Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy

Part 30

Chapter 33


Over the course of the weekend Mark parents didn’t see him, but at least they felt somewhat secure in the fact that he wasn’t completely isolating himself like it had looked these past few weeks. Lisa came by on Saturday and Sunday spending a big portion of her day over. Passing Mark’s room they heard the occasional moans and creaking of a bed, but then again boys that age just were hormone filled creatures right? It wasn’t anything they even wanted to know or investigate. Giving Mark and his girlfriend their privacy they avoided going upstairs as much as possible.


Mark had been a late to hit puberty for sure so it wasn’t surprising that that hormone fuelled isolation came now; What did guys his age do? Watch porn and jerk off? At least with Lisa no over he had some social contact as well. They remained completely obvious to what was really going on.


While Marcy’s parents were glad that she was being more sociable again Marcy had mixed feeling with how the weekend went. The voice over the speakers seemed to be leaving her alone all weekend yet the speakers and cameras remained and so did the threat of trouble if she were to step out of line.


Although there was no one telling her what to do or when to do it, Marcy still strictly kept to all the rules that had been forced on her as well as the schedule she had had to adopt. Marcy strictly kept to mincing around in her room, she kept up with her enema’s as well as her make-up schedule of applying the stuff at least 5 times a day for practice. All the practice was paying off as she was able to apply her makeup near flawlessly on top of that she was getting faster and more efficient as well.


Spending more time with Lisa was also great, visiting Chelsea had really boosted their sex life and now that Lisa had that special strapon it seemed like her libido had increased tenfold. Where before all of this she had always held off on sex she now couldn’t get enough of it anymore. Sex seemed to be all she wanted lately.


She always send Marcy a message to wait for her on the bed about half an hour before she arrived. She didn’t specify anything else, but Marcy always made sure to dress up in a nice set of lingerie to wait for her girlfriend. It seemed to please Lisa a lot and then again it didn’t require much imagination at all what she meant with wait on the bed after what had happened at Chelsea’s place.


It never took Lisa more than a minute to pull Marcy’s panties down and remove her plug only to replace it with the strapon which she wore under her skirt to come here. God she loved her strapon so much and she especially loved using it on Marcy. She simply was unable to keep her hands off her girlfriend and Marcy didn’t seem to mind to much either. Sex with Lisa and her strapon was great, way better than the plug or fingers stimulating her prostate yet at the same time it also embarrassed her. She always felt so vulnerable when Lisa fucked her and while it led to many great orgasms it also felt so wrong to be the one getting fucked, that while she had never been able to use her own cock for anything more than jerking off and lately not at all.


The hardest part about it all was the fact that not only did she have rather intense orgasms from getting fucked by Lisa, she also started to crave them. Just like Lisa her libido was pretty big as well. Since this blackmail had first started she had came way more than she used to before, so much that she now craved multiple orgasms a day. Those had decreased a lot since the addition of the plug, but the constant state of arousal the plug created only made Marcy hornier.


Marcy might have mixed feeling about getting fucked, but one thing was for certain, this was way better than having to service real cocks to get an orgasm delivered through the plug by her blackmailer. While Lisa was a harsh Mistress, loving to dish out spankings and very demanding thanks to Linda, she had softened a bit after their visit at Chelsea’s. She had become more playful in her interactions with Marcy and she was very passionate when it came to making love with her sissy boyfriend.


Fucking Marcy always went accompanied with plenty of kissing and lots of teasing roaming hands. Lisa especially seemed to loved playing with Marcy’s nipples while fucking her from behind and whispering in her ear what a good sissy she was. It was something that Marcy had to admit felt strangely good. She had never considered that her nipples could be so sensitive or that they could bring her so much pleasure.


It was slightly worrying as well though as Lisa’s playing with them left them feeling slightly itchy and somewhat swollen. A swelling that didn’t seem to go down over the weekend. Sure that was just because of Lisa’s frequent pulling and occasional soft bites right?


The thing Marcy disliked most about getting fucked by Lisa was probably the requirement of having to swallow every load from her sissy sanitary condoms. She didn’t know how many loads she swallowed, but she was pretty sure that over the course of the weekend it was more than what she could count on her fingers. Lisa always seemed to love squeezing every last drop into her mouth though and while Marcy didn’t really like it she did obediently offer her open mouth each time Lisa pulled off a filled condom.


Marcy’s biggest worries over the weekend were that her parents might end up hearing her moans and shrieks, but luckily they never came to investigate the noise. Those being her biggest worries was mainly because of the fact that she nearly forgot about her blackmailer. The last time she had heard him was on Thursday and she couldn’t say she minded at all. Maybe he had had a stroke or something and she was finally relieved of the burden of the blackmail. Whatever it was she hoped he was gone for good, but she was still to scared to break any of the established rules.


Not contacting Marcy all weekend long was tough for John. There were quite a few moments where he would have loved to order Marcy around, but he had to restrain himself cause of the deal he had made with Lisa. Well it was more a demand from Lisa’s side than a deal really, but there was something in it for him as well. Since he didn’t want Marcy’s parents to find out about how much of a sissy their son had turned into just yet there wasn’t a lot he could do to her over the weekend.


To be honest it was quite surprising that her parents hadn’t noticed just yet, but it did fit his plan of keeping a firm grasp on Marcy. Their interference could have probably ruined his plans if they had found out earlier. Now Marcy was in way deep however. Deep enough that John doubted that she could go back to her old live completely. Somethings like the laser hair removal were pretty permanent, but apart from those, some behaviours and such would require major attention to unlearn as well.


While he couldn’t do much to Marcy over the weekend Lisa could. Marcy’s parents knew her as her girlfriend and so didn’t raise questions when she came over. The amazing show she put up made it all worth not contacting Marcy. He didn’t like not being the one to pop Marcy’s cherry, but luckily the dildo Lisa used was nothing compared to the size of his cock. It would barely stretch Marcy out more than the plug did.


Not being able to be the one to pop Marcy cherry wasn’t the thing that bothered him most, what bothered him most was how Lisa had not only claimed the weekend but also the Fridays. Since Marcy worked at CC’s on Wednesdays that only left her to him for three days a week. Marcy was his project, and it pissed him off that his freedom regarding his project was so severely limited. For now he could do nothing but just accept it however. With how Lisa could ruin everything, Linda being on the girl’s side didn’t help him either. He didn’t like being told what to do and when he could do it by women, but momentarily he didn’t have a choice and although he hated to admit it, Lisa and Linda were useful as well. Without them this sissy project would never have turned out this great.


It wasn’t as much the little time with Marcy left for him that bothered him, but not being able to call the shots. It was one of the main reasons why things hadn’t worked out with his wife, him needing to be in full control at all times.


Eventually Sunday evening did arrive however. It was pretty late when Lisa decided to call it a day and leave after fucking the both of them to one last orgasm. With Lisa gone Marcy simply preformed her nighttime ritual and went to bed. John jerk off for a last time, emptying his balls in an empty bottle he stored in the fridge. A bottle holding nearly half a glass of cum by now. Tomorrow it would be his turn with Marcy again and he really planned to make the most out of it.


With a big smirk John eventually went to bed as well. Tomorrow was the time he would finally seize the opportunity and slide his cock into Marcy’s bottom as well. After her mouth he could already imagine how good her ass would feel. Speaking of which he wondered how much Marcy’s cock sucking skills had improved. After the practice she had had so far he guessed she must be better by now than just being able to take his length.


Chapter 34


Monday morning Marcy was rudely awoken when the loud distorted voice of John came over the speakers. “Wakey wakey sissy, did you miss me? I’m sure you did, well then it’s your lucky day cause I’ll be coming to visit you again in one hour. You have until then to get ready. I want your face fully made up, wearing that pink and white lingerie set, that pink summer dress you bought on Friday, you looked so pretty modelling it for your girlfriend and lastly those heels from that gorgeous maid outfit. I expect to find you in the same position as last time, wearing your contacts and those cuffs.” John instructed barely giving Marcy time to wake up and comprehend what was happening.


With a load groan Marcy got out of bed and minced to her bathroom. After all these days of absence the voice over the speakers came as a very disturbing surprise. Rationally she had known that she hadn’t heard the end of it yet despite her hopes. What did really shock her though was that whoever was behind the voice had clearly been watching over the weekend. She simply didn’t think the person behind it would have been able to keep from interfering that long if he was watching.


Now that he was back however the nervousness Marcy felt was back in full force as well. Denying his demands barely even crossed her mind at this point. All she thought about was needing to get a hurry on so she wouldn’t be punished because she ran out of time. Sure she had become a lot better at all required parts from her morning ritual like attaching her stockings to her garters, applying makeup, carrying out her enema,… yet with only an hour to be fully ready she had no time to waste.


In a hurry she carried out all steps of her morning routine before getting dressed in the requested outfit, needing a moment to search it out of the already vast amount of girl’s clothes and lingerie she currently owned. With everything put on she took the contacts back to the foot of her bed, cuffed one end of each cuff around her wrists and put the contacts in making everything dark.


For a moment hesitance struck her, all that remained was to lock the other end of the cuffs to her bed posts, if she did she was completely trapped and at the mercy of her blackmailer once more. She knew what had happened last time, she knew what would probably happen again, but apart from that slight moment of hesitance she couldn’t bring herself to rebel. Just the thought of disobeying made her exceedingly nervous. Every time she had tried to resist in the past she had been threatened and ended up regretting her rebellion to the point where now even without a threat thinking about disobeying was enough to make her nervous. With two swift motions she locked the other ends of the cuffs to her bed, sealing her fate.


Instantly feelings of regret washed over her, she knew what would happen so how could she have been so stupid?  It was too late now, she would have no choice but to service that smelly cock once more before she got out of these cuffs and as much as she hated that thought, imagining that strong oh so familiar aroma caused a surge of arousal. Horrified she realised that even just imagining serving that cock turned her on.


Her shameful thoughts were interrupted when she suddenly heard the backdoor open. Just like yesterday it felt like time stopped for a moment. This time the intruder was way faster though, quickly making his way upstairs and opening the door to her room. Marcy’s breath stocked in her throat when she suddenly felt a big hand stroke her hair.


It was the only kind motion though as soon after her cheeks were squeezed painfully and something long and rubbery got shoved in her mouth. It wasn’t as long as her dildo, but long and fat enough to fill her entire mouth. Marcy could tell pretty easily by now that it was shaped as a cock as well. She hated to admit it, but she had experience with those by now. Two straps wrapped around her head and buckled together, firmly seating this rubber cock in her mouth much to Marcy’s confusion. What was happening? She thought she was just supposed to give another blowjob and get it over with.


The strangeness didn’t stop there either as for a moment the blackmailer walked away from her, rummaging in one of her drawers before returning and Locking that collar Chelsea had given her around her neck. Marcy had no clue what for and that scared her to no end.


What followed was the biggest surprise of all. With a beeping noise the cuffs she was in suddenly unlocked letting her pull her arms free. Not for long though as the two strong hands of her blackmailer made her lean forward, forcing her arms together behind her back before using one of the cuffs to lock them tightly together.


With the collar, the gag and now the hands cuffed behind her back Marcy was pulled up to her feet, held tightly against her blackmailer’s sweaty smelly body. The white leather pumps remained awkwardly high for her, but after her day at CC’s she had mastered standing in them. Walking was still very hard though she found out as a tug on the leash forced her to step forward. The biggest difficulty was that she couldn’t use her hands at her side for balance like she had been thought when she needed to mince.


John took a moment to admire his handy work, his project, his sissy standing before him completely helpless unable to even see. She had surely come a long way from annoying scrawny vandal to this gorgeous thing. Her shinning straight well brushed bangs and her gorgeous although exaggerated makeup sure were a huge improvement on that ratty matt hair and the thin patchy hairs that grew in her beard area before. Her lips looked so luscious, neatly painted and wrapped around the dildo gag and even her scrawny limbs which had looked somewhat ridiculous on a guy looked great and delicate in her sheer pink stockings.


Sure technically Marcy was still a guy, but John didn’t mind, judging from how popular Marcy’s site had become in no time he surely wasn’t the only one willing to tap this sissy’s ass. What she lacked in breasts was more than made up for in obedience. Honestly it was hard not to just throw her on the bed right here and now, but he had other plans for the sissy.


Tugging on the leash once more he forced Marcy to walk even closer to him and then he started walking, out of Marcy’s room to the stairs, carrying the sissy down stairs before walking straight to the front door, opening it up and pulling Marcy straight into the open.


Marcy’s nerves were raging the dress might be a pretty normal one, a standard summer dress with a flared skirt in pink. She had bought it with Lisa on Friday, it also hid her lingerie pretty well so apart from the colour of her stockings and the white back seam this outfit could let her pass as being a regular girl, but there was no way the cuffs, collar and gag did, much less being led around on a leash by a man.


All she could really do was hope that none of the neighbours were watching. If anyone did, especially that creep of a John it would be over and out for her secret. What would her parents say if they were addressed about this event?


It all turned her into a complete and utter nerve wreck, especially because all she could do was follow along. Walking in these heels was hard enough as it was. She couldn’t put up any resistance in them whatsoever, especially not against the strong tugs at her leash. Besides she couldn’t see a thing so that leash was all she had to go on as far as directions went. With her hands cuffed behind her back she couldn’t take out the contacts so even if she escaped from the leash she would be helpless. She could kick off her heels and dig in her feet, but that would only ruin her stockings and wouldn’t improve her situation one bit. Besides the heels were a rather tight fit so just kicking them off wouldn’t be that easy either, especially not while walking.


She was pretty much unable to make a fuss and even if she could to what end? All it would do was attract more attention. Judging from the way her blackmailer had carried her downstairs there was nothing she could do to stop him at all. In the worst case for him he could just carry her off.


The walk they ended up taking was a very short one, just off to the side of the front door to the driveway. There a car door was opened and she was forced inside, the leash wrapped around the headrest to ensure she wouldn’t go anywhere. This offered a small relief as she considered the chance anyone had seen her rather small in the few seconds she had been out of the house and not into the car yet.


While it offered some release in that sense it gave her a whole new thing to worry about. Why the hell had she been put in a car? Where would she be taken? Had she just been kidnapped? Would she ever get to return home again or had this been the plan all along? How could she have been so stupid to cuff herself to that bed again knowing that the man who would come had ill intentions. Sure she hadn’t expected them to be this extreme, but then again getting her mouth used as some sextoy was pretty extreme as well so maybe she should have seen this coming.


All the stress and now this made Marcy scream into her gag, she didn’t want to be seen by any neighbours, but she desperately wanted to notify someone of what was happening. Noticing this when he got into the driver’s seat John played a distorted recording from his phone. In order to conceal his identity he had recorded some commands and things he thought he might need and luckily this had been one of those things. It wasn’t hard to imagine that Marcy would expect the worst getting pushed into a car after all.


“Quit your whining sissy, I’m not going to kidnap you. I’m just going to take you some place else and if you’re a good girl you’ll be back before your parents are home. If you’re a brat however I’ll keep you until they are home, tie your leash to the doorknob and ring the bell however. I suspect you don’t want that.” The robotic voice said threatening Marcy into silence.


How far she could trust this guy on his word she didn’t know, but then again if he had wanted to kidnap her then he could have done so last time. So maybe he was speaking the truth. One thing was for certain though with this gag she could barely make a sound and thus notifying anyone was pretty much a lost cause. All she could really do was to go along with this and hope for the best, cause she had no doubt that he would make true on his threat if she didn’t.


Seeing Marcy quiet down a little John smirked. That had worked like a charm luckily. It wouldn’t have made much of a difference except that he would have had to listen to that constant whining all trip long. Now that Marcy was quiet again he took off. He didn’t have any specific route in mind really, he was just bringing Marcy to his house, but driving around a bit before would help to keep his identity hidden. Not that it really mattered at this point, he guessed that even if Marcy knew who he was he could keep control of the situation, but it was quite fun leaving the sissy in the dark, quite literally at that.


After driving around for nearly half an hour, being rather certain that Marcy could have impossibly kept track of all the roads he had taken John pulled up in his own driveway, entering his own garage, right next to Marcy’s house. It brought a smirk to his face imagining how Marcy probably thought they were somewhere far away right now.


Getting out of the car John moved to the passenger’s side and unwrapped Marcy’s leash from the headrest. Pulling her out of the car and steadying her on her feet John started pulling her around again, leading Marcy straight into his living room and pushing her down to her knees in front of his comfortable recliner chair before sitting down himself, placing a leg on either side of Marcy.


All throughout the car trip Marcy’s nerves had only increased. Apparently this guy was from some place pretty far from where she lived. It was quite surprising considering that she had thought it must have been someone from the neighbourhood since they had had to pass by her bedroom window on that fateful night. Maybe it was family from someone in the neighbourhood, someone who had been there on the wrong day at the wrong time at least for Marcy.


Whoever it was and wherever he lived the fact remained that she was kneeling between his legs and she knew a blowjob would probably follow. If this was what this guy had wanted after all then why the hell had he brought her here?


Not wasting anymore time having been rock hard all the way here John unbuckled his pants and pushed them down to his ankles taking his boxer shorts along with them. He then lifted his butt, pulled Marcy’s leash under him and sat down on it so Marcy’s head was trapped, unable to move more than an inch away from his cock. With her hands cuffed behind her back it was pretty hard not to fall face first into his crotch. Like this that familiar smell of musk, stale and precum and stale piss intensely assaulted her senses. Marcy hated herself for it, but she couldn’t help but moan upon smelling it. That smell had just been so strongly linked to her pleasure by now.


It made it hard for John not to burst out laughing, he sure had done a number on his hated neighbour’s son. Now it was time to reap the rewards from his little project again though. With a swift motion he unbuckled the gag and pulled it out of Marcy’s mouth, he felt pretty confident that a ring gag would not be needed this time.


Scrolling through his phone he selected the next audio command. “Start sucking my cock sissy and no teeth or you’ll be very sorry.” The robotic voice warned


Just wanting to get this over with Marcy didn’t even hesitate, she lowered her face towards her blackmailer’s crotch, unable to see or feel where it was. As a result she estimated that it was a little too low making Johns rock hard precum leaking cock poke her into her left eye. A little bit of precum made its way into her eye as a result making it sting something fierce while her blackmailer burst out laughing, quickly controlling himself again while she corrected herself and moved her mouth up to the head now that she knew where it was.


As Marcy took his tip into her mouth and slowly sucked down his entire length until her nose was buried into his thick stinking patch of wiry pubic hairs John let out a moan. So did Marcy as John has set her butt plug to the edging setting, further establishing his smelly cock as a source of pleasure for the sissy. The orgasm button was at the ready so he could make Marcy fill her sissy condom when he filled her mouth and throat with his cum.


While John carelessly enjoyed his blowjob Marcy was having a hard time, sure the cock she was sucking stunk and tasted bad, but at the same time that turned her on. It was also quite huge, second only to the one of Chelsea’s sub, but then again that guy’s cock had been extraordinary.


Making matters worse it felt like the stinging of the precum that had gotten into her eye only became worse. So bad even that it made her eye tear up badly. Nevertheless Marcy dutifully kept on sucking, taking the whole length of her blackmailer’s cock with minimal gagging. The gag reflex was definitely still there, but it had severely diminished over time and practice.


The constant deepthroating was starting to really ruin Marcy’s lipstick and her tearing left eye was making her mascara and eyeliner there run out giving her a bad case of panda eyes. Unlike last time John wasn’t fucking Marcy’s face yet her face slowly started to resemble the face of a cheap hooker after a rough night with how badly her makeup got smeared. It wasn’t that hard to make it look that way either, the huge quantities of makeup she was required to put on following the instruction video from CC’s were rather prone to smearing.


For John the only thing missing was the fact that he couldn’t see the full effect of the embarrassed look in Marcy’s eyes. These contacts were definitely better than a blindfold for savouring Marcy’s facial expression, but in the end they were quite lifeless as well.


Another thing that was bothering John was that Marcy wasn’t very inventive when it came to sucking his cock. Sucking cock to her simply seemed to mean taking him all the way in her throat, that while one of the videos from the glory hole had definitely illustrated that she had been instructed on other techniques, especially on how to use her tongue. While frustrating John hadn’t anticipated this and as a result he had no way of ordering Marcy to switch things up.


Boring or not Marcy’s technique did manage to get John to the edge of his orgasm quite quickly. She had barely been sucking him for three minutes when he could feel his balls tense up as a warning that his load would soon follow. It was the first load of many he planned to deposit into his sissy project today, the first load always being the biggest but the fastest to come. Marcy would have to work harder for the next one.


In a fraction of a second John moved his hand to the back of Marcy’s head and pushed her all the way down on his cock, making her gag slightly as she nose was squashed in his pubic bush and her chin rested on his hairy balls. Jet after jet of warm sticky cum got shot down her throat while her own orgasm started at nearly the same time since John had pushed the orgasm button on the but plug’s app, finally allowing Marcy to tip over the edge she had been kept on during the entire blowjob session.


Marcy was painfully aware of the status she had opposed to her blackmailer. She had been moulded to think of other men as real men while her self-image as being a sissy constantly got reinforced. This orgasm illustrated the difference between them perfectly, her blackmailer, the real man got to deposit his load straight down someone’s throat, while she the sissy just leaked her load out of her cage into a tiny pink condom. The contrast couldn’t be any bigger.


While both their orgasms where slowly calming down the tears in Marcy’s left eye continued to gather until a blink dislodged her contact and made it fall out of her eye. After all this time being embarrassed and used anonymously by her blackmailer Marcy was finally eye to eye with the man behind the speakers, none other than her creepy neighbour John, the one whose house she used to trash on the regular.


Both of them were coming down from their highs, John’s last small jets of cum shooting down Marcy’s throat, while the last bit of her own orgasm dribbled into the condom. Finally after all this time she found out who was behind this, with the man’s very cock still buried deep in her throat.


There wasn’t much to go on as far as Marcy’s facial expressions went other than the look in her teary left eye, a look of pure shock. Looking up she saw the same shock in her older neighbour whose cock she was still sucking his face, shock that his secret was no longer secret and that his sissy project now knew exactly who he was.


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