Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 390: Abrupt change

A missile engraved with French runes was launched from Tony's steel suit.

Tony chose a very clever timing, just when the noise turned his back to himself, and once again hugged Hulk-when the noisy found this missile, Hulk was already hugged by the backhand.

Good and evil will eventually be reported, this time, it is the turn to hustle and rush out of Hulk's "hug."

Unfortunately, this time Hulk was determined to get rid of this annoying guy. He just carried Dr. Stern and the vertigo attack and fixed the noise in place.

The rune missile hit the noise as scheduled.

Noisy also deliberately protects his head with his hands-he is different from others, his energy core is in his head, not his normal chest.

As long as he protects his head, even if his body is completely destroyed, he can be born again after victory.

This is their talent for Cybertronians.

Shi Deng and Vertigo also subconsciously hid behind him, although their defenses were good, but if they were attacked by the aftermath, it would be very painful.

When the four of them were entangled, no one noticed that Tony fired a small rune missile from his right arm, and then descended straight to the abomination and took it from Natasha. Crash!

The abhorrence was to leave Natasha, but grabbed Tony who undermined his good deeds.

This is a direct fight!

It was at this time that the first rune missile passed by the noisy side, and fell in the middle of the four.


There was no explosion, no shrapnel, no sparks, just a crisp movement.

This... won't it be a dumb bullet?

Will Tony Stark make such a big mistake?

In fact, Banner, who had been with Tony for a while, was commanding Hulk to voluntarily hit the second rune missile-without hesitation of trust, Hulk let go of the noise in his hand and grabbed his right hand. The second rune missile.

Before he grabbed the Rune Missile, Hulk only felt that his body was suddenly very calm-like pressing a mountain on his body, making him straight.

At the next moment, Hulk captured the second flying rune missile.


With a soft sound, Hulk accidentally crushed the second rune missile in his hand.

Hulk felt that the mountain on his body had suddenly disappeared, and he once again regained his powerful body.

While still in doubt, Hulk saw in the corner of his eyes that Dr. Stone's movements were much slower, while the other vertigo and the noise that he thought he had escaped were all lying on the floor on all fours.

【Tu Dun·The Technique of Heavy Rock】

I just don't know why. Tony turned out to use this single ninjutsu as a group attack.

Hulk's eyes lighted up, regardless of Dr. Stern, but he grabbed the noise around him—not to mention, the body mass of the noise suddenly increased several times, and it was difficult for Hulk to lift him.


With a roar, Hulk's green muscles burst up, the noise that had increased its weight several times was raised high, and the thick muscles of his arms agitated, throwing the noise towards dizziness.

This is not over yet, Hulk jumped in place, and the huge figure flew away immediately following the noise.

Seeing this, Dr. Shi Deng also wanted to reach out and pull the vertigo out of the noisy bombardment range. Who knows this pull, the vertigo's body shook, but failed to pull away!

After such a delay, the noisy being thrown was weighed on the vertigo.


The two giant Decepticons collided together, and with the strong assistance of gravity, they successfully collided each other's parts a lot.


The Hulk that followed immediately fell from the sky, stamping his feet on the noisy head—noisy, suddenly!

Hulk's hateful power, after stomping through the noisy head, continued to step on the dizzy chest, and a depression was created out of thin air.

This is not dead but also disabled!

It was at this time that the strange gravitational field seemed to have disappeared because of energy exhaustion.

Dr. Stone, who was out of gravity, was more than happy, looked at the pile of broken copper and iron at Hulk's feet, and turned around decisively to escape!

He actually wanted to escape!


Hulk shouted angrily in the direction of Dr. Stone's escape, no longer ignoring the scrap metal under his feet, glanced at the already safe Natasha, hesitated, and strode forward with a big step.

Not to mention the pursuit of the two men over there, Tony at this time is not awesome.

At first, in a hurry, in order to save Natasha, Tony had to accelerate to disgust the abhorrence. Who knows that the abhorrence was caught by the hand, and the right hand held it tightly by the waist. Steel armor.

If MK-6, he might really succeed, but now MK-7...

There is no one on the earth that can crush the gold, including the former green fat man.

The present is not necessarily...

However, although Zhen Jin strictly protects Tony, he is always held in the hands of the enemy so inexplicable things, how could he be done by Tony?

He glanced at the opportunity with a slap of his hatred in the palm of his hand, forcing the other party to release it~~ Immediately afterwards, the equipment that had been on standby in the sky came down from the sky.


A silver-white metal cylinder was inserted in front of the abhorrence, and the forward-looking figure was put on the ground.




There were three muffled sounds, three silver-white metal cylinders forming square corners with the first one at the beginning, and the hatred was firmly inserted into it.


The four silver-white metal cylinders emit extremely high-voltage currents to each other, and even the abhorrence is a stiff body, and the original resistance movement was terminated in advance.

"Click! Click! Click! Click!"

Four consecutive sounds, the upper half of the four silver-white metal cylinders fold inwards and hit the same point.

"Da Da Da Da Da!"

A series of movements in which the organs fit together, from both sides of the silver-white metal cylinder, a line of silver-white sword feathers stretched out to perfectly fit together, locking the hatred in it firmly.

"Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!"

There was another muffled noise, absorbing the way that Banner had escaped through the floor last time. The trapped metal aversion cage stretched out again, but the metal blade feather closed the last retreat.


There was a muffled sound, and the metal box that locked the hate shook violently, and a small protrusion appeared on the side-with the friendly assistance of SHIELD, this metal box was also doped with 10% Edman alloy.

Although not as hard as the original Edman alloy, it is enough to trap a hate.

"Get it!"

Tony raised his eyebrows handsomely and turned to prepare to support the other battlefield. He saw that the Hornet began to retreat last quarter. He still liked this yellow Chevrolet sports car.

Suddenly, a sudden change!

【Bagua Palm·Bagua Empty Palm】

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