Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 76: Unexpected Revenge

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I had a rather strange relationship with Kushina and Mikoto. Yoshino, Tsume and Hana, I fully viewed them as friends and colleagues, they were the same rank as me after all and it felt like we had a lot in common.

But it was different for Kushina and Mikoto. Maybe it was because they were Jonin, although I doubt that's the case, but they are a lot more maternal towards me than the other three.

But it couldn't be called a mother-daughter relationship either, because they treated me as equals in most things. They didn't talk to me like they would talk to a child.

I think the best way to put it is that they are protective over me, but they also respect who I am?

Fuck, I'm usually so good at reading people, but when it involves my personal life it seems I am as ignorant as anyone. But fuck it, I don't care. I like the way I feel when I'm around them.

And so it was after a promise to do this once a week that we left each other.

I might have had some fun with the girls, but I was getting really exhausted, so as soon as I got back home I fell into my bed and slept like a baby.



I woke up with a start as I heard someone shout, and a green flash. My body tensed up out of instinct, ready to fight whoever barged in to the death, before I realized who it was.

Might Guy, my Taijutsu instructor.

Rubbing my temples in pain, I asked, "Guy, couldn't you have knocked, you know, like a normal person?"

Might Guy laughed and said, "Yosh! I have something to say!"

I sighed and sat on my bed, and asked, "Is it about paying for the window you broke getting in?"

I don't sleep with my windows open.

Guy faltered for a moment, and muttered, "Maybe I didn't come at the right time…"

"You think?!"

Guy once again laughed, hands on his hips. I sighed in annoyance and asked, "What was it that you wanted to tell me so much that you had to wake me at this ungodly hour?"

Guy noted, "It's 2 pm…"

What? Glancing at the clock, it was indeed 2 pm. Damn I really slept like a baby.

I got up from my bed and asked with a sigh, "What can I do for you? Want some tea?"

But I barely made a step when Guy suddenly got to ground, kneeling. I looked at him in shock, and he said, "I have come here to thank you!"

I froze for a moment, before continuing to my kitchen, shrugging, "You're welcome then, I guess."

Guy raised his head a little to shake it left from right.

"It is about your mission, Young Sukaina!"

Does he need to shoot his every sentence?

Filling up my kettle, I asked, "How do you know about my mission? As far as I know, you aren't an elder of the village."

Wait, don't tell me this is another AU change I was unaware of? Might Guy, elder of the village…

Guy explained, "Lord Hokage summoned me at noon, because I am personally involved with one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Juzo Biwa."

This got my attention. Turning to look at him, I made it clear I was waiting for him to explain, and so he did.

"It was eight years ago, I was only a Chunin back then, just like you are. While on a mission with my team, we encountered the full team of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist."

I rose an eyebrow in interest, this did sound familiar. After a little bit of searching, I finally remembered something from my history class.

I muttered, "The Red Demon…"

Might Guy nodded and said, "He was my father. Just like me, he only used Taijutsu, and was known by very little people, if anyone. But by using a forbidden technique that cost him his life, he managed to hold back the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist all at once, and even kill several of them, before dying himself."

Realizing all this was about, I said, "Juzo was among those who survived."

Guy frowned and said, "He wasn't just one of those who survived. He was the one to kill my father, personally. At least, he is the one who claimed the kill."

He suddenly slammed his head against my floor, making a damn dent in it, and repeated, "That's why, I am here to thank you!"

I smiled slightly, the water just reaching the boiling point. Serving myself my tea, I said, "You don't have to thank me, I didn't even know he was going to be there. Besides, I only finished him, it's not very honourable for a kill."

But Guy once again slammed his head against my floor, making the dent bigger as he said, "Of course it is! The news of what happened in the Land of Forests has already spread. People say the Monster of the Bloody Mist betrayed his village and went on a rampage, but Lord Hokage told me the truth!"

I shrugged and said, "Well, he did betray his village, as well as go on a rampage. I only helped him find the resolve to do it."

Guy smiled and let out tears of happiness as he shouted, "YOU SHINE WITH THE POWER OF YOUTH!!"

At that he once again slammed his head against my floor, and it finally couldn't hold on anymore as Guy's head tore a hole into it.

Guy abruptedly raised his head back up and said, "I'm going to pay for that too. I apologize for my overzealousness."

I rolled my eyes and said, "It's fine."

I walked up to him, and placed my free hand on his shoulder to say, "It may not have been my original aim, but I'm happy I got to help you."

He looked like he was about to continue crying, so I added coldly, "Now get up from my floor before I literally kick you off."

Guy nodded and got to his feet, before asking, "I know it's not the usual day we train, but I would like to show you something. Do you have time?"

I shrugged and replied, "I have to see the Hokage at 9, so if we can finish before 8 then yes, I have time."

Guy smiled and said, "I'm sure it won't take long. Let's meet in an hour."

I nodded, and opened my door as I said, "Okay, now go."

Guy was still smiling as he ran through my window, disappearing with great speed. Internally, I was feeling excited though.

Guy had already been training me on both the Gentle Fist and the Hard Fist, and told me that it was best I came up with my own techniques since we fought quite differently from one another.

Now, considering what I had done for him, consciously or not, I only saw one thing he could teach me that would amount to what he considered a proper thank you, and it was the most hax Taijutsu technique.

The Eight Gates.

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