Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy

Part 20

Chapter 22


Marcy woke up with a loud groan. Sleep had not come easy last night with how horny she had been, the fact that her butt had remained filled up, her sore throat and that chastity cage that seemed to hurt a lot more than it used to. On top of the difficulties falling asleep she was now woken up way too early. She had to since she was supposed to start working at 8 o’clock.


The last bus she could take to be on time was the one leaving at 7:40 a.m. This meant that she should at least be out of the house by 7:35 a.m. and between her enema, brushing out her hair and putting on all of her lingerie, Marcy needed a lot more time to get ready than she used to. In the past she could be out of bed and ready in 5 minutes, often not even bothering to shower. Now she couldn’t wait to get in the shower and finally wash that cum off her face that had crusted and stuck to it since yesterday. Just to be sure she had set her alarm at 6:30 a.m.


Getting up still in the lingerie matching that ridiculous schoolgirl uniform Marcy minced to the bathroom. She doubted her blackmailer would be up and watching, but she wasn’t sure so she decided it was better to be safe than sorry. Besides it wasn’t that not mincing would make her feel any better about the situation so keeping up that mincing would be far better than whatever punishment she might get for not doing it.


On her way to the bathroom Marcy was shocked to feel the butt plug vibrating yet again further maintaining her arousal. It had been quiet all night long as far as she could tell which had to mean her blackmailer was up and watching her after all. She’d have to be careful to be on her best behaviour. Little did she know the plug just picked up the increase in heart rate which meant she was awake again to which it responded by continuing to carry out it’s last setting, keeping Marcy on edge. It turned out that it would do so both physically and mentally since it gave her the idea that she was being watched.


In the bathroom Marcy looked into the mirror only to frown and turn away in embarrassment. Apart from the fact that her eyebrows were a bit to bushy to be good she looked like a two-dollar whore. Her long hair, smeared lipstick and dried cum covered face made sure of that.


Mournfully she stripped out of her lingerie and handwashed it, hanging it up to dry before quickly removing her butt plug and preparing her enema bag with lukewarm soapy water. Just like yesterday she had to be very careful not to cum when inserting the dildo shaped nozzle into her bottom. At least the uncomfortable amount of water soon filling her bowels made her arousal drop slightly. Enough to swiftly remove the nozzle and empty herself before replacing the batteries in his plug and reinserting it.


With the plug back in place it quickly started vibrating again, working her to that maddening point of near orgasm she had been in for most of yesterday already. Still she didn’t want to give in and ask that bastard who was behind this mess to grant her an orgasm. She was too scared of what would happen if she disobeyed though, so getting herself off wasn’t an option either.


A cold refreshing shower offered some relieve to the arousal, but the plug worked hard to keep her arousal topped up. The biggest relieve was to Marcy’s caged cock however. The cold water once again made it shrink relieving the built-up painful pressure of the too small cage. While washing Marcy had looked at it for the first time and had been shocked by just how small the new pink cage looked, no wonder it hurt, it looked way to small to possibly fit even her flaccid cock. She forgot that the last one had just been as tight and painful in the beginning and this one was even smaller.


Out of the shower Marcy dried and brushed her out, she hated how voluminous it made her hair look. Never before had she considered her long hair to look like a girl’s hairdo except for when she had started brushing it out. Sure she wanted to go for that skater/Rockstar look, but her idols their hair always looked wild, not neatly brushed like hers now did.


Ready with her required morning rituals Marcy minced to her closet and picked out a matching pair of yellow ruffled panties, a tight yellow garter girdle constricting her waist, a yellow ruffled bra and sheer yellow stockings. She knew better than to mismatch her lingerie. Not only would she get punished by her blackmailer, but also by Linda. There was no way Linda wouldn’t find out when she worked at the store.


Dressed in her lingerie Marcy readied herself by putting on her jeans and a baggy black t-shirt along with her old sneakers. Without socks there was nothing she could do to completely eliminate anyone from sneaking a peak at her stockings, they would inevitably be visible at times at her ankles, but there was nothing she could do about that.


Looking at her watch she saw it was 7:28 a.m. her dad had already left for work, but her mom hadn’t, not yet. They always left around 7:30 a.m. being no more than a few minutes off. Marcy deeply hoped her mom would leave now as well. She really didn’t want to see her mom this morning, not with the potential of her noticing her stockings no matter how small the chance.


It ended up being 7:34 a.m. when Marcy heard her mother’s car drive off. There was no more time to wait, she needed to get going and she needed to rush to make sure to catch that bus after making sure all the doors in the house were closed. She knew for sure that she couldn’t risk being late or Linda would give her hell.


Making a run for it Marcy had managed to arrive 2 minutes before her bus did. Apparently she had panicked for nothing, but even so she was cutting it too close for comfort. Getting on the bus it was relatively empty, only three people were on it beside her. Not that it was surprising. Most people in her neighbourhood had a car to head into the city. The ones that didn’t were mainly kids and teenagers, but with it being the summer break none were up just yet.


The bus ride itself was rather uneventful except for the fact that Marcy had to try hard not to moan when the plug kicked in to keep her on the edge of orgasm. Despite the quiet bus ride Marcy was a nerve wreck when she arrived at CC’s. The ride had given her time to think which made her dread her work day even more than she already did. From her experiences at that store so far, she was sure she was going to have a hard-humiliating day.


Walking up to the storefront Marcy was surprised when it was still closed. Luckily Stephanie noticed and opened up for her. “Mommy ith waiting for you in her offithe.” She said hastily Mincing her way to the back of the store to point out the door.


Nervously Marcy followed along unknowingly just opening the door to the office. Linda who was sitting behind a big glass desk instantly threw her a deadly look. “What the hell were you thinking sissy? You never come into my office without knocking. Anyways, we’ll deal with your punishment later cause we still have a lot of work to do before opening up the store.” Linda said as she stood up revealing the full extend of her imposing figure.


Once more she was dressed in a matching outfit with Stephanie, the same black heels, black hose, black skirt and whit blouse combo as they had worn when Marcy first entered the store. Just like then Linda looked like a professional business woman while Stephanie’s outfits had been shortened, with a couple ruffles added to make it clear she was a sissy and Linda was the boss.


Marcy was shaking on her legs after Linda’s scolding. The woman terrified her, and she cursed herself for fucking up already. Looking back on it she should have remembered to knock. Hell it was common sense to knock on a closed office door, being nervous she had just forgotten and now she would surely pay the price for it. Linda’s statement of still having a lot of work to do confused her though.


“Like I said we still have a lot of work to do getting you ready before the shop opens so follow me so we can get started right away.” Linda said walking past Marcy and out of the office. Marcy was stunned. She might have a better idea of what Linda meant by a lot of work, but now it only terrified her more.


Never the less Marcy new better than to wait, instead she minced right behind Linda, putting in a few normal steps every now and then just to keep up with the taller woman. “I see you’re not quite perfect at mincing either. We’ll work on that as well.” Linda said sternly as she kept on walking.


Marcy’s head was spinning? Not good enough at mincing? Hell she shouldn’t even mince to begin with and she certainly didn’t want to get any better at it. she knew full well she shouldn’t oppose Linda though and so she did her best to keep on mincing.


At the far back of the store Linda opened up a door leading Marcy inside. “This is the employees lounge.” She introduced the room that had soft pink painted walls, hard wood flours littered with plush carpets.


The room was quite large and could just as well have been a small apartment. After all it had everything one would need, a big couch, a bed, a shower cabin, a television, a table, a basic kitchen, some lockers disguised as a closet, a vanity and a chest which could serve as a bench.


While Marcy was looking around and wondering why the employee room would need all of this Linda redirected her attention once more. “Your work uniform is on the bed, go put it on at once. Stephanie, come here a moment! I have an important task for you today!” Linda shouted at her sissy stepson. In the mean time Marcy was caught by surprise by the sudden vibrations and let out a soft moan, barely audible.


“What was that? I had my suspicions when I first saw you enter my office a minute ago, but now it’s quite clear. That flustered face and now the moan are more than enough to know you’re terribly aroused, aren’t you? Forgot to finger your boy pussy this morning Marcy?” Linda taunted with a smirk enjoying how Marcy cringed when she called his butt hole a boy pussy.


“We can’t have that, now can we? No where would the professionalism in that be? What must clients think if one of my employees ran around horny out of her mind? Sure they might forgive it seeing how your probably an insatiable sissy butt slut, which is true, still it doesn’t mean I will tolerate it. We’ll take care of this at once so drop your pants and panties, in fact take of that t-shirt and those sneakers while you are at it and bend over my lap.” Linda said quite annoyed as Marcy’s cheeks only turned brighter after being called an insatiable butt slut. Hell after these past few days she couldn’t even deny she was exactly that much to her shame.


Sure it was embarrassing, but getting caught overtly aroused apparently had it’s upsides as well. Now Linda would take care of it for her, and while she didn’t exactly like being over her lap with her fingers in her butthole it sure would beat having to ask that asshole of a blackmailer to make her cum. It was the only slightly lesser of two evils.


Marcy had just stripped down to her lingerie and lowered her panties when Stephanie entered the room. Being watched by this other sissy who clearly hated her surely added to the embarrassment, yet she meekly minced to where Linda had sat down on the couch before bending over the tall woman’s lap.


Stephanie knew better than to poke fun or even grin at Marcy, she was well trained and knew that even just cracking a grin at Marcy would result in some punishment of her own. Instead she quietly stood at attention near the door awaiting further instructions while Linda parted Marcy’s butt cheeks, ready to work her finger in and get Marcy off.


Just before doing so however she spotted the bright pink heart shaped gemstone blocking the way to Marcy’s butt hole. “What’s the meaning of this Marcy? Why are you wearing a butt plug? A vibrating one at that, no wonder you are so overly horny.” Linda asked sternly.


“I… It’s because I am a sissy butt slut. I love having my butt filled.” Marcy lied mortified over admitting such outrageously embarrassing things. She was so horny though and she hoped Linda would just get that plug out and get her off. After all her blackmailer had told her she couldn’t take it out herself, or even suggest it. It was okay though if someone took it out to use her hole like Linda now would though. Since she had claimed to wear this plug on her own accord she hoped Linda wouldn’t think twice about it and just get it over with and she wouldn’t have broken any rules.


That hope was immediately dashed however when Linda said. “Hmmm I’m not convinced that’s all of the story. Get up, I’m going to make a phone call to verify your story. In the mean time Stephanie you’re going to help Marcy get ready. Make sure she is neatly dressed and made up, make sure to teach her about doing her own make up, it’s much more complicated than just that lipstick she is used to after all.”


“Oh and Stephanie, I’ve decided you will be Marcy’s mentor until I’m confident she can work on her own without damaging the reputation of my store. I want her able to do her own make-up up to standard and I noticed she forgot to mince on our way here. So make sure to train her in walking and moving like a perfect sissy at all times. You get to take the crop along and don’t hesitate to use it liberally. Don’t use unnecessarily though or you will be sorry. I better see progress as well or you’ll both be sorry.” Linda said before finally leaving the employee’s lounge.


Linda smiled walking out of there, she knew Stephanie hated Marcy. For no other reason than that she actually believed it was because Marcy had refused that blowjob back when she first came in the store, that she hadn’t gotten a chance to use her cock. This was going to work out perfectly even without the extra motivation of getting punished for not getting results Stephanie would have made sure to get Marcy to move like the biggest sissy around. Even if it was just for a small sense of revenge.


As soon as her stepmother had left a huge grin appeared on Stephanie’s face. confidently she marched over to the chest and took out a riding crop before turning back to a terrified Marcy. “Haven’t you heard my mommy? Go and get drethed. Your outfit ith on the bed.” Stephanie lisped with her soft lisping voice and frilly outfit it was hard taking her seriously, but when Marcy didn’t immediately start moving she got a hard stinging hit on her buttock making her yelp in pain.


Despite how ridiculous Stephanie looked and sounded trying to demand authority, that first hit was more than enough to leave Marcy terrified of her. It had been so hard that it left a bright red welt that would certainly turn bleu. Without further hesitation she rushed to the bed.


A second hard sting hit her on her other buttock this time as Stephanie angrily called out. “You thupid incompetent thithy when I tell you to do thomthing you do tho immediately, no hethitationth or quethionth. That doethn’t mean you don’t have to minthe however.” Stephanie lisped angrily.


No matter how round out ridiculous the raging Stephanie sounded Marcy was terrified to get hit again, so much that it didn’t even sound funny to her. Instead she nervously stood in place not knowing what to do. “Move back to the middle of the room then do it right thith time.” Stephanie ordered.


Marcy was just about to walk back to the middle of the room when she remembered she probably should do so while mincing already. She minced back to the centre of the room just like she had been told to do on an earlier visit. The fact that she even got controlled by such a sissy as Stephanie, mincing around in nothing but her lingerie minus her panties was horrible for what little remained of her male ego. With Stephanie handling that riding crop however she simply didn’t dare step out of line.


Another stinging lash hit her buttocks making a tear of pain well up in Marcy’s eye. Worst of all she didn’t even know what she had done wrong this time, but she didn’t have to wait long on a verdict as Stephanie quickly told her. “You don’t minthe thithy enough.”


Not sissy enough? Marcy was shocked, she already felt ridiculous enough as it was, no one in their right mind walked the way she did and yet it still wasn’t enough apparently. She couldn’t even imagine how to walk even more ridiculous than she already did.


There was no need to imagine how to do it as Stephanie soon gave her detailed instructions. “You will walk with your elbowth tucked againtht your ribth ath tight as pothible. You’ll let your forearmth thick out and keep your writh ath limp ath pothible. When you walk you thould walk heel to toe like you jutht did, but you are to keep your thtepth even thmaller. I want to thee no more than two incheth between your heel and the toe of your other foot. Altho you thould put more thway and bounce into each thtep. If you do all of thith correctly your writh thould make a noticeable flap with eacht thep. If I don’t thee that you’ll feel the crop again. Now minth to the bed and get drethed.” Stephanie sternly explained, it was difficult to understand all of it with her bad lisp, but Marcy knew she better do her very best if she wanted to avoid that crop.


Walking like this was hard to say the least. There were so many things to take into account that it required a lot of Marcy’s concentration. She did manage to walk the short distance to the bed without screwing up, but in doing so she felt like the most ridiculous fool walking this planet. Well maybe not walking, what she was doing could hardly be called walking.


Throwing one look at what was laid out for her nearly made her faint. She realised she was about to look a lot more ridiculous still. It was a mass of pastel pink and white satin with taffeta, frills and lace worked in. Hell she couldn’t even see what exactly her outfit would look like, but she could tell it would be outrageous.


She had been expecting to get the same basic yet somewhat frilly style of clothes like Stephanie so she would fit right in as an employee of the store. This outfit looked anything but basic however, somewhat would also be a grave understatement to describe how frilly it was.


Stephanie smirked seeing the shocked look on Marcy’s face. She felt the need to pitch in a taunt. “You didn’t think you would wear thomthing like me did you? Thith ith the outfit for a thenior thithy. You are only an intern and tho you’ll thart out ath a maid.” Stephanie explained. Just like being a senior sissy was anything to be proud of. One thing was for sure though, comparing their outfits Marcy wished she was a senior sissy.


Shuddering at the prospect Marcy stripped out of the remainder of her lingerie and found what resembled panties on top of the pink pile. They were pastel pink, made in satin with white lace trimming the leg holes and waistband. They looked rather simple compared to some of the panties she had bought here already. On the back of the panties a small text was embroidered, it read. “CC maid, can I help you?”


Afraid of another lash with the riding crop Marcy hastily pulled on the panties right away. What seemed to be next was something that resembled her girdle. She recognised the garter strap with the white satin bows on the end. The fabric felt very rigid though and it was open, just like someone would have cut open the back of her girdle. Along the edge were eyelets with at the bottom one at the left side a long satin pink ribbon running through it.


Seeing how Marcy was looking at the new garment with confusion, Stephanie provided a brief word of explanation. “Thath a corthet, you’ll be wearing it as it offers way better rethulth than your uthual girdleth do. I’ll help you put it on.”


Marcy looked shocked, she certainly didn’t consider the results her girdle yielded to be good, let alone that she wanted to improve them. Seeing Stephanie raise the crop she quickly changed her mind though. In a swift movement she wrapped the thing around her middle and turned to Stephanie.


The sissy mentor smirked seeing Marcy jump at the slightest hint of her using the crop. She had given her a few good welts already. For now she slowly put down the crop though. After all she had a corset to lace up which she carefully did, making sure to tighten it as much as she possibly could.


It ended up not being as bad as Marcy had expected. The corset wasn’t even as bad as the girdles in the end. Sure it was stiffer which would make bending harder, but that was about it. The corset itself reached till just underneath her nipple line where it ended in half cups. The entire thing was made out of pink satin with a white lace covered front reaching from top to bottom. The pink ribbon it was laced with was tied off in a big floppy bow between her shoulder blades.


Try as she might Stephanie had not managed to lace up the corset as tight as it was supposed to. It left her angry, frustrated and horribly embarrassed. The time she ever thought of herself as a man was long gone, but back before all of this had happened she used to bench press 200 pounds, now she couldn’t even properly lace a corset because she didn’t have enough strength. Worse even was the fact that she would have to ask her hated stepmother to do it for her cause if she noticed it wasn’t tight enough Stephanie would get punished. That and she wanted it uncomfortably tight for Marcy.


“You don’t have to put on the dreth jutht yet, but there are thill plenty of accethories for you to put on before.” Stephanie informed Marcy through gritted teeth. She sounded annoyed and angry which worried Marcy who was clueless as to why that was, and why she didn’t have to put on the dress yet.


With Stephanie on edge Marcy was even more cautious not to screw up. There was plenty to put on indeed so she proceeded with the stockings, they were made out of sheer pastel pink nylon with a reinforced white toe, sole and Cuban heel, extending in a white back seam which ended in white stocking tops. Remembering to feed her garter tabs through the leg holed of her panties first Marcy fastened them to her stockings with relative ease.


To her shame she was better at fastening garter tabs to stockings than most women. Not that it was that much of a surprise given that most women only wore stockings for special sexy occasions while she wore them on a daily basis.


Next was a pair of patent white leather stiletto pumps, they were five inches high and a nightmare to find her balance on. While the pumps themselves were about as high as the ones she already owned, these ones had a much thinner heel, and thus were much harder to deal with.


“Good before we proceed, you are going to walk to the kitchen and back. You got to break in thothe health and get thteady enough not to trip before I’ll let you into the thop.” Stephanie lisped, smacking the palm of her hand with the crop to put some more force behind her words.


Marcy was nearly certain she couldn’t do it, but afraid enough of the crop and the possibility of Linda checking in on them that she gave it a shot. Keeping her steps small and her forearms held out like she had to somewhat helped with her balance. Her pace was even less than a crawl though. She really had to concentrate and look at each step she took, but she did manage to mince to the kitchen and back eventually.


“Now do it again.” Stephanie said as soon as Marcy had come back to the room, not giving her a moment to rest. She had restrained herself from hitting Marcy again because it wasn’t going fast enough. Just because she realised that her sissy trainee needed to get used to walking in these tall heels first.


After making Marcy run up and down the room a few times there was definite progress. It required less attention to stay up right and she managed to get a feel of keeping her balance without looking down. Marcy was also able to move somewhat faster already, and she could put more attention towards mincing the way she was required to. It made Stephanie smirk now she could go back to drilling that absurd mince deep into Marcy’s muscle memory.


Stephanie was just raising the crop to deliver another lash to Marcy’s butt when Linda walked in making her freeze in place. It brought a smirk on Linda’s face, she loved seeing the instant look of fear on both of their faces when she entered. Controlling a pair of wimps was so much fun. “Don’t let me keep you Stephanie, give her that lash and tell her what you wanted to correct.” Linda casually said.


Without hesitation Stephanie brought down the crop against Marcy’s bottom leaving yet another welt. “That ithn’t how I told you to minthe. Keep your head upright and minthe like I told you before. Put more bounce and thway in you thep and keep thothe writht completely limp.” Stephanie lisped in a much softer down this time, nervously watching her stepmother for approval.


Linda just smirked seeing her stepson in the role of Mistress, sure she was harsh which Linda had known she would be, but the complete picture of her stepson turned sissy trying to be authorative was just plain ridiculous, especially with those panicky eyes directed at her for approval. It was clear that she had broken Stephanie to the point where she wouldn’t even dream of being dominant to anything but another complete wimpy sissy, and even then only after getting permission.


Seeing how her stepmother was about to say something Stephanie interrupted, afraid that she would be scolded and punished for not having Marcy fully dressed up yet. “Mommy, could you help me pleathe? I wanted to get Marthy drethed but I’m not throng enough to Lace up her corthet. Could you pleathe do that for me?” Stephanie asked submissively. Having to plead to her hated stepmother to lace up that damn corset stung even more than the fact that she couldn’t do it.


The smile on Linda’s face only grew. This was just too precious it was rare by now that there was really any fresh embarrassment visible in her stepson’s eyes. It was the main reason she had started this store, to get new victims like Marcy who were still full of opportunities for fresh embarrassment. This seemed to be one of those times where it was also present in Stephanie though. Not surprising considering how macho her stepson had once been to now have to ask her to tighten Marcy’s corset.


“Well of course Stephanie, I understand that it isn’t really possible for such fragile prissy gurl like you to do much more than to feed the ribbon trough the holes. Luckily you have a strong mommy who can tighten it once it’s laced.” Linda taunted, further rubbing salt in the wounds, enjoying the embarrassment in Stephanie’s eyes while Marcy looked worried to get her corset tightened/


“Thank you Mommy, you’re the betht.” Stephanie exclaimed with a fake happy jump, just like she had been taught to do. There was no way she would dare to rub her stepmother the wrong way. That much she had learned.


Not wasting a minute time Linda stepped up behind Marcy and opened up the bow at her back. Placing her knee against the sissy’s back Linda untied the bow and pulled at the ribbon, with all her might while the corset tightened drastically.


Where Marcy had felt like the corset wasn’t that bad at first she now felt like she was being cut in half. The air was forced out of her lungs in a loud gasp as the corset became ever tighter. Eventually it did stop growing tighter, but that didn’t mean relief by any stretch of the imagination. The bow just got retied and the laces kept the corset as tight as Linda had pulled it, forcing Marcy to continue taking shallow breaths.


Scanning the sissy with her eyes Linda was very pleased. While the girdles were easy to use and provided some restriction of the waist, the corset was much more effective. It made Marcy’s waist positively narrow. With some training Linda was sure even more inches could be shaved off, but this was definitely a nice start. The corset gave Marcy a definite girly figure. With her trimmed in waist her slight bubble butt which had already been there looked way bigger and more defined in comparison.


“I’ve talked with your sugar daddy and he told me that he gave you that plug. He also told me that you being so horny is your own fault since you could ask for an orgasm at any time. Of course he had something in mind for you to do to earn your orgasm which would have been deepthroating that dildo of yours after sticking it to your full length mirror.” Linda started not even leaving Marcy a moment to recuperate.


“You didn’t bring your dildo here, but I can’t let you work in the sate you are in. It would be bad for the image of my store. So I made a proposition to your sugar daddy. We work together with a delivery company who brings new custom-made sissy clothes daily so we can ensure to always have the best quality and the biggest choice in sissy fashion.” Linda carried on once again using the term sugar daddy for Marcy’s blackmailer, loving how it made her cringe.


“Normally Stephanie shows whoever makes the delivery a good time, and I’ve heard from the local delivery station that our store has quite a reputation because of it. So much even that all of the drivers there have turns on what day they get to deliver here. Your sugar daddy agreed to my suggestion that you can get an orgasm if you give a good blowjob to the delivery driver which is to arrive in a bit. He wants me to film it as proof. I already said he could consider it done and you are not going to disappoint me, your sugar daddy, or the delivery driver. Trust me, you’ll regret it if you do, and if I say regret that’s an understatement.” Linda finished her summary of the phone call.


Marcy looked at Linda with big terrified eyes. She couldn’t be serious right? Getting her blackmailers cock down her throat yesterday had been horrible. Actually giving a blowjob would be so much worse, but what choice did she have? There was no way to run from this place, not in these heels and with this corset. Hell with the shallow breaths she could take she would be all out of air before she even reached the door. God what was she going to do?


Stephanie just had a smile on her face. Even after the intense sissification she had underwent she was still straight. If she could choose she would want to be with a girlfriend even though she had already sucked more cocks than she had even seen pussies. Being relieved of that duty as well as knowing Marcy hated it was just awesome.


“Now Stephanie, get Marcy dressed and made up for the delivery driver. Make sure she looks good enough to make the cock of any man looking at her hard. You can worry about teaching her how to do her own makeup later. Oh and don’t forget to slip a condom over her cage. We don’t want her to soil her panties when she gets to cum after making the driver cum.” Linda instructed casually before turning back to the door.


“Yeth Mommy, I will thee to it right away. You won’t be dithapointed I thwear.” Stephanie said excitedly. She was so excited even that she didn’t even realise how much she sounded like a girl, all excited over getting to make up and dress up her sissy friend.


Marcy didn’t share the excitement at all, she still stood there frozen in place with a horrified look on her face, dreading what was to come. God if only she hadn’t been too proud to ask her blackmailer for an orgasm. If she had she wouldn’t be in this situation and while sucking that dildo wasn’t exactly something she liked it was surely much better than having to suck a real cock, especially sucking one while Linda would be watching and filming.


Smiling Linda walked out leaving the two sissies alone. John had laughed his ass off and immediately agreed to her suggestion. That wasn’t the only suggestion she had made though. Marcy was in for a nasty surprise even after her work day here was over. In the mean time there was still plenty of fun to be had with the sissy though.


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