Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 130: Testing Young Blood

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I wasn't too surprised they didn't know who I was right away. Only the top of the different countries actually knew what I looked like, for the rest all they knew was that the Owl was a young girl with black hair, but that wasn't good enough to recognize me right away.

What gave it away most of the time was my Anbu Mask, which I usually kept at my hip, but today it was in my bag, so they did not immediately realize. Still, I expected Guy to have told them. Poor kids.

I eyed Guy, and asked, "You didn't tell them?"

Guy scratched his head and asked, "Didn't I?"

"""You didn't!"""

The three Genins echoed one another, all crying at Guy. This made me chuckle as I said, "Well, yes, I am. Glad I didn't kill you by accident, you must be better than most Genins."

This was true. Of course, I was perfectly capable of controlling myself, and I had wanted to, I could have flicked a fly and not injure it, but I had used enough force to seriously injure the average Genin, yet they all seemed fine.

Well, not injured too badly.

I smiled at the three and asked, "Do you want to see how strong your master is?"

The three tilted their heads, and Guy stuttered, "W-Wait, there's no need for this!"

I chuckled, "Don't worry, not Gates. I don't want your bones to end up broken."

Guy looked ready to continue arguing, but I used the Shunshin Slash, appearing before him in an instant. Guy wasn't ready, but he was a Master alright.

Not even close to following my movements, he still managed to not only react in time, but perfectly counter the force of my sword with the nunchaku he just took out.

Feeling like putting a show, I didn't move from the spot, and began slashing erratically at Guy, who was forced on the defensive as he moved his nunchakus fast enough to counter each and every one of my strikes.

In the span of five seconds, I dealt more than fifty strikes, all of which were parried, and judging this to be enough, I stepped back.

However, Guy grinned as he suddenly jumped forward, a move I well recognized, as it was among my favourite techniques, one that used very often, and that I had taken from him.

This step, wasn't just a normal step. While fighting, one builds a momentum, and goes along a certain rhythm.

As for this step, it wasn't so much of a physical technique, but a mental one. One first needs to understand the other's rhythm, and then take this step at the right moment. For fights at our speed, this moment was nothing more than a tenth of a second, and that was without any Gates opened.

Since I knew the technique, I also knew how to counter it. Mimicking Guy, I also took a step forward, and headbutted him strongly.

But as our heads were about to make contact, I felt a strong force drill into my gut, and before I knew it, I was sent flying backwards.

Digging my feet into the ground, I grinned, ignoring the insignificant pain in my guts, and heard Guy say, "I don't think there's a need to go anywhere beyond this, I think they got the point."

I snorted, but still sheathed my blade as I said, "Sorry, it's just that there aren't many people left to fight with."

Guy bowed and replied seriously, "I apologize, but I fear for my life, if we were to fight for real."

I smiled and nodded understandingly, but his three genins looked disturbed. After a moment, Neji asked, "Is it true that you killed the Mizukage?"

I nodded, and Guy said, "My advice to you is, don't anger her."

Raising an eyebrow, I asked, "Are you saying I have a bad temper? People always see me as an angel."

Guy looked away, whistling. I shook my head, amused, before saying, "Alright, it was fun, but I have stuff to do."

I sent a nod at Guy, who nodded back, but before I left, disappearing with extreme speed.

While that was a fun interlude, I really had more important stuff to do.

After making sure there wasn't anyone seeing me, I snuck into an unassuming, average building, going past the lady holding the shop at the front without her ever noticing me.

Behind her was a hidden door, behind which was a set of stairs leading downwards. This, was the real Anbu Headquarters.

Although I wasn't really part of it anymore as I had to complete other duties for the war, I still enjoyed most of the benefits Anbu members did.

Being in Anbu was far from being an easy job, and it required a steel like mental strength. Anbu weren't necessarily stronger than other Shinobis of the same rank either, but they dealt with the more sensitive kind of missions, as well as those that pushed one's boundaries.

I mean, look at me. I only did one mission with them, and I not only killed a lot of people, I also completely ruined the lives of others, and brought a country to its knees. To this day, the Land of Forests was still in a state of anarchy, Konoha purposefully keeping it that way so that Kiri wouldn't be able to set any foothold within.

Well, this might change since Kiri pulled out of the war, but even then, it ought to take a long time before things return to normal for the people of the Land of Forests.

Anyway, the point is, I might have left Anbu, a part of me would always remain with them, and the opposite as well.

Quickly moving through the tunnels, I moved unnoticed, somewhat out of habit.

Before long, I arrived at the main cavern, which worked as a kind of hub for everyone. Some members would hang out here rather than the Jonin Standby Station, because they didn't feel like hanging with regular people.

Out of the crowd, I easily spotted Danzo, who was reading a scroll in the middle of the cavern, his cane in the other hand.

Looking around, I smiled mischievously as I reduced my presence to the bare minimum, before openly walking toward Danzo. This was a test, not only for the Anbu, but also for me.

There was no shadow to hide in, no object to cover myself with, this was purely me using chakra to make myself as hard to notice as possible.

As I walked toward Danzo, some spotted me, and others did not, keeping to their own thing. Finally, as I arrived before the old man, who hadn't taken his sight off the scroll since I stepped in, I heard him whistle, gathering everyone's attention to him.

"Anyone who didn't spot the Owl, get out and train more."

The moment he said that, around 60% of the people present stood up, not saying a word in protest as they walked off.

Finally, as they left, Danzo looked up from his scroll, and said in his gravelly voice, "Sukaina, I have been expecting you. You did a good job in Kiri, although Konoha wouldn't have said no to some of the Seven Swords…"

I smirked and replied, "Maybe another time."

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