Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 129: Dynamic Entry x2

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"Dynamic Entry!"

I abruptedly opened my window and held out my hand, stopping the incoming foot. Guy, who was suddenly stopped in mid air, had his smile freeze as I looked at him in the eye, and said, "I told you next time you break my window I'm breaking your bones."

With a yank, I threw him into my apartment, where he agilely landed on his feet. Closing my window, I asked with a sigh, "Is it so hard…"

"Dynamic Entry!"

Right as I closed my window, another cry was heard, and a smaller, green figure flew through the window, shattering it. Moving my instinct, I grabbed the person by the throat, stopping them in place as my hand tightened around their neck.

The second one I had stopped looked awfully similar to Guy, he had the exact same haircut, bushy eyebrows, and he wore the same awful green spandex. Who could this be other than Lee?

Tightening my grip on his throat, I said, "You broke my window. Should I break your windpipe?"

Lee struggled to say, "Guy-sensei… help!"

But Guy replied, whistling, "That's a nice table you have there!"

Rolling my eyes, I let go of Lee's throat, putting him as he crashed to his knees, while I turned around and said, "May I know why you are bothering me?"

Guy grinned and replied, "Sukaina, meet my apprentice, Rock Lee!"

The Chibi version of Guy bowed excitedly, "Nice to meet you!"

I picked up the two golden needles laying on the nearby table, and quickly tied my hair up as I replied, "Same, I guess. What do you guys want?"

Guy explained, "I need your help."

I replied, "I'm listening."

Guy pointed at Lee, and said, "As you can see, I took a team of Genins under me, and this is one of them! I would like your help with training."

Remembering his team in the original, it was Rock Lee, Neji Hyuuga and Tenten. Two specialists of Taijutsu, and one weapon specialist. Guy was more qualified than I was to teach this team. And that's exactly what I told him.

He replied, "I would like to expand their horizon, something I can't do."

Well, it's not like I have much else to do anyway.

"Fine, where to?"

Guy beamed and replied, "First Training Ground!"

I nodded, and watched them both jump out of my window, landing on their hands as they started moving away like that. Of course they would.

Following that, I quickly made myself a cup of tea, before dressing up in my training gear, and headed for the First Training Ground.

By the time I arrived, Guy was already there, along with Lee, and two other Genins. Neji and Tenten.

They did not look any different from the original world, or what I remember of it anyway.

I silently appeared behind them as they faced Guy, who said as he saw me appear, "There you are!"

The three turned around immediately, and I saw Neji's eyes widen. Looked like he was shocked he didn't recognize me.

But after a moment, Tenten asked, "Sensei… you are having us fight with someone this young? She looks our age."

I looked at her up and down, and said, "A year younger, actually. Guy, you want me to fight them? Seriously?"

Guy showed a thumb up and grinned, "Good luck kids!"

Neji snorted, "I'm not participating in this charade any lon…"

He abruptly stopped speaking as he found my sword on his throat, the blade making a shallow cut into his skin. I saw him gulp as I said, "I'm not very good at restraining myself, so do your best to beat me. Fight like you want to kill me, because you won't have a chance otherwise."

I took back my sword, and took several steps back as the three looked at each other, before all pulling up their guard. Trailing my gaze to Lee, I added, "Remove those weights boy."

Lee looked at Guy, who nodded, and did as he was told. Of course, he had just started training, so the weights did not cause the same effect as in the anime. They looked like they were around ten or twenty kilos. Still impressive for a kid.

Slightly cracking my neck, I said, "Alright, come at me."

I barely finished my sentence that Lee leapt from where he was, going for a kick to my neck. At the same time, Neji activated his Byakugan, taking a peculiar stance, and Tenten took out a scroll.

Lee certainly was fast for his age, despite not receiving much training, but to me it was too easy. My perception was heightened to the 6th Gate at all times, which allowed me to follow Minato's moves, so Lee's…

Taking a step forward, I easily dodged the kick, and before he could react, I lightly slammed my palm against his chest. However, because of my strength, this 'light' push sent him flying into the nearby forest.

As he flew back, different kinds of weapons appeared around Tenten, while Neji cocked his right arm back, preparing for a strike. As for me, I took another step, arriving before Tenten.

I easily passed by the heavy array of weapons, dodging most of them, but also knocking some aside with the hilt of my sword, before slamming said hilt onto Tenten's forehead, sending her to the ground.

Finally, as I did that, Neji attacked, sending a jab my way, chakra infusing his hand. I could easily dodge it, but instead I channelled my chakra, and with a thought a bubble of water appeared in front of me.

Neji didn't react in time and slammed his hand into the water, and even as he tried to go for another attack, he found the water to be pulling him, and before he knew it, he was drawn into the water, the pressure crushing him in.

I sent a look at Guy, who had just come back with Lee in his arms, and said, "I feel bad for bullying them like this."

Guy shook his head and let Lee down, who was looking around himself in confusion. At the same time, Tenten woke up from the shock of the sword bump, and I let Neji go out of the water.

We were left with three young teens, looking like they were feeling a mix of fear and confusion.

After a moment, Neji stuttered, "H-how?"

I snorted, "You've never gone against a true powerhouse have you?"

Neji frowned and replied, "My father is…"

I shook my head, "I'm talking about an actual fight. Besides, your father isn't bad, but he's not a powerhouse."

I wasn't provoking him, this was the truth. Hiashi and Hizashi Hyuuga were known as the Hyuuga Twins, and together they were very fearsome, around S Rank, but on their own they were more around mid level Jonin.

Neji looked perturbed by my words, but Guy said, "You three shouldn't feel bad. Sukaina may be your age, but she is even stronger than me!"

This time, the three looked even more shocked.

"B-but you are a Jonin!"

I nodded, "And so am I."

The three looked shocked, before Tenten stuttered in realization, "A-are you… the Owl?!"

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