Nanites SON!

Side Story: Samus Aran

(Just for the one guy who asked about Samus.)

When David said he would give her the most annoying, tedious grunt work jobs.

He wasn't lying.

This is the third time, TODAY she has had to help an old person get groceries in the Megabuilding David had recently bought.

She couldn't be made, because despite the random and odd jobs he had her doing, she was getting paid well for it, it was just... Some were strange, some of it was repair work.

David left all she needed to do, down to the letter in the info packet he left her. Even when it came to fixing someone's sink, David had clear instructions as to how, and where the problem was and how to fix it. Explained in such a way that it was easy to follow and so she didn't lose track of what she was doing.

He was seeing how well she could follow orders, and she understood the 'Need' as to why, but that didn't make her any less 'excited' to do it.

She fucking hated it, but at the same time... It felt good, to get down, when she was a cop she dealt with civilians, a lot. But this was different, it wasn't some big mystery, some big new murder case, or another shoot-out.

No, it was just... Small tasks, insignificant things. The small things that impacted in a big way, made a difference.

She also noticed how despite having bad some people where ever person David had her dealing with were 'Decent' at least, no assholes, no people who spoke out of line. 

People thanked her, some in just small nods, or words of thanks, and some that were brought to straight tears, simply because she fixed the hot water.

That's all she did, was make it so the hot water worked, and it brought tears to someone. She got hugged for ten minutes, and the old lady refused to stop hugging her.

Even after the old lady had finally let go, she tried to offload things onto Samus in thanks, even if she had already been paid to do it.

Samus also noticed the small things.

She's been to plenty of Megabuildings in her time, and her work as a detective as well as a Lieutenant made her notice the small details.

The building itself was in amazing condition, from how smooth the elevator rod, to how well the lights worked, to no noticeable cracks anywhere.

The way there was some loose trash, there still wasn't a lot around. The place actually felt clean and looked almost clean.

She could also tell that all these jobs, everything going on? They weren't all-natural, some things couldn't be faked, like the interactions she had with others.

But, some of these jobs were made as if to show her something, like telling her to patrol around the building, go from floor to floor, and to familiarize herself with the shops, with everything going on in the building, some of the tenants.

David was trying to show her something, but it was in such a vague sense that she couldn't quite place her finger on it...


Maybe that is what he was showing her? There is something bigger at work, or something more to 'him and the crew' then can be explained... Was he getting her mixed in with something she didn't realize the scope of?

Some of it made sense, while others didn't.

Now that she thought about it, what kind of car would be able to do all of what his did? The thing took small arms fire like it was nothing, heavier arms fire didn't do anything, and it took something real heavy to actually maybe dent it.

She watched him slam his car multiple times through other cars, flooring the pedal until he smashed through maelstrom.

She watched him play a game of death in the middle of a ring of cars and bullets. She watched as his window would occasionally open and someone would lose their head.

She remembered how he looked during that, he wasn't cut as he was now, he was tall sure, but now he stood way over everyone else, he had organic strength to him, tattoos... 

That cross, it looked familiar as well. Was there something there she wasn't seeing, something that just wasn't clicking?

Standing in the elevator, she looked down to her list. She had a few more things to do for the day before she could call it a day and head to her new apartment in the building itself, it and the utilities were free as long as she worked for David.

He really was mysterious.

David, butt ass naked in the bathtub, squeezing the rubber ducky he had between his index and thumb as he stared at it. Completely unaware of the turmoil he had sent Samus into.

Was he leading her down some mysterious path of self-discovery, and the discovery of her new boss?

No, he was just making her do all the annoying tasks he didn't want to do, and it was that simple... At least to him.

The water was moving softly, Lucy was shifting in the water bracing herself against the sides of the large bathtub as she moaned softly.

''Why do we have a rubber ducky in here again?'' David asked, still staring at it between his fingers.

''Rebecca... Thought it would get to you.'' Lucy chuckled, only groaning softly when she lowered further into the bath.

''It is, I guess... Things are bright and distracting... Do I have Adhd?'' David asked, more to himself than anything as he put it back down and returned to grabbing Lucy's hips. There was a soft noise now that they were quiet, it sounded like a soft whirring.

(A/N) Yes, as someone who has ADHD, I can get distracted during sex.

That little bit is actually based on something me and my wife have done, she's used to it because it happens to her as well.

Like stopping sex for a moment to pet the cat that jumped up onto the bed for a moment, then continue.

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