Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 391: Rebel teammates

The fierce battle between Ben and Filox may be second only to the battlefield of Zhang Lan and Optimus Prime.

The confrontation between the two rock giants is a head-on collision.

The gravitational field Filok used before was ineffective for Ben.

This is not good news for Flock.

What is even more sad is that Feloc's super power is "Earth Element Control", which is the same ability as Ben's, but his is a level, and Ben's s level.

This creates a very embarrassing point.

The rock that collapsed in battle itself will be summoned to return to Ben's body, and the rock that fell to Filok's body will also be absorbed by himself.

The trade-offs are long and short, and it is not long before it is already higher than Fallock's body by nearly a third.

Filok, who was "resurrected", was afraid.

"Anyway, I'm only responsible for procrastinating. Can I save my life to procrastinate more enemies?"

Filok so comforted himself, and then his body became elemental, rushing down the rock giant's foot to the ground.

But he can travel between rocks and land.

Ben was very distressed and smashed the floor, scratched and scratched his head, and suddenly remembered a sentence Zhang Lan had spoken to him before-

"Your ability is to control the earth elements, not to be controlled by the earth elements. As long as you can control them, you can restore them as they are and receive more unexpected surprises."

In the battle with Filok, Ben seemed to have realized, and with the awakening of Zhang Lan's sentence, Ben suddenly realized.

He can clearly feel that the person on the opposite side is the same as his ability, and he may not yet have strong control. But why is there no change in the other person's body shape, and can still travel through the land?

"I... should I be able to do it?"

So, after several attempts, Ben Fallock popped up from time to time to harass him, and realized the trick of elementalization of the body.

At this point, the physical attack was useless to Filoch, but he could not resist the homologous soil element.

Flock was dead again—or alive in another way.

Accidentally, Ben absorbed the earth element body of the other party.

"It tastes like jelly... Vomit... I will never eat jelly again!"

Returning to the ground, Ben retched, and his subconscious right hand stroked his throat, trying to relieve his nausea.

He felt something was wrong.


It's tactile!

He felt the touch of touching his throat!

Looking at the hands showing the original skin color in surprise, Ben roared with joy.

"Blue, is this the unexpected surprise you said?...It's...very good!"

Unable to regain his body, he hurried back to Reid's direction. He needed someone to share his joy with him.

Unfortunately, when he arrived, he found a very strange phenomenon.

Peter and Harry, together with Victor and a middle-aged man, attacked around a silver-white metal cube about five meters in length.

"Hey, Peter." Ben roared directly: "Far away from Victor, he is not a good thing!"

Peter, who heard the "reminder" turned his head, looked at the book strangely, and didn't answer as usual as usual, but walked silently to the book.

Ben didn't care too much, after all, he hadn't seen this little guy in a year, and people might be mature.

His eyes have been fixed on Victor, this is the real dangerous person.

Victor, who was stared at, didn't mean to do anything, but showed an interesting look.

He is waiting for a good show.

Just when Ben was in doubt, that silver-white metal cube suddenly showed Rhett's face, and he roared loudly: "Ben, be careful of Peter, he will kill..."


Before he had finished speaking, Rhett quickly retracted his face. At the same time, the middle-aged man, Stricker, held a metal long sword and slashed it before Rhett's face appeared. s position.

You know, Stryker's body is made of Edman alloy, and the silver-white metal cube has suffered this attack unscathed.

On the earth, the only metal substance that can do this is Zhenjin!

Even the Edman alloy itself cannot be unharmed, at least there will be a tiny trace.

Rhett rushed to death to remind Ben, while the slowly moving Peter's eyes flashed fiercely, his long-backed palm behind him slammed into the air directly.

【Bagua Palm·Bagua Empty Palm】

At this time, this is still the main body form, and there is no thick rock armor. If it is hit...

Fortunately, in absolute trust in Rhett, at the moment of Rhett's reminder, it was subconsciously completed the transformation of the elemental soil-so, Peter's [Gossip Empty Palm] passed through the body of Ben and bombarded On the ground behind him, a burst of dust was raised.

Unlike Filoch's semi-hanging earth elementalization, after the elementalization of the homeland, there is no fatal point of the heart. Unless he can hurt him in the state of the earth element, he can only wait for his exhaustion.

It is a pity that no one on the scene can attack the pure earth element-the only effective one may only be the same as the wind element [Spiral Pill]~~ Unfortunately, this is the first time to dive Underground, and much faster than Tu Dun, Harry didn't even have the desire to pursue.

"Uh, it's a pity." Victor's sad expression: "It's a rare hand-to-hand fraise, how could it be so hasty."

Standing beside Victor, Stryker looked at Victor sideways, and in the latter's slightly nervous nerve, he said indifferently: "Hands and feet are crippled? This is not counted, wait for you to look good."

After finishing talking, Stryker stepped forward and came to the battlefield of Hulk. He happened to see Hulk go away and hated being closed by Tony's metal box.

Frowning slightly, Stricker whispered in a low voice: "A bunch of waste!"

After venting a little bit, Stryker activated his mother's summoning ability, and four figures appeared from the void.

They are Victor...


Peter Parker!

Harry Osborne!

! ! ! ! ! !

Logan was already injected with the control potion, but Harry and Peter...

Even though it is unbelievable, the facts are facts. Peter and Harry were indeed successfully converted into sons by Stryker.

Under Stricker's instructions, Logan, Peter, and Harry rushed to Tony without hesitation. The first to attack was Peter, who didn't need the seal.

【Bagua Palm·Bagua Empty Palm】


Unprepared Tony, after thinking that he had resolved his abhorrence, he was just about to turn around to support the next battlefield. He was blasted from the world by this sudden attack!

On the ground, what greeted him was--

【Feng Dun·Spiral Pill】

【Bone Vessel·Tsubaki Dance】

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