Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy

Part 22

Chapter 24


“Okay Marcy, now get back up and Minthe back to the vanity table. Jutht like it’th important to know how to apply makeup, it’th important to know how to remove it ath well. After all we don’t want you developing a bad thkin cauthe of all the makeup you’re uthing.” Stephanie ordered not even giving Marcy a few minutes to deal with what had just happened. She wanted Marcy Looking at least somewhat more presentable already by the time her stepmother would be coming back.


“Firtht off you are going to just wipe your face clean with thethe wet wipeth. They have a thpecial solution in them to help ditholve the makeup on your face. They’re eathy to uthe and frankly the betht at their job.” Stephanie explained giving her a package of wet wipes. Just like Stephanie had claimed they were very easy to use. She just needed to wipe it over her face and the makeup disappeared.


“Next and finally we have thith cleanthing cream. It’th made to rehydrate and revitalithe the thkin. Thkin tendth to dry out if you uthe to much makeup, but thith cream counterth that. It’ll keep your thkin nicely thoft and thupple ath well ath killing all the bacteria that might cauthe acne.” Stephanie said handing a pot of cream to Marcy, her sissy trainee.


Under Stephanie’s watchful eye Marcy applied a dollop of the cream on her finger before rubbing it all over her face. It did feel nice and soothing. Out of everything this was one of the products she could appreciate most. After all no one liked acne or dry skin.


“Normally there would be another step, a nighttime mathk thince you thould be wearing makeup all day every day. It’th meant to further hydrate ath well ath exfoliate your thkin to give it a real baby like thmoothneth and thoftneth. Right now however you’re going to learn to do your own makeup like I did yours math earlier.” Stephanie exclaimed, Marcy was somewhat shocked. A nighttime mask sounded like such an extremely girly ritual, and while she didn’t want bad skin she certainly didn’t need her skin to be that soft and smooth. Luckily she had none of these products so no one could tell her to use them at home.


“Alright Marcy, it’th time to redo your makeup. Thith time we have time however tho you are going to do it all yourthelf. I hope you paid attention when I did your makeup before cauthe you are going to try and replicate it perfectly. For each failed attempt you’ll get five latheth with the crop along with thome pointerth and we’re going to do thith for however long it taketh you to do a decent enough job.” Stephanie lisped sternly as a smiling Linda walked in hearing Stephanie’s explanation.


Having her sissy stepson teach someone else to be a sissy was just delicious. It only reinforced her knowledge of what a sissy should be and how one should act. It would certainly make for a nice taunt later on as she pointed out how much of an expert at everything overly girly she had become.


Marcy on the other hand seemed terrified of Stephanie and her crop. The more Linda looked at it, the more genius it was. She could only imagine how hard being bossed around by someone like Stephanie must be for Marcy or anyone for that matter. It didn’t even take away from her own pleasure in the sissification process as she was here to witness it all while tightly holding the strings. After all Stephanie was trying her hardest to please her with the training of Marcy. Something that wasn’t lost on either of them as she constantly looked over to her for a sign of approval. This was what real power felt like.


“Before you start with the makeup, I think you should show Marcy how to keep her panties clean. That little condom is probably saturated by now after I saw how Marcy loved giving Carlos that blowjob.” Linda taunted once again rubbing salt in the wound.


“Yeth of courthe Mommy, that’th a great idea. I nearly forgot.” Stephanie nervously explained, afraid this would be seen as a screw up on her part. Screw ups got punished and at this point even the threat of a spanking had her terrified. Back when she had been Stephen that pain would have been nothing to worry about, but the more of a sissy she had become the more even a little pain had started to strike fear in her. She had really become weaker in every possible way.


“Tho ath my Mommy rightfully pointed out it’th very important to regularly exchange your thithy excitement bag. You do so by fithhing underneath your thkirt and into your pantieth. You’ll have to pinch it thhut right underneath the head of your cage so none leakth out.” Stephanie explained, looking expectantly at Marcy.


Completely mortified Marcy followed the instructions. Reaching underneath the heap of petticoats proved to be very difficult. She couldn’t see a thing she was doing, but eventually she did manage to reach into her panties and locate the pink rubber condom stuck around her cage. Following Stephanie’s instructions, she pinched it shut and slipped it off from her cage and out in the open.


Upon seeing the tiny pink rubber condom, filled with quite a big load, a load that seemed even bigger due to the size of this condom, a bright blush instantly appeared on Marcy’s once again makeup free face. It was the evidence of how ‘excited’ she had been for that blowjob as Linda had called it. There was no denying it.


“Good, although thithy cream ith nothing compared to the cum of a real man it thtill thhouldn’t be wathted. Tho bring it up to your lipth and thqueeze the contentth into your mouth. Then you can throw it away and open up a new one to wrap in place over the head of your cage.” Stephanie said with a smirk.


Marcy was horrified hearing the follow up instructions. Yet with Linda and Stephanie both present she didn’t even dare to protest. She wanted to, but afraid of the consequences she followed the instructions, swallowing her second load of cum for the day. The fact that it was her own barely made a difference in how gross it was as she shuddered feeling it slide down her throat. Both Stephanie and Linda were smiling broadly obviously enjoying her discomfort.


“With a protein intake like that I bet you’ll be able to grow into a big sissy one day.” Linda mocked making Marcy feel even more embarrassed. Trying to get this over with she quickly took another one of those small pink condom wrappers and opened it up before once again reaching underneath her skirt. It took a few minutes to get it in place all blind, but eventually she managed.


Linda smiled broadly seeing her invention into action, a sanitary product specifically for sissies. Maybe she should take a patent on this one. She had originally had them custom made for Stephanie, loving the way it acted completely emasculating to have to put on such an obviously tiny and pink condom. It was also just delicious to have evidence of how much the sissy leaked through out the day, especially if they were made to ‘recycle’ their leakage.


Making matters even more embarrassing for Marcy was the fact that both Stephanie and Linda insisted to check whether she had put the condom on right or not. “That should take care of your excitement of getting to wear this new pretty outfit and being around all these pretty clothes constantly. Of course also the excitement over getting to wear that butt plug all day, I bet you just love to be filled up like that. Luckily for you I have some condoms small enough to fit around that clitty of yours.” Linda mocked.


She didn’t even get a chance to recuperate from the humiliating inspection as nearly immediately there after Stephanie gave her a hard lash on her thigh with the crop. “No time to wathte thithy, get to your make up right now. You didn’t get that pretty outfit jutht to thtand around all day.” She remarked.


In a hurry Marcy minced back to the vanity mirror where she sat down and stared at all the products Stephanie had used on her face earlier. There were so many of them and she had by now forgotten what a lot of them were for. Trying her best to recreate the look she ended up looking more like a mixture between a cheap clown and a hooker with Parkinson. It looked no where near decent and she knew it.


“Get up, drop your pantieth to your ankleth and grab onto your kneeth. I think you know what’th coming.” Stephanie said sternly, Marcy did indeed know, she had known as soon as she had seen the result of her work but she had really tried her best. She didn’t want those five lashes, but she knew saying so would earn her a sixth, so shaking like a leave she got in position like Stephanie had demanded.


A huge smile spread across Stephanie’s face this position gave her the perfect target. The corset forced Marcy to hold her back completely straight while grabbing her knees. The petticoats made her skirt stand out straight in a circle around her waist all most making it look like her butt was the circle of a delicate frilly flower.


There was no time to brace herself as Stephanie rained down the promised five blows in rapid succession. Once she was done Marcy instantly pulled her panties back in place and took a painful seat as she started removing her makeup, not wanting another lash for moving too slow like last time.


While she was removing her makeup and applying the cleansing cream. Stephanie gave her a lecture about everything that had been wrong with her makeup and how she should fix it. The lecture actually took longer than the removal itself since she had most literally messed up every part. Linda left the room mid lecture, seeing things were going smoothly anyways.


It ended up taking another five attempts, two hours and many lashes from the crop before Marcy manged to put on her make up to Stephanie’s satisfaction. It was still amateuristic, but if you didn’t look too close it looked okay. It would have to do for now even if Marcy still needed a lot of practice.


“Not good yet, but good enough for today I gueth. Otherwithe we’ll be here all day long and we have a thtore to run. Now get out of here. We already lotht enough time.” Stephanie said clearly somewhat frustrated.


Marcy’s butt was fiery red from all the hits she had received so when Stephanie told her to move out she did so in a hurry. It got her another lash as in her hurry she had forgotten to mince up to Stephanie’s high standards. Quickly correcting her mistake Marcy minced out in the store vowing to pay more attention to mincing properly, she had to if she wanted to avoid the crop, and she did want to avoid it not knowing how many more lashes she would be able to take. All the previous ones had made her skin way more sensitive.


“Alright Marcy, you’re firtht tathk for today is to vacuum the whole thtore and I do mean all of it. The vacuum cleaner ith in that cupboard over there. While you’re doing that you’re going to thtop at every mirror to perform a curtethy like I thowed you before continuing. Now ith that clear?” Stephanie asked sternly.


“Yes Stephanie. Very clear.” Marcy said nervously, terrified of screwing up once more. Despite her quick reaction she did get another hit and she was completely clueless as to why she deserved this one.


“What the hell ith the purpothe of teaching you to curtethy if you aren’t going to do it at the right timeth? Whenever a thuperior enterth the room you curtethy, whenever you anthwer a the thuperior you curtethy, when you leave a thuperiorth prethence you curtethy, if you don’t know whether or not you thould curtethy in a certain thituation you curtethy. A thithy can’t curtethy too many timeth now ith that clear?” Stephanie asked.


Completely shocked Marcy dipped into a deep curtesy like she had been thought, paying the utmost care to do it as daintily as she possibly could to avoid another hit. “Yes Stephanie, I’ll get right to it.” She whimpered before dipping in another curtesy before going to the cupboard. It got her another hit as she had forgotten to mince once more.


Opening up the closet Marcy stooped down to grab the vacuum cleaner only to get yet another hit. “Thithieth don’t bend like that, if you have to grab thomething lower than you, you’re to bend at your hipth, keeping your legth thraight.” Stephanie explained as Marcy quickly corrected herself. Bending as ordered was mortifying, just like with crop lashes in the personnel room, it put her panties on full display.


Embarrassing as it was it wasn’t nearly as bad as another lash with the crop. Plugging the vacuum in forced her to bend like this once more. With the thing plugged in she could begin her cleaning, carefully going over every floor surface in the store.


As she minced through the rows of the store with the vacuum cleaner in hand it only then became clear just how many of these dresses and outfits there were. There literally were countless of them, all having one thing in common. They would be too embarrassing to wear for pretty much everyone in their right mind.


Another thing she realised where just how many mirrors there were in this store. There was one at the beginning and end of each rack aw well as every 10 feet or so and that on both sides. First she had only done a curtesy for one side, but Stephanie had quickly corrected that with the crop.


At first Marcy was rather forgetful, after a little while her mincing would start to slack, she would forget to curtesy in front of mirrors, It was all behaviour Stephanie had quickly corrected with the crop, to great effect as well it seemed as during the vacuuming of the last two rows she hadn’t had to issue a single hit. Marcy kept mincing perfectly, curtsying at every mirror like a good sissy. It was kind of a pity that she didn’t get to hit Marcy again, but then seeing her mince and move about like a perfect swishy sissy was also delightful, especially knowing that over time it would become a habit which was the exact goal.


The only luck Marcy had was that there hadn’t been any customers yet this store didn’t seem to have a lot of customers. Well it had only opened pretty recently and Linda had said she was her first customer, so maybe that was normal? It sure was a good thing for her since it meant there was no one there who could spot her in this embarrassing get up except for maybe a passerby when she was in sight of the door.


Marcy had just opened up the cupboard to put the vacuum away again, bending over to unplug it when a bell rang loudly announcing a customer had entered. Immediately she stood back up trying to hide her panties for whoever it was that had entered the store.


Turning around she instantly spotted her girlfriend Lisa carrying a white bag. She was wearing a black short hip hugging skirt, a white band t-shirt, black sheer pantyhose and a pair of white sneakers. “Hey Marcy, I thought I would drop by with lunch on your first day at work.” She said holding up the bag while scanning Marcy’s outfit with a smirk.


Nearly instantly she got hit by Stephanie’s crop, but this time when she scolded Marcy for not curtsying for Lisa it backfired. “Back off sissy, now stand aside, shut your mouth and keep your hands behind your back.” Lisa instantly replied sharply to Stephanie.


Shocked and scared Stephanie stepped aside, folding her hands behind her back as requested. She might have been placed in control of Marcy here at the store, but she knew better than to go in against any superior at all and Marcy was the only one here who wasn’t her superior. It stung even being robbed of that power, but she knew Lisa could make her pay. Especially if her stepmother then heard of it.


“Good sissy!” Lisa smirked giving Stephanie a quick pay on the head. Normally she would never react like that, but after having gotten some insights from Linda she knew she should be stern and demanding with sissies. She loved it, controlling these two honestly rather pretty things gave such a power rush.


She then turned her attention back to Marcy. “Oh my god Marcy is that you? I almost didn’t recognise you. That outfit is just so sissy, and that makeup. Good job I probably wouldn’t be able to out on such a complex style myself. Then again you know me and you know I don’t really like wearing makeup, but damn it looks pretty on you.” Lisa laughed heartily.


“Now the fact that I stopped Stephanie from hitting you doesn’t mean I don’t want to see you curtesy, in fact I would love to see what you’ve learned. I just don’t want a pathetic sissy hitting my sissy boyfriend.” Lisa smirked. God this was so much fun, she didn’t know if you would ever want to be with a real man again. Maybe just for the cock, but that was what friends with benefits were for right? For a committed relationship a sissy was so much more fun, women as well, but having a sissy made her feel that much more powerful.


“Yes Miss Lisa.” Marcy whimpered nervously as she daintily dropped into a well-practiced curtesy. She felt like such a fool doing it in front of her girlfriend, but it did seem to make Lisa happy and that’s what counted. Lisa was treating her like nothing but a sissy more and more each day, and she couldn’t really blame her for doing so either. There was really no other conclusion to draw from how she acted. She only hoped to hold onto Lisa until this mess got cleared up so everything could go back to normal.


“Awwww, now if that isn’t just the cutest? Such a perfectly dainty sissy you are. I like it. Stephanie is right though you should always curtesy to your superiors. I for one love to see you curtesy for me. Now Stephanie, be a dear and hand me that crop will you?” Lisa asked with a sweet smile, holding out her hand as Stephanie nervously minced forward to place the crop in it.


Before she could react Stephanie had received a hard lash with the crop on her stocking covered thigh. The sudden action shocked both sissies, but slowly a smile crept on Marcy’s face. Finally Stephanie was getting a taste of her own medicine. It didn’t take away the pain from her own butt, but at least she wasn’t the only one with a welt anymore.


“What the hell Stephanie, scolding my Marcy for not curtsying when I enter, but where was your curtesy? Don’t you fucking see me as your superior or what?” Lisa asked sternly, frightening Stephanie to her core. The girl was right, she often neglected to curtesy and she somehow didn’t really get punished for it anymore. Well there were still more than enough things she could get punished on but up until now she had gotten away with it.


Wanting to avoid her Stepmother finding out about this, and wanting to avoid more hits Stephanie knew there was only one right course of action. Stephanie immediately dipped into a deep curtesy before uttering her apology. “Of courthe Mith Litha, I’m tho thorry for forgetting. You are of courthe my thuperior.” She lisped before dipping in another curtesy.


Stephanie had just risen again when Linda showed up out of her office, attracted by the commotion she heard. A big smile instantly spread across her face as she spotted Lisa standing there in front of the two sissies, holding the crop she had given Stephanie. It was getting clearer and clearer each day then Lisa had been a wonderful choice of student to teach the joys of turning guys into sissies. She surely seemed to be getting the hang of it.


“Aaah Lisa, welcome to the store. To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?” Linda asked with a big smile as she walked straight towards her student to greet her properly with a tight hug and a passionate lip locking kiss as the sissies both stood by only able to watch. Despite how hot the sight was, neither of their cages grew any more uncomfortable. In fact Marcy new way smaller cage was slowly but surely growing more comfortable to wear.


“It’s always a pleasure to visit, I actually dropped by to see how Marcy was doing on her first day on the job. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised to find her like this. Since it’s a little past noon I also brought lunch, I figured that maybe we could eat together.” Lisa said smiling from ear to ear. This store certainly had become one of her favourite places to be not only did she get to toy with the gorgeous Stephanie, it always had a new outfit in store for Marcy. To make everything even better the playful and sexually charged relationship she had with Linda was a perfect outlet for her curiosity for women. This place satisfied each of her urges and even urges she didn’t know she had before.


Marcy on the other hand felt completely embarrassed. Lisa was her girlfriend and yet all the greeting that had happened between the two of them had been limited to her being forced to curtesy. Linda on the other hand had just walked up and kissed her. Lisa hadn’t even protested. In fact she seemed happier with that kiss than Marcy had ever made her feel. Well at least back when she had been Mark. She couldn’t help but notice that Lisa had thoroughly seemed to enjoy seeing her curtesy.


“Lunch sounds like a great idea, why don’t you follow along to the employee room? Stephanie, turn the door sign to closed, then follow us, Marcy follow along as well.” Linda said using a sweet tone towards Lisa while using a demanding one towards the sissies. Wrapping her arm around the girl’s shoulders she guided her towards the room. Marcy couldn’t help but be jealous as she minced behind, even though Stephanie didn’t have that crop anymore she was still afraid to get punished.


Once arrived at the employee lounge Lisa put down her bag on the table and fished out a big box filled with sushi. She then turned to Marcy and announced with a big smile. “I brought some sushi for me, but don’t worry I also brought some for you.” With that said she rolled up her tight skirt revealing that she wore holdup stockings instead of pantyhose and no panties at all.


Linda burst out laughing she got to admit this girl certainly seemed to know her way around toying with a sissy. “How awfully generous of you Lisa. Now which of the sissies would you prefer between your legs as we eat? I’ll take the other one.” Linda said as she rolled up her own skirt and stepped out of her white satin with black lace covered panties revealing her own wet pussy with the neat triangle of red pubic hair above, showing off she was a natural redhead.


“Hmmm, I think I’ll go for Marcy. After all it would be too mean to come all the way here with her lunch only to give it to someone else instead.” Lisa laughed as she sat down at the table. In a sense Stephanie would have been the preferable option with her skill and tongue piercing, but Marcy was still her boyfriend.


“As you wish. Well sissies, you’ve heard her. Lunch is ready so get down under the table and start eating.” Linda said with a smirk as she took place on the seat in front of Lisa. Knowing better than to object both sissies got on their knees and crawled in position. With their backs against each other, they each did their best to eat their respective superior’s pussy to the best of their capabilities while the women just ignored them as they started chatting and eating.

Marcy had always hoped and kind of unsubtly hinted that she thought she and Lisa had been ready to take their relationship to the faze where they could have regular sex. She had never wanted that regular sex to be eating Lisa’s pussy though, but with her cock locked up that was all she really could do.


“So Linda, how has my Mmmarcy been doing so far today. I hope she hasn’t given you any trouble.” Lisa moaned in between bites feeling like she was in heaven. Eating delicious food while getting your pussy eagerly licked certainly counted as living the good life.


“Of course not, she hasn’t been quite as useful as a real emmmployee yet, but that’s to be expected Seeing how she’s still in training. It took quite a lot of time this morning to get her presentable. After all I have a reputation to mmmaintain. If Marcy looked bad she would make the store look bad and we certainly can’t have that. The effort paid off though, our delivery driver couldn’t wait to stick his cock in her mouth. Judging from the smile he left with he couldn’t wait to do it again either.” Linda smirked.


Under the table Marcy’s eyes grew big as saucers. She couldn’t believe Linda had actually just said this to Lisa. Oh god, she had technically cheated on her girlfriend. Would having to do that awful thing to get off, sucking the delivery driver now also cost her her relationship along with the pride it had already cost? In an effort to calm Lisa who would certainly be mad, down a little Marcy started licking like never before it seemed futile to her, but maybe the pleasure would convince Lisa to keep her?


Much to Marcy’s surprise however Lisa started laughing. “Oh my god I can’t believe it. So Mmmarcy’s bi as well? I mean I can believe it. After all I figured she wouldn’t be practicing on that big dildo in her room just to stick with silicone.”


“You better believe it, look I have it all on film even. Marcy Insisted on me filming it so she had a nice souvenir of her sucking cock as well as something to look back on and analyse to perfect her cock sucking technique. She even asked Carlos for his number so she could give him a call when she wants to practice some more.” Linda smiled bending the truth of what happened to make Marcy seem like a way bigger sissy than she actually was.


Lisa knew it was made up, but it would give her the opportunity to treat Marcy like an even bigger sissy, and a faggot as well. Marcy on the other hand was panicking like crazy. She felt so helpless down on her knees, unable to defend herself. Even if she could speak up there was no way Lisa would believe her over Linda. It was doomed, Linda had just severely hit the respect Lisa might still have for Marcy as a guy and there was nothing she could do about it.


To make matters worse she then heard the movie start playing. Having to hear Carlos’s praises along with her own load moans and slurping sounds sent shivers of disgust down her spine. It was completely doomed, after seeing that video there was just no way Lisa would think anything but that she had been way into sucking cock.


“Oh god, that Carlos sure looks like hot stuff, look at that body and that cock. Dammmn I’ve been aching for a good pounding for so long right now. It has been way to long since I got one of those.” Lisa moaned as she grabbed Marcy’s head under the table and pressed it tighter against her pussy. The action on Linda’s phone screen clearly turning her on.


It really stung to hear Lisa compliment Carlos like that. It didn’t sting nearly as bad though as the fact that Lisa admitted how badly she was aching to get fucked and that while she had always denied her the chance to do so back when she had been Mark. It made her wonder why that had been. Hell even without Lisa’s comments the fact that she was getting really turned on was obvious to Marcy who could feel the girl’s pussy juice up against her face.


“Damn just look at Mmmarcy go as well, she’s such an insatiable little slut, I mean just listen. She’s getting off more on sucking that cock than Carlos is getting his cock sucked. So either she’s very bad at sucking cock or she has a real hunger for dick. I hope Carlos has a high libido cause from what I’m seeing I bet Mmmarcy will be calling him nonstop.” Lisa laughed.


“Well if not Carlos I bet he has a few buddies who would be willing to jump in as well and happily let Marcy practice some on their cocks.” Linda casually said while Marcy was stuck under the table forced to listen to all these horrid assumptions. If it depended on her Carlos’s cock was the last one she had ever sucked although the possibility of that hope being true was slim and she knew it.


“Although I’m happy for Marcy that she’s finding her true self, I have to say I’m also a little disappointed that she didn’t just talk to me about it. I mean if she had just asked I would have said it was fine and that if she wanted an open relationship I would be all for it. I mean it would allow me to experiment a bit more myself. It just kind of hurts that she didn’t ask you know. Anyway I think this video does make it clear that is what she wants. So be it, so Linda, how would you feel about helping me explore a little more as well?” Lisa asked, happy about having achieved complete freedom over who she had some fun with from now on. With the way she had put it there was nothing Marcy could do to protest it. Nothing but feel guilty about the cock she had sucked.


“Absolutely, I have a strap on back there in the chest. I would love to give you that pounding you so desperately need. I bet I’m a way better fuck than Marcy anyways. You can simply ask Stephanie if you don’t believe me.” Linda said and Marcy could feel by Lisa’s increased wetness that she looked forward to getting fucked by Linda.


“I wouldn’t know, Marcy never fucked me. At least her tongue is getting really good.” Lisa laughed as she pulled Marcy’s face tighter against her pussy while an orgasm rolled through her body. Spreading her wetness all over her sissy boyfriend’s face.


Over the course of the meal both Linda and Lisa kept chatting as if the sissies weren’t present. Of course expecting them to live off their pussies alone was impossible, so they did offer the occasional bite of sushi under the table for the sissies to eat from their hands before the resumed licking.


A few orgasms and a full stomach later both women shoved their chairs backwards with a satisfied smile. For Lisa this was the best lunch date she had ever had. An exciting and sexually fuelled conversation with a gorgeous woman, good food and multiple orgasms. There really wasn’t anything more she could ask for.


After both taking a few moments to recuperate from their orgasmic highs it was Linda who spoke up first. “Phew, that was a good meal if I ever had one. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to work of some of those calories.” She said with a mischievous glint in her eye.


Lisa’s broad smile told her all she needed to know really and so she stood up and walked over to the young Domme in training. Holding out her hand Lisa was more than happy to take it as Linda helped her up. Once up on her feet Linda led Lisa to the bed where she sensually guided the girl to lay down.


“Stephanie, go and grab my strapon and help me put it on. Marcy, get your ass over here and kneel down. I have something important to say.” Linda ordered before turning her focus back to Lisa who was eagerly waiting on the bed. Looking in the girl’s lust filled eyes Linda leaned down and planted a passionate kiss on her lips while unbuttoning her blouse and removing her bra. Once Linda sat back up, Lisa had a splendid view over the gorgeous woman’s huge breasts in all their naked glory. Despite their size and Linda’s age they still looked surprisingly firm.


For both sissies the fact that both women where exposing themselves like this and were about to have sex, only made them painfully aware that neither of them considered them a threat at all. With their cocks locked in their cages and their minds still very much straight the sight only caused deep frustration.


By now Marcy had minced to the side of the bed and gotten on her knees as demanded. Stephanie had also joined them again after having fetched an 8-inch-long dildo attached to some leather straps. With ease Stephanie helped her stepmother step into the harness before tightening it for her, making it fit perfectly. It was clear that Stephanie had done this countless of times already.


With the big strapon cock in place Linda looked even more imposing than she already was. A big grin spreading across her face she turned her attention to a kneeling Marcy. “Okay sissy, so here is how it’s going to go. While I give your girlfriend the pounding she has been craving for so long you are going to lick my butthole. Really get your tongue into there and give me the rimjob of a lifetime. The deeper you rim my butthole the harder I’m going to fuck your girlfriend.” Linda explained loving the devastating effect it would certainly have on Marcy’s ego.


Marcy just sat there on her knees looking shocked. She couldn’t believe she would actually have to do this. Not only would she be forced to watch how her girlfriend was fucked by the woman she hated the way she had always dreamt of fucking her. Now she would also have to lick this woman’s butthole to encourage her to fuck her girlfriend. Just licking a butthole alone was more than disgusting enough.


The look Lisa gave her made it perfectly clear however. She’d better do a very good job rimming Linda’s butthole or she would be very sorry. It was clear that Lisa really wanted to get fucked hard and after she had witnessed her sucking a cock while moaning like a bitch in heat she couldn’t really blame her after that video.


While a rimjob on its own wasn’t exactly the most stimulating thing for Linda she loved the sheer power of it. It was taking ass kissing to a whole new level. With a big smile on her face she gently pushed Lisa’s legs open and positioned herself in between them. Looking down into Lisa’s lust filled eyes Linda gently rubbed the tip of her strapon over the girls wet and waiting lips, making her gasp with pleasure. “Well Marcy, I’m waiting. I’m not pushing into your girlfriend until I feel your tongue deeply buried up my butt.” Linda said calmly.


Lisa wasn’t nearly as calm though as she harshly lashed out consumed by lust so much that she simply didn’t care about being friendly anymore. “Goddamn it Marcy, get your tongue in there and you better stick it so deep that it feels like you’re trying to reach out of her mouth damn it. I need a good lay and you sure as hell are worthless when it comes to that.” Lisa screamed harshly. She hadn’t meant to be so hard, but damn she was on edge.


Mortified Marcy got up on the bed. She couldn’t believe she was going to do this, but surrounded by a horny girlfriend and a demanding Linda and Stephanie she felt like she had no choice. It really hurt what little of her self esteem was left, to lick a butthole to encourage Linda to fuck her girlfriend. Nevertheless, she got up on the bed and right behind Linda.


Reluctantly Marcy moved her face in close to Linda’s ass. She had to admit it was a magnificent butt, but that didn’t make what she had to do any better. Magnificent or not, licking a butthole was just gross, especially if it was so this woman would fuck her girlfriend.


Closing her eyes Marcy forced herself to place her lips against Linda’s wrinkled butthole. At least the woman’s personal hygiene was on point and the strapon harness kept her cheeks well spread to make for easy access. All Marcy could smell was a faint hint of sweat, a strong hint of pussy juices that had run down during lunch, and Linda’s strong floral perfume.


With her lips against the wrinkled hole Marcy shuddered in disgust as she started wiggling her tongue in as deep as she possibly could. Nearly instantly Linda gasped in satisfaction. It was followed by her thrusting forward pulling her butt away from Marcy’s face and the tongue out of her ass as she thrust the dildo deep into Lisa’s waiting pussy getting a loud moan out of the girl. She then pulled back out smacking her ass right back into Marcy’s face.


Linda’s constant thrusts back and forth, pounding Lisa’s pussy made it pretty much impossible for Marcy to give her that rimjob. She kept on trying to wiggle her tongue into Linda’s bottom, but every time she pulled away only to smack her butt back into her face.


It wasn’t even like Linda really cared. She knew she had given Marcy an impossible task. It was just fun for her and as long as she felt her butt smash into the sissies face she knew she was still trying which was all that really mattered to her as she focused her attention on Lisa.


Focusing her attention on Lisa, Linda rolled the girls shirt up, revealing that she wasn’t wearing a bra. With a big smile on her face Linda started playing with the girl’s nipples as she kept on pounding away. Soon the two of them had their hands all over each other, locked into a passionate kiss while the pounding continued on for a good half hour and four more orgasms for Lisa. After the last one Linda collapsed beside her, breathing heavily. Fucking this pretty girl had been a lot of fun, but exhausting.


“Marcy, suck that dildo clean will you? We all know you don’t have problems deepthroating a cock this size.” Lisa simply ordered before crawling on top of Linda to continue their passionate make out session? Going back to ignoring Marcy completely.


Letting out a slight groan Marcy got to it tasting her girlfriends juices off of the silicon cock strapped to Linda’s hips. It was the ultimate offense to her dignity especially as it forced her to stare in the slightly gaping and obviously well fucked pussy of Lisa while all she had was a slightly sore face from the numerous times Linda’s ass had smacked into it.


Eventually Lisa did roll off of Linda and slowly got up off the bed, rolling her shirt and skirt down as if nothing had happened. The only thing giving away that she just had had the fucking of her lifetime where her messy hair and the big goofy smile. “That was so much fun Linda, thank you so much for everything, we’ll surely have to do this again some time. For now I think I’ll better leave though, wouldn’t want to take too many of your business hours away.” Lisa said.


“Oh that’s quite alright, it was more than worth it. You’re definitely welcome for a repeat at any time. Sissies, get tidied up while I show Lisa out and be quick about it.” Linda said switching from sweet to stern as she picked her blouse of the floor and buttoned it back up. She didn’t even bother putting her panties or bra back on as she guided Lisa out.


Finally left alone Marcy breathed out a deep sight of relief. Short lived relief as Stephanie had picked the crop back up not granting her a moment of rest as she said. “Go and fix your ruined makeup right now and it better be good from the firtht try.” Letting out another sigh Marcy minced to the vanity table and started cleaning off her ruined makeup to get ready for the second half of her day working at CC’s.


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