Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy

Part 35

Chapter 39


Eventually though John decided he had enough. Giving Marcy a playful slap on her ass he spoke up. “Alright sissy, it’s time to get up and off my cock. I know how much you love having my cock in your ass, but don’t worry, you’ll get plenty more. When you get up I want you to grab onto your knees.” John said with a smirk and another slap for good measure.


Marcy was mortified, unlike yesterday she had been riding John’s cock herself. Being an active participant in this made things so much worse compared to being tied up and fucked into oblivion. She had rode John’s cock and while hating it simply because it was John she had physically loved it to the point of getting another orgasm herself.


She might not like giving John any pleasure, but she couldn’t deny the fact that she loved a cock up her ass. John’s just happened to be the one she had to please. While she still fully wanted to get out of John’s thumb as soon as possible, she doubted she could give up her addiction to anal much to her horror. It just felt so much better, way better than masturbation had ever felt even. It gave her such conflicted thoughts as well though, how could the man she hated this much make her feel so good?


No, she couldn’t let herself fall down that slippery slope. She hated John, she needed to get out of his control and that as fast as possible. Serving him was merely a way to gain his trust so he would fuck up eventually. He had to fuck up sometime right and then she would be right on his case to break free from him. A big part of that would be coming out to her parents on her terms though. That was something for this weekend, as nervous as the thought made her she had to do it.


Coming out would be especially scary since she had been pushing her parents away all this time. She had done everything she could to keep them out and much to her surprise it had worked for so long, but that wouldn’t keep being the case. She couldn’t keep them out forever, and she knew it.


Right now she still had other worries though, worries like pleasing her old neighbour. He disgusted her yet his cock could make her feel so good. She whimpered lightly as she moved up from his lap, the now limp yet still surprisingly big cock plopping out of her butt with a sloppy sound. She was mortified as she could feel the cold air reach inside her, just how stretched out was she?


While the realisation of her gape horrified Marcy John loved it. Hell he could probably push a finger inside her without even touching her at this very moment. The gape was wide, perfectly framed by the cut-out in Marcy’s panties and slowly starting to leak cum, not for long though as John quickly shoved the plug back in place stopping any cum from escaping. Even this big plug slid in with easy. He had really turned Marcy’s ass into the perfect pussy ready for him to fuck whenever he wanted it to, warm, stretched out enough not to give him any trouble sliding his cock in yet also tight enough to feel so very good. Now that it was filled with a load of his cum it was very well lubricated as well which gave him an idea.


“There you are Marcy, all nice and plugged up once more. You feel empty without at least something in your ass don’t you? I really wonder though, how much cum would I be able to collect in that hole of yours. It’s a fun challenge to try out today don’t you think? In any case I think so, so for the remainder of the day all loads will go up your ass.” John said with a smirk much to Marcy’s shock.


“I know what you’re thinking, you’re thinking about how you’ll miss my delicious cum don’t you? Well don’t worry, my cock is covered in it and all ready for you to clean, the best of both worlds don’t you think?” John laughed at his own joke as Marcy’s shock only grew. The bastard not only would her fill her up with cum, but she wouldn’t get out of tasting it either.


“So Marcy, why don’t you get down on your knees between my legs and get started? I know you want to. Knowing you, you probably filled that sissy spunk bag too didn’t you? You loved riding my cock so much that you also made cummies didn’t you? Don’t worry you don’t need to tell me. Just get down on your knees and hand it to me.” John taunted further embarrassing Marcy who obediently did as she was asked.


“Open wide, you can put this new one on. Then I’ll grant you may suck my way more delicious cum off my cock.” John smirked as he squeezed Marcy’s watery load in her mouth before handing the sissy a new sissy condom. As Marcy slipped it in place John just leaned back and smiled down on his sissy who quickly started cleaning his slippery cock.


Taking the limp slippery cock in her mouth felt gross, yet Marcy didn’t hesitate, all she could think off was how much stronger and fuller it tasted than her own pathetic excuse for a cum shot. If she had known what was in those condoms however that wouldn’t have been her biggest concern. Nevertheless she took John’s limp cock all the way in her mouth and down her throat, pressing her nose into his thick smelly pubic bush. She blushed as she felt her ass clench around the plug in reaction to this scent, this scent she had masturbated so much to.


Slowly but surely she twirled her cock around the shaft, moving back up inch by inch only leaving a trail of saliva behind. She even went as far as to work her tongue into John’s foreskin to get it all, it was nasty, but better than letting it sit there and having to suck his cock later on. At moments like these she was really grateful for her regular enemas.


The moment she pulled off John patted her on the head. “Good sissy, you can start on our lunch now.” Was all John said as he watched Marcy get up and mince into the kitchen. Lunch pretty much followed the same pattern as breakfast, she served John his lunch, went down the table to suck his cock as he ate, only this time when he was ready to cum he told Marcy to turn around and used her ass for the last couple of thrusts, depositing another load deep inside her, leaving her to clean his cock once more.


After John was done eating Marcy was allowed to grab a bite for herself, then clean the dishes. What followed was an afternoon pretty much like yesterday had been. She was put to work cleaning a room, a room John relaxed in at the same time. It ended up making Marcy wildly inefficient.


She simply couldn’t get as much cleaning done as she wanted to, not that she wanted to clean John’s pigsty of a house. Cleaning was better than what made her so inefficient though, the frequent breaks to take care of John’s erections. She was treated as John’s pretty housewife and cock sleeve all in one. At the end of the afternoon she sighed looking at the clock. This was the time she got to go home yesterday, now however it was only the start.


Today, had been a long exhausting day, but the evening was only just arriving, an evening she had to spend with John, tomorrow she’d have to spend her evening her as well after a day at CC’s only allowed to go home around this time on Thursday. “Alright sissy, time for dinner.” John said as she finished up cleaning the living room.


Mincing towards the kitchen she blushed feeling the numerous loads of cum John had deposited in her slosh around in her gut. The amount of cum inside of her had become big enough to slosh during the afternoon and since then she had been reminded of how much cum she was filled with all afternoon long, feeling it move in her bowls with every step.


Diner was pretty much the same as lunch and breakfast, but once she was done with the dishes John addressed her once more. “You have done a great job cleaning my house sissy, you have worked well so you deserve the evening off.” John said, grabbing onto her leash, heading to the fridge to grab himself a beer before heading to the couch to watch some television. With a swift tug Marcy was forced to sit down into his lap.


Marcy just groaned. While she could definitely use some time off, her legs and feet were killing her after being on them all day in these very high heels, she’d rather clean than spend her evening relaxing with John. Still she knew better than to argue, besides what difference did it really make, cleaning or not, John had her take care of his cock all the time anyways.


The difference soon became apparent as John started idly playing with her nipples trough the cut-outs in her bra while he watched his show on television. It was enough to make Marcy whimper, squeal and eventually even moan. It seemed like her nipples had only become more sensitive, John’s careless twists, and pulls kind of hurt, but at the same time they also felt great. It was a weird sensation, a mix of pain and pleasure that had Marcy longing for more.


While Marcy enjoyed herself so did John, his sissy in her soft slippery lingerie, moaning and squirming on his lap was a huge turn on. It caused his cock to rapidly grow underneath her and poke into her pantied bottom, against the plug that was holding his cum in. Marcy felt it as well, but she couldn’t stop squirming on John’s cock which only grew harder.


All of a sudden John stopped though. With a swift motion he pushed Marcy off his lap, face down on the couch before pulling the plug out. He kind of wanted to do it while she sat on his lap, but he doubted the sissy would be able to keep all the cum he had shot inside her in. If he pulled her plug out he would have just ended with a lap full of cum. Now gravity kept it in as he replaced the big plug with his big cock plugging Marcy’s hole once more.


An even louder moan escaped Marcy’s lips as she could feel John’s cock slide into her. She was ashamed to admit it, but after this long foreplay on her nipples she was craving a fuck. She didn’t want John to have the pleasure of knowing that though as she willed herself not to push back and grind on his cock like she so craved. Still secretly she hoped to get fucked. Being in this position she might as well get some fun out of it right?


Much to her surprise however that fucking didn’t come, instead John just guided her back on his lap again, sitting her down on his cock as Marcy let out an involuntary moan. “You really are a cock lover aren’t you.” He taunted before resuming to play with her nipples. The only difference being that this time he could feel her anal muscles clench around his cock instead of the plug, massaging it with every tug, twist and pinch. The sensation wasn’t all that intense, but it was nice and constant, nice enough that eventually after about ten minutes it was enough to make him moan as well. It felt great, and although it would take a while he was certain that eventually it would be enough to make him cum. In any case he had the time so none to worried he happily kept playing with Marcy’s nipples.


To Marcy this actually worked kind of frustrating. Squirming on John’s cock gave her some stimulation, so did the playing with her nipples and eventually also the way John’s cock twitched and throbbed within her ass. She was most definitely building to an orgasm, but it was going terribly slow. Too slow for Marcy’s liking. She couldn’t believe she was actually craving to get fucked harder and yet not wanting to give John that idea she forced herself not to start grinding on his cock.


John didn’t change things up at all, he just kept playing with her nipples like he had all this time. It ended up taking nearly an hour for them to approach their orgasm. Marcy’s ass clenched harder and more rapidly, just like the throbbing of John’s cock. It was John who ended up cumming first this time though, his cock violently throbbing and spraying another load into Marcy’s ass, triggering her orgasm in the process.


Marcy’s orgasm made her ass clench harder, prolonging John’s who’s throbbing cock in turn prolonged her orgasm. Thanks to the long slow build up this orgasm actually ended up being one of the most intense of Marcy’s life. By the time she finally came down from her orgasmic high John had gone limp, his limp cock still big enough to keep her gapping butt from leaking. “Good sissy, I see it’s time for a condom change again.” He grinned handing Marcy a replacement and having her eat her load yet again. When all was said and done he just started playing with her nipples all over again and the same process repeated only lasting even longer this time.


After coming down from his orgasm, and making Marcy eat her own load once more John gently guided her back down to her stomach, careful not to let his limp cock slip out so she wouldn’t lose his sperm. Once on her stomach John pulled his cock out and replaced it with the plug. He had Marcy get on her knees one last time to clean his cock for him, before taking her leash and pulling her along up to the bedroom after a quick stop in the bathroom.


Pushing his sissy on the bed John got two long ends of rope which he used to tie Marcy’s writs and ankles together before tying them to the head and footboard of the bed leaving the sissy all stretched out and helpless. Licking his lips John loved what he was seeing, he loved having someone completely at his mercy and while Marcy had been at his mercy all day in practice having her tied up just gave that extra kick.


Marcy who was still groggy from that last powerful orgasm just looked up and down to witness how she got rendered even more helpless. It stung that she would be stuck here until John untied her, but it didn’t really change much at all. When John then removed her plug shoving it into her mouth and replaced it with his once again hard cock all those thoughts were driven from her head as her brain turned into a lustful overstimulated mush. The fucking just felt so good, a good pounding after those two terribly slow drawn out but intense orgasms.


She had cum so many times that despite her many orgasms during this pounding her condom only slowly filled up, not even reaching the brink of it’s capacity before John pumped yet another load of his cum into Marcy’s gut before falling asleep on top of her, his cock slowly growing limp in her ass. Despite John’s loud snoring Marcy fell asleep right after him. She was too exhausted from all the cleaning and fucking to stay awake.


Chapter 40


It was still very early in the morning when both Marcy and John were roughly woken up by the loud sound of an alarm blaring. Instinctively in her sleep groggy state Marcy wanted to reach over to shut it off, but she could barely get a wiggle going. It took only a second to become aware of her situation. She was horrified The room around her reeked of sex and sweat, her nipples were awfully sore from the hours of tugging and pulling yesterday, her mouth was filled with that big plug and the strong taste of sperm, she was very warm, squashed underneath the full weight of John’s body, her gut full of his sperm and his erect morning wood.


While Marcy was horrified John was in heaven. Yesterday morning had been pretty spectacular, the way in which Marcy had been at his door to suck his cock right after getting out of bed. It came no where near waking up with his cock already into his sissy though. Oh this was the life he wanted, he wanted Marcy all for himself so he could wake up like this each and every day. Now that he had a taste of having Marcy for a full day and night he didn’t want to let go of her anymore.


Yet John knew that his hand was forced here. He needed to figure out a way to break Lisa and by her extend Linda’s hold on him, the threat of sending him to jail. There would be no pretty sissy to serve his every wish in jail, he might be able to get himself a prison bitch, but nothing would come close to how pretty Marcy had turned out without the help of salons, or even access to pretty clothes. A guy even a slender effeminate one would still look like a guy in an orange jumper. No he couldn’t risk going to jail. He needed to break their threat on him and then he could make Marcy move in as his sissy housewife 24/7.


Right now though he needed to let his sissy get ready for her job at CC’s, the entire reason why that alarm had gone off so damn early, first things first though. He still had a bad case of morning wood to take care off. “Good morning sissy looks like we’re in the perfect position to start off our day with a morning fuck. First things first though we didn’t change that condom of yours yesterday night and I don’t want to find a puddle in my bed so lets take care of that first.” John grinned after shutting off the alarm.


After quickly feeding Marcy her own cum and putting another condom on her John started pounding her roughly, relieving his morning wood inside the tied up sissy. Marcy just groaned, being fucked first thing in the morning was not at all what she wanted. Even worse was the realisation that she had spend all night with a cock in her ass, between this, and how she had spend her evening ‘relaxing’ she had probably spent more time with a cock in her ass than without in the last 24 hours.


All those worries faded however as John was quickly fucking her to a climax, soon her orgasm was all she could think about and it didn’t take long at all to reach it. Neither did John’s orgasm, it was the first one of the day after all. It didn’t allow Marcy to cum more than once during her fucking. The orgasm while having approached quickly also faded away quickly as the both of them came down from their orgasmic high within a minute or two.


Much to Marcy’s surprise however John didn’t move off of her. Clearly he had set an alarm for her job at CC’s, but now he was needlessly losing time. What for? He had had his morning cum, and he was slowly growing limp so while the hell didn’t he get off of her?


When the answer came Marcy was wishing she had never asked herself that question. The answer came in the form of a very peculiar and above all horrifying experience. She could feel a very strong spray deep inside of her butt, it felt warm and unending. This was no orgasm in the slightest. John was peeing in her butt. It was terrible enough to get Marcy struggling in her bonds, trying to break free. The bastard how dare he. He hadn’t really showed her any respect before, but this took things way too far.


The struggle gave away her realisation of the facts making John Laugh loudly. “What’s the matter Marcy, don’t you like your Master’s speciality enema? You know I was tempted to send you to work with a butt full of cum, but I doubt your boss would be happy with that. So I decided to help you rinse it out, that and it’s pretty great not having to get out of the bed to head to the toilet first thing in the morning. If we had the time I could spend all morning here with you.” John laughed as he carried on peeing, changing Marcy’s condom once more while he was at it.


It took more than a full minute for the strong stream of piss to come to an end and by the time it did Marcy was starting to feel very bloated, just like she always did when giving herself an enema. She hated that feeling and especially since this time she couldn’t quickly expel of it like she did at home. She was still tied up after all.


Taking the plug John held it at the ready, this next moment was crucial and he needed to be quick or the bed would become a big mess. Slowly but surely he started to slide his limp cock out to the point where just the tip remained inside. A strong scent of morning pee mixed with cum filled the air when finally the cock slipped out completely only to immediately be replaced by the big plug, keeping all the pee and cum deep within Marcy’s gut as she could do nothing but moan. The disrespect, the cramps. It was terrible. She could do nothing but lay there with her tummy bulging slightly.


“There we go, all nice and filled up, now let’s allow that enema to do it’s work while we go and have breakfast.” John told a shocked Marcy with a big smirk as he started untying the ropes, finally freeing his sissy from her bondage.


“Please Master, can we please pass by the bathroom first. I need to expel this quickly. It’s making my belly cramp.” Marcy whimpered wanting and needing to get rid of this awful pressure as soon as possible. One thing was for sure, she couldn’t wait for an entire breakfast.


John was having none of it though. He didn’t even bother answering, pulling Marcy to her feet he just grabbed hold of her leash and marched out. When they passed the bathroom Marcy tried to dig in her heels, to turn towards it, but John just gave the leash a harder tug. “Do you want me to bend you over and spank you or what.” He exclaimed. It was enough to make Marcy follow along without further trouble.


A spanking was the last thing she could afford, especially an over the knee one. She could already feel the vile mixture slosh around with every step. Every step reminding her just what she was carrying inside of her. She really couldn’t risk getting bent over John’s lap and having way more pressure on her already upset stomach.


In the kitchen Marcy wasted no time, preparing John’s breakfast in a hurry. She had resigned to her fate of only getting rid of this vile enema after breakfast which meant she had to make it happen as swift as possible. When she crawled under the table as per usual she nearly gagged being confronted up close by John’s cock who was thoroughly stained with his morning urine and all of yesterdays cum who had been sitting in her butt all night long.


Yet despite how grotesque it was Marcy didn’t hesitate even a second. She took John’s cock in her mouth and started sucking as if her life depended on it, knowing that John insisted on an orgasm with every meal. The taste was even more horrid than the smell had been, but there was no time to waste using her tongue and piercing as well as she could she was determined to make John cum as fast as possible.


“Would you look at that, so very eager sissy. I would start to think that you love my cock even more when I flavour it like this for you. Maybe we should do this more often.” John moaned above as she devoured his breakfast, much to Marcy’s horror who nevertheless didn’t slow down. As horrible as it was she kept on sucking until finally with a loud grunt John deposited a load down her throat once more, one she quickly swallowed.


“Oh my look at the time, it looks like we’re running late. You can do the dishes tonight.” John said as pulled his limpening cock out of Marcy’s mouth and pulled her up by her leash. Marcy was more than happy to oblige this time. The enema was only making her cramp more and she couldn’t wait to expel it as she followed John up to the bathroom.


After getting his permission she rushed for the toilet, removed the plug and evacuated her bowls, the strong scent of cum mixed with morning urine soon strong in the air. Thanks to how regular her enema’s were, not much else made its way out. “While I’m tempted to leave you marked with my scent I guess that would get me in trouble with your boss, so here, I’ve prepared your regular scented enema bag for you.


While Marcy didn’t usually like her enema’s she was more than happy to go for this one, immediately jumping at the chance. In no time she was down on her knees, the nozzle deep inside her well stretched butt and the valve released to get the water flowing. Her belly filling up still felt uncomfortable, but she took great comfort in getting all that filth cleaned out.


Another evacuation later Marcy was allowed to strip from her lingerie and heels. Her feet felt so stiff having been locked in those heels the past 24 hours. Hell standing flat even felt strange because of it. Nevertheless she was grateful for this small pleasure. Out of her outfit and with Johns help out of her locked collar Marcy went into the shower where she washed away the scents of sweat, cum and sex to replace them with the sweet flowery scent of her shampoos and soaps. She hadn’t like this scent at first, but after how she smelled it was heaven.


John didn’t really bother to interrupt Marcy in her morning ritual, the sissy obviously knew better how this should go than he did. He just watched on with lust. It really was amazing, even without clothes on Marcy looked so appealing, her slender figure, the swollen nipples sitting on what were by now tiny breasts, her smooth hairless skin, the earrings, her long hair. That tiny chastity cage that looked more like a pink marble in size by now. Her painted toenails and that pink heart shaped pubic bush only further helped the image. His sissy really was a sight to behold.


While John calmly observed her Marcy was in a huge hurry. She dried herself off, wrapped her hair in a towel, ran back to the room where John had left her maids outfit. One of the first items she got started with was the corset. She could kind of lace it up front and then turn it around, but John wasn’t about to let her get away with such a loose corset. “Here let me help.” He said with a smirk, starting to pull on the ribbons in the back to the point where Marcy feared she was going to be snapped in half. It didn’t come that far, still the corset was uncomfortably tight, then again Marcy guessed Linda would have done the same if she found out it fit loosely.


Left short on breath and with a pretty feminine figure, a couple inches off her waist while the flesh in her butt and slightly swollen breasts had been pushed out to create a filling effect, Marcy continued dressing. In rapid tempo, not even attaching her garters gave her a hard time anymore. Sliding her feet back into her high heels the amount of time without heels had pretty much been limited to her shower and dressing.


Fully dressed Marcy minced her way back to the bathroom, the layers upon layers of petticoats this outfit had rustling loudly. Her skirt was so broad that she barely fit through the narrow door. Back in the bathroom she quickly brushed out her hair and did her makeup, shocked at the pretty girl staring back at her. She no longer recognised her old self. All she could see was a pretty girl with too much makeup.


As Marcy stared at her reflection a little too long, once more realising that there was probably no more way back to being a regular guy for her, John walked up behind her and locked the collar and leash back in place. “Enough staring. It’s time to get going Marcy” John said. He had put on a simple t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants while his sissy got ready.


Marcy was very nervous as John started pulling her to the front of the house where the front door was. She prayed that she wouldn’t have to go out in this get up. Especially since it was still rather early meaning that any of her parents could still be in the process of leaving. Although she guessed they wouldn’t even recognise her at first, dressed as she was and if they saw her in her exaggerated getup led on a leash by John they would probably look away in disgust before recognising her. It was a painful realisation.


Luckily it didn’t come to that as John took a turn for the garage, helping Marcy up in the passengers seat of his truck before getting in himself, quickly freeing his cock from his pants. “Here you go Marcy, I got you the perfect hiding spot. John grinned as he looked down at his semi-erect cock.


She instantly knew what John meant and without hesitation she leaned over and started sucking, sure it might be gross, but after everything this was just normal, besides, John was right, bend over no one was going to recognise her or even know someone was there. At least that’s what she thought her petticoated skirt came high enough to be seen peeking over the top of the window, bouncing up and down as she bobbed her head. Paired with the no girl in sight and the fact that John had a broad smile it wouldn’t be hard to piece together just what was happening in the car.


Realise it or not, no one would be able to see more than the edge of her skirt. John had never gotten roadhead before, and as he pulled out of the driveway all he could think about was how awesome it was. Passing by Marcy’s house her mother was just pulling out of the driveway herself. She didn’t really pay John or his car any attention, unable to look at the window of his truck anyways in her rear-view mirror, John’s truck was simply to tall compared to her coupe.


John did realise what was happening full well though and he couldn’t help but smile at the thought of driving by one of his hated neighbours, their fully feminised son sucking his cock only a couple of feet between them. Oh as soon as he had dealt with Linda and Lisa he would reveal Marcy to her parents and shock them, finally he would have his ultimate revenge and a pretty eager housewife to boot.


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