Nanites SON!

The ‘Afterparty.’

Everyone was just slumped into the couches, the events of the day catching up to them as exhaustion set in, they had a bunch of good-tasting fast food around them, but other than a few pickings and drinks no one went for much, just relaxing for now.

David was the first one to break the long silence. ''If you think I can make more of those suits, I can't. How did I get this tech? I don't know, it literally just appeared one day, I'm assuming my Mother had something to do with it because it only 'Appeared' after her death when I entered my old apartment, which I had already thoroughly searched for anything that might lead to any information and found nothing.''

''What all can those... things do?'' Dorio asked, genuinely curious.

''A lot, so much that even after having them for almost a year, I still have YET to even scratch the surface.''

''What are your plans with the technology?'' Falco asked, David's brain was always fun to pick apart with questions, and if he had access to something like this, he must've had a huge plan in mind, eventually.

''To clean the trash from the world, sea included. Bring wildlife back to the world, clear space of all the debris it has to make space flight safer, scrub the atmosphere clean, bring plant life back as well.''

Everyone just sorts of stared at him, Lucy and Rebecca were exempt from this since they knew he could damn well do it, since there was already a small piece of land that he had done it to.

Lucy rose her hand. ''He can, he turned our first date location into a small paradise with real grass, a real tree, and a real bird.''

Everyone got slack-jawed.

Not because of the real grass or bird part.

But because of how 'David' that sounded, bringing back an extinct species of animals just for a first date. That sounded just natural when David was involved, it was hard to see it as weird, despite it very clearly being extremely fucking weird.

''Hold on, how far would you say this technology is ahead of the technology around the world?'' Kiwi asked, leaning forward to look at him.

''Hundreds of years, it would be possible to 'create' the technology, but not bring it to the level that mine is at for a long time. Especially if I make sure, no one gets any bright ideas, because as you saw... The Tech can make someone a god.''

A god?... That wasn't hard to imagine, especially after watching David deal with Adam Smasher like he was a dog chew toy.

A cheap chew toy that took only a few minutes for the squeaker to get torn out.

''Yeah, definitely retiring.'' Maine suddenly nodded, causing a few chuckles around.

''Adam had a few trillion in his bank.''

The room went silent, if this was an anime David would've definitely sweat drop because he got a bigger reaction for the money than he did with the literal world-breaking technology he had in his hands.

Suddenly, all of them got a deposit of 5.5 trillion dollars and Maine broke into a coughing fit, Pilar straight up passed out and Falco looked like he was having war flashbacks.

Kiwi was still, frozen stiff at the number as Dorio just looked light-headed.

''I thought you said a 'FEW' trillion damnit!'' Maine shouted.

David shrugged. ''It was a few. A few trillion for each of us.''

Dorio snickered, quickly looking away when Maine whirled to look at her, seeing him so easily betrayed he sighed, rubbing his face. ''I... I'm hungry now.''

Seeing Maine suddenly pull himself together and start eating, seemed to pull everyone out of their respective reactions as everyone started to eat the food in force.

A few hours later, David received a message from Kiwi, asking if she could speak to him privately. Seeing the message he nodded to her from across the room before the both of them stood, moving outside under the night sky to speak.

''Something on your mind Kiwi? You've had a look about you since I said everything.''

''Your... Tech or whatever it is... Can it be applied into the medical field?'' She asked, her arms crossed but he noticed how tightly her fingers were digging into her jacket.

''Technically speaking, yes. I would just need to see what was going on.'' David slid his hands into his pockets, having a feeling he knew where this was going, so he decided to skip the awkward silence and build up.

''One of the kids, right?''

She just nodded, David watching her for a moment before he nodded his head. ''We'll move out tomorrow then, and I'll see what we can do while we're in transport.''

''T-Tomorrow? No, I didn't mean to hu-.'' She started, looking surprised he offered to go tomorrow, thinking he'd at least want to wait.

''Nope, we'll go tomorrow, everything has already been ready to go since before the heist, we just decided to wait. Whatever is going on behind the scenes in your life Kiwi, is bothering you a lot. I wouldn't consider us close because you like to keep your distance. But you are a part of the crew, and you asked for help.''

David chuckled a bit, shaking his head. ''Dorio was honestly upset you didn't say anything sooner... Do you have anything you want to tell me before we go?''

Kiwi scratched at her jacket a bit, debating on everything before taking a deep breath, then slowly exhaling before she spoke.

''One of the kids was being trained to be an advanced Arasaka assassin... They broke out but... The Cyberwear and mental strain were...''

It clicked for David, to understand what she was meaning.

David furrowed his brows a bit, almost scowling before his eyes glowed softly, contacting Padre to let him know he was moving now.

''Let me grab my jacket, we'll start moving now.'' David said as he walked back inside, Kiwi walking after him.

''David, we haven't slep-''

''Can be done on the AV ride there, if what you're saying is what I consider to be bad, then the sooner I can meet them the sooner it can be solved, and the less they'll need to suffer.''

When he walked in, his eyes met Rebecca and Lucy's for only a moment and they nodded, getting up as well.

Dorio watched as they all started to leave, Maine and Pillar to focused on what was on the T.V. and Falco were in the bathroom.

Seeing Kiwi moving with them, Dorio nodded to David, pulling him into a hug.

''Take care of the kids, see to it they get here safe... They already have a place, right?'' Dorio asked once she pulled away.

David nodded. ''Actually got a place for them all in Megabuilding H2, working on buying it out, but I've got a place for them all, Padre is watching them, and Valarie will be able to help them settle in.''

Dorio nodded once more before waving them off. Everyone loaded into Bast and drove off to go meet up with Padre who had multiple AVs already waiting for them, large transport ones at that.

''David, my dear boy... Look at you, Gloria may not have been proud of your occupation, but she would've been proud of all the good you're doing through it.'' Padre pat David's shoulder, the old father who understood far too much kind of pat.

''All the AVs are automatic like you requested, are you sure it's alright?'' Padre asked, hoping that David would at least ask for a little more help.

''No, I've got everything else covered including all the flying permits and permissions I need to travel, we'll be back as soon as we can Padre.'' David said, fist-bumping a few of the Valentinos that were around that recognized him

He heard fast footsteps and turned just to catch Valarie as she leaped at him, hugging his torso tightly as he grinned, lifting her up before setting her onto his arm.

''Hey V, how's my favorite runner in training?'' David asked, getting a giggle out of the girl.

She looked a lot better since the accident, she looked well-fed and looked like she was starting to train, though he noticed a few bruises on her arms and legs she was grinning all the same.

''Good! Padre has finally let me start training how to fight, Mama Welles is strong!'' She said, a lot brighter for it as her legs started to swing.

That explained the bruises. ''Be careful against her Cariño, I once watched her kill a man.'' David raised his free hand, V lifting her own as they both spoke at the same time.

'' '' With this thumb! '' ''

V burst into laughter as David laughed with her. Setting her down. ''You tell Jackie hey for me, and you get back to bed. I know it's passed Mama Welles Curfew.''

''Indeed it is Hijo*.'' David looked up as he saw Guadalupe Alejandra Welles herself, better known as Mama Welles.

David smiled as she walked forward, putting her hands on his cheeks. 

''Look at you...How you've grown, why haven't you come to visit me? And don't you say work Hijo, Gloria used that excuse enough for the both of you.'' She said, her thumbs rubbing against his cheeks, her eyes slightly wet. She saw so much of her in the boy.

He smiled, chuckling softly. ''I'm sorry Tia*... I think it's the smells, it's been a year... but...''

''I understand hijo... It's fine, come to visit us when you can, unless you've gotten too good for the Glen now that you're starting to get famous?''

''No, never.'' David smiled, raising his hands to take hers off his cheek as he moved forward, hugging her softly. When he pulled back he noticed the bruise hidden under a layer of concealer, his optics focused on it as they zoomed in a bit. Before the turned to focus on her, her eyes were sharp as she stared at him.

''No David... You know how I feel about violence in my house.'' She said, only for David to growl out.

''Because it's only fine if it's directed towards you?... You know, I think I will visit you when I get back.''

She watched him, her eyes softening as she pulled him into a hug again, a much tighter one. ''I see so much of him in your eyes Hijo... Sometimes it's hard not to call you by his name.''

David's anger got quickly quenched at the mention of his father, smiling softly as he turned to kiss her cheek. ''Well, at least he would've been proud of my job.''

Mama Welles laughed as she slapped at his chest. ''Don't remind me, I grew up with the tirón.''

She smiled up at him before she pulled away. ''Alright David, go do what's in your family...''

As David and the women loaded up into an AV and they all began to take off, Kiwi turned to ask. ''What is in your family?''

David chuckled a bit, shaking his head. ''It's a joke about my family, the Martinez. My father was a cop, and my mom was an EMT. My Grandfather was a firefighter, and my Grandmother was a small clinic doctor. It goes, a long way back but our family has always been good at one thing, and that's being 'Salvador's '... Also known as the 'Saviors of Haywood.''

Hijo means son in Spanish
Tia means Aunt/Auntie

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