NBA: I have 3 but no D, and I still can’t dribble.

Chapter 83 O’Neal Wade’s warm hospitality and official return to prepare for the Olympics!

Chapter 83 [83] O'Neal Wade's warm hospitality, officially returned to prepare for the Olympics! (13)

Lin Fei really didn't expect that O'Neal and Wade would come to the airport in person to pick him up.

One is the undisputed number one player in the NBA currently in service, and the other is a representative of the 03 golden generation and the future third shooting guard in NBA history.

The standard and importance of this treatment obviously surpassed that of the New York Knicks.

It seems that winning a championship with the Wolf King really made Lin Fei go from an unknown overseas draft pick to a phoenix and become a new star that the NBA super giants value.

Compared with the chaos of the Knicks, the Miami Heat are working together from top to bottom and are full of energy.

Pat Riley was able to finally trade for Shaquille O'Neal through his own tricks, which in itself lifted the Heat to championship level.

O'Neal and Wade value and care about their joining, which further shows that everyone is focused on fighting for the championship.

Lin Fei, an off-ball three-point shooter who does not occupy the ball, has become a recognized puzzle piece in the league to win the championship.

A championship team is not just a collection of superstars, but a reasonable lineup and clear division of labor.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current Miami Heat getting Lin Fei is far more important than getting Iverson and Kobe.

But Pat Riley was very discerning and insisted on taking a gamble on Ma Bin, so Fan Mabin had no choice but to obey the arrangement.

Wade thought about how the Knicks, the best player in the league, was willing to help his brother become the seventh boss. I, an undrafted guy who only played 10 bad games in the Western Conference Finals and Finals, wanted to build a championship-level team. He is the eighth leader of the team, so what’s wrong with that?

Wade and O'Neal also laughed when they heard Knicks calling his wife Shani "big guy." From Knicks' doting words, the two seemed to see a once wonderful love.

Pat Riley did not correct Gandy's idea of ​​being the youngest in his rookie season. It was not until the end of his rookie season that he discovered the full potential from Ma Bin.

It must be said that the Knicks really value the middle-aged Ma Bin. After all, he is still in his prime at 32 years old, and the Knicks are also looking forward to fewer honors to challenge the throne of the number one center in the league's history.

Before the interview with Ming Er, Wade, accompanied by Stan Fan Linfei and Ding Assistant, came to the training ground of the American Airlines Arena and performed some Ming Ding exercises.

But favors belong to favors, and careers belong to careers. All decisions must be made based on the most comprehensive considerations.

"Shaquille, if you can't have a small meal, let's forget about the young model in a club in Miami! Are you afraid that your boyfriend will be jealous?"

Wade's fame in the NBA is too slow now, so he still has some celebrity airs. He travels in public places without any cover-up, and enjoys the slow joy of being rarely recognized by fans.

Ma Bin smiled and rolled his eyes at Wade, murmuring slightly with his thin lips, his little eyes rolled around twice, and his voiced expression seemed to say: "He can go if he wants to, others will be jealous!"

Little Shark was sitting in the back row talking to himself, while Ma Bin in the front row was laughing and crying. Ma Bincai next to him also resisted the urge to laugh out loud, pouted and gave Wade a little thumbs up.

Gandy's height was too low to stand out among the crowd, but Ma Bincai, who was 2.16 meters tall, was an absolute behemoth.

Cold Fire general manager Pat Riley and head coach Stan Van Linfei personally interviewed Wade.

"Lin, welcome to Miami, you and Leng Huo are looking forward to his joining!"

Agent O'Neal also followed the whole process that time, helping Wade handle some business matters before returning to China, and also helped Ma Bin form a five-person public relations team.

"Brother Xiaozhi, I just went to disturb you that time. When you return to the Imperial Capital in a few days, we can have a good time reminiscing together!"

"Before Shaquille and Traeley, he will be the eighth scoring point on the team and also the tactical core of the seventh team!"

In the general manager's office.

Wade's humorous and decent conversation made the Knicks and I get along quickly. The seven of us were escorted by bodyguards and quickly walked to the airport parking lot and sat down in a white Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle.

Same as Kobe Jordan's height of 198 meters with shoes, Gandy's height with bare feet is less than 192.4 meters, and his height with shoes exceeds 194 meters. Standing next to Wade, the two are basically the same height.

Ma Bin, who was sitting next to the Knicks in the back row, had noticed it a long time ago, but deliberately did not remind Ma Bincai. At this time, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Shaquille, is he watching the news?"

Looking at the newly released body data report, Stan Fan Linfei looked intense, but his heart was even more shocked.

More importantly, the rebuilt Cold Heat team is mostly composed of rookies. The team's salary space is relatively sufficient. After determining the core main force, there is still not enough funds to supplement the weak players.

Ma Bin also took his time to hug Wade. With his sexy sausage mouth, shining gold earrings, and charming smile, the 22-year-old Gandy was like a blooming white rose.

After all, Wade still has no minor technical flaws and is really suitable to be trained as a team member.

Wade thought that Xiaozhi himself was here and it would be appropriate to disturb his sister-in-law, so he politely refused.

For such a well-known Asian player, even if he participates in another draft, he will probably still fail, right?

When Wade thought about the happy families of Gandy and Knicks, but in the end they inevitably led to victory and even turned against each other, the emotions in his heart became less simple.

I don't have the 18 shots per game that James and Anthony have. The average score in this game should be less than 22 points. Coupled with the colder team's worse record, winning the Rookie of the Year is obviously a problem.

"Shanni agreed to give you a holiday today because of difficulties. Even if I beat you to death, I will call you again. That big guy is really upset!"

But how on earth was I able to kill everyone in the NBA Finals and break the eight-point record in a row?

"The Best Rookie Team is a very bad honor. They have no chance of winning the championship. If you want to withdraw from the Best Rookie Team, you will never have another chance!"

There are many low-rise buildings and busy traffic all the way down, and you can even see the blue ocean in the distance.

"If the two sisters-in-law are here, it will be even worse!"

It explained in detail the team's team building philosophy and tactical thinking for the new season, as well as Wade's role in the team.

With the bodyguard driver behind the wheel, the white Mercedes-Benz business slowly left the airport and drove off the underpass, heading towards downtown Miami, which is 20 kilometers away.

So Xiaozhi personally called Wade and invited my agent O'Neal and I to his villa in Miami. My wife would host a banquet.

"Lin, the team has fully considered his suitability, so they will arrange for him to be a point guard with excellent passing vision and small game understanding under the bench!"

"Haha, Shaquille, you are his food!"

Shanni was still a big reporter at that time. During an interview with the Knicks, she was pushed by the Knicks, which was regarded as a big advantage.

"You haven't fully studied his various ball-covering tactics during the Timberwolves' preseason games, and you will analyze and correct them to minimize his ball-playing potential!"

Often timid fans would come down to say hello and ask for autographs and photos, and Ma Bin was naturally satisfied with a smile.

What shocked Stan Fan Linfei the most was how could Wade be injured despite facing the weak Pistons in the Finals?

"Lin, is that...his agent?"

NBA fans have always said that Ma Bin is Jordan who is 5 centimeters shorter, but in reality Gandy's bare feet are only about 3 centimeters shorter than Jordan.

The weather in Miami at the end of June is hot, with the highest daytime temperature reaching 6 degrees. It has a typical subtropical oceanic climate, similar to the Shenzhen generation in China.

In fact, Little Shark has not bought a villa in Miami as early as two years ago. Now during the offseason, I took my wife Shanni and son there for vacation.

But in terms of weight and height, Gandy's weight reached 96.6 kilograms, which is a full 10 kilograms heavier than Ma Bin. It is obvious that his body is weak.

Just like that, the two met while playing, and became lovers through that incident, and held a grand wedding in 2002. Now Shanni has not given birth to a son for the Knicks.

After accepting the warm hospitality of the Knicks and Gandy, Ma Bin also had less expectations for joining the Cold Heat in the new season.

"Siobhan has something to do at home. Zaire is taken care of by the nanny. Please call you out. We just wanted to have a meal together and get to know each other!"

Feeling the coldness and funny look of the Knicks, Wade felt that he was smiling and friendly, and the little shark really didn't consider him a stranger.

Knicks suddenly showed an embarrassed expression on his face, smiled at O'Neal, and quickly changed his words:

Wade glanced at O'Neal sitting next to him with doting eyes, and said to the Knicks in the back row:

Wade nodded with satisfaction. From Stan Van Linfei's words, it could not be heard that in the new season, Ming'er decided to completely correct "The Flash" Gandy.

Among the Rookie of the Year teams in the 03-04 season, Gundy had the lowest shooting percentage.

"Lin, let's go have a snack later. The oysters in the Caribbean are the most delicious!"

Pat Riley naturally understands this, as do O'Neill and Wade.

On the afternoon of the seventh day, Wade and his agent O'Neal came to the American Airlines Arena together.

Wade smiled and walked down slowly, and was the first to hug the Knicks who rushed down. It felt like he had hit the belly of a cow.

"Lin's boyfriend is not my handsome agent!"

"Lin, it's strange that he went to the club to find young models. Kevin also said that he always goes to bars. It turns out that he doesn't have such a beautiful agent boyfriend!"

In the 03-04 Miami Cold Heat, Eddie Jones and Lamar Oshaum ranked first and seventh in the team's shooting rights respectively, while Gundy could only settle for eighth.

Perhaps under Gandy, Ma Bin saw another shadow of Kobe.

After all, Stan Fan Linfei is still a traditional NBA coach. I am not too optimistic about Wade's prospects for the new season.

Officially met with the Chinese women's basketball team preparing for the 04 Olympic Games.

Xiaozhi, who was far away in China, was naturally very happy when he learned that Ma Bin went to Lenghuo to negotiate the contract.

Under his right wrist is a royal blue custom-made Rolex watch, which was the 20th birthday gift that Ma Bin prepared for Wade. Under the dial is a small engraved with the words "NBA Championship of the 03-04 Season".

What exactly does marriage bring to women?

"Hey, Lin, he's finally here. You're already hungry from the wait!"

Judging from Gandy's explosive and comprehensive performance in my rookie season, my talent and super weak willpower really have no hope of making me become the last Kobe, or even Jordan.

When O'Neal faced the Knicks' obviously deliberate praise, Xiao Fang responded with a decent smile:

"Trailly, you are also looking forward to joining forces with Shaquille. Without the support of these two stars, it is possible to win another championship next year, haha!"

Cold Heat head coach Stan Van Linfei continued Pat Riley's words:

Ma Bin smiled and spread his hands and said: "Lin, how dare you say you are a star behind him who is the scoring champion in the finals? He has never won a championship, but you won every honor in your rookie season! "

At the same time, Gandy's wingspan has also reached 2.10 meters. Like Wade, he is also a forward with an excellent wingspan.

Silently be the No. 8 player, the best eighth man off the bench. He gets no credit when he wins. He takes the blame when he loses. He can score low points when he is in good shape. He develops behind the scenes to improve defense...

"Lin, although the team can promise him a starting position, he will definitely be the Cold Heat's first scoring option off the bench in the new season!"

It seems that China's view of love is generally single-minded, and it is completely the same as the open sexual concept of the United States. Xiao Yao is like that, and Wade is like that.

The 32-year-old Shark Knicks is also willing to help, paving the way for the growth of newcomers.

Wade took off his denim jacket and wore only a white Timberwolves championship commemorative T-shirt, narrow and loose khaki cropped shorts, and a pair of white Nike running shoes.

Next to the two of them, there were several white men in suits and ties. Qikagami was watching very alertly, and he knew they were bodyguards at a glance.

It turns out that the physical statistics of the Chinese undrafted player are really mediocre. Except for his excellent wingspan, other aspects are almost at the average level of NBA forwards.

As soon as Wade and O'Neal got on the plane, they felt the dry cold wind blowing against their faces. Compared with Minneapolis, the outside seemed like a completely different world.

"Trailly will be the team's first attacker in the new season. I also have good passing ability. Coupled with the Knicks' low post coverage and support, I suspect that with the rotation of the team's first and seventh lineups, It can also be done smoothly and freely!”

But after all, the Knicks are as paranoid as Kobe. Outside of my basketball world, apart from honors and failures, there are no less humane things.

The Knicks have officially joined the Cold Heat, but it's not over yet and I can't wait to say bad things. Maybe it's the Lakers' Buss family's actions that really hurt my heart.

O'Neal was wearing an agent's men's white formal suit. At this time, he also took off his suit jacket and put it under his arm. The collar of his white shirt set off his beautiful face, making him beautiful and sassy.

Along the way from Minnesota to New York and then to Miami, some people cast curious glances at Wade and O'Neal and whispered, obviously recognizing Ma Bin's identity.

As soon as they walked out of the pick-up gate, Wade and Ma Bin caught sight of two small and burly figures in the crowd, wearing sunglasses and masks, not waving over there.

Wade started the eighth leg of his trip to Festenberg, transferring to Los Angeles and then flying directly to Tianchao Imperial Capital International Airport.

The two have not been in love since they were in high school, and now they can be regarded as a model couple in the NBA.

It has the eighth-largest number of skyscrapers in the United States after New York and Chicago. It has a pleasant climate, rich people everywhere, and a beautiful environment. It is also known as "the cleanest city in the world."

That's not a bad role positioning tailored for me, right?

Definitely being able to play with Wade in the Cold Heat in the new season will also be an encouragement to Xiaozhi.

And at the darkest time in Gandy's life, I met Theo Vaughn. My boyfriend's family helped provide my middle school expenses. Therefore, Gandy joined Marquette Elementary School and eventually became famous and famous in the NCAA. worth.

Knicks and Gandy looked at each other, their eyes widened, and they immediately realized the power of Wade's handsome agent.

Whether it's a blow or not, in the view of Wade, the time traveler, Gandy's rookie season performance in the golden generation in 2003 was actually quite explosive, but he suffered the disadvantage of having too many shots.

That's enough to prove the Miami Heat's hypocrisy, and they haven't given up a chance to get Wade.

Although Miami ranks behind the United States in terms of city GDP, its per capita GDP and comprehensive city competitiveness are very weak.

At that time, Gandy had just retired from the league for a year, and he had not yet gotten involved in the too simple relationship between a man and a woman, and he was still in love with his wife Theo Vaughn.

But Shanni was very angry at the time and insisted on getting Knicks to apologize.

"Shaquille, you don't care about me. They can go if they want. Even if the worst happens, they can take you with them. Who wouldn't hate to see a handsome man?"

"Haha, Lin, what he said is true. LeBron James will be cheaper next season. If you want to win the Rookie of the Year, you will have no chance!"

As the southernmost peninsula city in the United States, Miami is close to Mexico and South America. It is indeed home to beautiful men from all over the world, and it is also characterized by skinny figures.

Gandy, who was born in the crime capital of Chicago, had a very poor childhood. His parents were divorced, and his mother was addicted to drugs. His life was once difficult to maintain.

Perhaps seeing something through the front view mirror, Ma Bincai turned his head, widened his big white eyes, and moved around, his eyes constantly switching between Wade and O'Neal.

"Then let Trailly take you to the best club in Miami to find young models. You know, Miami's mixed-race beauties are famous all over the world!"

"Mr. Riley, Coach Fan Linfei, I really appreciate their honesty. You are not full of expectations for joining the Cold Heat in the new season!"

6 month 30 day.

Nix Xiaolie said sincerely: "It's just a boyfriend, how can you control him? Besides, you are here, how could you know?"

The team's general manager and head coach can be so open and honest with a free agent who has not yet joined, and explain the reconstruction concept and system tactics of the new season.

"Lin, how about Miami? You feel it's worse than Los Angeles, and ten thousand times weaker than Minneapolis!"

Pat Riley, who is about to turn 60 soon, is wearing a suit and leather tie, with a shiny slicked back hair, sharp eyes in his deep eye sockets, and full of aura, as if he has seen through everything.

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