Nanites SON!

Dinner with Kiwi

With the Trauma Center medical database and other information in his meat hooks, David left it to Bast to sort through useful knowledge and knowledge that didn't need to be 'known' for everyday life, and would also leave it to her to create a Medical Shard, that would turn anyone who slotted it into a world-renowned doctor.

David, once he got some time to himself would work on the medical bots, they would be a step in a better direction for humanity.

There would be some trial test run, of course, David wasn't wanting them to turn a borged-out gonk like Adam Smasher 2.0 into a human. 

But smaller injuries, breaks, fractures, and some in-depth surgeries would be handed better through the bots.

It would also allow them to have a designated 'medic' on the team, no matter where they ended up. Always have a backup plan.

David was currently driving in Bast's car form, cruising through the roads as he headed to go pick up Kiwi, as he drove through the neighborhood, he got a few waves from people who knew him, and people who were specifically being paid to know him, and to protect the area around them.

David stopped outside the Megabuilding he now fully owned, it only took him as long as it did because the original owner was still living, but after some quick searching, he wasn't for long. The guy was a straight bastard, especially for how he ran the building.

After David took over, it saw a large increase in overall quality of life, as did all the buildings slowly coming under his control.

David didn't know when it started, but he had slowly started to become a real estate kingpin.

Not even under his real name, it was under 'Mike Hawk' because he found it hilarious.

And it was.

Soon he noticed Kiwi leaving the building, making a straight walk to his car as the door automatically opened for her.

Once she got in and buckled in she relaxed, Bast was an incredibly safe vehicle to be in, and Kiwi's paranoia settled easier while inside Bast, and around David. 

It was only hard to feel 'In danger' around David if you were someone on his bad side.

''Evening Kiwi, how's the day been treating you?'' David started the conversation easily without needing to think to hard about it as he pulled away from the building and started to drive to their dinner spot.

''Good... I finished scrubbing the information you sent me about the Animals, 6 Street, I noticed there was a new packet before I left though, what's that about?''

''Trauma Center records, I've got an automated system running an algorithm to find potential new requests for the crew... Actually, it's becoming more of a gang, isn't it? Growing in size after all... Either way, it's mostly people with a 'clean' record, some training in either military, law enforcement, some trained medical people as well.''

Kiwi nodded softly before she spoke up. ''You want me to see if I can find anything extra about it, make it easier to recruit them, and or make it easier to see if they're a match for us?''

''Bingo, but for now we won't worry about it.  We won't bring 'work' to much tonight.'' David rumbled as he noticed to the side of his vision, a guy losing control of his bike and then violently crashing of onto the shoulder, missing any bystanders.

Kiwi noticed it too, but neither of them commented on it, such a normal thing wasn't worth mentioning.

''I heard you also had a Dinner with Samus soon?'' Kiwi probed gently. She couldn't help her nosy nature, she wanted to know information, especially about the people she considered close to her.

''A Dinner 'Date', the girls refuse to let me see it otherwise.'' David chuckled softly, pulling into a 'nicer' part of the city, only because it had higher patrol rates since it was considered the 'Corpo' side of the city, it was also where some of the best fancy restaurants were, both Kiwi and David agreed since they wanted to try a fancier place.

''Ah... Does it upset you? That they're trying to find more women for you?'' Kiwi asked, curious about this one.

''At first, I was confused, but I think it was only because I was still holding onto something. 'Large' relationships aren't exactly 'uncommon' nowadays, the only thing that makes what we have 'special' is its dynamic. The simple fact I have the means, the funds, and the time to balance out the babes I already have. Not that I fought too hard about it, but as long as I am okay with pursuing the people they want, I do not mind too much. Though it does beg the question that I will need to mediate my time better.''

''Ah... I bet it's less about the time you have for 'babes' and more time for working out...'' Kiwi chuckled, pulling up the reservation on her holo and sending it to the restaurant since they were only another ten or so minutes out.

''Eesh, does everyone know my desires? You're the fifth person to call me out on it... Am I that easy to read?'' David muttered, shaking his head.

''Easy to read? David, you hate lying, and if someone does find out about something you were trying to hide, you're less an 'Oh, how you've foiled my secret evil plans!' and more an 'Aw Drats' type of person. You hide nothing about your personality.'' Kiwi rolled her eyes, turning to look out the window once more.

''It takes too much work to try and hide something as hot as myself. What will people do when they find me out, shoot me?''

''Aim for the orphanage, someone you love, someone vulnerable,'' Kiwi stated dryly.

David chuckled, a tone darker than all the other chuckles. For only a moment the darker, angrier side of David showed only momentarily.

''It's cute you think anyone I deem close to me or might consider being a 'weakness' is 'Vulnerable'. '' 

Kiwi rose her brows to that, before turning to look at him. ''What do you mean?''

''The things that made me stand toe to toe with Adam? They can do a lot more than just make me take, or deal hits... Someone could shoot V right now, point blank with a carnage round. Not only would I know it happened, but V wouldn't even feel the heat of the shot.''

David pulled into the garage, and parking before he turned to look at Kiwi, locking eyes with her before he spoke seriously.

''Even right now, in this very moment? The entirety of Arasaka and Militech could descend on us, a literal army of Adam's, and worse could magically appear at this point in time. Bast alone could make it so we never even felt the car shake when something hit us.''

Bast then spoke up, getting a surprised noise out of Kiwi.

''It would take a little over a nuclear detonation for anything to harm someone David cares about, as that same branch is extended outwards to all the people they care about as well. For every kid in the orphanage who meets a new friend, even they are included.''

''Wait... Bast is an A.I.?''

David chuckled, his tone much lighter as he shook his head. ''That's what you're surprised about? Yes, Bast is an A.I, self-learning as well. She is a real person as me and you, just without the flesh, bone, and blood part.''

''And the parents part, but Rebecca said I could call David Daddy if it ever bothered me too much.'' Bast quipped.

Which caused David to sigh heavily, a sigh of defeat.

Kiwi giggled slightly, shaking her head. ''It's a wonder how you can basically play God, but then get picked on by a car you created.''

'' 'Play God' is a strong word, but I am still human. Besides the bullshit about my soul, or my 'inner self' being human, I was born a human and raised a human, and in the event, I ever need to.''

''I will fight a God as a human.''

Bast then spoke up again. "Even if he becomes more metal than man.''

David snickered as he got out. ''That's where the bullshit about my soul, and my inner self being human comes in.''

Kiwi got out as well, taking David's offered arm as the doors closed behind them and they walked up into the restaurant.

Getting their table and food was no affair to mention, neither was the food to be that honest.

The only thing to mention was that he was paying almost 30k for all this.

They ate in comfortable silence, other than the occasional question from Kiwi about David's nanites that he answered truthfully.

He has come to a point that even if Arasaka found out tomorrow about what he was capable of, it wouldn't matter.

Not only could he slam the corp with so many legal claims about everything they have done, but he could even out half of their 'Public' shares as still privately owned.

He could legally ruin them, and that was before he even thought about using any of his nanites or fancy gadgets.

He was playing in the sandbox that was Earth and its Tech, living his life freely, taking his time to learn what he could, to experience what he could.

If he needed to add 'Cyber Jesus' to his experience list, he would.

After they finished and were just sitting there, digesting the food. Kiwi spoke up finally, it seemed she had finally built up the courage to ask the real reason she wanted to talk to David in the first place.

''David... Could you help me rebuild my body?''

Oh... That's all?

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