Mystery Case Tracing [Criminal Investigation]

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 The truth is revealed

Qi Chuchen finished smoking a cigarette and calmed down his heart. Back in the interrogation room, the police officer who was in charge of the record was changed to another person. The water glass in front of Chen Jia was empty.

“Do you want to drink more water?” Qi Chuchen asked.

Chen Jia shook his head.

Qi Chuchen once again took out the three previous photos and placed them in front of Chen Jia. Pick them out, in order.

Chen Jia pulled out Lu Zhongyan’s photo, “This is Lu Zhongyan, the first one I started.”

Then he drew out a photo of Meng Handong: “This is the second one. It seems to have the surname Meng. I heard people call him Brother Meng. I don’t know if it is his real name.”

When I pulled out Mo Feng’s photo, I asked Qi Chuchen: “Is he still alive?”

Qi Chuchen nodded, and Chen Jiadi exhaled inaudibly.

“Tell me about this.” Qi Chuchen clicked on Meng Handong’s photo.

“I chose him at the time because I noticed that he has special hobbies, and when I showed up in the bars where he often played in women’s clothes, I saw him often leave with different people. Such people are not good things either.”

“Special hobby?” Qi Chuchen asked.

When Chen Jia was strongly kissed by Meng Handong for the first time, he noticed that Meng Handong had a restraint injury on his wrist. While he was holding Meng Handong together, he saw that the neck covered by Meng Handong’s collar also had restraint injuries, which was caught by Meng Handong’s arms. At that time, I felt a scratch on my chest. He has been with Qin Tao for several years, and Chen Tao doesn’t avoid him except for outside waves, such as chatting with friends on all sorts of weird rumors.

When he saw these traces on Meng Handong’s body, his first reaction was that this person might like eh. After solving Lu Zhongyan, he thought that this person might be easy to start. Secretly followed Meng Handong and found that Meng Handong had a small house in the suburbs, which should be his special place, and he took people there. It may be that for the so-called protection of privacy, this group of people try to avoid being discovered by people they know in reality. The house is relatively deserted, not a community, there is no property security, and there are many vacant houses. Some people seem to leave early and return late. , An excellent place to start.

After Chen Jia surveyed the terrain, he went to the bar and ran into Meng Handong. Meng Handong still remembered him. This time Chen Jia made some concealed scars on himself in advance, and he deliberately exposed them to Meng Handong. Meng Handong thought he was a fellow, and excitedly told Chen Jia that he had a special playground inviting Chen Jia to go with him. Chen Jia said directly. Because of the lack of atmosphere, Meng Handong was asked to inform him of the address, and he had to be ready to meet by chance. Meng Handong clearly told him the address, and then Chen Jia left.

Ever since Chen Jia was teased, Meng Handong asked others to go to the hotel or the other party’s house. After the appointment, he went back there and waited for Chen Jia to meet him by chance, and finally waited for his own death. When Chen Jia knocked on the door of Meng Handong’s room in the middle of the night like a ghost, Meng Handong opened the door and couldn’t see the incoming person, so he pulled in and gnawed and pinched. Then Chen Jia restrained himself obediently. Chen Jia used the knots he just learned on the Internet and Meng Handong’s guidance to tie Meng Handong tightly, and then used the black stockings prepared by Meng Handong himself to strangle Meng Handong’s neck little by little until Meng Handong died completely.

Qi Chuchen thought for a while, touched his ears, and Zhang Chao behind the one-way perspective of the glass said: “Continue Mo Feng.”

“Go on to talk about this? Why did you choose him? He is also very messy?” Qi Chuchen raised the picture of Yang Mofeng.

“He was an accident. I met him twice when I went to the bar before. His face is very similar to Luo Zheyu.” Chen Jia paused, “Unfortunately he is not after all.”

After Chen Jia killed two people, maybe because of psychological pressure, his body began to show bad reactions repeatedly and tortured him to death. He thought of the pirated Luo Zheyu he met in the bar—Mo Feng, he wouldn’t be so scared on the road with him.

Mo Feng didn’t show up very often. Chen Jia looked for a long time and finally determined the bar and time when Mo Feng appeared. Then he waited outside for an opportunity. After following the previous track, he knew that Mo Feng would not leave the bar awake and drink every time. He was drunk, so he approached Mo Feng easily that day.

In the small woods that night, Mo Feng shuddered all over without noticing a sting at the base of his thigh. When Chen Jia moved the anesthetic slowly, Luo Zheyu flashed through his mind. If this person was Luo Zheyu, would he still be able to do it? The answer is yes. This person isn’t, so what if you accompany him to Huangquan Road? He stopped the injection and pulled out the needle. Dragging Mo Feng to the side of the road, hoping to be spotted early, and then leave quickly.

“If Meng Handong does not have HIV, and the person who pulled you into the surveillance area before does not have HIV, you can count it like this…” Qi Chuchen asked, and finally did not find an accurate word to summarize, so in the end simply Omitted.

“Killing innocent people indiscriminately?” Chen Jia asked with a sneer.

“Which way are they innocent? What innocence is there for people who are not loyal to feelings and promiscuity? They have money to buy the best medicine to find the best treatment to extend their lives. Should we die if we don’t have money? Just because we like it. Is it wrong to have the same sex?” Chen Jia clenched his fists and smashed the table in front of him violently, his red and swollen eyes bursting once again.

Two police officers rushed in quickly to control Chen Jia. Chen Jia couldn’t move, and screamed desperately: “I should ask who I am innocent or not. I just want someone to live my life with me. If not, People like them, would I be better off as I am now? Whom should I ask for all this!” Chen Jia roared until the end, her voice was hoarse, and she slumped in a chair.

The interrogation seemed unable to continue. Qi Chuchen pointed to the printer, and the police officer next to him quickly printed out a thick stack of transcripts, brought them in front of Chen Jia, and asked Chen Jia to confirm his signature and press his fingerprints. Chen Jia was walking dead on every page. Sign and draw.

Qi Chuchen saw that he had confirmed the transcript, waved, and the two police officers took Chen Jia out.

After Chen Jia took it away, several police officers sorted out the transcripts, packed them up, and went out. Qi Chuchen had been sitting in a chair and didn’t move. There was no wit and courage in this interrogation. Chen Jiatan frankly told the whole story of what he had done without concealing it. But after the end, Qi Chuchen felt more tired than any interrogation he had ever experienced. He just didn’t want to move, and sat there until Zhang Chao walked in.

“Go back to the office and rest. I haven’t eaten anything for a day. Let’s eat something first.” Zhang Chao patted him on the shoulder.

“One day? What time is it?” The interrogation room was completely closed, and there was no skylight outside.

“It’s 9 o’clock soon.” Zhang Chao said helplessly.

Qi Chuchen was taken aback, got up and walked back to the office with Zhang Chao. Going back to the desk, opening the drawer and taking out the phone, I saw a dozen missed calls on it, all of which were Yan Mu. He quickly called back. The other party was connected in less than 5 seconds and hadn’t spoken yet. Qi Chuchen’s unstressed voice first opened his mouth: “I’m fine, the interrogation has just ended, I will tell you later.” Then, without waiting for the other party to respond, he hung up the phone and sat down in a chair. Suddenly remembered the soup in the morning, quickly took it out of the cupboard, opened it and it was completely cold, Qi Chuchen didn’t care about it, holding it up and drinking it. Gao Rui came over with a box of lunch,

“Brother Qi, the lunch is here, you can eat it first.”

“You can’t eat it, you can eat it, I’ll just have the soup to finish drinking.” Qi Chuchen raised the cup in his hand.

“Brother, how can you make the soup? These days are great. Tsk tsk, it can’t be compared.” Gao Rui took the box lunch and left.

After drinking the soup and taking a break, Qi Chuchen felt a faint pain in his arm. He took off his coat, and his arm was stunned. The gauze had obviously leaked blood, and it seemed to be slowly spreading. When Qi Chuchen stared at his arm in a daze, Zhang Chao squeezed a pile of things and walked out, looking at Qi Chuchen’s hand.

“Go to the hospital.” He picked up Qi Chuchen and left, and threw the things in the handle to Zhu Zhen before going out. Look at this and deal with it first, and I’ll talk about the others when I come back.

Zhang Chao pulled up Qi Chuchen and drove straight to the Central Hospital. When I arrived at the hospital, I hung up an account and started to sit outside the debridement room. A few drunk and fighting men were all covered in blood just before entering the hospital. The doctors and nurses were very busy inside.

“Da De Di”, a new WeChat. Qi Chuchen slid away.

“How are you doing?”

Qi Chuchen thought for a while, raised his arm and took a photo on his side, and sent it to him, “It’s good, I’m still working overtime. Say hello later.”

Qi Chuchen picked up his mobile phone and said, “You said, is my New Year’s Eve dinner a bad meal this year?”

Zhang Chao couldn’t help but smile: “How can it be, I think you have full firepower this year.”

“I’m almost catching up with the girl Yueyuehong. Look at my **** posture this year.” Qi Chuchen raised his arm.

“Do you know that you are already well-known in the entire public security system of Fengqi City today?” Zhang Chao asked with a smile.

“I spent more than ten hours in the interrogation room? Why did I become famous? What did you do?” Qi Chuchen looked puzzled.

“It’s not what we did, it’s what you did. The state you used in the bar just made me think that you go fishing at the bar every day after work. It’s so professional and natural. It’s just a peak state on the spot. Everyone thinks that you can get an Oscar for acting, and then you can judge an advanced one this year at the expense of dedication.” Zhang Chao suppressed the strong smile and tried to calm his tone.

Qi Chuchen heard the words, his entire facial expression began to be distorted, thinking of the various images of himself being eaten tofu in the bar, and the goose bumps grew in layers.

“Don’t tell me, I’m going to throw up… I really feel sick with those people who think about it, plus what Chen Jia explained later, I think I have to go for a check up.”

Zhang Chao finally couldn’t hold back his laugh anymore: “You haven’t got in-depth contact, check a P!”

Behind him, the door of the debridement room opened again, and a few arms, with gauze on his head, came out one after another. The doctor stretched out his head and waved at Qi Chuchen, “Come in.”

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