Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 27: Kaida’s reward

Kaida fell into deep thought. There were many things he desired at the moment, and he hadn't yet sorted out what to ask from the Hokage, especially since he still had nearly a year left before graduating from the academy. However, there was one thing he knew would significantly accelerate his growth and help him achieve many of his future plans. Looking towards the Hokage, Kaida said:

"Hokage-sama, I read about a jutsu in the library, created by the Second Hokage himself. It's a technique that greatly aids in both learning and combat. The jutsu is called the 'Shadow Clone Jutsu.' But no matter how much I searched, I couldn't find it in the library. Could you please teach me that jutsu?"

Hiruzen was surprised by this request. The knowledge about the Shadow Clone Jutsu was indeed present in the library, but he hadn't expected Kaida to ask about it. Silently praising the boy's luck for discovering such a technique, Hiruzen replied:

"Kaida, you couldn't find the jutsu in the library because it's classified as a B-rank jutsu, and your current access is limited to D-rank techniques. However, teaching you this jutsu can be arranged. Since I have some free time now, I'll explain the theory behind the jutsu. Tomorrow, I'll teach you how to perform it."

Kaida was thrilled at the prospect of learning the jutsu so easily. He had considered trying to steal the scroll like Naruto did in the original story but had wisely dismissed the idea, knowing he didn't have plot armor to save him if caught.

Yomi, on the other hand, fidgeted nervously. The jutsu they were discussing would undoubtedly make Kaida even more powerful. Sensing her unease, Hiruzen smiled in amusement and said with a light laugh:

"Haha, Yomi, you can also learn this jutsu alongside Kaida. Since he got to hear about your reward, it's only fair that you share his, right?"

"Yes!" Yomi shouted, but then, realizing her outburst, she blushed deeply and tried to shrink into herself, wishing she knew a jutsu that could make her invisible.

Hiruzen, still smiling, began to explain the jutsu to them.

"The Shadow Clone Jutsu is quite different from the basic Clone Jutsu you already know. As you're aware, the basic Clone Jutsu creates an illusion meant to distract, but it can't physically interact with anything. In contrast, a shadow clone is a tangible copy that can fight, use jutsu, and even take damage."

He continued, "Many elemental clone techniques, like the Earth Clone used by Iwagakure, are physically robust and can perform earth-related jutsu. The Shadow Clone, however, is unique because it retains the memories and experiences of the clone, which are transferred back to the caster upon the clone's dispelling. This feature is what makes the Shadow Clone Jutsu so valuable for training."

Kaida listened intently but couldn't help asking, "Hokage-sama, if this jutsu is so superior to the basic Clone Jutsu, why isn't it taught at the academy?"

"The answer is simple," Hiruzen replied. "The chakra cost of this jutsu is quite high. Most academy students, or even Genin, don't have the chakra reserves necessary to perform it. Even some Chunin struggle with it. The Shadow Clone Jutsu requires a significant amount of chakra because the clone needs to carry all your memories and instructions, as well as enough chakra to sustain itself. If the clone's chakra depletes below a certain threshold, it disperses, and you receive its memories. If it self-disperses before running out of chakra, some of the chakra is returned to you along with the memories."

Hiruzen had covered the essential points of the jutsu, and after explaining this, he asked if they had any questions. Yomi timidly raised her hand.

"Yes, Yomi?"

"Hokage-sama, if even some Chunin can't perform this jutsu, will I be able to?"

"That's what I was about to check," Hiruzen said kindly. "Come here, both of you. I'll see if you have enough chakra to perform the jutsu."

Both of them stepped forward, and Hiruzen extended his chakra to assess theirs. After a moment, he smiled.

"Congratulations, you both have enough chakra to learn the jutsu and create at least one shadow clone. Kaida, you can create two, but they won't have much chakra left for other jutsu."

Both Kaida and Yomi smiled at this news, but then Kaida raised his hand. Hiruzen nodded for him to speak.

"Hokage-sama, could you tell us how much chakra we possess compared to others?"

Hiruzen thought for a moment, considering the best way to explain, and then decided on a simple approach.

"If we consider the chakra of a civilian at one unit upon awakening, Yomi, you have about 15 units of chakra. As for you, Kaida, you have approximately 32 units. The Shadow Clone Jutsu consumes around 10-11 units of chakra per clone, though with practice, you can reduce that to about 7-8 units."

Seeing that neither of them had any more questions, Hiruzen concluded, "You can go back for now. Come to Training Area 13 at 6 AM tomorrow. I'll teach you how to create a shadow clone there."


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