Naruto : Hidden Cloud

Seven tail jinchuriki

Fu apologized profusely after making Hinata upset. Hinata, being the understanding girl she was, soon forgave her. Both for scaring her and for flirting with her husband by mistake.

"Will you come in?"

Fu asked tentatively, Sato walked right in without any hesitation, and Hinata followed behind Sato while holding his hand.

Fu stood at the door, looking at Sato and then Hinata with envy. She was jealous of their close relationship. She never had someone close like that.

"What am I thinking? They are my friends. I should be happy for them."

Fu patted her cheek and closed the door, then spat a sparkling substance on the broken door. This thick paste stuck to the broken lock and hinge. Effectively fixing it.

This sparkling substance was the insect powder of seven tails; this was its paste version, which was made by mixing it with seven tails' salvia. It was a strong biological compound and more than enough to fix the door.

"I thought I would need to switch houses; thankfully, Sato didn't destroy the door completely; he just broke the lock. I can fix this easily."

Fu smiled happily. Now, with her door fixed, she could finally show her hospitality to her new friends.

And hospitality did show; she brought out everything she had in her tiny home to entertain her new friends.

"Sorry, it has been a while since the village sold me supplies. I hope you don't mind."

Fu scratched her cheek; she only had old packaged food to offer Sato. It is not the best way to make a first impression. But this was the best she got.

"Are you kidding me?"

But contrary to her expectations, Sato slapped his hand on the floor. Startling Fu. She almost started to cry when Sato said this.

Then Sato continued with dissatisfaction in his voice.

"Of course I mind. How can you eat this kind of food? Look, they gave you expired noodles. They are obviously taking advantage of your kindness."

"This won't do, Hinata; we can't let Fu get cheated like this. Come on, Fu, I am going to buy you some new supplies."

Fu's desire to cry suddenly vanished. Before this, she thought Sato was getting angry at her, but he was being angry for her. This feeling was so nice.

"No, no, it's okay."

Fu quickly denied; on the one hand, she didn't want her friend to work hard for her; on the other hand, she didn't want Sato to see how horribly everyone else treated her.

She was scared of losing her first friend. She didn't want Sato to know she was a loser.

"No way, Fu. We're going out. Hinata, you make yourself comfortable."

Sato winked at Hinata; this was a signal. He was telling Hinata to search this place; they were going to live here for a while, and Hinata needed to make sure this place was safe.

This was one of the main reasons why Sato acted so strongly; he wanted to take Fu away for a bit so Hinata could do her thing.

"Wait wait!"

Fu exclaimed, but Sato pulled her out of the house, closing the door behind him. Sato smiled at Fu.

"What's the matter? It's just shopping; you tell me who sold you that expired stuff. And I will take care of it for you."

Fu didn't speak; she had her hands behind her back and her head down. She was scared; they were going out into the village. Now Sato will find out how big of an outcast she is. He will stop being her friend then.

"Fu? Fu!"

Sato called her name and broke Fu out of her negative thoughts.

"Aah, sorry, sorry, I got that food from the shopping district. It's right there."

Fu pointed towards the shopping district with a shaky smile, and Sato acted as if he didn't see her uneasiness and smiled in return.

"That's the area? Great, by the way, Fu, do you know the clone justu? I don't have an identity; I will transform into you. They will think I am your clone."

Sato cracked his knuckles, and Fu nodded with surprise.

"I know Earth Clone Jutsu. Are you a Ninja Sato? How do you know the transformation, jutsu?"

Fu asked Sato, who spoke while making a seal.

"Of course I am a Ninja; do you think two random people can sneak into the hidden waterfall? Don't joke."

"We are wandering because we left our village sometime ago. Not because we have no place to go."


Sato transformed into Fu as he finished talking. He explained this calmly, without giving away anything important. Sato's main skill was reading people; he had a good read on Fu's personality. He knew what approach he should take with her.

If he lies to Fu, she will turn against him when she finds out the truth, but if he tells her vaguely, she won't turn against him even after knowing the truth. That's how important friendship was to her.

"You are a ninja. Then, did you sneak into our village to do something bad? That's what foreign ninjas do, right?"

Fu was taken aback and questioned Sato nervously, but Sato waved his hand.

"I came here because this place is beautiful, and I heard there is something here that increases chakra. I'll buy that thing if your village sells it."

"That's all, anyway; I am not on a mission. Believe it or not."

When Sato finished speaking, Fu breathed a sign of relief, and Sato narrowed his eyes secretly. Done. She believed him. He managed to turn the seven-tail jinchuriki to his side.

'This is what happens when you mistreat your tailed beast containers; they will turn towards someone who treats them better.'

Sato thought. In fact, what Sato told Fu was practically impossible; there is no way a hidden waterfall will sell their village treasure; Sato will have to steal it. But by that time, Fu will think it's her village's fault instead of Sato's.

After all, Sato wanted to buy; it's her village that doesn't want to sell. Her whole perspective will shift because of Sato's words.

"Of course I believe you but you scared me Sato! I thought you were here to do something bad."

"Thanks for telling me; I know they will kill you if they know you sneaked in. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone! I am a reliable friend; you will see."

Fu laughed happily because she wasn't an experienced ninja; to her, Sato was on a harmless but cool ninja mission. Sneaking into an enemy village is so cool!

"I know you will keep it a secret; that's why I told you, dummy. Now let's go; let's teach that shopkeeper a lesson."

Sato cracked his knuckles while looking like Fu, and Fu once again became timid. Sato ignored her timidity and walked towards the shopping district.

It wasn't a long walk; they were nearing the shopping district in 3 minutes.

"What is she doing here? Bad luck."

"Why is she showing up at such a good time? Damn, they should just kill her."

"Look at her, walking around with her clone because nobody likes her; what a weirdo."

Soon, Sato started to hear curses thrown towards them; they barely stepped foot in the shopping district, and the pure malice was already oozing out towards Fu.

Sato turned to look at Fu, who was looking down with tears in her eyes. Sato shook his head; this wasn't the right response for such a situation.

It looks like he needed to show her how a hidden cloud Ninja does things.

"What did you say? No one likes me? Please, you talk like someone likes you. Look at you, balding at such a young age, and you are a woman!"

"No wonder your husband cheats on you."

Sato transformed into Fu and gave the middle-aged woman the finger, which made the area silent and also got Fu to stop crying.

"What did you say?! He cheats on me! I knew it! That bastard!"

The woman didn't even bother to check if Sato was telling the truth and ran towards her house. Sato then looked at everyone else and smiled warmly.

"What's the matter? You guys also have something to say? Say it then, and I'll tell everyone your secret in return."

"You know I can fly; I have nothing to do all day long; I know a lot of secrets."

Sato put his hand on his waist, and his transformed body bit her lips like she was looking forward to causing some chaos.

"Ugh.. I just remembered I have something to do."

"Sorry, my wife's calling me."

"Sorry about that."

The crowd instantly ran away in panic; nobody wanted Fu to leak their secrets! Hell no.


"So easy; did you see that, Fu? I taught them a lesson for you. Give it a few more days; let the rumors spread. Nobody will bother you after that."

Sato looked down at Fu, who slowly raised her head with tears all over her face and a big smile.


Air was knocked out of Sato's lungs as Fu rammed into his chest, hugging him tightly and crying silently.

This was like a dream; Sato didn't hate her for being a loser; he improved her image dramatically instead. This was a life-changing event for her.

"This is the best moment of my life."

Fu was extremely emotional; being a jinchuriki, her emotions sent her chakra into a frenzy, and because of her tight hug, she disturbed Sato's chakra as well.


Making him lose his transformation.

"Crap, you disturbed my chakra; let go, Fu; someone might see us!"

Sato was startled, but Fu didn't listen to anything in her emotional state; she looked up with water-filled eyes and saw Sato's face up close.

It took her three seconds total before her mind went blank and she did something she would never have thought of doing normally.

Something that made Sato's mind go blank as well. Hinata will not like this. He thought.

Advanced chapters ahead on patréon


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