Nanites SON!


It took them 6 hours to get to Atlanta, all of them sleeping on the way there. David was up the earliest as he brought all the AVs closer to the one they flew in as he began to change them using his nanites mid-flight, adding better systems to them and guns as well.

Increasing the strength of their thrusters and the strength of their gravity shifters as well as the armor plating.

He bought these AVs, so they were his to mess around with, and the first thing he would do was make sure that the kids had a safe and at least somewhat comfortable ride back. One of the AVs was built to be a medical one, where he can at look after any of the kids that might be hurt or sick. He had also stocked plenty of food for each of the AVs.

If he wanted to, he could make them all into one massive AV, but he didn't have permission to be flying a fortress around, and to make sure this stayed as safe a ride as possible he was making only minor changes.

When they got into Atlanta David had to confirm with flight towers of his approach, his reason, and duration of his stay.

When they say Atlanta was worse then Night City, their not wrong... It's not that crime is more rampant, or violence is even worse, it's the quality of life. Night City is full of trash... But this place has mountains of it inside the city.

He left only three nanites there with a simple directive.

Clean the trash, replicate more, send the excess back to David, it would be a slow process and would take time. But that also meant it would take a long time before people started to notice the streets getting a lot cleaner.

After circling the city once, waiting for them to have a clear route to where they wanted to go, they began to lower into the slums of the area, the AVs staying hovering in the sky as the one with everyone in it lowered into a rather clean yard of a large building. A lot of kids are already being seen in the windows and along the front porch, bags packed.

Leaving Lucy and Rebecca to begin helping the kids into the AVs, David followed Kiwi directly to the Matron, as well as the kid that made this happen sooner.

The Matreon was an older woman, far into her years and she smiled when she saw Kiwi, her arms raised as they embraced each other in a long hug.

''How is she?'' Kiwi asked as she pulled away softly from the matron.

''She's asleep right now... So it's the best time to do what you need to do before she wakes up.'' The Matreon said, slowly opening up the thick door.

David stepped past her and into the dark room, his eyes focusing as he adjusted how much light his eyes picked up, effectively giving himself dark vision.

Standing beside the bed he watched the girl, she was adorable, with long black hair, but her body was twitching gently beneath the blanket. David let his nanites get to her first, letting them deep scan the girl's body.

David grit his teeth when he realized just how much chrome the small child had, at least 85% of her was already no longer organic. So he put her further under sleep, making sure she wouldn't wake up before he wrapped the blanket around her and lifted her off the bed, carrying her back to the Matreon and Kiwi.

''Can you?'' Kiwi asked, not needing to elaborate.

''I can, but it's going to take a few days... Possibly a week. I'll be rebuilding her body from the ground up.'' David said, not even bothering to hide the fact he was about to dable in something some might consider 'God-hood.'

The Matron's eyes grew wet softly and she just smiled. They looked like they still wanted to talk so David left them.

Getting into the medical AV he noticed a few kids already waiting for him who looked nervous, as he set the girl across a bed, making sure she was comfortable. He wouldn't need to worry about her, as long as she was asleep as deeply as she was, her cyberwear wouldn't bother er, proof being in she had stopped shaking in his arms a while ago.

Going to the first kid, a young boy he smiled, taking a knee as he got eye level with him.

''Howdy, I'm David, I'm a friend of Kiwi's and whats your name?'' David asked while he offered his hand.

The kid hesitated a bit before he took David's hands and shook it softly. ''Blake... The pretty lady helping us told me to come here and wait for you, but I don't know why...''

David had already used his nanites to scan the children, he already knew what was wrong with them but it was better to communicate with patients, it helped them relax, and made them feel involved in the process helping them get better.

''That's because my job is to ensure your safety, and to make sure that you are all feeling right as can be, if one of the pretty ladies sent you to me, that means you might be hurting. Is there something bothering you?''

''My... My tummy hurts.'' Blake said, his head lowering softly.

David smiled a bit, shaking his head. ''A tummy ache? My worst enemy I applaud your bravery in being able to hold yourself back from crying because I would be bawling like a baby.''

The kid smiled a bit, David walked to a cabinet where the medicine was, took a bottle, and opened it, placing two capsules of the medicine into the cap and getting a glass of water for the kid.

''Take these, and I promise you within the next five minutes it will start going away,'' David said, and the fact Blake took them without question meant he either had a lot of trust in Kiwi, or he just assumed since they were being nice to him, that meant they could do no wrong to hurt them.

After the kid left he moved on to the next few children, learning and remembering the name of each one that came in, either for tummy aches because of the bad quality of food they had, or other minor issues such as headaches and aches.

One had a cut, and David was sure to eliminate the signs of tetanus and make sure the kid would be fine for a while. Nanites made it incredibly easy to apply shots without needles, a marvel of 'modern' medicine.

This continued until he treated every kid that was having problems, including walking around and treating the kids that weren't willing to come up to him, introducing himself to all of them, as well as introducing Rebecca and Lucy to them.

Seeing how gentle Rebecca was to the children despite her usual personality brought a smile to his face, and by the time all the kids were loaded up, in their own bunks and everything ready for the travel they lifted off, only 4 AVs got filled, meaning there was an adult that could be assigned to each one to watch over them, and to offer them anything they needed.

While David could stay in the medical AV and focus on his new task, rebuilding a body for the young girl, her name was Sam.

David started with the easier parts first, the ones that once he got out of the way would reduce her overall load and make the finer, harder details easier.

Starting from her legs he pulled out the heavily modified reinforced legs, leaving her with basic reinforcement created by his nanites.

'Basic' as if the ones he wasn't making would break the market with their efficiency.

He wouldn't be able to just put her into a full organic body, it would be too much of a shock for her brain and neural wear.

Meaning after he got her body finished and she was awake. After some time of rehabilitation, he would leave it to her if she wanted to begin the process of fully removing all of her chrome.

David worked throughout the entire flight, only being asked for once when a kid came to his AV because of a bruise, they had gotten a bit rough playing because of the excitement and all the sites they were passing, the kid had accidentally tripped, and landed awkwardly onto a bed, bruising his leg.

David helped him apply ointment and instructed him to be more careful before sending the kid back to the AV he came from.

Once they all returned to Night City, David once more had to interact with a flight tower, easily getting permission as he had already had everything ready for him to return.

They landed on the top of the Megabuilding they would all be moving into, multiple floors having already finished construction to make a new, better orphanage as all the kids got to meet Padre.

Mama Welles had come as well, her presence able to calm a lot of children with ease, and having access to an excited V and a strong Jackie helped the transition.

David didn't 'Need' to stay near Sam for the work to continue, but he felt better doing so so he remained near her in the medical AV, the others moving as they went their separate ways.

After everyone was settled in, Kiwi chose to stay with them for a few days, to make sure they were settling in, which allowed David, Rebecca and Lucy to all head back home.

Due to David owning the penthouse of the Megabuilding, he had AV access, so once he set down there he simply got comfortable in the medical AV, making himself a nice chair, and bed.

The girls were in bed with him within five minutes and all of them passed out.

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