Naruto : Hidden Cloud

Powerful Hiden Jutsu

"You told third Hokage about orochimaru, that he killed our team? So what did he have to say about that?"

Sato asked Samui while casually walking towards the arena, the arena was the final examination center of chunin exams.

"We told him and asked for compensation, as orochimaru was not supposed to be there in the first place."

"Our team died because of their mistake."

Samui replied with a cool voice, she moved her hair back and continued.

"They didn't want to compensate us, they kept making excuses. Konoha is sure Orochimaru is going to launch an attack on them."

"But they are also suspicious of hidden sand and hidden cloud. Until chunin exams are over they won't compensate us."

Samui finished her explanation and Sato hummed thoughtfully.

"Shikamaru and Choji told Konoha about Orochimaru's attack, and they were hanging out with me before that."

"Even if those guys didn't mention me, Konoha is still suspicious of us. They probably think we are involved in this attack."

Sato scratched his chin, this was to be expected from the third Hokage. He was a politically inspired man, there is no way third Hokage would trust hidden cloud.

"That's fine, we will get our compensation eventually, infact be ready to fight for Konoha, just in case."

"When orochimaru attacks, they will definitely ask us for help. We won't help right away, I have promised hidden sand to stay out of this."

"We will help only after hidden leaf and hidden sand both ask for our help."

Sato decided on their approach, back when he had blackmailed hidden sand and took Temari hostage, he had expected a similar situation.

Now all he needs to do, is find a good spot to attack and defend from. Samui and Darui will be his left and right hand man during this event.

"By the way Samui, have Hinata, Haku and Karin reached home safely?"

Sato asked with his hands in his pocket, he was currently standing before the arena. They had reached the exam venue.

"Yes they are safe. Hinata sama's curse mark problem was solved by Itachi. Itachi sealed Orochimaru's soul using toksuka blade."

"Hinata sama is training her curse mark sage mode right now. And our scientists are researching Karin."

Samui said, before remembering another thing.

"They gave you a message Sato sama. They said Karin has a pure Uzumaki bloodline. Her chakra can help you digest two tail's flesh."

"There is a 90% possibility you will succeed when Karin's chakra is flowing through you."

Samui smiled, finally their village will have another pseudo tailed beast, the last one's were Kinkau and Ginkaku.

Although, Karin's chakra will work like this just for Sato, as he is already half Matatabi, but that's not a problem.

Even if they can't change other people into pseudo tailed beast using this method, even one extra tailed beast was a good thing.

"So it is possible, sweet! After the exam is over, I will change my body and it's shoddy talent."

"I will become a true tailed beast, even better than Kinkaku and Ginkaku."

Kinkaku and Ginkaku didn't have nine tail's help when they transformed, but he will have Matatabi's full support.

His transformation will be much more complete than their transformation. If all goes well, he will become a new tailed beast.

At least that was his hope.

"It's time Samui, go find Darui and choose a spot which is easy to attack and defend from."

"We will support Konoha after they beg us. Protect yourselves before that."

Sato ordered Samui and walked into the exam centre, Samui nodded but shouted from behind.

"Sato sama, remember to show your strength! We couldn't do anything in the forest of death before, we have to show our strength here."

Sato gave a thumbs up without turning back, Orochimaru messed up their old plans, he needs to show off a little now.

Hidden cloud cannot appear weak, at least before the attack happens he will give the clients a good show.

Sato casually walked through the stands, observing the place and trying to find good attack spots.

"Sato kun, you are here."

When a voice suddenly called out to him, Sato looked up at the stands, and Ino was calling him.

She was as lively as ever, but she was sitting with her father, instead of her team.

"Hello Ino, hello Inoichi san."

Sato smiled, he walked towards them with his hands in his pocket. Ino was excited seeing him again but Inoichi was just not feeling it.

'He is here again, Ino always likes the hardest to get men, whatever, I am not dealing with this.'

Inoichi thought before he got up, he maintained his professional smile and said.

"Hello Sato sama, excuse me I have some work, I need to leave."

Inoichi rubbed Ino's head, gave well wishes and walked away, but before leaving he told Ino.

"Don't feel bad if you can't defeat him. I know you trained a lot, but anything can happen in a fight."

Inoichi didn't mind Ino's angry look and left cleanly, Sato watched this conversation with curiosity.

Who exactly was Ino trying to fight? She even trained hard to fight this person, how intriguing.

"He never believes in me! Even mom asked me to give up!"

Ino was fuming, Sato found this a good chance to dive in. He was curious about this whole situation.

"What's the matter Ino, what's this all about?"

Ino twitched her lips and looked angrily at Sato, she started telling him what was on her mind.

"You remember that thick eyebrows? Rock Lee. He was so rude to me Sato, he even tossed me into the sky!"

"I want to show him his place! I even trained hard to defeat him. I mastered our clan's strongest jutsu too."

Ino said before reaching into her ninja pouch, and taking out a doll made of grass, rope and old cloth.

This resembled a voodoo doll, at least that's what it looked like to Sato.

Ino showed Sato the grass doll, and explained it's function excitedly.

"I mastered Yamanaka clan's Mind Puppet Switch Cursed Technique! Let me tell you Sato kun, this is a seriously strong jutsu."

"I can essentially trap someone's soul inside this doll. While I take over their body completely."

"Nobody can resist this without Yamanaka clan's hiden techniques, as long as I trigger this justu, I win!"

Ino showed off her technique with a grin, but she failed to notice the pure shock within Sato's eyes.

Ino might not realise the technique's potential, but Sato did. And he was floored.

"The Yamanaka's can do that?? Then can't you, you know, swap souls at will?"

"Think about it, you can trap your opponent's soul inside your own body, instead of the puppet. Or vice versa."

"That's an extremely overpowered technique, you can pretty much swap souls however you want."

Ino's excited smile froze, then slowly her excitement become ten times higher. She didn't know she could use her jutsu like that.

Ino excitedly held Sato's hand, she kept shaking it with happiness.

"You are great Sato kun!"

"But I can swap souls only if I am using the jutsu actively. The souls will return to their own bodies if my chakra is exhausted."

"That's why this doll has a cursed seal, to keep the enemy soul inside it, even if I run out of chakra."

Ino causally told Sato their clan's jutsu, as well as it's weaknesses. This made Sato twitch his eyes but he didn't stop her.

This was good to know, Yamanaka's can temporarily swap souls. But as long as they don't trap you in a doll, you will return to your body eventually.

"I see, with this you should be able to defeat Rock Lee. You surprisingly do have a chance against him."

"Well, unless he beats you up before you prepare your cursed doll. Don't underestimate him, that guy is strong."

"But I trust you, you got this Ino."

Sato smiled at Ino, he was very much looking forward to her fight. Especially now that he remembered this jutsu.

This was used by Fu Yamanaka, in the original story he had used it against Ao of the hidden mist, and he had absolutely demolished that guy.

Now that Ino had mastered it as well, Sato was looking forward to see this technique's full power. Who knows, maybe he himself will have to fight against her.

Advanced chapters ahead on patréon


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