Nanites SON!

Rebuilding Kiwi

''I want to get upgrades, but as of now, my body is... Broken, and barely running on empty. Armstrong Inc has recently released a new line of neuralwear that would be a godsend to netrunners like me... You helped Sam to live a better life, as well as one without the strings of all the old cyberwear in her, I want the same thing.''

David nodded before he stood. ''Then let's head back to my place, the surgery itself won't take long, but your rehab will. It's also where all the biofluid I had is currently being held.''

Kiwi stood immediately, not questioning as to why David was so willing to help her, that's just who he was. If you treated him right, he would make sure you were treated right.

Soon they were in Bast again, and she drove them back as Kiwi went in depth about how she wanted her new body to be built, how she wanted the new upgrades to be installed, the small details.

The biggest thing she wanted was her face back, along with some extra weight since she didn't like being as skinny as she was, but it was caused by a disease she had as a child. The same disease that made her remove a large portion of her face as well, to save her life.

Once they got to the building, David was greeted with two kisses from Rebecca and Lucy as they both welcomed him home and welcome Kiwi.

''Oh, progressing so fast you've already brought her home to meet us?'' Lucy teased.

''Oh, haha, funny joke. No.'' David remarked before he took off his jacket and shirt. 

''Kiwi's asked me to rebuild her.''

''Couldn't you have just done it instantly?'' Rebecca asked, her hair was down right now since they were home, her head tilting.

''Kiwi is more metal then she is flesh, and most of that metal is in bad shape as well. I'll need to destroy a majority of her body and rebuild around it, and it will take 'some' time. As well as some of the bio-fluid I have in stock.'' David said as he took off his pants as well, no one caring as he stripped down in front of them without caring himself.

''Have Rebecca and Lucy already been... remade?''

''No, they were upgraded. A lot faster of a process, near-instant.'' David said as he pulled the nanites into view around him. Using them to begin to clean his body down to the micro level, as well as them having him in new clothing soon after. Cleaning his old clothing as they were folded and put away.

David's new outfit was a simple pair of jeans and a black tank top that let him show the guns.

''Lucy actually doesn't need a chair to run anymore.'' David chuckled, it growing in intensity as he watched Kiwi's face change rapidly at that thought.

''Something else Kiwi, before we start this, you won't need to pay for any of the reimbursements of me installing Armstrong cyberwear in you. Because I am the one who owns Armstrong, all the cyberwear and tech coming out of their 'doors' is made by me and the nanites. Call it a birthday present.''

Kiwi looked like she was struggling to fight a big fish, before it all simply vanished.

This caused Lucy to smile. ''You have finally found enlightenment.''

Rebecca threw her hands into the air. ''It's David!''

David stopped, he was making one of the guest rooms into a makeshift sterilized operating room, turning to look back to them. ''What's me?''

''Enlightenment,'' Lucy confirmed, which only left David more confused.


''Well, if we got surprised after everything you did, eventually it would start to wear on our hearts and minds, so we've come up with a loophole, that we call enlightenment that Kiwi has just seemed to understand.'' Rebecca grinned at David, despite the teasing there was so much love radiating from her as she looked at him.

''It won't make sense, because it's David.'' Kiwi stated, and that caused all three of them to nod sagely.

''What? But it makes perfect sense, nanites are pretty bullshit but there is a Sc-''

''We don't care about the details, we just care about it being you.'' Lucy stated with a smile before she and the other two left the living room and made their way to the shower to help Kiwi start preparing, David had already sent them the things he needed out of them over the private link between them.

''But... There's... Damnit, am I a nerd? But I have sweet gains?'' David turned around as he continued to work on the room.

''Am I a nerd jocky?'' While David was going through his own internal strife

Kiwi, Lucy, and Rebecca had all entered the large bathroom to help Kiwi was up properly, not even was comfortable with using nanites to clean as in-depth as David did, even if they did secretly do it to Kiwi as well by hiding them in the suds.

Once Kiwi was cleaned and sparkly, Lucy pulled out a stim injector.

''This will put you under for the operation, you won't feel anything, but you will feel incredibly slow and groggy when you first wake up. It's to make sure you don't get overloaded with new sensations. It will slow your consciousness down to a crawl while your body adapts, and then your mind will start quickening up as it also follows suit shortly after.''

Kiwi gave a nod before she offered her neck, where Lucy injected it.

''It's going to take about a week for you to become 'fully' conscious again, you won't be able to fight it, so just relax, think of it as a vacation. Once you wake up properly, we'll help you adjust to everything more as well.'' 

Rebecca sad as Lucy began to support Kiwi more and more as she began to fade.

Soon Kiwi was in the most restful sleep she's ever head, and Lucy let Rebecca take Kiwi and lift her up in a princess carry as she carried her out to David.

''How long will it take you?'' Rebecca asked as she handed Kiwi off to David.

''About two hours, so I'll be late to bed tonight.''

''That's fine, me and Lucy had a hard day dealing with paperwork and our brains are already mush,'' Rebecca said, leaning up as she pulled David a bit as well to press her lips to his own, kissing him softly before she broke away and let him stand straight once more.

''Don't stare at her naked body to hard.'' Rebecca joked.

''Yes, because me coming to bed when I finally do with a boner wouldn't be something you wanted.'' David responded easily as he turned to set Kiwi on the table he had prepared, already heated to make it comfortable, even if Kiwi wouldn't know.

Rebecca chewed her lip before she suddenly smacked David's ass. ''It doesn't take any brain power to let you fuck my throat!... Not that I can think much when we have sex anyway.'' Rebecca added the last part on with a blush, storming out of the room.

Why'd she have to tease him? He always knew how to turn it around and tease her instead, and because of her mind she always thought more about it, and it would just make her horny.

Of course, he also had something he needed to do before he could solve it as well.

Snuggling into Lucy's breast will help her relax though, and with that thought, she sprinted across the house towards the main bedroom.

Once Rebecca left, the door closed and David turned around, going through the motions of cracking his fingers even if they didn't make any sound, it was more a mental thing then it was physical at this point.

''Alright my pretty little world domination kids, let's play God for a bit.''

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