Nanites SON!

Trauma Center

David landed just outside of Night City not even ten minutes later, Bast shifting back into her car appearance as they drove into the city. Despite how strong David was, let alone how strong Bast was, traffic was still a thing.

It was while he was sitting in traffic that he watched a Trauma AV fly by, watching it for a moment before his brows slowly went up. ''Bast, I think I should hack into the Trauma's database.''

'To gain access to their advanced medicines, technology, and many other things?''

''Bingo, with insight from them, I could go about making a possible... Robo Doctor so to speak could handle the new demand for 'Armstrong Inc' Cyberwear. It could also be a good thing to have the Companions have access to such an in-depth Medical record as well as all the techniques that will come from it.''

''It will better the lives of not only you and your people. But humanity as a whole, so I see both sides as an absolute win either way. Shall we start heading over?''

David tilted his head back and forth, considering what he had to do for the day, nothing too significant other than the dinner with Kiwi later.

''Continue heading to where Lucy and Rebecca are so they can get the new upgrade that you come attached when, then I'll tell them what I'll be doing then we'll head over, I just can't let it take too long, got the dinner planned with Kiwi in about 4 and a half hours.''

''It is good you thought about this now, then tomorrow. It would've bugged you all day tomorrow not being able to break into Trauma Center.''

David thought about tomorrow and shook his head, it was just a day that he had everything already planned, Samus wanted to take a break from helping manage the Megabuildings, and other jobs entrusted to her skills and have an actual dinner date, keeping a focus on the world 'Date' as Lucy and Rebecca forbade him from thinking of it any other way...

Apparently, they wanted a thick-cut blond. Rebecca had the thighs and ass, and Lucy had the nice breast. But Samus not only was taller than both of them but also had large breasts and an ass on her. Her blonde hair and soft blue eyes with hints of green were also killer.

David... Wouldn't refuse to have a woman like Samus in his corner, she was smart, sexy, looked amazing in uniform, and incredibly dangerous to piss off.

The biggest thing was Samus was mostly organic, and if taken the time, they could turn her into a suped-up badass just like the rest of them.

Samus also wasn't clingy unlike Rebecca or Lucy, so even if David didn't have the space on his lap for them, Samus would feel included as long as she was 'Involved.' or at least in the presence of them.

David had no idea how the two of them found this all about her, but the one thing they were sure of, is Samus had feelings for him. They wanted David to at least try and see if he could accept those feelings, and in the best case return them as well.

After another ten minutes, David arrived at the building, Lucy and Rebecca already meeting him in their private garage as he let them know the gist of what he was getting up to.

Once Lucy and Rebecca connected, and had a piece of the A.I. join them they both gave him kisses.

''Be careful, not that I need to worry.'' Lucy said, getting another kiss on his head before she stood from the car.

''You would erase some of their medical debt records, free some people from debt, do some good while you're there,'' Rebecca said as she sucked at his face for a few minutes.

''Freeing people from debt? Count me in, gives them more money to buy into Armstrong Inc.'' David chuckled, getting a little giggle out of Rebecca and another quick kiss before they left to go do their own things, 'pieces' of Bast breaking off from the main car to support them, either with transport or anything else they needed.

Each 'Small' piece of Bast that would break off from the main system would be in all manner the same, but split from the main core simply meant that it allowed Bast to move a lot more freely even in multiple branches of herself.

Even if she didn't split herself like this, it wasn't like she didn't have the power to compute up to 20 different events at the same time, meaning she could look after 20 different people simultaneously with the same system.

Before Bast left the garage, she shifted into her AV form, since it would be easier to avoid traffic this way as they lifted from the garage and into the sky, heading to the Trauma center.

'Phantoms' left proof of them not getting near the trauma center and instead after about halfway would turn away, while the real AV simply activated it's extremely advanced stealth coating.

''Hey, Boomer, want to sneak into a highly guarded facility with a literal army of armed guards and still a medical database, free some people from debt, and maybe piss off the side of their building?''

The head of his mechanical Doberman popped up from the backseat, its deep voice that sounded like Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice in Terminator spoke.

''Bitchin'. '' It then leaned forward, pressing its nose to David's shoulder as it began to mold much like Bast did, forming into his suit around him.

''Remind me to let you guys have the same upgrade as Bast did... I don't need to oversee it myself, and Bast can handle a lot of it. So we'll aim for tonight when we're all sleeping.''

''Affirmative Mason.''

David chuckled a bit, having forgotten that while he was 'Ingocnito' like this, he had set Boomer to respond to him by his old last name before it was Martinez.

After another five minutes of travel, they came near the Trauma center building, hovering near the roof where there were only a few guards, having chosen a moment David could quickly get out of Bast and onto the roof.

Kneeling in his suit, a field activated letting him hide away as a Trauma guard came around the corner.

''Thought I heard something? Nah... Must've been a loud AV flying by, control tower won't let anyone get close enough like that.'' The guard rumbled as he continued to walk by, walking hairs beside David before continuing on.

~Alright, first things first, find a place we can jack into and get information about the buildings, and find the main access point as well.~

David could still speak freely since the mask made all sound out mute unless he wanted it to.

He could use nanites to do all this, but where was the fun in having them do everything? Time to stretch the old Stealth Legs..

Standing up the field went down as David lifted his arms up and pulled himself onto the raised portion on the roof that was caused by the door leading into the roof, shifting forward as he laid flat across it he scanned the guards around.

After finding one with easier security to breach, he first implanted a few back doors in the system the guard was connected to.

It would make further hacking less time-consuming.

Pinging from the guard lit up all guards on the roof and a few stories below.

He pulled himself forward, to the side of the doorway as he opened it while upside down then pulled himself through by altering his gravity.

Once he was through he shut the door quietly and began to walk along the roof, any time someone would come near him and it would be pretty easy to spot him, he would come to a still and let the field cover him.

He did scan each passing guard as well, getting updated locations of all guards on the current network, there looked to be know spots to jack into yet, just locations to call reinforcements.

So, like any other time you wanted to get through a building quickly within raising attention.

He found an elevator, waiting until a group of guards came through until he claimed into it, waiting until the doors closed to loop the camera's for only a moment to let him get through the elavator's access hatch at the top of it.

Once he was in the elevator his gravity shifted again to set him the right way up as he went into an adjacent shaft and jumped.

Lowering his gravity he slowly pushed off things to make his decent faster until he had to switch shafts again since the elevator he was going towards started to head upwards.

After about getting halfway through he found one elevator door open, it looked like they were doing maintenance on the door so David was able to sneak onto that floor.

Better yet, the person that had been working on the doors seemed to be on break, so David added additional back doors for this level of network as well, before he pinged again.

Pinging made him aware of all people, tech, and other equipment that could be controlled through the system or had direct access to the system.

One thing that would have such access would be jack in port a few floors below this one.

He used his altered gravity to pull himself down the hallway to the stairs, practically floating through the building until he would need to get still again for someone passing.

He eventually got to the port he had pinged earlier, only to notice a guard that was standing right beside it.

Which was not even surprising. Why wouldn't you put a guard near an access port to the network?

David scanned the man in depth, pulling up files, records, and personal information.

The guy had a mother who was currently in Trauma care, most Trauma people had a huge discount on plans, and that was one of the reasons why so many people went into the trauma team, no matter how... Bad it could be sometimes.

They were trying to protect their own.

David built a proper looking report of them as well as using a name, voice, and identity that would fly before he contacted the Guard through his holo.

''Trauma Team, Unit 6683.''

David's new voice came through, he sounded like someone tired, practically exhausted. Adding a slight 'pause' to his sentences occasionally as well.

''Hey Jackson, you have it stated here that if anything ever happens with your mother no matter how slight you wanted to be contacted?''

The guard stiffened visibly, David could hear the worry in his voice.

''Is something wrong, did something happen?''

''No, nothing like that. There was just a typo on some of the information you signed, and I'm obligated to tell you we need you to come down and fix it as soon as possible.''

David watched as the Guard seemed to relax, even leaning against the wall momentarily before he nodded, then spoke.

''Yeah, I'll be down in five, who am I speaking to?''

''Just a pencil pusher, but Janice will take care of you like usual.''

''Thank you.''

The call ended, and David was able to pick up on the conversation the guard had moments after.

''Unit 6683 requesting relief, I've been called to treatment ward for a paperwork mix up.''

'''Understood, I'll be back as soon as I'm done.''

Then the guard simply walked away.

Once he was out of sight, David looped the camera watching the port before he shifted.

The armor seemed to shiver before its tail came into view, its tip changing into a jack as he discretely jacked in.

He got through everything easily and found what he needed.

The main database was located near the server room that was in the basement.

Once he pulled his jack back he headed back for the open elevator doors and kicked off the wall to fly downwards until he watched the bottom.

Trauma team had security measures, but nothing that could more the momentarily stop David, even if he didn't use his nanites.

Finger blasting one of the best Netrunners and being friends with another had its perks, like being taught how to run around ICE encryptions like he was on a morning walk.

Deactivating the laser field by simply having it loop its previous 5 seconds of inactivity he made his way to the final elevator door.

Using his tail, it slipped between the doors at the very bottom, like a snake came as he saw no one on the other side of the elevator.

Looping the information the elevator sent, he used the emergency release to have the doors open, then close once he was through.

With normal gravity he began to walk through the hallway, making his way into the server room.

Why did they always have a lot of security before getting here, but once he was in, it was just one poor guy working like a slave?

Poor Tech people man.

David knocked his ass out.

His fingers wiggled as he got his greedy little cyborg dog hands on the keys as he began to build a quick algorithm to erase some debts, and then plugged his tail into the USB slot as it changed once more as he began to download the entire database.

It was... Massive, medical techniques, updated registries, updated surgeries.

The trauma team really did boast the best medical science field. There was a good reason why so many people trusted them.


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