Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 28: Shadow Clone jutsu

"You can go back for now. Come to Training Area 13 at 6 AM tomorrow, and I'll teach you how to make a shadow clone there," the Hokage said.

Both Kaida and Yomi bowed their heads slightly and left. Upon reaching their home, they decided to rest for the day, as it had been mentally exhausting. They changed their clothes, took a walk around the village, and returned home after having dinner.

Kaida lay in bed, deep in thought.

'Hmm, what Hiruzen told us about the Shadow Clone Jutsu mostly matches what I know from my previous life. Though some technicalities were new and a little disappointing. I thought maybe, not the same amount as Naruto, but I'd be able to make at least 20-30 shadow clones and learn every jutsu. Reality sucks... But the most surprising discovery today was the method for chakra growth.

The connection between chakra and intellectual growth was unexpected. It looks like the first use of the Shadow Clone Jutsu won't be for learning jutsu but to learn new things. Since Hiruzen said that shogi can help with this, I'll find a partner to play with—someone from the Nara clan would be perfect. Hahaha.'

With that, Kaida drifted off into slumber.

The next morning, both of them woke up at 4:30 AM out of habit. However, instead of training, they decided to meditate to clear their minds and prepare for the upcoming training session.

At 5:30 AM, they headed toward Training Area 13, arriving at 5:50 AM. They recalled the old man from the orphanage's teaching that for a ninja, arriving at the appointed time means being 10 minutes late.

At exactly 6:00 AM, the Hokage entered the training area. Both of them bowed toward him.

Hiruzen smiled, seeing that they had a solid foundation and the habits of a true ninja. He began his lesson.

"We'll skip the pleasantries and get straight to business as I have very little free time today. First, let's see how chakra is molded in this jutsu."

With a flick of his hand, a dummy made of earth emerged from the ground. He marked various points on the dummy, representing the chakra points all over the body that assist in chakra flow. He then began teaching them how chakra behaves during the jutsu, what to think, and how to give orders to the jutsu.

This was relatively simple: you just have to think about what you want the clone to do. Since the clone possesses all your memories up to that point, it will also carry out the order you were thinking.

After that, he moved on to the hand signs.

"Now, the hand sign for the Shadow Clone Jutsu is… This is simple yet complex at the same time. One last piece of advice: if you plan to use this jutsu to learn new things, be prepared for the headaches that come with the sudden surge of a large amount of information."

With that, Hiruzen completed his lecture. Kaida now understood why he was known as the 'Professor.' It was truly a waste that someone so knowledgeable wasn't teaching the new generation but instead wasting time on paperwork.

Pushing those thoughts aside, both of them began trying to perform the jutsu they had just learned. Hiruzen stood by, watching in case any problems arose during their initial practice.

Kaida first tried to move his chakra as Hiruzen had instructed, which caught the Hokage's attention since this was something very difficult for an academy student to do. After failing to achieve the desired result through just chakra manipulation

(A.N.: obviously), Kaida began forming the hand signs. When the last seal was formed, a clone appeared on his left.

Since this jutsu is difficult mainly due to its chakra requirements rather than its concept, which is somewhat similar to the basic Clone Jutsu, Kaida's clone immediately began testing its physical capabilities.

It ran, jumped, crawled, and even started channeling chakra into its legs to perform tree-walking exercises. Then, just as quickly, it dispersed itself. As Hiruzen had mentioned, Kaida received the clone's memories. Since the memories weren't extensive, Kaida didn't experience any headaches or disorientation.

From the memories, he concluded, 'The clone doesn't have a very strong body—it's around 70% of my fitness—but its chakra manipulation is as good as mine, if not a little better. Well, since it's made of chakra itself…'

On the other hand, Yomi was on her knees, not because she couldn't perform the jutsu, but because performing it had drained more than two-thirds of her energy. The sudden chakra depletion left her physically and mentally exhausted.

After taking a few deep breaths, she sat on the ground, watching her clone. Unlike Kaida's, her clone didn't perform tree-walking exercises. It did some basic physical exercises, but then it did something different: it walked over to Yomi and said, "Yes, I think I can talk."

Hearing this, Yomi became happy, and her clone dispersed itself.

Seeing their progress, Hiruzen smiled and said, "Very good. You both were able to perform the jutsu on your first try. Excellent work. Now, continue to practice for a week and come to my office next Monday. We'll discuss what to do next."

"Thank you, Lord Hokage," they both said, bowing.

Hiruzen then returned to his office using the Body Flicker Jutsu.


**A.N.:** Some of you might wonder how they were able to learn the jutsu in one day. Well, Naruto managed to learn the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu in couple of hours all by himself, which is a more difficult jutsu than the regular Shadow Clone Jutsu. Also, they were taught by the man known as the 'God of Shinobi' and the 'Professor.' If they couldn't learn it on their first try, they'd likely be extremely dumb, which I assure you they are not. That's all from my side :p

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