Naruto: Reborn As Orochimaru

Chapter 54: Do You Want Me To Be Your Girlfriend?

Once you're in that critical state during a battle, death is almost certain. But with this new recovery potion, combined with the blood increasing pills, the tides of battle could shift dramatically. As long as you're not fatally wounded, and can buy a few precious minutes, the combination of both can essentially bring you back to full strength.

In a way, it's as if this potion gives you half an extra life.

So, even if it costs 60,000 ryo, or even 600,000 ryo, it would be worth saving up for a spare dose. After all, when your life is on the line, no price is too high for a chance to stay alive.

Of course, most of the ninja in Konoha have undergone psychological training and are loyal to the village. They trust that the village wouldn't deceive them about the potion's effectiveness. Still, there were some skeptics. The claims about the potion's speed and power seemed almost too good to be true, and while some were eager to believe, others took a more cautious, neutral stance neither buying it immediately nor outright dismissing the rumors.

However, their doubts wouldn't last for long.

At Konoha Hospital, there were plenty of injured ninja who served as perfect test cases for the new potion. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the potion was administered in front of a large audience. The results were nothing short of astonishing.

Within three minutes, the potion began to take effect. Wounds started closing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although it couldn't regenerate severed limbs, ordinary injuries and trauma healed rapidly.

Once the price of the potion was revealed 50,000 ryo to make, but sold for only 60,000 ryo ninja flocked to the hospital in droves, eager to get their hands on it. A long line quickly formed outside the hospital, filled with eager shinobi waiting to purchase a dose.

Harano and his team of researchers worked around the clock, preparing the first batch of recovery potions. After five days and nights of tireless work, the first batch was completed. However, it was far smaller than expected only fifty doses. Despite the limited supply, every vial was sold out almost immediately.


"Unbelievable!" one of the shinobi exclaimed, looking at the results.

"Hahaha, Harano-sensei, you've really outdone yourself!" another ninja praised.

Harano, though flattered, felt a bit uncomfortable with the praise. In truth, he wasn't the one who deserved the credit Orochimaru was the true mastermind behind the development of the potion. But Hiruzen had decreed that Orochimaru's role in the village's scientific advancements was to remain a closely guarded secret.

The village wasn't ready to reveal Orochimaru's work to the public, so only a few select individuals like Tsunade, Jiraiya, and a handful of high-ranking shinobi knew the truth. Those who knew had signed confidentiality agreements and were sworn to silence. For now, Harano had to bear the weight of the credit and the attention that came with it.

After fending off the wave of compliments, Harano left the hospital and made his way to the Hokage's office to deliver a report.


Hiruzen sat at his desk, listening carefully as Harano presented the findings.

"And that's the situation, Hokage-sama," Harano concluded. "Based on the amount of medicinal herbs we've acquired, the maximum number of recovery potions we can produce is about five hundred. Any more than that, and we'll run out of rare ingredients."

Hiruzen nodded thoughtfully. "Five hundred… It's a good start, but it's not enough. Take your time with the next batch. You've done well, Harano. Go get some rest."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama," Harano said, bowing as he left the room.

As soon as Harano left, Hiruzen summoned the other high-ranking officials of Konoha, including Homura Mitokado, Koharu Utatane, and Danzo Shimura.

When they heard the report, both Homura and Koharu were full of praise.

"This is a tremendous scientific achievement!" Homura said, eyes gleaming.

"Orochimaru really is a genius," Koharu added. "This potion will be like carrying a medical ninja with you into battle. It'll drastically reduce casualties for our shinobi."

"Indeed," Danzo said coolly. "But let's not get ahead of ourselves. While the potion is effective, it still has its limits. If the injuries are too severe or too numerous, one dose may not be enough."

"They've tested that already," Koharu replied. "If someone takes two doses, it should be enough to heal even the most serious wounds."

Danzo narrowed his eyes, remaining silent for a moment. Even he couldn't find any flaws in the recovery potion's design, and that was a rare occurrence.


Meanwhile, far from Konoha, Orochimaru was unaware of the potion's sudden popularity in the village. His team had finally reached the border of the Land of Rice Fields, and they were taking a brief rest before crossing into the small country.

While Jiraiya chatted away with the merchant Bach, Orochimaru sat by himself on a large rock, lost in thought.

The Land of Rice Fields bordered the Land of Fire to the north and was a small, neutral country wedged between the larger nations. With no ninja village of its own, the Land of Rice Fields had always been a victim of the conflicts between the great powers, often caught in the crossfire. Orochimaru knew this all too well during Konoha's wars with Kumo, the Land of Rice Fields had suffered greatly.

As Orochimaru reflected on the country's fate, an idea began to form in his mind. Regardless of whether his future played out as it had in the original timeline, he knew one thing for certain: if he wanted to achieve true power, he would need to build his own force.

In the original series, Orochimaru had formed the Sound Village, gathering an elite group of subordinates like Kabuto, Kimimaro, Jugo, and Guren. Each one of them was powerful in their own right. Orochimaru realized that if he didn't start building his own team, he would end up doing everything himself. That would be no different from living as a mediocre ninja.

Even Danzo knew the importance of gathering a loyal team before trying to accomplish anything significant. There was no reason for Orochimaru to be any different.

As he thought about this, Orochimaru's expression grew serious. "It's time to start preparing for the future," he muttered to himself.

Just then, a voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Hey, Orochimaru, what are you thinking about?" Tsunade asked, walking over to him. She had noticed him sitting off to the side, deep in thought.

Orochimaru glanced at her, his mind still partially on his plans. "Nothing much," he replied.

Tsunade gave him a suspicious look. "Really? You've seemed distracted this whole trip. Is it because of what Grandma Mito told you?"

"Not at all," Orochimaru answered, pausing as something clicked in his mind. "Wait, how do you know your grandmother came to see me?"

Tsunade's eyes widened slightly as she realized she'd said too much. She bit her lip, quickly trying to cover up her slip. "Well… because she told me she was going to talk to you."

Orochimaru raised an eyebrow but didn't press further. He had already guessed as much.

Tsunade, relieved that Orochimaru didn't pry, smiled awkwardly and decided to change the subject. "Hehe, speaking of which, what do you think about me being your girlfriend?" she asked suddenly, trying to be playful but also somewhat serious.

Orochimaru blinked, taken aback by the question. "What?"

Tsunade's face turned slightly pink, but she maintained her composure, waiting for his response.

For a moment, Orochimaru didn't know what to say. It seemed like Tsunade was half-joking, but he also knew her well enough to realize she might not be entirely kidding.

"He couldn't help but chuckle softly to himself. Tsunade was many things, but subtle was not one of them.

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