Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy

Part 21

Chapter 23


As soon as Linda had left Stephanie spoke up again. “Marcy, minthe over to the bed right now. We have no more time to wathte. You heard my mommy the doethn’t want to get dithapointed and I thwear if you dithapoint you won’t only have to fear whatever the has in mind.” Stephanie threatened with the crop in hand.


Maybe if Marcy did a good job she would be relieved of her daily sessions with those delivery driver, at least on the days Marcy worked here. Knowing her stepmother it certainly wouldn’t be a one-time thing to pay off her previous outfit. Not that she minded, having Marcy around lightened the work she had to do.


Under threat of the crop Marcy did her very best to mince to the bed as she was supposed to. Handling these heels was still very hard, but at least she could manage to keep her balance by now. She knew just keeping her balance wasn’t enough anymore though. She would need to perfect her mince on top of that if she wanted to avoid the crop.


It was made considerably harder by the severely restraining corset though. After Linda had tightened the laces even breathing had become a task that required concentration. It did help with her required posture though. There was no way Marcy could hold herself in any other position than with her back perfectly straight. In that regard she was way more helpless than before.


She couldn’t run and her movements were way stiffer and proper making it impossible to avoid the crop even if she tried. There was no way she would be able to fight her way out of any situation like this and she couldn’t even take off the corset if she wanted to, the bow was just too high up on her back.


Left with little choice Marcy minced her way to the bed where the remainder of this horrid outfit was waiting on her. Making sure to tuck her arms against her sides she was surprised to feel an emptiness at her elbows where they had been resting against her waist before.


“Now Marcy I want you to thand thtill while I help you get drethed. Ath you might have noticed that corthet maketh it hard to move a whole lot. Ath a rethult it’th only pothible to wear one if you have help to put it on and to put on the retht of your outfit. If you dreth up alone it’th best to thtick to your garter girdleth, but don’t worry I know what you’re thinking. If you wear thith corthet often enough, you’ll be able to go down a few thizeth in your girdleth tho you can achieve that thame deliciouthly thlender waitht with them without needing help to get drethed.” Stephanie lisped barely comprehensible with a certain amount of cruel satisfaction in her voice, but what Marcy could make out terrified her. Such a slender waist was the last thing she wanted. It really made her look like a girl.


True to her word Stephanie helped her get dressed, not that Marcy was particularly grateful for it. Even just piled onto the bed she could already tell that her outfit wouldn’t be any better than her lingerie. The first item just confirmed it as a full skirt made up out of white netting went over her head, down her torso to eventually settle onto her hips.


The petticoat reached only up to the tops of Marcy stockings, covering them as long as she stood straight and perfectly still. Any movement would cause it to rise up and fully expose her stocking tops though. If she moved to wild, she feared even her panties would be on plain view.


Her outfit didn’t end with just one petticoat, Stephanie pulled another one over her head, this one in pink. The another white one, another pink one and a white one to finish things off. With these five layers, the last petticoat sat nearly horizontally, sticking out just below her now narrow waist. Because of the switch in colours it looked more like her legs were sticking out of the bottom of a fancy cake.


After the petticoats came the dress. It was made up out of a pastel pink satin fabric. The edge of the skirt only just covered the upper layer of petticoats. It had white floppy satin bows stuck to it, each a few inches apart all around the skirts edge.


Where the skirt ended the waist of the dress stuck tightly against Marcy’s corseted waist, making her understand why it had been important that Linda tightened the corset where Stephanie had failed to do it. If her waist hadn’t been trimmed in this much, then the dress simply wouldn’t have fit. Even the chest part stuck relatively tight against her chest telling her that this dress certainly wasn’t made to be worn by a real woman.


The dress had a rounded collar that wasn’t cut out all that big. After all there was no cleavage to show off. It had puffed up sleeves which stopped right below the shoulders, the edge of the sleeve was laced with a white satin ribbon, tied off in a floppy bow.


With the dress in place Marcy thought she was finally dressed, but Stephanie quickly grabbed some accessories to go with the outfit making it look even worse as far as Marcy was concerned. First up was an apron to cover the for now rather plain looking solid satin pink body of the dress. The top of the apron was a broad band of white satin, wrapped around Marcy’s waist and tied off in a huge floppy bow at her back. The bow itself was wider than her waist currently was.


The main body of the apron sitting on Marcy’s front underneath the waistband was made of a pale pink satin lap of fabric with white lace stitched on so that the pink underneath shone through the holes in the lace. In the middle the text “CC Maid” was embroidered in a brighter pink colour. It was framed between a boarder of thick white satin ruffles and sat neatly centred on Marcy’s skirt.


For her neck Stephanie had picked up a choker made out of a broad satin pink band with a big white satin floppy bow fastened over top of where Marcy’s Adams apple was. Hanging down from the knot of the bow was a silver heart shaped pendant with the text “CC Maid” engraved on it.


Following the Choker Stephanie handed Marcy a pair of white lace gloves which were tied off at the wrists with a big pink sating bow. “For now you’ll be wearing thethe. Once you get a pretty manicure, you’ll get fingerleth gloveth tho you can thow it off.” Stephanie lisped showing her at least an inch-long vivid red nails.


Marcy cringed at the prospect. Hopefully it would never arrive, She just couldn’t imagine being able to do anything at all with nails that long. They would be a huge nuisance and on top of that she didn’t even like nails that long on a girl, let alone herself.


“Now minthe over to the vanity table so I can do your make-up. We don’t have time to wathte thince mommy won’t tolerate you not being fully ready when the driver cometh or thould I thay cumth? Hehe, in any cathe I’ll do it for you just now thince I don’t have time to teach you right now, but trutht me you’ll have the opportunity to thart from thcratch once the driver goeth away.” Stephanie said with a huge smile making Marcy shudder in disgust. She knew exactly what Stephanie was hinting at.


Fearing the crop Marcy got moving, mincing as good as she could. It still required a lot of her attention, but right now there was nothing else she needed to take in account, so she managed. At least well enough for Stephanie who was closely following along with the crop, ready to lash out at a moments notice making sure to keep Marcy on her best mincing fashion.


Mincing proved to be a rather strange experience now that she was fully dressed. The swing and bounce in her step made the huge mess of layered petticoats move loudly over each other, bouncing and swaying along with her movements like a liquid would. To her embarrassment she could simply tell by the airflow that her panties got flashed as she walked. The only thing that would prevent that from happening was to put less bounce in her step, but that would just mean she would get a taste from the crop.


Arriving at the chair in front of the vanity mirror Marcy sat down like she was used to only to receive a hard lash of the crop against her exposed thigh. “That’th not how you thit down Marcy, thos thtand back up and try again. Thith time you’ve got to thwipe your thkirt down underneath your bottom and keep your ankleth and kneeth firmly tucked together.” Stephanie said sharply.


Not wanting another lash of the crop Marcy stood right back up and sat down like requested. She delicately scooped her huge skirt underneath her bottom before sitting down with her knees and ankles together. She had never really paid attention to how real girls wearing skirts sat down, only ever paying attention to try and sneak a look up the skirt. She imagined the gestures she was forced to make were much more effeminate than any girl would ever make though. If not for the gesture itself, then certainly for the ridiculously puffed out skirt she was forced to deal with. Sitting down on it felt like sitting on a pillow.


With Marcy sitting down Stephanie immediately went to work on her face. Up first was something that felt a little like a cream at first, but soon started to feel more like a powder as it got spread out equally over her face. Stephanie didn’t hesitate to use a lot of the stuff, applying it heavily to her eyebrows. The result seemed to be a smooth paler complexion without eyebrows.


“Thith wath a foundation, you uthe it to make your thkin look thmooth. Normaly it ith advithe to use a tone matching your own thkin ath clothe ath pothible, but a paler complexion jutht ith more thithy in my opinion. It ithn’t meant to hide the eyebrowth either, but it can do jutht that tho we can draw them back on in a nice arche later. You can thkip the extra foundation on the eyebrowth thtep once you get yourth plucked into nice thin archeth.” Stephanie lisped explaining what she was doing.


Taking an eyebrow pencil Stephanie showed exactly what she meant with thin arches. She didn’t apply more than a single line above each eye. They were drawn on high with a curve at the end giving Marcy a surprised look. Wanting to make Marcy cringe a bit more Stephanie added. “You thould go for a look that jutht thcreamth oh my god, I jutht pulled the biggetht cock I have ever theen out of hith pantth.”


“Of courthe to go with that look you need a pair of lipth to match. A pair of lipth that jutht thcreamth I can’t wait to wrap my lipth around that thing, to know what it feelth like, what it tathte like. I jutht can’t wait to get it’th yummy cum out.” Stephanie lisped. The thought was still enough to get her to cringe and she could tell from the horror on Marcy’s face that she had succeeded in her goal.


Taking a pink lip pencil Stephanie started outlining Marcy’s lip, careful to follow the curve of the lips while remaining on the skin just outside. She then took a tube of bubble-gum pink lipstick and applied a thick coat to both the bottom and upper lip before dabbing them slightly with a tissue and going over it with the lipstick again. After applying three coats Stephanie pulled out something that looked more or less clear. Taking out a brush she applied a generous coat of this stuff as well. The end result was a pair of lips that looked way fuller than Marcy’s original lips. They were bright bubble-gum pink with a nice shine to them, looking like they were wet.


To Marcy’s horror she had to admit that those lips looked amazing, a pair she wouldn’t have minded shoving her cock between if she could. Their wet look and the full pouty shape just made them look so fuckable. She didn’t want fuckable looking lips, especially not since that delivery driver would be coming around shortly.


“Ath you’ve theen I coloured outthide the lineth of your real lipth. If you then fill it up with lipstick it’th not even noticeable your real lipth are thmaller. If you don’t overdo it, you’ll look like you have a very full pair of luciouth fuckable lipth. The wet look that gloth provideth jutht upth the cockthucking factor tho make thure to never thkip on uthing that one ath well.” Stephanie explained.


Up next Stephanie applied some powder a tint darker than the foundation in strategic spots. Blending it with the foundation to give Marcy’s face a softer more feminine look. It created the illusion of a smaller nose, higher cheekbones and a narrower chin. The cheeks were highlighted with a light dusting of pale pink powder, giving her a flustered look.


Taking another black pencil Stephanie drew a steady black line on the top and bottom of Marcy’s eyes, making them really stand out. She then added a dark pink colour on the top eyelids which got blended into increasingly light shades of pink. To finish off the eyes Stephanie added a luscious coating of mascara making Marcy’s eyelashes look longer and fuller.


With a full face of make-up in place Stephanie started fuzzing with Marcy’s hair. She brushed it together and put it in a high ponytail which she tied off with a thick pink satin ribbon in a bow. To finish the hair she pulled a small strand of hair out of the tail on each side of Marcy’s head so it neatly framed her face.


The last thing Stephanie did to finish off Marcy’s look was giving her a good spray of strong floral smelling perfume and putting a hair hoop on top of Marcy’s head, it was adorned with an arc of pink lace frills with a white satin bow on the right side making it look like a more elegant version of a maid’s cap.


Marcy looked at her reflection in the mirror with stunned horror. Wearing just lipstick had given a girly touch to her face with that damned schoolgirl outfit, but now that Stephanie was done with her make-up, she didn’t even recognise herself anymore. She looked outrageously pretty, the shades of pink made her look somewhat juvenile, but then those lips gave the whole thing a naughty side as well.


Her outfit had the same thing going on, it look rather juvenile with the pink and all the bows, but then the way to short skirt showing her stocking tops with the slightest movements and the very high heels also made it look sexy in a way. Summarised she had to say she looked pretty, sexy and ridiculous. All things she didn’t want to be. There was nothing she could do about it though. She could probably take off some of the things she was wearing but there was nothing she could do about the dress and the corset. She would need to get help to get out of those and she realised it.


That fact alone frightened her to no end. It meant she would have to count on Linda and Stephanie to help her undress before she could go home. She really didn’t have much confidence in either of them to help her avoid an even bigger embarrassment. Much more than the crop the prospect of heading out in this dress if she displeased either Linda or Stephanie acted as a big motivator to be on her very best behaviour.


There was no way her secret would stay a secret if she headed out in her neighbourhood in this dress which was pretty much impossible to cover up due to the huge skirt. Let alone facing the embarrassment of having to go out in public in this dress. It would be an utter nightmare even if she didn’t encounter anyone she knew. Just wearing it in the relative safety of this awful store was more than embarrassing enough already.


Realising what being on her best behaviour would mean filled her with dread. She could deal with having to mince about the store, but having to suck a cock would be downright terrifying. While she couldn’t claim that she had never had a cock in her mouth after yesterday, she still hadn’t actively sucked a cock. Yesterday she had been blinded, restrained and ring gagged while that bastard of a blackmailer had used her mouth as a flesh light. From the way Linda had made it sounded she would be required to take action this time which was way harder on her fragile self-esteem.


“Alright Thithy, get up. thince we appear to have a little time to thpare after all I’m going to teach you how to curtethy tho you can welcome the delivery driver properly. Move your athth to the middle of the room right now.” Stephanie said with a smirk thoroughly enjoying herself in adding to Marcy’s embarrassment.


Doing her best to mince properly without being specifically told to Marcy moved to the middle of the room where she nervously looked at a smirking Stephanie. “Almotht forgot.” Stephanie suddenly said before mincing off to the chest and returning with a tiny pink rectangle.


“I thtill got to put that condom on you for when you get too excited over thucking that cock tho you don’t thoil your pantieth when you cum.” Stephanie cruelly said insinuating that Marcy would get excited over sucking cock while knowing full well that it would be caused by her vibrating plug which had kicked in every now and then to keep her extremely horny through out her dressing process.


Marcy was horrified by Stephanie’s claim that she would cum from sucking cock. She knew it just wasn’t true but denying it and claiming it would be cause of that fat vibrating plug up her butt wouldn’t be any better, so she just remained silent.


Stephanie just smirked knowing the impact of her words as she tore open the wrapper to remove a tiny pink latex tube. She then knelt before Marcy and lifted the sissy’s petticoats before lowering her panties. “Oh my god, thith ith the thmalletht thing I have ever theen, no wonder you look tho natural in a dreth.” Stephanie exclaimed with glee after spotting Marcy’s way smaller cage up close before snapping the end of the tiny condom tightly shut around the tip of the cage and pulling Marcy’s outfit back in place.


“Okay, tho here ith what you’re going to do. You’ll move one foot thlightly behind the other, grab a hold of the edge of your thkirt and raithe it thlightly while you lower your head and bend through your kneeth.” Stephanie explained how she wanted Marcy to curtesy.


It only increased how ridiculous Marcy felt as she tried emulating Stephanie’s description as good as she could. It got her a lash with the crop. “Bend further through your kneeth and raithe that thkirt higher thithy.” Stephanie sternly corrected as Marcy tried again.


Repeating the curtesy now to Stephanie’s satisfaction Stephanie added. “Good, now when you come back up I want you to thay: Good morning thir, do you have a package for me? I’ve been waiting anxiouthly for you to cum all morning.” Stephanie said with a smirk seeing the horror in Marcy’s eyes.


Before Marcy could react however they both heard the loud clicking of heels and two voices coming their way. “Okay Marcy, get ready, we don’t have time for another try out. They’re coming and I throngly advithe you not to fuck thith up or I thwear you’re going to regret thith big time.” Stephanie whispered harshly.


Nerves were coursing through Marcy’s body. The moment she had dreaded since Linda’s fateful announcement was quickly approaching now. The added embarrassing requirements Stephanie had given her certainly didn’t do anything to ease her nerves at all. She just wished she could vanish into thin air right now. As if just greeting someone in this outfit wasn’t bad enough already.


A few seconds that seemed to last an eternity later the doorknob turned, and the door opened. Linda stepped in with a Latino man right behind her. Although the man stood at an imposing 6’2” he was still a few inches smaller than Linda on her high heels.


The man was very though looking and someone Marcy would rather avoid even if she was dressed fully as a guy. He looked to be in his early thirties or late twenties, it was hard to tell really with his head shaven completely bald. He had a well-tanned skin with a tattoo sleeve covering the entirety of his right arm. The guy looked extremely muscular and had a moustache which long sides merged with the guy’s goatee making him look even scarier.


Not only did she fear what Linda and Stephanie might do if she fucked up, she now also feared what this guy would do. He looked like the type that wouldn’t hesitate to beat her to a pulp if she messed up. She doubted Linda would let her get severely harmed, but she wasn’t sure Linda would be able to stop this mass of muscles.


Nervously Marcy dipped into her best courtesy yet and stammered. “G…good morning sir, do you have a package for me? I’ve been waiting anxiously for you to cum all morning.” She felt like a complete fool, but she was so scared to fuck up that she didn’t dare stray from what Stephanie had told her to do.


Her performance earned her a good laugh from both Linda and the man with her much to Stephanie’s relieve. Teasing and embarrassing Marcy had been fun, but in the end it was her stepmother’s approval that was most important to her. Linda loved Marcy’s make-up and the greeting she performed. She would have to remember to reward Stephanie for it. Now it was time to get down to business though.


“Tsk sissies right? They can only think of one thing and its cock. Since she didn’t even properly introduce herself so allow me. Carlos, this is Marcy, Marcy this is Carlos.” Linda said with glee once more stabbing at Marcy’s ego.


“Haha, that’s no problem for me Linda in fact I think it’s kind of cute. You certainly weren’t lying when you told me the new sissy was real pretty and anxious to get some cock. Sorry Stephanie but as much as we love coming here on our shifts, we’re still on a tight schedule and I don’t have time to give it two sissies. It’s very noble of you to give up your daily cock to the interim. I’ll tell Devon to make it up to you tomorrow.” Carlos said in a deep voice, actually sounding friendlier than Marcy had imagined.


“Don’t worry Carloth, the only works here one day thith week tho I’m certain the needth it way more than I do.” Stephanie lisped as sincere as she could. Inside she was screaming from joy over not having to suck cock or get fucked today.


“Sweet, now Marcy as you presumed I do have a package for you, so why don’t you come over here and open it up? I know you want to.” Carlos said with a big smile after moving to the bed and sitting down on the edge. The bed in the employee room suddenly made a lot more sense to Marcy.


“Great, thank you Carlos.” Marcy said trying to sound as excited as she could manage with the nerves. Mincing like Stephanie had instructed her before she went over to the bed, gulping as she noticed the big bulge in the front of Carlos’s cargo pants. The fact that Linda was following her every move with her cell phone, only made Marcy more nervous.


Having arrived in front of a broadly smiling Carlos, Marcy forced herself to get down on her knees. This was going to happened one way or another so she might as well get it over with. Kneeling proved to be no easy feat in her current outfit either.


With her trembling gloved hand Marcy reached out to the zipper of Carlos’s pants. She might still think she was a guy, but with her delicate hand resting on the crotch of Carlos’s pants she couldn’t really see it. She certainly didn’t feel like a guy with Carlos present. Just his presence was enough to crush the idea that she was a guy as well.


“That’s it sweetie, open up your package, I know you want to. There’s a nice juicy surprise inside.” Carlos said. To Marcy’s surprise Carlos was actually being way nicer than she had expected. He was not at all aggressive. Still it didn’t make what she had to do any easier. She wondered if he knew she was in fact a guy? With all that was going on in her outfit it was easy to mis the fact that she had no breasts. What if he didn’t know and found out? Would he flip? It made her very nervous.


Carlos did know exactly what Marcy was. The first time one of his colleagues had told about this store, the peculiar personnel and the blowjobs he got every morning on route Carlos had had his doubts. He didn’t really hate gay people or anything, his life moto was live and let live. It didn’t mean he wanted to be associated or indulge into any kind of sexual intercourse with another guy though.


It was an opinion a lot of his colleagues shared at least until that one co-worker started showing pics of an awfully pretty redhead with her full lips wrapped around his cock. None believe that redhead was actually one of those so called sissies he had been talking about and so they had all taken a turn delivering to that address to see for themselves.


After that it didn’t take long for all the drivers at their office to reach a consensus that there was nothing gay about getting sucked off or fucking that sissy. She was girlier and prettier than most women and she didn’t complain if she had to suck cock or if she had to swallow. Instead she seemed rather eager.


In the meantime Marcy had managed to open up the fly of Carlos’s cargo pants to be greeted by a throbbing erection poking up at him through a thin pair of black boxer shorts. Pulling down the boxers It immediately sprung to attention. It was the first time she actually saw another cock up close and it made her feel sick. She didn’t like the look of that big flesh rod sticking out of that thick black pubic bush at all. At least it smelled cleaner than the nasty cock of her blackmailer, only slightly musky without hints of pee or sweat. It was also smaller than her blackmailer’s cock, about 8 inches she guessed.


Bracing herself for the blowjob she was required to give Marcy wrapped her gloved hand around the base of Carlos’s cock, unable to suppress a moan as that hated plug in her bottom gave a strong vibrating pulse. Everyone laughed as Marcy blushed bright red under the layers of make-up. “Such a hungry cock slut.” Carlos grinned, knowing no better than his cock being the actual reason Marcy moaned.


Marcy knew she had to do a good job or she would get punished by Linda, Stephanie and probably her blackmailer as well. She hated herself for giving in to the pressure, but she tried her very hardest to please the cock in front of her. She did so by trying the thing Lisa had demanded when she caught her quickly kissing that dildo.


She pressed the tip of her tongue against the base of the cock then slowly but surely licked upwards, giving the throbbing purple head a firm kiss before letting the head sink between her lips, deeper and deeper until her nose was touching Carlos’s pelvis. She then slowly moved back up only having gagged slightly when it was all the way in. Once she moved far enough up so only the tip of the cock was still sitting between her lips, she circled it once with her tongue before moving back down on it.


Letting out a satisfied moan Carlos exclaimed. “Such a good girl Marcy, if you’re really as new to sucking cock as Linda claims then I can’t help but think you’re a natural born cock sucker. I mean this is the second best blowjob I ever got, the best still being Stephanie’s, but then again she has had way more practice.” Carlos moaned as Marcy continuously worked up and down his cock the same way she had done before.


“You know how sissies are Carlos, by the moment they suck their first cock they’ve trained for hours on end on dildos, dreaming of the moment they’ll finally get to suck a real cock.” Linda exclaimed with a laugh that sounded normal to Carlos, but made it sound like a mock to Marcy. She couldn’t deny having done that at all much to her embarresment.


Hearing Carlos call her a natural born cock sucker stung what little remained of her male ego, but strangely enough it also gave a certain relieve. If Carlos was satisfied, then Linda and Stephanie would be satisfied as well, she hoped. From the continuous moans she herself let out spurred on by the plug in her butt she could already tell that her blackmailer was satisfied.


Marcy felt like a cheap whore sucking cock while Linda was filming with her blackmailer looking on over the phone and Stephanie standing by as well. Never the less she kept on bobbing her head up and down Carlos’s cock. She was slowly getting better at controlling her gag reflex to the point where she barely gagged anymore while deepthroating the full 8 inches of Carlos’s cock. Her eyes were still watering a lot though and it showed clearly from the dark circles with dark runs down her cheek as her mascara ran out.


Despite what she had expected Carlos wasn’t mean or rough at all, in fact he was rather gentle, just stroking her hair and encouraging her as she sucked his dick. Marcy didn’t like getting her hair stroked by a guy, definitely not while sucking his cock, but it was way preferable to how she had feared it would go.


With Carlos getting closer to an orgasm the gentleness suddenly started disappearing. As he was taken over by lust his hand moved to the back of Marcy’s head pushing her faster down his cock and keeping her down there longer as he bucked his hips slightly to fuck her throat. “Mmm god yes baby, that’s it, just keep on sucking, I’m nearly there.” Carlos moaned.


Not long after Carlos’s warning the beginning of his orgasm was announced by a loud groan combined with his hands pressing hard down on the back of Marcy’s head, burying his cock all the way into her throat. Her chin was resting against his pulsing balls and her nose crushed against his pelvis.


Only a second or so after the orgasm hit Carlos, Marcy was brought to her own orgasm with an intense round of vibrations from the plug attacking her prostate. After being kept horny on edge for so long Marcy was finally pushed over it as her painfully constricted penis in its tiny cage filled the condom while Carlos was spraying big jets of cum straight down her throat directly into her belly.


His orgasm drawing to a close Carlos allowed Marcy’s head to go back up so she could finally suck in some air again. He did keep the tip of his in her mouth though, flooding it with his last two jets of salty warm gooey cum. He then finally released Marcy’s head so she could pull off of his now softening cock entirely while he collapsed back on the bed to catch his breath for a few seconds.


With a mouthful of cum Marcy didn’t know what to do, it felt gross, it tasted gross and she didn’t want to swallow it down at all. She might have gulped down a few jets already, but she really didn’t want to swallow any more of it down. Spitting it out was no option either with all those people watching who would certainly get mad if she did. Then this whole nauseating experience would have been for nothing at all.


One thing was certain though keeping it in her mouth was worst of all, having to continue to feel and taste it was simply terrible. She was just about to swallow it down when Linda took charge. She moved over to get a close up of Marcy’s face, the run mascara, the terribly smeared lipstick and the bits of cum leaking out the corners of her mouth.


“Why don’t you open up and show us the package you got Marcy? You sure must be very proud making a real man cum like that.” Linda smirked down at the shocked sissy. Knowing she’d better obey if she didn’t want this all to be for nothing. She opened up her mouth for Linda and the camera, in it a puddle of opaque white cum was clearly visible, forcing her to keep it in her mouth just a bit longer.


“My my, such a big load and that was just the end of it from what I could tell. You must be one very good cock sucker for sure. Now why don’t you swallow it down and thank Carlos for his yummy cum?” Linda smirked taking further stabs at Marcy male ego.


Reluctantly Marcy swallowed down the remainder of the cum, nearly gagging as she felt it slide down her throat. She then looked up at Carlos who had by now pulled his pants back in place and stood up. “Thank you Carlos for your yummy cum.” She said with a trembling voice.


“You’re welcome sweetheart, Linda has my number so just ask for it and give me a call anytime you crave some cock. I’ll be more than willing to give it to you. Anyways, I really should get going now. Until next time Marcy, Stephanie.” Carlos said with a bright smile, starting to walk out.


Marcy was shocked by the offer, the last thing she wanted was to see that guy ever again, much less suck his cock again. She had never been the curious kind when it came to her sexual orientation, but after yesterday and today she was really certain that she never wanted anything to do with cocks ever again.


“That’s a great idea Carlos, I’ll give her your number in a moment. I’m sure it won’t be long until Marcy is begging for your cock again.” Linda answered Carlos in Marcy’s place before turning back to Marcy and Stephanie.


“Now Stephanie why don’t you help Marcy get cleaned up while I accompany Carlos to the door. I’ll be right back with the two of you.” Linda said before walking out of the employee lounge with a bright smiling Carlos.


There was nothing Marcy could do but watch them leave in shock. She had just sucked a guy off and swallowed cum for the first time. That and he just walked away leaving her to clean up like it was nothing that had happened between the two of them. Admittedly she wanted him gone as soon as possible, yet it left her feeling used.


Worst of all was the fact that this though looking guy would expect a call from her sometime soon after how Linda had answered. She sure hoped Linda or her blackmailer wouldn’t force her to really make that happen. One thing was for sure, she would never feel at ease opening the door again, fearing Carlos or one of his buddies would be delivering a package and expect a blowjob upon seeing her.


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