Naruto: Reborn As Orochimaru

Chapter 55: Don’t Give Up

Looking at Tsunade's cute yet serious expression, Orochimaru couldn't help but feel amused and somewhat infected by her earnestness. It was hard to take her seriously, yet her straightforwardness was strangely endearing.

"Didn't I tell you? Wait until you've grown up," Orochimaru replied with a small smile, hoping that would end the conversation.

"But, I want to be your girlfriend now…" Tsunade pouted, clearly not satisfied with his response.

Orochimaru sighed. "Do you even know what it means to be a girlfriend?"

Tsunade's face lit up with determination, but then she stopped, and a mischievous glint appeared in her eyes as she leaned closer. "Of course I do... but wait a minute… Hey! You're not like that big pervert Jiraiya, are you? Don't tell me you're rejecting me because you don't like my flat chest!"

Orochimaru blinked in surprise. Even though he had grown used to Tsunade's blunt nature, her comment caught him off guard. For a moment, he was at a loss for words. It was one thing to be straightforward, but this was... a bit much.

He glanced at her. She was still a child, almost ten years old, with no signs of the physical development that would one day make her famous. Compared to other girls her age, she was indeed a bit behind. But Orochimaru, who knew the future, also knew that Tsunade's appearance would change drastically as she matured. In time, no one would dare to criticize her or even compete with her in this regard.

"You're thinking too much," Orochimaru replied dryly, attempting to steer the conversation back to normalcy.

Tsunade's expression immediately brightened. "I knew you weren't as shallow as Jiraiya! So, it's settled then, right?"

Without waiting for him to respond, she happily took his arm, as if they had just sealed some grand agreement. Orochimaru could clearly feel the strength she exerted, even in this small gesture. She was stronger than any ten-year-old girl had a right to be.

Orochimaru couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions—amusement, guilt, and a strange sense of contentment. Here was Tsunade, who had so casually confessed her feelings, without hesitation or fear of rejection. 

Tsunade had always been direct, even as a child. Orochimaru could tell that much hadn't changed in the future. Although she was still young, her boldness took him off guard. He didn't give her a straight answer, but he also didn't push her away. 

In the distance, Jiraiya watched the entire exchange unfold. His eyes burned with resentment, and his heart sank deeper with every second that Tsunade clung to Orochimaru. Cursing Orochimaru under his breath, he couldn't help but feel that his hopes of being with Tsunade were crumbling before his eyes.

"It's really unfair…" Jiraiya muttered, supporting his chin with his hand. The scene before him was crushing. Tsunade, who had always been the object of his affection, had never shown the slightest interest in him, and now she was practically glued to Orochimaru's side. It felt like his entire motivation for training had been ripped away in an instant. What was the point of improving if he had no hope with her?

From across the campfire, Bach, the merchant, noticed Jiraiya's gloomy expression. As someone with a bit more life experience, Bach immediately recognized the telltale signs of a love triangle.

"What's wrong, kid?" Bach asked, leaning forward with a sly smile. "You look like someone who just lost a fight… or maybe something even more important?"

Jiraiya snapped out of his daze, shaking his head. "Nah… It's nothing, really. Just feeling a little… off."

Bach chuckled, clearly not fooled. "Looks to me like your buddy over there is winning something you wanted. But come on, you can't give up so easily, can you?"

Jiraiya sighed, dejected. "What's the point? I can never beat Orochimaru. I've tried, and I always lose." He rested his head in his hands. "What am I supposed to do when I'm constantly coming in second to that guy?"

Jiraiya's despondency wasn't just because of Tsunade. It was the fact that Orochimaru had always been ahead of him—in strength, in talent, in every way that mattered. It was a tough pill to swallow. 

Bach raised an eyebrow, genuinely surprised. "You can't beat him at all? Even with all your skills? He must be quite something…"

"Yeah, he's something alright," Jiraiya mumbled bitterly. "No matter how hard I train, no matter how much stronger I get, Orochimaru is always two steps ahead. It's exhausting."

Bach gave Jiraiya a thoughtful look, then leaned in. "Well, just because you haven't beaten him yet doesn't mean you won't be able to one day. You're a ninja, right? You're supposed to be persistent. Giving up after a few losses? Come on, kid, that's not the ninja way."

Jiraiya stared at Bach, his eyes widening as the merchant's words began to sink in. Slowly, he nodded. "You know what… You're right, Uncle. Just because I haven't beaten him now doesn't mean I won't in the future. I'm a ninja! I can't give up that easily."

Bach grinned, clearly satisfied that his words had had the desired effect. "Exactly! That's the spirit. Keep at it. You'll get your chance."

"Thanks, Uncle! You really helped me snap out of it!" Jiraiya said with newfound energy, a grin spreading across his face.

As Jiraiya continued to chat with Bach, Tsunade, who had been watching from a distance, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "What's going on with Jiraiya?" she asked, glancing at Orochimaru.

Orochimaru, still somewhat amused by the earlier conversation, glanced over at Jiraiya. "Who knows? Maybe he just needed some motivation."

Tsunade rolled her eyes, looking down at her hand still wrapped around Orochimaru's arm. "What does it have to do with him if I'm holding your arm? Besides, does he look unhappy to you?"

Orochimaru followed her gaze and noticed Jiraiya, who was now grinning and full of energy once more. 

"Strange…" Orochimaru muttered. "Looks like he snapped out of it on his own."

Tsunade shrugged, resting her head on Orochimaru's shoulder. "Whatever. It's not like he ever had a chance anyway."

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