Nanites SON!

The ‘Big’ Heist

''Taking over the crew? Are you and Maine planning on leaving, or going into retirement? Get you a nice place and live your days fucking and eating?'' David chuckled as he continued with his stretching.

''Yeah... We talked about it, and we've been at it awhile, and if this job goes off... It'll be the big score Maine always wanted, even if he doesn't need to worry about it... That... anymore it was a humbling experience. Maine's going to take out some of his higher-demand chrome to.''

David finished his stretches and got up walking into the sparing zone with her as he got into a boxing stance, Dorio mimicking his stance before they began to spar, still talking while punches were thrown.

''I mean, I can take over sure, but what about Falco or even Kiwi?'' David asked as he weaved to the left of a straight, landing a solid hit into Dorio's abdomen, it wasn't hard enough to hurt, just hard enough to say he got a hit in.

Dorio weaved back before being able to clip David across the jaw as she backed up. ''We've talked to Falco about it, and he wouldn't mind. He sees you a better fit for it, when you need to you can take control of a situation, and issue orders that are thought out and in enough of an authoritative tone to make everyone move.''

A few blocked strikes before she continued.

''Kiwi doesn't want to lead, and much prefer being as she is now, the backup and support. Did you know she's been doing all this for an orphanage?'' Dorio asked him, just as David was able to get his foot behind her leg and sweep her down.

Helping her up and then continuing to spar.

''Yeah, she asked my help to do something to help them, get them to Night City, so she can be closer, and protect them better. If they were here I could make sure it would take an army to get to them.''

Dorio's brows went up. ''Really? She only told me about it like... Last night.''

David leaned away from a hook as he got under her jaw. Despite how fast and rough they were, they had control of their strength, able to soften a blow right before it hit, doing more 'pushing' than hitting.

''Yeah, she also told me that there was a point of her thinking about turning tail.''

Dorio stopped the spar by holding up her hand. ''Wait... What?''

''Pilar almost dying, Maine experiencing Cyberpsycosis? It wasn't looking bright, she needs to put herself in front of others so she can keep taking care of those kids... I can't blame her either, for a moment, it WAS looking very bleak.'' David rolled his shoulders a bit, stretching himself out some more.

''I... Yeah, that's true. It's already one of the reasons me and Maine are trying to retire, so I can't be mad at her... Have you moved the kids yet?''

''Not yet, we plan to after the heist, and if the worst case happens... I've got stuff in place for them to be taken care of for the rest of their lives, and to be moved here without me or Kiwi. There's a level of trust between us about it, and it helps that Padre of all people back my words, and actions... Why, are you thinking about adopting?''

Dorio's cheeks flared and she took a swing at him suddenly, which he dodged by pulling his head back. Hooking his arm around hers, it took him all but a moment to get her onto the ground in a grapple, preventing her from fighting him.

''Oh shit... You're not retiring Dorio, you're putting your roots in... That's so fucking cute, who was the one who brought it up, you or Maine?''

''Maine's always wanted kids, but I'm infertile because of a wound I got... He still loved me despite that. When we thought about retiring... It just kind of came up.'' 

''I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy right now, stop trying to kick me in the nuts,'' David said as Dorio continued to struggle against him.

''Then let go of me, you shitter!'' Dorio cursed, causing David to laugh as he broke the grapple and rolled away before she could get at him again, standing up as he grabbed a towel, wiping himself down of sweat.

''Man, that's really nova... I'm going to be an uncle?''

Dorio grumbled while she got up, taking another towel as she began to wipe herself clean as well. ''Of course, you are, we're basically family already... That's just hoping everything goes right in this job.''

David chuckled softly, for only a moment. A dark, and borderline psychotic look flashed over his eyes. It goes unnoticed.

''Don't worry... Adam Smasher himself could show up, and I'd make sure everyone gets out unscathed.''

Dorio sent him a glare. ''Don't jinx us with that shit David! We're hitting Arasaka, so it could be entirely possible for it to happen.'' 

David laughed, shrugging his large shoulders. ''Don't worry about it, chances are low so it'll be fine.''

Dorio sighed as David grabbed his stuff and walked off, he still had a bit more preparation to do before the 'Heist' started.

There they were, on a dirt road watching the main road below as they watched an Arasaka Convoy driving down the road, a gang peeling after them. 

''Think they were hired?'' Rebecca asked.

David, Rebecca, and Lucy were in Bast, while everyone else was in the transport. With someone from Padre's little group away ready in a large semi in case the thing they were transporting was too big for the transport.

''As a distraction, and to have them lower to guard or something? Definitely, but it's again not like Faraday plans, so I can only speculate why they replaced him... Conflicting interest maybe?''

Lucy and Rebecca both knew about Faraday being replaced by an Arasaka. There were no secrets between David and his mates, Lucy and Rebecca seeming adamant about more eventually finding their way in.

David didn't see it, he was already living on cloud nine between Rebecca and Lucy.

Tapping his thumb against the steering wheel of bast he rumbled a bit. ''You know... This feels like less and less a heist, and more like a weapons test... Doing in in such a way that won't raise suspicion on them.''

''It is a possibility.'' Bast's A.I. spoke up.

''The crew you are apart of, all be it might not be 'High' up in being famous, you all have the highest completion rate compared to most crews, and to those who do know you, they would take you over any fancy big shot any day. As it's set up so far, it is perfectly in place for a set of Mercenaries to try and do something, and then for Arasaka to 'Protect' themselves, blanking out the fact they used a new weapon to do it.''

David's brows went up and so did Lucy's, turning to look at both of the women in his life.

No words needed to be said, having a computer A.I. who could put all the small things together, to run the simulations, and just 'smarter' then humans was handy.

David turned back to look at the convoy for a moment before he used the holo call they had on going, like they always did for each mission.

<Just figured out why this job seems so weird.>

<Please enlighten me David, because it's pissing me off.> K

<It's a weapons test.> L

There was a silence over the call for a few moments.

<Should we pull out?> F

<David, what are your thoughts?> M

David sat there, watching as the convoy got closer and closer to the spot they dedicated for the operation to start. His thumb continuing to rhythmically tap against the steering wheel.

Working out the calculations before he spoke out loud, not answering the holo yet.

''Bast, what's the possibility of them walking out with something we can't handle if I use the firepower we currently have access to?''

''Without using your inherited abilities, and relying on the tools you have built, and available to you... Arasaka has access to gravity controls, magnetic controls, high advanced aerial capabilities, heavily modified Cyberwear, and the possibility of Adam Smasher appearing... Without taking into account Adam Smasher, there is only a 12% chance of failure. Any technology they have access to, would not be able to stop a plasma round, but odds vary depending on if what their testing has a pilot or not.''

David nodded softly, 12% was good.

''And, with my inherited abilities?''

''0% Change of failure.''

David watched a bit before he grinned. Lucy only chuckled as she turned to look out the window, Rebecca grinning with David as she leaned from the back seat to plant a hard kiss on his lips.

''Let's play God a little bit then.''

<Let's do it... There are risks, but I've got faith.> In himself.

<Alright, then we'll proceed as planned.> M

The moment they crossed the marker point, David floored Bast and they took off, the Transport a few meters from them taking off as well as they began to get closer to the convoy.

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