Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 77: Subconscious Fighting

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If I had to be honest with myself, then I definitely could have made that one hour useful. I could have trained or do anything really.

But instead, I just laid back in my couch, cup of tea in my hand, and did absolutely nothing.

I don't feel bad for doing that though. I know, I'm betraying my transmigrator guidelines by not using every second of my day to train to eventually become OP and go boom boom on all the bad guys and secure all the ladies, but fuck it.

I remember when I used to read fiction, be it fanfiction or not, the hero would always get so far ahead of others of their age, despite not always having godsend talent or cheats.

But now I understood. MCs in stories were tireless training machines, while real people weren't. I wasn't at least.

It's funny how common sense works for secondary characters, but not the main character…

But I guess that's the thing. No one cares about a real life. For example, I trained all day when I first started training, but quickly I realized this wasn't really possible.

I would have to do the groceries, see my friends, or just relax, and although a good part of my training would still be spent on training, it was all those small interactions that added up to make me normal.

And so this normal, I decided to take a break from being a transmigrator, and possible MC, still waiting for your blessing Deadpool, and simply slept off.

But in the end, although normal people didn't train all day, I wasn't a normal person. I'm a ninja, and I still have many things to do.

So ignoring my body's lazy complaints, I dragged myself to the public training grounds. There, I spotted the Blue Beast. To my surprise, unlike our usual training sessions, he did not come empty handed. Instead, he had nunchakus on him.

Approaching him, I waved, and he said, "Right on time, as always! THAT IS YOUTH!"

I shrugged and started stretching. After a moment though, I asked, "Guy-san, before we start our exercise, can I try an attack on you?"

Guy, who was preparing himself for our weekly 5000 push ups and whatnot, grinned and replied, "Why not?"

I nodded, and disappeared from the spot. I appeared right next to him in an instant, in the air, my leg whipping toward his head with strength. This was my Shunshin Kick, meaning my kick was going as fast as me in the Body Flicker.

However, while this strike would have taken out most people, and possibly some Jonins, Guy instantly raised his left arm and blocked the kick.

My kick was powerful enough to have him slid a little to the side, but he didn't really looked harmed.

He, however, looked surprised, and said, "This is an incredible attack!"

I nodded and said, "Yes, I have been working on it. But it also raises a question."

He nodded, so I first explained, "A friend of mine happens to be a Jonin, as well as an Uchiha. And they told me that they couldn't follow my movement, unless they used the Sharingan. So my question is, since you do not have a Sharingan, how did you see me coming?"

Guy laughed and replied, as if it was a stupid question, "I didn't see you!"

We both remained quiet for a moment, so seeing he wasn't explaining I asked, "Then how did you block my attack? I'm pretty sure I moved faster than sound so you couldn't have heard me."

Guy shook his head and was about to say something when I abruptedly cut him off, "And yes, I know. Youth. But other than that?"

Guy deflated for a moment, before energetically explaining, "If we could only rely on our sight and hearing, wouldn't every Taijutsu user become useless before someone faster than them? How could there be no way to counter that?"

I nodded, "My question, exactly."

Guy grinned and lightly tapped against his temple with his index, and explained, "What we call instinct is actually nothing more than our subconscious feeding us information our conscious could not process. After all, even for the smartest people, our brain receives way too much information to keep track of it all. So what is either deemed as useless or too complex, it gets thrown into our subconscious, and may eventually come back as an instinct."

I nodded, in awe. I never expected Guy to have such knowledge. And seeing where he was going, I guessed, "So you learn to use your instinct to fight?"

Guy nodded with a grin, so I asked, "But doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of the subconscious? It is information we could not treat in the first place after all."

Guy said, "The brain is a muscle, and like any other muscle, it needs practice to be strengthened."

I swear to god I saw a cartoonish brain lifting weighs appear next to his head as he said that.

Ignoring me turning insane, Guy continued, "It takes time, but you need to train without relying on your usual senses. For me, my father had me try to block his attacks while blindfolded. Unfortunately, that isn't something you can do since you know how to use your ears as much as your eyes."

Well, now that sounds like something I know. But I don't remember what. Well, doesn't really matter.

I said, "Well, I don't think I actually need that. Can you attack me as fast as you can, Guy-san? You don't have to worry about…"

I didn't even get to say he didn't have to worry about me when he suddenly shouted, "YOUTH!"

His skin turned red, his pupils disappeared, his hair stood on end, and his veins all over his body bulged. Additionally, his chakra became visible as a green aura appeared around him. His aura was strong enough to generate a small shockwave.

Without any warning, he leaped toward me with so much strength the ground cracked open. His leg whipped toward my head, much faster than me might I had as his leg caught on fire from sheer speed.

Yet, despite him moving much faster than sound, I could follow him. Barely, of course, but I still could. Moreover, I felt a greater control over my body than ever before. It was as if my brain was on steroids.

However, it's not because I could see it come that I could dodge it. Knowing it would be futile to try to dodge, I raised my right hand, and gave Guy's leg a light push to the side. The fire prickled my hand, but the blow was deviated enough to make it miss.

Guy could have continued with another blow, one I wouldn't be able to stop, but he didn't. Instead, he exited his state, and breathed out, holding in the pain.

As for me, I circulated my chakra in my hand, the shock had been greater than I thought. After a few seconds, I said, "I don't know what happened to me, but my senses seem to have been enhanced significantly. It feels like I can somehow see every image my eye send to my brain, one by one."

Guy looked confused, this wasn't really common knowledge here that vision wasn't one unending flux, but rather a set of very fast images one after another.

Technically speaking, a Sharingan increases the FPS of one's eyes dramatically, while also increasing reaction time. As for me, only my reaction time was increased by my change.

Of course, strengthening my body also allows me to strengthen my eyes, meaning their FPS, but it is a slow process, and I doubt I could ever come anywhere near the prowess of the Sharingan.

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