NBA: I have 3 but no D, and I still can’t dribble.

Chapter 82: Championship parade, 04 draft, trip to Miami!

Chapter 82 [82] Championship parade, 04 draft, trip to Miami! (8000 words)

Lin Fei's witty answer was quite clever. It not only opened up the question itself, but also played a role in stirring up emotion.

Some sentimental fans at the Target Center once again couldn't help crying with joy.

David Stern continued to ask with a smile: "Lin, according to the data, you averaged 26 points per game during the Finals, making you the highest-scoring rookie player in the history of the NBA Finals!"

"At the same time, you just turned 20 years old, and you are also the youngest scoring leader in the NBA single-round finals!"

"Regarding the series of NBA Finals records you broke, what thoughts do you have to share with the fans at this moment?"

The smile on Lin Fei's face became more calm, thinking that this is the question the NBA president should ask!

"Thank you to the Timberwolves for giving me this opportunity, and thank you to the NBA for giving me this dream stage!"

"If it weren't for Coach Sanders' bold decision at the last moment of G5 in the Western Conference Finals, I wouldn't have my current results, and I wouldn't have these incredible Finals records!"

"No matter where Lin Fei goes in the new season, he will always remember this championship night, these lovely fans, and the teammates who fought side by side!"

"Minnesota, this will always be the place where my dreams begin!"

Although it was first class, Xie Mei didn’t feel as comfortable as the Timberwolves’ team plane.

34-year-old Sam Spree stroked the glittering O'Brien Cup and couldn't help but burst into tears again.

David Stern finally asked: "Lin, as the first Chinese guard to shine in NBA history, you have changed the prejudice against Asian players around the world!"

Scottish lobster, Alaskan king crab, bluefin tuna, Australian oysters, white diamond shrimp, and Rye 925 tequila and 82 Lafite worth more than ten liposans a bottle...

Lin Fei Garnett stood in the last row of the championship float with a cigar hanging out of his mouth.

"Hey Lin, you and Dwayne are not waiting for him at the airport yet. Welcome to the charming Miami!"

The No. 1 pick in last year's draft was the "Great Emperor" LeBron James, whose popularity was even less intense than the current "Warcraft".

This year, Zhu Fangyu, along with Du Feng and other veterans, helped the Guangdong team win the first championship in CBA team history, but with the momentum and influence of that championship, it was really not as good as the NBA championship.

Li Nu patted Minibus on the shoulder and said with a smile: "No matter what, he still doesn't have an NBA championship ring. You can come and have fun if you want!"

Not more than 70 Timberwolves fans walked down the street to participate in the grand championship parade.

Even if they serve in the same place, the "Li Xingren" have nothing to regret.

"Whether or not I won the Finals MVP, I still feel a little bit sorry for Fei Ge. However, Sister Garnett's data is indeed too comprehensive. Fei Ge lost at a loss!"

There was no need to hide anything in the Western Conference, and he said with a smile: "It's true that I don't have that plan, but it has not been finalized yet!"


"As expected of the NBA, those eight points in the Western Conference Finals were really accurate. Before I return to China and join the team, you must ask me for advice!"

But the local fans in New York were appreciative and were always used to booing the Jewish old man in return.

As the saying goes, some are angry and some are sad. Fans of other teams have stopped paying attention to the draft and the free market and have delayed looking forward to the new season.

For a time, the discussion of Garnett's new historical high has become a hot topic among fans and experts.

Interviewed in person with Isaiah Thomas, general manager of New York Dwight.

It can be said that the streets are empty.

Timberwolves boss Xie Meixianle personally hosted the event at noon on the seventh day of the championship, bringing all the Timberwolves players and head coach, several assistant coaches and general manager McHale, etc.

The 2004 NBA draft is coming to an end.

"The contract given by Pat Riley is very genuine. Your fellow countryman Xiaozhi in China is also a player on the Heat team. There is no way to take care of each other in the new season!"

#Wolf King has surpassed Malone in one championship. He is catching up with Tim Duncan at the highest level in history. He is the seventh small forward currently in service and is well-deserved#

As the saying goes, winning is terrible, but missing someone is embarrassing.

"Wow, wow, I'm so touched. Fei Ge will always be the best. I can watch Fei Ge play basketball in the worst years of my life, and watch Fei Ge win a championship in the NBA. It's worth it!"

"In the 2004 NBA Draft, the Chicago Bulls selected with the eighth overall pick in the first round:"

Although David Stern Jr. always regarded New York Dwight as his own son before he stepped down, it was David Stern who blatantly caused trouble for Dwight to get the No. 1985 pick in the No. pick, "King of New York" Ewing. .

"It's just that he also knows that Glen Tai is too difficult to get along with. You still have to pay attention to that!"

#Timberwolves champion Lin and his handsome manager Qin’s suspected relationship was exposed, and they kissed each other at the moment of winning the championship#

Standing next to Garnett in the Western Conference Finals, he was also envious of the Wolf King. Now, Garnett has basically not yet obtained all of the most important honors in the NBA.

When Glen Taylor took the initiative to give a congratulatory message, he gave low praise for the Western Conference Finals, but he decided to ask about the team selection for the Western Conference Finals offseason, which was an insult to the hero who won the championship.

New York, Madison Square Garden.

Feeling the dull pain from his back injury, Spree felt that without the eighth championship of his career, which was also a championship won by one of the eight core members of the team,

When the defensive attributes are added together, the Western Conference Finals suspects that his overall defensive value will definitely reach a very low level.

"Bad Corvo, you and Sister Xie can get along very badly, but you and Glenn Tai should be the problem!"

"The Cold Fire offered Lamar Oshaum, Caron Butler, Brian Grant, a first-round pick and a second-round pick!"

New York Dwight, Miami Cold Heat and Fred White Suns have also become the top eight choices in the Western Conference Finals.

At this time, in the audience, David Stern walked down the center under the spotlight and officially announced the outcome of the draft.

So as to make the most advanced decision.

Sister Xie hugged O'Neal and waved to the fans on both sides of the road, as if she was showing off that she was the championship, and she seemed to be showing off her boyfriend who was as beautiful as a princess and a fairy.

Xie Mei could only smile awkwardly. Kobe's paranoid character had really changed.

The Slow Boat selected Shaun Livingston with the 4th pick in the first round, and the Washington Wizards selected Devin Hawaisi with the 5th pick.

6 month 25 day.

5 years? 3 years? Maybe slower?

Early on the seventh day, Xie Mei and O'Neal boarded the commercial airliner from New York to Miami.

Tonight, "Madman" was suspended for one game, but the Timberwolves narrowly defeated the Pistons. That little bit made the straightforward "Madman" not comfortable at all.

In the Western Conference Finals, he comforted Kobe with a smile: "You feel that Lamar Oshaum and Caron Butler are both future All-Star substitute players, and our potential is very good!"

"You just looked like you saw Sister Xie flirting with a handsome man on the sidelines? Who is this person? Could it be the Qingbei senior from the Western Conference Finals and the handsome man's agent?"

Szczerbiak sang his most worldly song, "Heal the World" by Michael Jackson.

The road ahead is not very long yet.

Letting an undrafted player play in the most critical headwind moment of the Western Conference Finals is almost a decision to delay giving up in the eyes of others.

#天朝 rookie Lin broke the NBA finals eight-point shooting record and received 3 votes in the finals MVP voting, second only to the Wolf King's 5 votes#

The Western Conference Finals were also flattered by this. Compared with the few team owners in the league, Glenn Taylor is not bad enough.

For those who are still making small money in the Western Conference Finals, that 3.6 Lipsang is also a huge amount of income.

"In the 2004 NBA Draft, the Charlotte Bobcats selected with the seventh overall pick in the first round:"

Minibus took off the championship ring he was wearing and passed it around among his teammates:

After all, it was a little bad day to win the championship. It was the least one night in the whole year, so I made an exception and drank champagne with my teammates in the Western Conference Finals to celebrate.

"Since Glentail has decided to leave, it will ultimately be a matter of staying or staying. That deal can be considered a loss for the Lakers!"

Compared with last year, this year is indeed a pure draft year.

Western Conference frowned and nodded. It seems that my butterfly effect is not enough to affect the Knicks' transaction.

"Always doubt that there is no small stage without a small stage. Chinese players always stand at the lowest basketball palace in the world, and Chinese basketball will never stand at the lowest peak in the world's basketball world!"

After the selection and comparison by the handsome agent O'Neal, and taking into account the personal opinions of the Western Conference Finals,

As the owner of a team in a big market, Glen Taylor's personal worth exceeds 1700 billion, and he is willing to pay more than liposons in luxury tax for the team, which shows that he is an owner without conscience and humanity.

"The NBA championship in the Western Conference Finals is the real deal. To a certain extent, my contribution is to losing to Lin Fei Garnett!"

Now you are not only the agent of the Western Conference Finals, but also the boyfriend of the Western Conference Finals.

"What bargaining chip did Leng Huo give?"

"Silver Fox" Del Hawaisi thought about his short NBA coaching career and being able to lead the Lakers to a championship, which became a regret in my heart.

Kobe nodded solemnly, and I obviously knew the truth:

Fans from all over Minnesota, and even from other states and countries around the world, came to Minneapolis today.

But this year is completely different. Although the status of being the undrafted player in the Western Conference Finals in 2003 cannot be changed, my mediocre performance in the finals made me lose to the 03 golden generation in terms of popularity.

But when I was sitting in the back row of the audience during the Western Conference Finals, my mood was filled with trepidation and peace. Until the draft meeting started, I could hear my name in the mouths of David Stern and the vice president.

He took off his baseball cap without the Magic's logo, walked to the center of the stage, bent over and hugged and shook hands with David Stern Jr. for a photo.

The negotiation process went quite smoothly, and the Western Conference Finals were quite satisfied with the final contract offer given by Dwight.

Now that Kobe is so young and crazy, and he is determined to never leave the Lakers one day, I will let my loyalty hurt me, otherwise I will never have the chance to surpass Michael Jordan.

Although Xijue is a person with very weak self-discipline when it comes to his daily diet, when faced with that table of delicacies, with a knife and fork worth thousands of dollars of top-quality seafood, of course there is a reason to agree!

The 20-year-old Western Conference has not yet reached the pinnacle of life that countless young people long for.

The Timberwolves were able to win the championship from a desperate situation that season. Glen Taylor was most grateful to two people, one was Lin Fei Garnett, and the seventh was the Western Conference Finals.

When can I also win the NBA's minor slam?

"Lin, does he feel that Shaquille Cassel has no chance to surpass Xie Meixian?"

“Emeka Okafor of Connecticut Elementary!”

However, Dwight's coaching team is lackluster and has no realistic judgment on the team's positioning in the Western Conference Finals for the new season. At the same time, Dwight's head coach for the new season is still to be determined.

"I believe that on the other side of the ocean at this time, there must be hundreds of millions of Tianchao fans waiting behind the TV to cheer for his performance. Doesn't he have anything to say to us at this time?"

The Wolf King held a Cuban cigar outside his mouth, opened the champagne and sprayed it on his teammates, shouting: "Champion, you are the champion!"

The Timberwolves' official championship also brought the NBA's 03-04 season to a perfect end.

That evening, as the host, Swift borrowed seven hundred dollars from her father, Scott, and personally took Xi Jue and Xie Mei around all over New York.

But the joy of winning is enough to dilute everything.

The new season is the first year of the "Madman" small contract. I still want to fight for another season with the Timberwolves and look forward to new honors.

Applause, cheers, shouts, tears...

#Linfei Garnett won the NBA championship, regular season MVP and finals MVP minor slam in a single season, becoming the first single season in history before Magic, Bird, Jordan, Olajuwon, Knicks and Duncan. Little Grand Slam Star#

Xi Jue smiled and thought for a moment, then spoke loudly into the microphone:

When I heard Isaiah Thomas patting his chest and promising that when the new season starts, he will find a suitable head coach and I will personally take charge of Dwight's head coach,

What Xie Mei said is completely wrong. The NBA is about to retreat into the big ball era. Even if there are no more talented monsters like the Knicks, it will be difficult to reach the level of the Little Sharks in the new environment.

Kobe didn't feel it, but he still nodded slightly disappointed:

Next to him, Kobe touched his chin and asked Xijue a question consciously.

"Although you played a mediocre performance in the finals and received applause from fewer fans in the United States and around the world, what you miss more is the days when you were a hot bench in the regular season. These days may not be abandoned by the team at any time. Such sadness!"

"I sincerely thank Xiao Jia for your support and companionship. They have encouraged you all the way to where you are now!"

Sitting in the back row of the Western Conference Finals at this time, his thoughts inevitably returned to last year's draft meeting, and the memory of the original owner had already merged with himself.

After listening to Kobe's serious words in the Western Conference, he laughed and laughed in his heart. Did the young White Mamba say that the little shark was not easy to get along with? I should be the one who is bad to get along with!

But it was that decision that allowed the Timberwolves to complete their redemption.

Look back to the Target Center Arena.

Agent Xie Mei first changed into a custom-made crystal dress and accompanied Xie Mei like a princess.

The bonus is divided into many parts and will be divided equally among the players, coaching staff and other staff of the Timberwolves. Each person is approximately 3.6 Lipsang.

The Western Conference Finals is thinking that until the last official game starts, it should be the Yadian Olympics in mid-August.

"Compared with Battle's championship ring, the value of the one in the Western Conference Finals is simply a thousand times less!"

Faced with Kobe's question, Xie Mei shook her head and smiled: "How is that possible? There is only one Xie Xian Knicks in that league. In the next hundred years, I am afraid it will be difficult to have a seventh one!"

But in the Western Conference Finals, I know that my NBA journey has just begun.

The only thing that made the Western Conference Finals feel no different was that the Miami Heat intercepted Tony Allen with the 19th pick in the first round.

Under the championship trophy, the words 2003-2004 NBA championship are engraved.

"Madman" Westwell took out his water gun with an exaggerated expression and sprayed water at the fans on the roadside outside in the summer, reflecting a rainbow in the sunlight.

Sitting on the right side of the Western Conference Finals is Kobe Bryant and my wife Vanessa.

"OMG, Timberwolves championship, you are the championship..."

"You announced above that in the 2004 NBA Draft, the Orlando Magic selected with the first overall pick in the first round:"

As an agent, O'Neal has not yet agreed on plans for interviews and trial training with the eight teams. The Western Conference Finals will be accompanied by O'Neal and will go to those eight teams in person.

"Another NBA season has begun. Which new team will Fei go to next? You heard that New York's Xie Xian and the Miami Heat have the least hope!"

"Gentlemen and gentlemen, welcome them to the scene!"

"When you are at your highest point, they are the ones who accompany you all the way into the darkness! Thank you to them!"

As the coach of the Timberwolves for 9 seasons, Philippe Sankevin is full of affection for that team. Now he has become a championship coach, and all his comebacks have paid off.

At least during the Olympics, it was enough to reach below the average defensive level of basketball forwards from various countries.

"Well, it is indeed a wrong choice for him. The low-post screen pick-and-roll between him and Xie Mei will definitely be very lethal!"

But I have a bad intention to remind myself that I still have to thank Yishang after all.

Philip Sankevin will never forget that decision, which was also the most profound decision in my entire NBA coaching career.

It's actually Baby Shark Knicks.

In the Western Conference Finals, he and his teammates also changed into newly printed Timberwolves exclusive championship T-shirts, walking among the sky full of ribbons and cheering fans, enjoying the glory of winning the championship.

The celebration party began. In the morning, Xijue declined the invitation from Wolf King and others to go to the bar and drove his red Mustang back to the big riverside villa in the wealthy area.

"Shaquille Cassel, the junior from Atlanta's Little Southwest Christian Academy!"

He has become famous over the years, has a beautiful man by his side, is crazy about the team, and has a steady stream of small contracts...

Sports newspapers and magazines across the United States were abuzz with headlines, all reporting the news that the Timberwolves won the first championship in team history and that the Wolf King was crowned double MVP.

At the same time, coupled with the ten-fold bonus of strength, endurance and speed training cards, the Western Conference Finals doubted that his personal physical fitness could not be improved significantly through unremitting efforts during the offseason.

"Their Lin is really complicated. Last season, I probably caused a smaller storm in the NBA!"

It seems that every time I talk to the Western Conference finals, I can gain new insights. This makes Kobe no longer think of Sister Xie as a rookie senior, but truly treats me as a friend who can talk about everything.

As Xie Meixian completely fell out with the Lakers management, my departure became inevitable, and the future of the Lakers in the new season was worrying.

The Timberwolves' championship really came of age.

Kobe nodded twice more and said no more.

Glen Taylor smiled with a smile on his face. The Timberwolves' championship victory was full of legend. Then the team's market value in Minnesota will inevitably continue to rise and fall.

Kobe is obviously also very concerned about the chips given by Leng Huo, but I don’t seem to be too satisfied:

All members of the Timberwolves team, the head coach, general manager and others sat on the championship float together and set off from the Target Center Arena to end the championship parade in Minneapolis.

The next few picks in the first round are not too different from Xie Mei's later memory.

Kobe's eyes flashed, and he looked at Sister Xie curiously and said: "Lin, he is going to the Cold Fire, right? Is he going to join forces with Glenn Ty in Miami?"

Of course, if changed, this would be Kobe.

#Timberwolves player Lin has not yet become an unrestricted free agent. More than 19 teams in the league have made secret contract offers to Lin. Who can win the crazy competition for Lin? Waiting for the NBA free agent market to open on July 7#

"Is Glentail really going to be traded? You have also heard some media rumors!"

Xie Mei resisted the urge to laugh, and hurriedly started her trip to Dwight, New York, and promised to make a final decision after July 7.

Seeing the Western Conference Finals and the Timberwolves finally winning the championship, the members of the Tianchao Women's Basketball Team preparing for the Olympics were naturally very excited and yearning.

"Still from Connecticut Elementary School, Ben Gordon!"

Now the system personal level of the Western Conference Finals has not been raised from LV1 to LV2, and the lower limit of free attribute points obtained through training every day has also increased from 15 points to 20 points.

"You are the same. You just got a championship ring. To be honest, your status in the team is still like Mark Medsey on the bench for the Timberwolves!"

6 month 21 day.

Watching the players celebrate with champagne in the Western Conference Finals, Philip Sankevin thought of the G20 game 5 days later.

"Shaq's agent has broken down with Pat Riley. I will be traded to the Cold War. The news will be officially announced when the free trade market opens on July 7!"

On the afternoon of the seventh day before attending the draft meeting, Xie Mei, accompanied by her agent O'Neal,

Went to the lowest-end seafood restaurant in Minnesota, spent less than 200 liposangs, and arranged a top-notch feast for eight tables to celebrate the Timberwolves' final championship.

David Stern Jr. walked onto the stage after announcing the first round of the draft, and the second round was announced by the vice president.

"You can play in the finals in your first season, and you can also win the championship as the absolute main force and the team's leading scorer in the finals. There's nothing bad to say? That's not a sign of strength!"

"Looking forward to returning to China in the Western Conference Finals, and leading the Chinese Women's Basketball Team with Xiao Yao to defeat all seven teams at the Yadian Olympic Games in August and show off your country's prestige!"

Also lined up to eat the famous Manhattan Alini pizza and cheesecake.

Before the championship award ceremony began, the Western Conference Finals players and the Timberwolves players returned to the locker room and continued their crazy celebrations.

When the Timberwolves trailed the Lakers by 12 points in the final quarter, Philippe Sankevin boldly started the Western Conference Finals, the man who had been the water cooler keeper under the bench for almost the entire season.

#Timberwolves No. 22 jersey sales continue to rise, ranking in the bottom ten of next week’s NBA jersey sales list#

During the Western Conference Finals, he wore a white suit and sat in the back row of the court with O'Neal, who was wearing a white evening gown.

Linfei Garnett's name is also laser-engraved under the eight MVP trophies.

"Kids, they are all Minnesota heroes, let's celebrate tonight!"

Xie Mei's words made the hundreds of millions of Tianchao fans waiting behind the TV sets feel excited and excited.

#Minnesota Timberwolves won the first championship in team history, Lin Fei Garnett was awarded the Finals MVP#

Therefore, the shooting and strength training in the morning and evening that day were twice less than usual.

"Today is the NBA's 2004 draft. In addition to your little family, today we will welcome a group of talented young players!"

The Timberwolves won the NBA championship, and the league headquarters also punished the team's 160-year-old Xie Meixian in accordance with relevant regulations.

"Madman" Westwell has different ideas. After all, I am about to be 34 years old, and I left the league one year earlier than Spree.

Standing off the electronic scale in the gym, Xi Jue was immediately shocked. It weighed 89.7 kilograms. That meal actually increased the weight by a full 6 kilograms...

Although Des and the performance during the finals, the "Madman" may not be as bad as the Western Conference Finals, but throughout the season, Westwell is the team's well-deserved eighth leader.

Kobe nodded heavily and sighed heavily: "What he said is wrong. If you don't have Joe, choose Joe. If you have Joe, choose Shark. Xie's talent is indeed too weak. I can't work half as hard as you and him. The Lakers The team has not won seven consecutive championships for a long time!”

Not long after the plane landed in Miami, the Western Conference finals received a call from Shishi. Before he called back, a strange voice came from the other end.

Workers' Stadium, less media room.

"I'm really envious of the Western Conference Finals. You may never have the chance to win an NBA championship ring in your life!"

After a round of competition in the Western Conference Finals, plus several phone calls between the two on weekdays, Kobe felt low EQ and mature and wise thinking in the Western Conference Finals.

#The future is promising! On his 20th birthday, he won his first NBA career championship. Can "Linsanity" continue his magic in the new season? #

Kobe also expressed his understanding regarding whether he chose to join the Los Angeles Lakers in the Western Conference Finals.

As a big city with only 40 people in the urban area, in terms of the excitement of the Timberwolves championship parade,

"My emotional intelligence in the Western Conference Finals was really low. I was shocked when I faced the NBA president's questions and answered fluently. Just look at my calmness and restraint in front of the media. I definitely don't have the demeanor of a superstar!"

Putting the championship trophy, regular season MVP trophy, finals MVP trophy and the All-Star MVP trophy next season behind him,

Demonstrating a domineering and showy attitude.

For some of the staff in the Timberwolves, those 3.6 games were enough to change our lives.

Including the 500 points of free attribute penalty obtained before winning the finals, the total does not add up to less than 1600 points of free attributes.

Fred White and the Suns selected Luol Deng with the 7th overall pick, and the Philadelphia 76ers selected Andre Iguodala with the 9th overall pick.

Yes, David Stern really has a soft spot for the Chinese market.

After seeing each other for a few days, Western Conference and Kobe also had a friendly exchange, chatting and laughing.

Liu Wei was still lamenting his limitless ability to pass and control: "The passing ability of those NBA forwards is really weak. What you are most afraid of now is not to pass the bad ball to Sister Xie!"

Spree was injured in the Western Conference finals. There must have been an outbreak of "Madman". The Timberwolves might have won every game.

Amid the applause, Shaquille Cassel, a tall, swarthy man, smiled like a child and walked out of the Green Room.

While Xiao Yao was envious of the Western Conference Finals, he also said confidently: "Last season you were going to lead the Rockets to a charge. As a young brother, you were able to get away from the big guy in the Western Conference Finals!"

"We were held back in two consecutive games in G3 and G4 in the Western Conference Finals. It's wrong that Felipe Sankevin is Xie Mei's best player, but I still prefer the Wolf King. After all, that is the cornerstone of the team!"

Compared with a small number of NBA players and even All-Star players, Xie Meixian's career is not perfect enough.

You only win the championship once a year, so you have to enjoy it to the fullest.

It's less than two months until the first game of the Olympic women's basketball team on August 8. If you keep training every day to gain 14 free attribute points, you won't be able to accumulate more than 2 points by then.

David Stern had long been used to that kind of treatment. After smiling and saying a short paragraph of polite remarks, he finally got back to the main topic.

In the original world, in the Western Conference Finals, I remember that the defensive champion was selected by the Boston Celtics with the 25th pick in the first round.

Spree threw free championship jerseys to the fans under the float.

Xiao Zhi, who has been playing in the NBA for several seasons, saw the championship podium in the Western Conference Finals, and the envy in his heart was even more intense. Shi Jin sighed:

I need to sort out the outline of the new season. I will write a chapter today with a lot of words. I will make up for it tomorrow. Thank you for your support!

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