Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy

Part 36

Chapter 41


John felt better than ever steering his big truck through traffic. He always got a kick out of showing off his big car, now that he had a sissy sucking his cock at the same time he felt even better. If only the people around him would know.


For Marcy the drive was mainly nerve wracking, she constantly played with the thought that she would be spotted which in turned caused her to burry her face as deep in John’s now familiar crotch area as she possibly could. It was nasty and pretty awful, but better than being spotted, or so she reasoned.


They were about a mile or so away from the CC’s boutique when John came for the third time this morning already, filling up Marcy’s mouth with yet another load of cum she was forced to swallow. The ensuing bobbing of her head just served to prolong his orgasm, to slowly guide him down from his high which just about fully faded by the time they pulled up in front of CC’s.


“Alright Marcy, that’s it. You can stop sucking now. It’s time to get into work.” John grinned as Marcy nervously pulled her head out of his lap, somewhat reluctant even. She was happy to get this dick’s dick out of her mouth, but at the same time she was nervous about anyone seeing her come up from this space. It wouldn’t leave much to the imagination.


As soon as Marcy had moved away sufficiently John pulled his pants back up and got out of the car, quickly walking around to the passenger’s door and opening it up for his sissy. Taking Marcy by the hand he pulled her out of the car while the sissy blushed hard. Two passer-by’s looked at the duo slightly in shock. Marcy’s extreme outfit, the fact that she was here with a way older man and the fact that her lipstick was smeared while the man wore a big smile and his fly was still open told quite the story.


Marcy was all too happy when they made it into the CC’s boutique, the sign still said closed, but the door was open. Glad to be in a somewhat more private space Marcy walked in on John’s hand still blushing fiercely. As they walked deeper into the store they were greeted by Linda who looked at the duo with a slightly raised eyebrow. She had been expecting her sissy maid, but she hadn’t been expecting John here. She knew of the arrangement that he had Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays with the sissy. The Wednesdays were spent here though and Marcy was supposed to be home on those days.


“Ah Marcy you’re here, I’m glad you decided to show up as I wouldn’t have liked turning you in. You were allowed to dress more casual though, my only requirement was that your makeup was neatly applied, speaking of which it looks a little sloppy doesn’t it?” Linda asked keeping the pressure on while posing that last bit of a question despite being able to piece together what had happened rather effortlessly. She was fishing for an explanation.


“While I do take the blame for that as Marcy sucked my cock on the way here for her lift you have my permission to punish her as you see fit. In any case I’ll be going now. I’ll be back tonight to come and pick her up.” John said as Marcy’s face turned on full on panic mode. How could he this bastard? Doom her to a spanking after she had just sucked his cock? It was only further proof that she needed to get rid of John as soon as possible. The quick pinch he gave her bottom only further proved how much of a selfish bastard he was.


“Thank you John, I’ll deal with this appropriately.” Linda replied with a friendly smile, but as soon as John turned his back to leave her face changed to a cold grim look, staring daggers at John’s back. Marcy who thought she was in big trouble now started shaking in fear, thinking that look was reserved for her.


Linda just stood there waiting for John’s car to disappear. Inside her blood was boiling. She had never liked John, she had put up with him, because he brought her Marcy and respected him for that site she had to admit was great. It had earned her store a lot of publicity with more potential sissies and others coming her way, but what he was doing now made her blood boil.


He was obviously trying to claim Marcy more and more while Linda would way rather see Marcy go to Lisa. Her another girl or a decent man if those existed. Assholes like John didn’t deserve toys, but he could blow up her whole operation so she couldn’t hit him directly. If he pushed it too far Lisa probably wouldn’t take that and she did have the power to mess John up, but the bastard would probably drag her down with him. She needed to prevent that at all costs.


Luckily she had already had a PI look into John a little. He was bound to become a problem eventually. He had played his role and overplayed his hand. John had become a problem she needed to deal with before it could escalate. The only problem was that she would have to work carefully and around the law. She couldn’t risk the police getting involved.


Right now however her primary concern was easing Marcy, the sissy was obviously terrified. While she firmly believed in keeping her sissies humiliated, docile and under her thumb, she also believed that no one should put up with such assholes. She liked to rid the world of them, turning them into docile sissies one at a time.


As Linda approached her Marcy’s fear grew, but then much to her surprise Linda instead wrapped an arm around her shoulder in the most caring fashion she had ever known the woman. “Come now Marcy, lets go into the back so you can get freshened up and don’t you worry, you won’t be punished for what that asshole did. As I said I will deal with this appropriately.” Linda said guiding Marcy into the employees lounge were Stephanie was making coffee to bring into her stepmother’s office.


Linda’s stance towards this shocked Marcy, could it be that Linda cared? Could she have an ally to deal with John from somewhere she never expected it? It was certainly nice to have Linda do something else than try to humiliate her for a change, although it was also puzzling. She didn’t know how to feel about this, but she was certainly grateful not to get punished. In any case she knew better than to push her luck and face Linda’s wrath. In the lounge she obediently minced over to the makeup table and started cleaning and reapplying it without fuss.


A big smirk grew on Linda’s face upon seeing this, clearly Marcy had learned. After he last visit to Suzan’s she was also looking so much better. The sloppy big mouthed messy looking youth who had first came here had changed so much already. Looking at her now she really was just an obedient sissy, and Linda had had a big hand in it.


Marcy was just finishing up applying the last coat of her lipstick when the bell at the front of the store rung again. “Ah, just on time Marcy, the delivery guy is there, I’m sure you’ll do great since you already managed to warm up a little.” Linda said with a smirk, Marcy groaned inwardly. While she might have an ally in Linda after all that didn’t seem to mean the woman had become any friendlier or less out to humiliate her.


Instead of waiting at the door for someone to take the parcel the delivery guy rolled it straight to the back, entering the employee lounge after knocking with a big smile on his face. Some of the bolder ones like this guy had taken the habit of coming straight out back to take their sissy reward. The guy was blonde, built rather stocky and about 5’8” the smallest one in the room with the very high heels both sissies wore. That didn’t take away from his cocky grin however when he noticed that second sissy Carlos had told them about last week was also here. He had to give it to Carl, he wasn’t lying when he had told it was a fine looking addition.


“Josh right? Would you mind if I let both sissies play with that tent in your pants? And would you mind me watching?” Linda asked, taking the coffee Stephanie had just made her and taking a seat, obviously not planning on going anywhere anytime soon regardless of Josh’s answer. Working as a team would be a fun little task for the sissies who hated each other.


The smile on Josh’s face only grew bigger. How could he refuse such a generous offer. Delivering to CC’s was always the highlight of his week whenever it was his turn. Having two of them to suck him off at the same time made for twice the fun and he certainly didn’t mind a sexy woman like Linda in the room with them. “Sure thing, there is more than enough of me for two sissies.” Josh grinned broadly. Everyone back at the office would be so jealous when he told them.


“Great, Stephanie, Marcy, I think you two know what to do, make it good. Make me proud and make Josh here feel better than in his wildest dreams.” Linda said as she took a sip of her coffee. To her this wasn’t anything strange anymore. She had watched her Stephanie suck many cocks and she always delighted in how well she had trained her.


Both sissies knew better than to disobey, neither of them liking to suck cock despite having done it so often. Stephanie had been hoping she would be saved this time since Marcy was here and Marcy had been hoping that Linda would have saved her some more and let her rest a bit. Neither got their wish, instead they were stuck in this together. Nevertheless they knew better than to show their reluctance. They had a man to please after all. Both carrying a big simpering smile they minced their way to the delivery driver.


Once they arrived at his at his side Linda took charge, ordering around her sissies to orchestrate the exact scene she wanted to see. She couldn’t tell the last time she had watched porn. If she wanted to see something she always arranged for the scenes to be played out for her live. It was so much better this way. “Alright Marcy, why don’t you unbuckle the belt, open the button and zipper? Stephanie once you can reach it I want you to fish out Josh’s cock.” Linda instructed.


Josh didn’t really mind not being the one in control of the situation, that it was Linda calling the shots. This situation was hot beyond believe no matter how he looked at it. These two sweet smelling pretty sissies at his side were simply amazing, especially once they knelt at his side to free his rock-hard cock as they had been instructed.


“Good, now Marcy and Stephanie I want the both of you to take one side of the cock between your lips until they touch the lips of the other, kind of like a kiss but with a cock in the middle. Also don’t forget the tongue action as you slide up and down it’s length.” Linda said licking her lips as she watched both sissies perform her command.


The way in which Stephanie’s deep red lips pressed against Marcy’s pink ones in the middle of this hard shaft was amazing to see. It took a few strokes, but eventually both sissies managed to get on the same pace, sliding up and down the length of the shaft, or for them from the left to the right. Their soft lips touching, their noses touching, having no choice but to stare deeply in the other’s eyes, smelling the other’s strong flowery scent mixed with the musky scent of cock they were sucking together. There was nothing but deep shame in the eyes in front of them.


Slowly but surely Josh’s cock was starting to turn half red and half pink, painted with the residue left behind from both sissies heavily painted lips. He was in heaven. Getting these two sissies working on his cock in union was the hottest thing he had ever witnessed. The sensation was new and somewhat weird, less intense than a blowjob were one took his whole cock in her mouth, but what it lacked in sensation it certainly made up for in hotness. He had never ever felt two tongues at once on his cock before and while he had jerked off before work, trying to be able to last long here it wasn’t working. Despite his efforts he was quickly approaching an orgasm.


Once Linda noticed he was getting close she spoke up again. “Josh, I would appreciate it if you didn’t cum on my floor, when the need arises just grab onto the hair of one of the sissies and ram your cock in her mouth.” Linda said as Josh looked kind of embarrassed being half scolded. Then again, it was only lightly so as he was really looking forward to cumming in either sissy’s mouth. Meanwhile both sissies were praying not to be the one on the receiving end of that load.


When the time to chose came Josh grabbed Stephanie by her hair. Both sissies were gorgeous, but he really had a thing for redheads. Stephanie could barely open her mouth fast enough as Josh shoved his cock all the way in. It took a mere two thrusts after first pushing his cock down Stephanie’s throat before he came. He retreated all the way till only his tip was sitting between the sissy’s lips. Moaning loudly he filled the sissy’s mouth with rope after rope of his hot warm cum, wanting her to get a good taste of it.


Stephanie had been in that exact situation numerous times. She just looked up into Josh lust filled eyes, gently rolling the ball in her tongue against the underside of Josh’s cock head, dragging out his orgasm as long as she possibly could while waiting for him to finish. It’s not exactly what she wanted to do, it was what she had been taught to do. Especially with her stepmother watching she didn’t dare do anything else.


Eventually Josh’s orgasm did end though. He was still breathing heavily as he pulled his slowly limpening cock out of the sissy’s mouth, releasing her hair as he did so. This had been absolutely amazing, the best blowjob of his life. It only got better as he looked down on Stephanie, her lipstick slightly smeared, her red bob which by now reached down to her shoulders a mess from the rough handling yet she just sat there her mouth wide open, showing off the big loud of cum, her prize. It made Josh smirk with pride. No girl was ever as eager as a sissy.


“There’s a good girl, now Stephanie I think it’s only fair if you share your prize with Marcy, after all she worked just as hard as you did. It would be criminal not to give her part of the reward as well. Scoot closer and give each other a great big hug and kiss. I want to see that load go back and forth between both of your mouths.” Linda spoke. Her breathing slightly quickened as well. This had been a huge turn on to watch.


Nervously both sissies scooted closer to each other hesitantly embracing each other in a tight hug and started making out. Stephanie didn’t hesitate to push the load of cum in Marcy’s mouth who quickly pushed it back. Being so intimate with each other was just weird although they both found each other more attractive than they did Josh as they pushed his load back and forth, neither wanting to keep it in their mouth. The reasons why this back and forth happened so quickly didn’t interest Linda, the results were there and both sissies were getting a good taste of cum.


Linda let the sissies go at it for a while until she eventually intervened. “That’s enough sissies, I want you to divide the load as evenly as possible among the two of you, show Josh, show me, then swallow and thank him.” She delighted in seeing both sissies freeze. Dividing a load certainly was a harder task than just pushing it back and forth. Nevertheless Stephanie and Marcy gave it their best effort, showing of the results as ordered. They swallowed in union, then thanked Josh in union, feeling their cheeks burn in shame as Josh’s load rested in their stomachs.


“I guess you still have other places to be Josh or do you need a signature or something?” Linda asked with a raised eyebrow as he didn’t move, just staying in place to continue to stare at both sissies. Linda’s tone pretty much told him to get out however and he couldn’t be disappointed about it either. He already got so much more than he came for.


“You’re right Miss, sissies, until next time, god I really hope there will be a next time.” Josh said enthusiastically as he hurried out of the door, looking back onto the two kneeling sissies once more. His day simply couldn’t go wrong anymore after such a spectacular morning.


With the delivery driver gone Linda turned her attention back to both sissies. “Good gurls time to get cleaned up again. Stephanie, give Marcy priority at the vanity table this time will you? Marcy once your cleaned up I expect you in my office. Be quick about it. I am not a patient woman. Oh and Stephanie, while you wait for the vanity make me another coffee so it’s ready when Marcy is done so she can bring it to me.” Linda said casually as she got up and headed out of the employees lounge with big steps.


Both sissies were left scrambling upright. There was work to be done for the both of them as Stephanie minced to the coffee machine and Marcy to the vanity table. She was insanely nervous about why Linda would summon her into the office, but she knew better than to keep the woman waiting. Even Stephanie pitied her, she might not like Marcy, she might be living day in day out with Linda, but she just like every sissy Linda had created wanted to stay as far away from her as possible.


Marcy quickly retouched her makeup, blushing as she noticed the deep red mixed into her own lipstick from where her lips had touched Stephanie’s. Luckily it was only really the lipstick that needed touching up. Getting back up she grabbed onto the steamy cup of coffee that had by now been made and minced out to Linda’s office.


Watching her go Stephanie really pitied Marcy. Ever since last week’s reward she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about how their feud had started. She had been mad that Marcy had denied her her first release out of that cage since Linda had taken over, an oral release at that. Thinking back to how she had started however she would have recoiled at the thought of sucking a cock as well, even one attached to a sissy and then there was still her stepmother. There was no way she would have come closer to oral than last week when Marcy had eaten her ass.


The more she had thought about it the more she realised that Marcy wasn’t the one to blame. She had just been the easiest to be mad at as it was the only one where being mad at them was tolerated. Seeing how Marcy had entered this morning and how she now needed to go into Linda’s office made her realise more and more that they were in the same boat. The fact that her stepmother had taken control over yet another sissy, Victor who she had sympathised with from the start had also changed her stance on other sissies. They were all in this together.


While Stephanie was touching up her makeup Marcy arrived at Linda’s door, nervously with the coffee in hand. She didn’t know why she had been summoned in here, but she knew she could not risk fucking this up. She’d better be on her best behaviour or she might sorely regret this. Her best behaviour started with a polite knock at the door.


“Come on in sissy.” Linda said with a smirk. She loved how well trained Marcy was, she especially loved how nervous she looked as she entered the office. It was a look that was so very suiting for a sissy.


Mincing over to Linda’s desk Marcy placed down the coffee before taking a step back and dipping into a deep perfect curtesy. “Your coffee as you asked Miss Linda. You wanted to see me?” She asked, polite yet dying to get out of here, especially with the hungry look Linda gave her.


“Thank you Marcy, I did ask to see you indeed.” Linda said not yet giving anything away as she took a small sip from her coffee, further building the suspense. “You see your girlfriend gave me a recommendation on a strapon dildo she claimed to be simply amazing. Evidently I had to see and find out for myself, so maybe I can make recommendations to future clients. For the best possible results I thought it was wise to test it on the same ass as Lisa did, just for reference of course. Also I’m sure you know the dildo as well so you can help me put it on.” Linda said, it was quite a bullshit excuse, she just wanted to fuck another sissy than Stephanie and Victor wasn’t ready yet. Then again she doubted Marcy would dare call her out on her bullshit.


“Uhm uh yes of course Miss Linda, just tell me what I need to do and well I do it.” Marcy replied slightly stammering because of the nerves. She did not know how to feel about this. On one hand she really didn’t want to get fucked again. She had been fucked so many times these past two days. The fact that it was Linda also made her weary. Things were rarely simple and straight forward when it came to Linda. Then again despite not liking to admit it she loved to get fucked and Linda certainly was way more attractive than John was.


Way more attractive was an understatement. If she wasn’t so scary and intimidating, cruel even she would have been every man’s dream. She still looked like it, but getting to know her better Marcy pitied every man who’d try to make advances towards her especially given how rude some could be. That simply wouldn’t take with Linda.


“Why thank you Marcy, you can walk around my desk and kneel right here.” Linda said watching closely as Marcy minced and kneeled at the exact place Linda had pointed to. She was insanely nervous. Linda seemed so calm and so casual yet she had this air around her that just told Marcy that any misstep could mean huge trouble.


Linda just smirked down on the sissy, towering above her sitting in her comfortable chair. Slowly but surely she turned her chair around, her stocking covered knees only inches from Marcy’s face, the heel of her leg crossed over the other nearly poking Marcy in her chest. With a swift movement she uncrossed her legs, placing both heels steadily on the ground, the sound of nylon swishing over nylon loud so close up. Linda’s slightly parted legs providing Marcy a peak at the white lace panties between them, subtle yet there for sure. Normally Marcy’s cock would have been straining against it’s tight cage, but it didn’t not this time. Not daring to move she just nervously sat there.


A smirk just spread across Linda’s face as she got up her skirt nearly touching Marcy’s face. She knew exactly the effect she was having, building a certain sexual tension. She was only left to wonder whether or not Marcy realised the lack of reaction from her cock. Maybe it had grown so natural not to get hard anymore that she didn’t even notice anymore. In any case if not yet it would eventually be the case.


“Good Marcy, you may help me out of my skirt and panties now.” Linda said as the nervous sissy instantly got to work, not daring to move from her kneeling position Marcy had no choice but to awkwardly press against the front of Linda’s skirt as she needed her entire arms tor wrap around Linda’s curvy hips reaching the back zipper of her black pencil skirt.


It eventually dropped to the floor revealing her white lace thong, slid over the garters holding up her sheer black stockings. Being so intimate with a woman like Linda was great yet so very scary. It just felt wrong, but she had ordered it so Marcy performed, sliding her thumbs into the waistband of Linda’s panties, sliding him down to around the ankles where Linda stepped out of them and her skirt. Marcy was no face to face with the sweet yet aroused smelling pussy, neatly sitting underneath a red triangle of neatly trimmed pubic hair.


Standing above Marcy Linda was growing increasingly aroused. Getting sexual with a sissy always made her feel powerful instead of vulnerable. She was in complete control and she loved it. Reaching in a drawer nearby she pulled out a strapon just like Lisa had, but bigger, way bigger. It was even bigger than John’s cock much to Marcy’s shock. Linda had always liked to go big meaning her sissies should like it too. After being well stretched of course, but she was sure that was the case with Marcy.


“Here you go Marcy, show me how to wear this thing, you’ll get a nice fuck as a reward.” Linda said with a wink and a grin as she handed the big hot pink silicone thing to Marcy. Marcy was scared at the prospect of this thing entering her bottom, but she knew better than to protest. If Linda set her mind to something it would happen no matter how she felt about it. Nervously she moved the bulbous part up to Linda’s pussy and gently slid it into the wet crevice as Linda let out a loud moan. This felt so weird to her, weird in a wonderful way. It felt unlike any strapon she had tried before.


This dildo was already feeling promising. It also looked so much better than some of those strapons with all their straps. It looked more natural in a sense. It felt more real and Linda loved it. She had always loved the power of having a big cock of her own to use as she pleased. No matter how you looked at it cock was still what ruled this world. Way too many men were in power and kept women out. Just the sheer symbolism of being the giver instead of the receiver was enough to keep establishing this warped vision.


A cock was still the epitome of male dominance one Linda loved to turn against them by wearing one herself and locking the sissy’s cock up. It was the most satisfying act of role reversal in existence to her and it had just gotten so much better thanks to this new promising dildo.


Unable to control the urge Linda gave the cock a firm squeeze, moaning loudly as she felt the bulb inside her expand, squeezing her clit while stimulating her whole pussy this thing really transferred the feeling rather well making it feel that much more realistic as if this cock really was her own.


It became even better as she gave it a jerk, slowly sliding her hand with a firm grip up and down the shaft, the bulb inside her sending all kinds of tingles to her clit and pussy. God it felt amazing, so much better than the base of a dildo rubbing against the top of her pussy. This was her best buy ever she was sure of it.


Meanwhile Marcy just sat there, still on her knees, not daring to move, the huge dildo nearly poking her in the face. Going from how much Linda, Lisa and Chelsea loved this thing it had to be something special. Above all else it made her worried for her ass, but luckily Linda seemed to be too busy exploring the potential of this new dildo to really notice her. A fact that Marcy wanted to keep this way in order to avoid her own fate and Linda’s lust as long as possible. Scared to drag attention she remained as still and silent as she possibly could.


Even this was really hurting her pride though, the way Linda was stroking the cock she had helped her put on while she had been the one to lock up her cock and deny her as much as a stroke all this time. In a sense this felt like Linda had stolen her cock.


While Marcy tried to remain as quiet and unnoticeable as possible in front of this enormously sexy woman in her lingerie with her cock out. Inevitably Linda got tired of just exploring however and as she did her eyes went down to the kneeling sissy at the tip of her cock. Her moaning face quickly grew into a huge smirk. “I think I’m done just playing Marcy, It’s time for the real test now.” She said making Marcy shudder involuntarily.


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