groups and forums, watch him. I was idle in the group, and learned about some bars he frequented, as well as the more popular bars in the circle, and obtained his QQ account. Then every day, wearing different women’s clothing, I went to the bar to pretend to meet by chance. As expected, Lu Zhongyan recognized him at first sight, and quickly posted him like a cat smelling fishy.

After Chen Jia added Lu Zhongyan’s WeChat, he began to video tease on WeChat. Then, dressed in women’s clothing, went to other bars to find people like Lu Zhongyan. Chen Jia surely believed that people with similar hobbies like Lu Zhongyan were malicious spreaders of the disease. In the end, I really encountered one, but that person was very strong and took Chen Jia to a place that the surveillance could not photograph. You can imagine what happened afterwards.

Chen Jia was afraid of meeting that person again, and later changed back to men’s clothing to find the target. When he met Meng Handong, the man who didn’t even know his name kissed him forcibly. He ran away. He felt that the effect of going on like this was too low, so he had to solve one first. So he started to concentrate on planning Lu Zhongyan. He checked various booking websites for a few days and checked the geographical location online, and finally determined that one was in the old city reconstruction area Many of the old buildings in B&Bs have moved away because they are in the area to be renovated. Not to mention the cameras, there are not even a few people in sight. I found a stranger and booked it for a few days in a row, and went in in advance to prepare.

In order to ensure that Lu Zhongyan came, he suffocated Lu Zhongyan’s appetite, blacked Lu Zhongyan’s WeChat in advance, and deliberately disappeared. When Chen Jia went to the bar to give Lu Zhongyan a death notice again wearing women’s clothing, Lu Zhongyan was ecstatic, thinking that his long-cherished wish was finally fulfilled, and happily followed Chen Jia’s instructions, request, time, and went to the place where he killed him alone. . Chen Jia was wearing a full-wrapped women’s clothing that day, and he coaxed Lu Zhongyan into the bathtub. He first fed him a glass of red wine mixed with sleeping pills. After the sleeping pills began to work, he put two needles of veterinary anesthetics, and then slowly filled the bathtub. The water pushed Lu Zhongyan into the water.

“You inject disinfectant and bleach in his mouth, and put disinfectant in the bathtub. The bleach is to destroy the DNA traces you may leave on him?” Qi Chuchen asked.

Chen Jia suddenly raised his head: “No, I never thought about this.”

“Then why do you do this?” Qi Chuchen asked.

“I just think he is dirty.”


“Pause and rest.” Zhang Chao’s voice came from the headset, and Qi Chuchen suddenly realized that the headset, which was disguised as earrings stuck on his ears during the previous action, had not been removed.

The door of the interrogation room opened, and two police officers came in to replace Qi Chuchen. Before Qi Chuchen left, he lighted a cigarette to Chen Jia and said: “We will continue in a while, and I will ask someone to bring you a glass of water to drink.” Chen Jia looked at Qi Chuchen gratefully.

Qi Chuchen walked into the office next to the interrogation room, and there was a lot of people inside, unexpectedly more than just now. Zhang Chao saw Qi Chuchen come in and asked, “Is it okay? Change one later?”

Qi Chuchen waved his hand: “It’s me, it’s not easy for him to be so happy, and it’s not easy for him to be so happy, in case of personal resistance and emotional trouble.”

“Tired?” Zhang Chao handed Qi Chuchen a cigarette.

“Tired is not tired, it’s just a panic in my heart, and I’m afraid of it.” Zhang Chao nodded.

The word “fear” should be the first feeling in everyone’s heart after hearing the first half of the interrogation just now. It’s not because of Chen Jia’s fear of murder, but there are still many “criminals” who cannot be convicted lurking in the crowd, and “harming the world” at any time in a way that is not covered by the law.

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