Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy

Part 31

Chapter 35


Marcy couldn’t believe she had been such a fool, never able to figure out that it was her perverted neighbour who had been behind it all along. She should have known and yet she didn’t, she had never been able to figure it out until right now when that one contact slipped out of her eye. Just a minute ago she thought she was somewhere all the way across the city, it could have been a neighbouring town even yet apparently she was right next door.


Now that she finally knew who was behind all of this she felt an anger boil deep inside her. All this time she had helplessly went along with her blackmailer, having no one to be angry at. Breaking free had seemed impossible not knowing who was behind her blackmail, but now that she knew she felt emboldened. She had always pitched her helplessness on the anonymity of her blackmailer making her feel like she now for the first time had a way out of this situation.


Pulling off of John’s cock with her mouth Marcy erupted in a rant. “John?! You?! You fucking bastard. Oh god I swear you’re so going to regret this so fucking much just wait and see, you’re fucking done you asshole. I’ll…” She ranted, cut short by John just suddenly smacking her in the face with his slowly softening cock. The shocked expression on John’s own face replaced by a broad smirk.


Shocked Marcy looked up at him, past his cock which she couldn’t move more than an inch away from. She tried pulling back, but John was just too firmly seated on her leach for her to gain even an inch of distance. Her hands cuffed behind her back were no help either.


“Asshole, how dare you?! You’ll pay for that as well. Now get your fat ass off of this thing and that nasty cock of yours out of my face or I’ll…”  Marcy started once more, anger retaking the place of her shock but once more she was hit in the face with John’s cock.


This time it was only just enough to make Marcy stop in her tracks. Nearly right away she opened her mouth in anger again to continue the rant, but John simply hit her in the face with his cock yet again. Opening her mouth once more resulted in yet another hit, then another one and yet another one. Eventually John just burst out laughing seeing the increasingly angry look on Marcy’s face yet smacking her with his cock didn’t get old. It made him wonder why he hadn’t just revealed his identity earlier. This was so much fun.


“I should have told Suzan to give that tongue piercing near the front. It really did feel great on my cock. That’s for sure, but hearing you rant with a fat lisp like that sissy at the store would have been spectacularly hilarious, even more hilarious than this was I mean.” John taunted loving how he only seemed to make Marcy angrier.


Before she could start screaming at him again he spoke up, no longer needing to conceal his voice. “Seriously though, why don’t you humour me? Why don’t you tell me exactly how you plan to make me pay? I would love to hear it. If you don’t scream I’ll even stop hitting you with my cock.” John said with a huge smirk.


Angrily Marcy was about to explain just how she would make John pay, but the more she started thinking about the specifics she started the more she started to realise that she couldn’t really think of a way on how that would or could happen. She had been so stuck looking at the obstacle of not knowing who her blackmailer was, telling herself that had no options until she could figure that out that she never really thought about what she could do when she knew. Worse even, she had put up with so much followed so many commands that she had made escaping his grasp so much harder than it had initially been. Thinking back on it wearing those stupid panties had been easy enough to explain but the hole had become deeper so gradually that following the commands had always seemed like the better option compared to blackmail at that time.


Right now she was stuck in a situation that simply couldn’t be explained in any conceivable way. Things had gone so far that there could be no other explanation than being a sissy cock lover, a realisation that shook Marcy to her core. Hell her situation right now was even inescapable, stuck within an inch of John’s cock, her hands cuffed behind her back, the only way out was if John let her out which he didn’t seem very inclined to do. He just looked on amused as he watched the anger eb away from Marcy’s face, replaced by shocked realisation and worry.


She realised full well that she had pretty much screwed herself over with her outburst screaming and insulting John hadn’t been a good idea at all. Especially not while she was completely at his mercy. She had just been so relieved to finally know the identity of her blackmailer that she hadn’t been thinking straight and now she was screwed big time. All that was left to do to try and salvage this situation was to bluff. “Just wait and see. I won’t give you a chance to prepare.” She said trying to sound though but failing miserably. She sounded worried above all else, a huge change compared to the anger.


“Allow me to try and guess your plans of making me sorry. You’re going to tempt me with that ass of yours into fucking you until I have a stroke out of sheer exhaustion. Or do you plan to suck my cock so expertly to so many orgasms, sucking so much cum out of me that I die from dehydration?” John taunted with a loud laugh knowing he had Marcy tightly in his clutches by now, so tight that he didn’t believe she was able to make him pay. If anything had become clear over the duration of this project it was that Marcy lacked the guts to stand up for herself.


“You’re scaring me a little to be honest. Maybe I should aim to be safe rather than sorry, maybe I should pop that contact back in, walk you out front and tie your leash to your parent’s mailbox. If I put a cardboard sign around your neck reading ‘free sissy cocksucker’ I’m sure someone will come take you away and hopefully far away. That would probably make me feel a lot safer.” John said seeing the fear in Marcy’s eye grow.


“No! Please don’t…. I mean that won’t safe you.” Marcy cried out in shock losing all credit to her threat of revenge. If John did that which he had no reason not to do then she would be so screwed. Either someone would take her away, or her parents would find her, plugged, caged, tied up, dressed like a complete sissy, a cum filled condom dangling off her cage and the stench of cum on her breath. No way she would live that down. She had to prevent that from happening at all costs.


“Oh won’t it? I mean I can still try right. If you’re so serious then I kind of have to try or I’ll regret it right?” John said now openly toying with the distraught Marcy. It was such fun seeing her dig the hole she was in even deeper.


“I…I was just joking surprise. You won’t regret not doing so, I promise.” Marcy awkwardly said, her heart nearly beating out of her chest as she imagined being tied out on the street looking like she did, a place where she would spend all day until her parent’s came home or someone took her with him. Or worse even someone might notify the police and they arrest her for indecent exposure. The thought of ending up in jail like this was mortifying. No she couldn’t risk it.


“Hmmm I don’t know Marcy, you really scared me. Maybe it’s just better this way? I mean how can I trust that you aren’t lying right now? How can I trust you when you haven’t even apologised yet?” John asked with a smirk guiding Marcy in the right direction.


“I’m sorry for everything.” Marcy replied nervously. She didn’t want to apologise, especially not for what she had said, but she felt like she didn’t have much choice considering the circumstances.


It was not nearly enough for John who pushed Marcy further. “If you were really sorry you would be way more specific about what you’re all sorry for, so sorry Marcy but I’m not buying it.”


Marcy was mortified. Having to look up at John, looking up his fat hairy stomach peeking out from under his greyish white t-shirt and into his ugly obviously fake offended face from the most unflattering angle possibly was bad enough already. Having John’s smelly now flaccid cock a mere inch from his face made it horrible, but having to swallow those words she had meant that pent up anger and frustration was the worst. It took a bit before she was ready, but eventually Marcy felt like she didn’t have a choice but to swallow her words.


“I’m sorry for being rude, and for threatening you.” Marcy eventually said but looking up she saw that John expected more. “I’m sorry for taking that tone with you, for calling you a bastard and an asshole, for calling your ass fat and for calling your cock nasty.” She added, her face flushing bright red under her ruined makeup.


“Better, although I think you should show your sincerity. You called my cock nasty earlier yet when you first put your face near it you moaned. You moaned while that plug didn’t even Vibrate because you’re such a butt slut. I think you should give my cock a kiss, tell me how you really feel about it? does it turn you on? If I think you are lying I won’t hesitate to put you out on the street.” John warned sternly.


She knew full well that John expected to hear what he wanted to hear, he would probably call everything else lies. Worse was the fact that he was right though she really did get turned on and aroused by the strong scent of his dirty old cock. This was wrong on so many levels and yet Marcy couldn’t bring herself to do anything but obey.


“Y…you’re cock really turns me on, it’s scent is simply intoxicating.” Marcy forced herself to say knowing that it wasn’t even a lie. Leaning forward she gave the now limp cock she had just sucked so vigorously a gentle peck.


“Intoxicating, interesting. So that’s why you seem to moan whenever you smother your face in my freshly freed crotch.” John taunted very satisfied that the training with his boxer shorts had such a huge effect on Marcy. It was simply delicious knowing he had messed with this pest’s head so badly that she got excited at the smell of his dirty cock.


“Now in a minute we can get to making sure that I don’t regret my decision to keep you around here today by being the best possible sissy you can be for me. First a punishment is in order though. You just pretty much spent all your credit for mistakes in one day so I’d be very careful if I were you or the punishment I’ll diss out now will seem like nothing at all.” John warned before getting up and off of Marcy’s leash. In her tall heels and with her hands cuffed behind her back getting up on her own was rather hopeless.


John was careful to position himself in a way so that he nearly stood against the kneeling sissy, his cock dangling right above her head. He then proceeded to take off his pants and underwear entirely. “There I won’t need those anymore at least not for the rest of the day.” John said with a smirk giving Marcy a slight insight into today’s prospects.


Done he took a small step back again and pulled the scared sissy up to her feet. “Let’s get that other contact out of the way as well. So you can have a better look at this cock you love so much.” John said with a smirk, loving the embarrassment he saw in Marcy’s eyes.


After taking care of the other contact he lifted Marcy’s skirt and lowered her panties right down to her ankles, displaying the small pink cage with an equally small but filled pink condom dangling off the tip. “You won’t need these anymore either as far as today goes, and would you look at that. You filled your sissy spunk bag out of the sheer excitement of sucking my cock. See it proves that you weren’t lying earlier when you told me my cock turned you on.” John said taunting Marcy further.


Pulling the condom off of Marcy’s Chastity cage John moved it up to the sissy’s mouth. What he wanted was rather clear and so Marcy opened her mouth in shame. She didn’t like wearing panties, but standing pantyless in front of her older neighbour she felt very vulnerable. Accepting her own sperm back in her mouth made her feel even worse, but after John’s warning she didn’t want to make things even worse than they already were.


Moving to a nearby cabinet Marcy was shocked to see John pull out another sissy condom wrapper, opening it up and slipping yet another tiny pink latex bag over the tip of his cock. John wasn’t about to let Marcy go without a condom at any point. They served a way bigger purpose than simply serving as added embarrassment. If that had been the case then John wouldn’t have bothered as much.


He had had a talk with Linda about these condoms, apparently apart from being designed for maximum embarrassment they were designed specially to turn the sissies using them into even bigger sissies. Just like regular condoms had a standard slight lubricant coating, these were coated with a very special concoction on the inside. It was a rather potent mix of hormones, held in a coating that was soluble in cum and only in cum. As the condom filled this coating with the hormones got absorbed by the cum, the more cum the more hormones got absorbed into it.


With every load of their cum the sissy’s swallowed they got a load of hormones as well. The more they came the higher their hormone intake. Yet Linda didn’t want her sissies to start developing into real passable girls so at some point the hormone intake needed to stop as well, it was an added benefit of the method of delivery. As the sissies started growing a little more emotional, their features and skin softened and their breasts started to develop, their sperm would water down as well and the loads would decrease in size. The more the hormones started to take effect the less hormones the sissy would get and the more their own natural hormones would take hold. In theory it should leave the sissies with a slightly swollen sensitive chest, an A cup at most. It had worked perfectly on Stephanie so far and was a huge recipe for success.


That was the theory, a theory John couldn’t wait to see in action, one he would have to subject to closer inspection later on. Surely he would have wanted Marcy to have bigger breasts but a swollen sensitive chest would be a nice start. Oh the fun that could be had playing with extra sensitive nipples. For now all he could do was ensure that Marcy was fed as many hormones as possible.


“Alright, now that you’re changed it’s time for your punishment. A nice sound spanking should do, at least if that’s considered a punishment for a huge sissy like you, I bet you’d even get off on being spanked by Daddy, maybe it was a conspiracy to get spanked all along? Well there’s only one way to find out right?” John asked with a smirk as he sat back down and forcefully pulled Marcy over his wide hairy lap by her leash, swiftly flipping her skirt up to reveal her soft juicy butt cheeks, slightly parted by the plug shoved between them. Oh what an enticing sight.


Tipping to the side John picked up his discarded boxers of the floor while Marcy was scared she was going to fall face first on the floor. Opening the boxers up John then pulled them over Marcy’s head, positioning the crotch part where his cock had been right over Marcy’s nose. “There you go, you might be getting punished, but I’m no monster, I’ll give you something nice to deal with the pain as well.” John smirked loving how he could call his boxers something nice.


As nasty as this was Marcy couldn’t help but clench her butt a little around her plug in response. Lately her reaction to arousal had seemed to elicit responses from her butt more than her cock. It wasn’t something she really thought about as reactions from her cock only caused pain. It had been a while now since she had felt such pain, her cock hadn’t hurt a single time anymore after she had grown used to her new cage.


On top of the smelly boxers her plug suddenly started vibrating as well, the combination enough to draw out a loud moan. “Oh my, you do look forward to getting spanked you naughty sissy.” John taunted landing a first hard smack on Marcy’s butt cheeks causing a loud moaning yelp. The slap hurt, but at the same time it had driven the gently vibrating plug a little deeper causing a sudden more intense burst of pleasure as well. It was a very weird sensation to experience those two at the same time, one that got her a light snickering from John.


Soon a second slap landed causing a similar reaction. It was devastating to Marcy’s mentality. Not only did her butt get a beating, so did her whole clutching onto the idea she was straight. How could she still try to see herself as straight after having sucked so many cocks? Surely she could hold onto the idea that she was technically forced. There was no one forcing her to get off on this though. Surely she wasn’t getting off on the spanking itself, she was getting off on the smell of John’s unwashed cock and how the plug pounded her ass with every slap. There was no way she could rationalise it, which hurt even more than the spanking itself.


The spanking just carried on relentlessly and as her butt grew more and more tender from the continuous slaps, an orgasm was slowly starting to build as well. Marcy was horrified realising it, she needed to do everything in her power to keep herself from cumming. She just couldn’t let herself cum being spanked by this fat perverted bastard of a neighbour, one she had hated all her life. Making matters worse John’s cock also started to harden, poking her in her stomach right above her own caged member


Try as she might, each spank became more painful than the last, yet she continued growing closer to an orgasm, and with John not showing any signs of stopping anytime soon it eventually became too much. As Marcy’s butt grew sorer the latest nudges of the vibrating plug against her prostate tipped her over the edge, making her erupt in a series of loud gasps as she filled up yet another hormone laced condom to her incredible shame.


John although he had always considered himself straight was simply infatuated with his sissy project as much as he had hated the ratty haired snot who often vandalised his house he now couldn’t get enough of her. The power of making he cum from that spanking made his cock throb against her stomach, but as she came, completely mortified John finally stopped spanking.


Gently he guided the cuffed Marcy off his lap and onto her knees again, making her look straight at his fully erect cock in all it’s glory once more, a filled condom dangling from the tip of her chastity cage. “Hmm, although I have to admit that I enjoyed this quite a bit.” John said wagging his erect cock in front of Marcy’s face. “It looks like you enjoyed it a lot more.” John grinned taking the filled condom off of Marcy’s cage and dangling it in front of her face with a huge grin.


Marcy was mortified beyond belief, the dirty boxers over her face the only thing hiding just how embarrassed she was, so much even that she almost wished they would stay on. Instead John pulled them off her face, even though her hair was no a mess and her makeup ruined Marcy still had a certain prettiness over her. He couldn’t get enough of that embarrassed look either, there really were no more excuses for her getting off.


With the filled condom in hand John rolled a new one over the tip of Marcy’s chastity cage. He then emptied the filled one over his own erect cock and pointed it down Marcy’s lips. “Now let’s get to the part of me not regretting my decision. I’m sure, you have quite the expertise on this front, you’re a good enough cock sucker to make me forget about everything my sissy slut. Although to be fair I think you should first thank me for that spanking where I made you cum, and of course for the privilege of getting to suck my magnificent cock cause apparently you get off on that as well like you proved before.” John taunted with a smirk further rubbing salt in the wound.


After the last two condoms she filled there really was no denying it anymore, no matter how hard she tried. As mortifying as it was the only explanations she had were just admitting John was right. Saying that it was just the smell and the vibrating plug in her ass didn’t really make anything any better and so she just shamefully carried out John’s order, unable to deny his claims even to herself.


“Thank you for spanking me until I came and for allowing me the privilege of sucking your magnificent cock.” Marcy spoke softly, saying it out loud made it so much worse than just realising it, but what choice did she have? With those words spoken Marcy took the tip of John’s cock back between her lips and started sucking, swallowing a mouth full of her own the first time she moved up and down his shaft.


John just moaned in approval as Marcy carried on sucking his cock like a pro. Ah this was the life, having a pretty see to order around and suck his cock on demand. John loved being in full control and Marcy was the first person he had been with he could control so well. No woman ever put up with so much of his demands and although Marcy had a cock of her own, it didn’t really bother John, the cage and the fact that she was way prettier than his ex-wife more than made up for it.


Wanting to just get this over with Marcy continued deepthroating John’s huge cock, it wasn’t as big as Brian’s yet, but the second biggest she had ever seen. Now that she knew it belonged to her disgusting neighbour it felt so much worse, especially looking up in his smirking face, knowing she had a perfect replica right on her nightstand. As bad as it was she knew she couldn’t risk displeasing the bastard.


Now that the biggest pressure was off of John’s balls having cum once already, the build up to his second orgasm took a while, a long while of constant head bobbing onto John’s hard cock, going from pressing her nose deep into the smelly pubic bush to circling her tongue around the very tip of his cock when she pulled back. Up and down constantly for a solid fifteen minutes before finally his balls started to tighten and with a loud grunt he deposited a fresh load of cum into Marcy’s mouth.


“Mmm that’s a good sissy, I guess I won’t regret my decision too soon if you keep that up. Now why don’t you show me your prize before you swallow it?” John asked reclining further into his couch and pulling his cock from Marcy’s mouth.


Embarrassed Marcy opened her mouth to show off the big load of creamy white cum to John, her so called prize. She hated the term. At least this time she hadn’t came herself. Although she quickly realised that thought on its own was horrible. Like it was an achievement not cumming when sucking this horrid neighbour’s cock. God she really was crazy for cock wasn’t she?


Marcy was just about to close her mouth and swallow, trying to end this indignity and getting rid of the strongest bit of that nasty cum taste when John stopped her. “Now savour it, swish it around in your mouth, I’ll say stop and when I do you better open up and that cum better be there still or you’ll be sorry.” John said sternly.


Horrified Marcy just looked at him, her mouth agape and full of cum, but she knew better than to disobey yet again. Closing her mouth she started swishing the cum around, just like she would be using mouth wash. Only this mouthwash left behind a slimy coat and tasted horrid. God she had never wished to swallow a load of cum this much before in her life, but she really wanted to get this over with.


Swishing the cum around in her mouth she also couldn’t help but conclude that John’s cum was much thicker than her own load. It also had a way stronger flavour. She couldn’t help but admit that Linda was right coming to this conclusion. When she came it was indeed sissy cream, that sissy cream being completely different than the cum of a real man. Had she always been a sissy? Had this been her destiny? Cum didn’t really change just because she wore dresses and elaborate lingerie right?


After nearly a minute of this John finally spoke up again. “Alright, you can stop now, first show me that load though will you?” He asked as Marcy obediently opened her mouth showing the cum to John, eager to just get this over with.


“There’s a good sissy, you can swallow now. Maybe if you get enough proteins you can grow into a big and strong sissy someday. I bet you still need to suck a lot of cocks for that though.” John taunted, continuing to laugh as Marcy nearly instantly swallowed. This was great, so eager to swallow cum. Of course he knew it was to get rid of it, but it was hilarious nonetheless.


“Good, I’m afraid I’ll need to take a break for a bit, cumming twice so close together on my ages does take its toll, but don’t worry Marcy there is plenty for you to do. One of those things being freshening up. You look ravished, your hair is a mess and your makeup looks like that of a hooker after a rough night. There’s also a spot on that pretty dress of yours, I guess it is where my cock had been poking you during your spanking.” John matter of factly said, standing up and pulling Marcy up as well.


With a press on his phone Marcy’s cuffs suddenly unlocked and fell to the floor. “Alright, get out of that dress and follow me. Take it along though sissy.” John said as he watched Marcy intensely. Stripping in front of her neighbour felt so weird, which was strange after she had just sucked his cock two times. It shouldn’t feel this awkward, but it did, especially with him watching intensely in nothing but a t-shirt, his big limp cock hanging loosely between his legs.


In about a minute Marcy had slowly worked her way out of the dress, standing there in noting but her sexy lingerie minus her panties. The small pink cage looked and felt so insignificant compared to John’s. John just smirked then turned around and lead Marcy along by her leash. On her tall heels Marcy didn’t have the luxury to try and stand her ground. It would just mean falling and so she obediently minced behind him, following him up the stairs and into the bathroom.


The lay out was pretty simple, it was spacious yet the interior looked really old fashioned. The flushing between the tiles looked somewhat dirty, the toilet looked like it hadn’t been properly cleaned in a while. There was a tub dabbling as shower, two sinks with a big mirror, a drying rack and a bidet. Just like the rest Marcy had seen of John’s house the room wasn’t very clean. She felt rather gross just being in it.


Locking Marcy’s leash to a chain stuck around a central heating pipe John moved back to the door about to leave. “Alright Marcy, you can go ahead and wash that pile of clothes next to the bidet. I’ll be gone for about an hour and you better have it all washed including your dress. You also better have your hair and makeup in perfect shape when I come back. There is a brush and my ex-wife’s makeup behind the mirror in front of the sink. Rubber gloves and cleaning supplies can be found in the cabinet. When you have done the bare minimum you can start cleaning the remainder of the bathroom. Just lazing around is not permitted. See you later.” John explained before leaving Marcy on her own. The chain was long enough to move around the bathroom freely, but short enough to prevent Marcy from getting far out of the room.


With a sigh Marcy resigned to her fate. What could she do here? She didn’t have anything to contact anyone. Besides if she did contact someone what the hell would she even say? John had a ton of video evidence making it seem like she was a more than willing participant in some deviant sex game. She had been way too obedient for too long which she now deeply regretted. There had to be a way out of this mess now that she knew who was behind it.


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