Naruto : Hidden Cloud

Insect queen

"Knock, knock! Here I come, ghost girl!"


Sato cracked his knuckles and kicked the door to one of the houses, shattering its lock and almost letting the door fly off its hinges.

Sato keenly noticed a beetle was startled by his actions; this beetle had been watching him for some time. Sato could feel this wasn't a normal insect; it was taking orders from someone.

'A rogue aburame maybe?'

Sato rubbed his chin and walked into the house. This was the house of that ghost girl. He followed his village's tradition and chose to break in.


The moment Sato and Hinata walked in, a lot of buzzing insect noises came from behind. Hinata quickly looked back and saw bees—lots of bees—flying behind them.

"Aah, Sato kun, there are so many bees; they will sting us."

Hinata told Sato about the bees, but Sato took a look at them and waved his hands.

"They won't sting; I was provoking that girl just now, trying to check if she was still here. Look clearly; the insects are behaving abnormally; they are following orders; she is definitely here."

"If that isn't enough for you, look closely at the room; this is a clean place; a human lives here; ghosts don't need to clean."

"Relax; if she wanted to attack, she would have attacked by now; there were plenty of chances to sting us to death."

Of course, it wouldn't have mattered even if she tried to sting them; Sato had the thunder armor and Hinata had the Hyuga defense; no insect was getting past this level of defense.

"You mean to say she is still here? How could that be? I just checked."

Hinata once again opened her Byakugan and checked everywhere; she tried harder to look underground after not finding the girl again. Then Sato patted her back.

"It's useless; I know why you can't find her; come with me."

Sato ignored the bees and walked out, smiling at Hinata as he pointed towards the sky.

"There is one place you missed; look up; she is there."

Hinata blinked, and her foucus shifted upwards, and immediately she saw a chakra signature hovering above them.

"The sky? I didn't check the sky; I didn't know ninjas could fly."

Hinata mumbled with wonder: flying was something every human wanted to do at least once, as if it's ingrained in their instincts that they should be able to fly.

Hinata also had such a dream, so when she saw it was possible, she was amazed.

"Come down; we see you, ghost girl."

Sato waved up at the sky, and after a few seconds, a white-green blur fell down from above.


This was a girl about Sato's age; she had tanned skin, light green hair, wore a short skirt with a small blouse, and had see-through mesh underneath.

She was an athletic girl who seemed to be in a sour mood right now.

"Why did you break my door?? Are you here to rob me?"

The girl questioned Sato warily; Sato didn't reply and was rubbing his chin with a smile. Hinata, on the other hand, was tensed.

When this girl came down, her chakra signature started changing. Hinata's Byakugan saw this change in great detail. She finally figured out why this girl's chakra was so weird.

'She is just like sister Yugito; this is no ordinary chakra; it's a tailed beast chakra. This girl is a jinchuriki!'

"Hey, answer me. Did you steal something? I am already poor, okay? Nobody will sell me anything; if you take my stuff, I'll be a goner."

Fu was trying hard to maintain her anger, but she was failing quite miserably. Her desire to talk to someone her age was really obvious.

It was clear to Sato and Hinata that this girl lacked attention; she was so starved of human contact that she was ready to talk to two robbers.

"We didn't steal anything; we are not robbers either. We are wanderers. You, on the other hand, who are you? You scared us just now."

Sato spoke with a smile. He was relaxed after knowing the mystery; he knew her already from the original series. This was Fu, a really kind and cheerful girl.

There was just one problem in her life: she had the seven tails sealed inside her body, and everyone in this village hated her guts. So much so that they celebrated when she was murdered by Akatsuki.

Fu was a tragic character; she was basically Naruto if Naruto wasn't the main character.

"Did I scare you? Sorry about that."

Fu rubbed her head apologetically and pushed her plams outward; the insects flew away as if an invisible force commanded them.

'I remember seven tails is a massive flying beetle. That must be why she can talk to insects; she is basically an insect queen for them.'

Sato narrowed his eyes. Fu, on the other hand, had her hands behind her back and was smiling cheerfully.

She had a dream; she wanted to make many friends. So when she saw that Sato and Hinata didn't seem like bad guys, she also ignored Sato breaking her door.

Even if she knew nobody would fix the door for her, she might need to change houses again.

"Say, will you be my friend? I am Fu."

Fu asked Sato with nervousness. Even Hinata could tell this girl had pitiful human contact; she didn't know the rules of socializing at all.

"Friend? I don't see why not. I am Sato, and this is Hinata. Nice to meet you, Fu. You can consider us wanderers."

Sato smiled and accepted the friendship; this was a small thing for Sato. But for Fu, without exaggeration, this was the greatest moment of her life.

'I have a friend! I got my first friend! Sato! I am friends with Sato; did you see that Chomei?'

Fu was celebrating in her mind and shared the good news with her tailed beast. Who buzzed once in response before becoming silent.

"That's great, so how is wandering life? Is it difficult? Is that why you snuck into our village?"

Fu asked curiously, yet Hinata's muscles tightened, so this girl did see them sneak in. This must be why she was hiding in the sky.

"Wandering life is hard but not impossible if you know what you are doing. As for why we sneaked in, the village won't let us in if we come through the door."

Sato shrugged; he didn't seem tensed at all, which made Hinata less tensed as well. Sato was smarter than her; he should know what he was doing.

"Hey Fu, can you suggest a house we can live in? I would rather not be seen by your village. I want a good place to hide."

Sato had figured out Fu's character by now; Fu would do her best to help him; he was her first friend. There was no risk in telling her he wanted to hide.

"A good place to hide? You can live with me, Sato, but I only have one bed- aah."

Fu's words got stuck in her throat when she noticed Hinata glaring at her. She realized her mistake and quickly said.

"You, too, Hinata, can also live with me. Hahaha."

Fu scratched her cheek with embarrassment. Because Sato was doing all the talking; she almost forgot Hinata was there.

She suggested this out of excitement and nervousness; she didn't mean to make Hinata mad!

Advanced chapters ahead on patréon


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