Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy

Part 37

Chapter 42


“Get up my pretty little sissy. Let me show you how to give someone a good lay, although I guess that’s nothing you will ever have any use for.” Linda taunted as she helped Marcy up only to sit the sissy on top of her desk. Pushing down on her shoulders Linda made Marcy lay back with a swift movement she pulled the sissy’s panties off then wasting no time she put Marcy’s legs over her own shoulders, lining up the dildo with Marcy’s bottom.


“Oops, nearly forgot.” Linda smirked staying in position as she pulled out Marcy’s plug and put a hand full of pink condom wrappers next to the helpless sissy who could barely look over her heavily petticoated skirt. She knew very well what to expect though and it made her feel so very dirty. It was an odd combination of two popular sex scenes she loved watching back when she could stroke her cock, a combination between a maid/ client and a boss/ secretary scene. In this situation she was the secretary though, bend over the desk about to get fucked by her boss.


As embarrassing as it was Marcy had very mixed feelings about it all. On one hand her ass was still somewhat sore after the frequent poundings she had gotten yesterday and even this morning. On the other her gaping hole really did seem to yearn being filled, whether it was by her plug or by Linda’s cock which seemed to become the most likely scenario. A scenario that quickly unfolded as Linda slowly guided the tip of her dildo into Marcy’s bottom, both of them moaning in union as it happened.


Bottoming her cock out in Mary’s butthole Linda gasped loudly. “Oh fuck, this is incredible. I can’t believe I didn’t discover this one sooner. Lisa was right, this really feels unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I can really feel you around my cock.” Linda gushed while Marcy whimpered. She couldn’t believe how good being filled again was feeling, but above all she was shocked she could even take this huge thing and that with ease. Had her bottom really become such a fuck hole?


Biting her lip Linda slowly started pulling back only to slam the cock back in full force. She had bent Stephanie over her desk numerous times already, fucking her exactly like this and while the sheer power and look of it had never failed to make her cum nothing compared to what she was feeling now. That same powerful feeling coming from being the one to do the fucking remained, enhanced tenfold by actually feeling everything her silicon cock felt.


Linda already knew that there was no going back for her to normal strapon dildo’s and she didn’t care one bit. A bright lustful smirk crossed her eyes as she started to get into a nice rhythm. Loving this whole thing more and more. Fucking Marcy felt great, as did the pride she felt over having helped created another perfect sissy. For a big part Marcy looked as pretty as she did today thanks to her. As far as Linda was concerned Marcy looked perfect as she was and it made the whole fucking that much more spectacular.


Her grin only became bigger as Marcy filled her sissy condom while getting fucked, not even for that long just yet. Whether Marcy liked it or not, her ass had really become her main sexual organ. “Well look at you, cumming with my big fat cock in your arse. I take it you’re happy to help me discover this new toy? You know most of the times employees have sex with their boss to get a bonus or something, but seeing you squirm on my cock I would really say that getting fucked is your bonus.” Linda said in between moans, loving the light blush it brought to Marcy’s cheeks.


Clearly skilled at this Linda quickly replaced Marcy’s filled sissy condom with a fresh one, not even missing a beat. What followed surprised Marcy big time, Linda leaned all the way over her, nearly pushing her knees next to her ears before planting a soft kiss on Marcy’s lips a soft kiss that soon grew more aggressive as she forced her tongue inside the sissy’s mouth, making out as she kept fucking her.


When Linda did something she always did it right, whether it was a spanking or fucking one of her sissy’s. She simply couldn’t help herself. Seeing her oh so pretty creations all flustered moaning and blushing never failed to fill her with an uncontrollably warm fuzzy feeling. Seeing them look up at her, oh so helpless filled her with a carnal desire, a love drunk high that never failed to amaze her.


She might be a cruel woman, but once a sissy fully submitted to her she really considered them hers and as such she’d protect and love them in her own twisted way including protecting them from their old selves. She strived to keep that obedient sissy self intact. It was a change that hadn’t gone completely unnoticed by Marcy who was now approaching her second orgasm. When Linda fucked her there was way more passion behind it than when John did for some reason. It felt less selfish somehow despite her getting off just as hard when John fucked her. Somehow she felt less disposable to Linda.


It didn’t take away any of the fear and nervousness Marcy felt when thinking about Linda though. Linda remained to blame for a lot of this and Marcy would never forget that, but if she had to choose between Linda and John the choice would be a simple one. Although she guessed as with so many thing the choice wouldn’t really be hers to make.


While this was not at all what Marcy had imagined she had to admit that sex with Linda had been on her mind from the moment they first met. Linda was hot and while Marcy had always dreamed of being the one on top it had become abundantly clear over the last couple of days that the only ways she would ever be on top would be during a reverse cowgirl.


Even that gave her mixed feelings. As much as she yearned to get control of her cock back, she couldn’t remember playing with her cock ever felt as good as this did. Even if she got rid of the cage she doubted she could ever give up anal again given how good it felt. It was a hard realisation which was soon washed away by a second orgasm coursing through her body.


Like this their in office fuck carried on. It was around Marcy’s fifth orgasm that Linda ended getting a mind shattering one of her own, a jet of her juices absorbed by the inner portion of this special dildo shooting deep inside Marcy’s bottom. With a series of slower more gentle strokes Linda ended up riding out her orgasm until eventually stopping with her dildo buried deeply within Marcy’s bottom.


“Mmm, this thing certainly is a keeper. I’ll have to thank Lisa properly for introducing me to it.” Linda said with wink as Marcy’s blush grew brighter. Given how her girlfriend seemed so eager to experiment with other woman and knowing Linda she had a bad feeling that Linda meant to cuckold her. Worse even was the knowledge that Lisa would probably love it and that there was nothing she could do about it.


Changing Marcy’s condom one last time Linda held up the five filled ones. “You really are a huge butt slut aren’t you Marcy? Well you know what comes next, open wide. It’s feeding time.” Linda said smirking broadly as Marcy slowly opened her mouth. First John had rubbed her butt slut ways in, now Linda, the evidence was clearly there and what she did with Lisa was nothing short of anal sex either. She really had become a butt slut.


Wasting no time on this step Linda quickly squeezed the contents of all five condoms into Marcy’s open mouth. Marcy’s loads were definitely growing smaller, but together they still formed quite the mouth full. “There we go Marcy, swallow up now.” Linda said pulling her cock out of Marcy’s bottom right on the moment the sissy swallowed making her moan involuntarily.


Popping the sissy’s plug back in Linda gave her a playful pat on her ass. “Now off you go Marcy, I have work to do and so do you. You can start by freshening up your makeup. Then you can ask Stephanie what to do.” Linda said as Marcy blushed deeply, slowly crawling off the desk. It felt awkward being sent on her way after such an intense fuck. Then again her meeting with Linda in her office had been better than expected so she couldn’t really complain.


Picking up her panties from the floor she quickly put them on and minced out of the office, Linda’s eyes burning in her back. Linda loved it. The sissy looked so precious mincing out freshly fucked. Her bottom shaking even more now.


Once Marcy was out Linda slowly removed her strapon, cleaning it up before putting it back in her desk. It definitely was a huge recommendation she would give all of her female clients. Putting her own skirt and panties back on Linda pulled up the file she had on John. It was time to find a solution for that problem.


While Linda was searching the file she had on John Marcy just like she had been ordered was off to the employee lounge to do her makeup yet again. Her day had mostly been divided between performing sexual acts and redoing her makeup. Both were things she was embarrassed to say she had grown quite proficient at.


With her makeup back on fleek Marcy minced out into the store to look for Stephanie. Moving between the rows upon rows of over the top girly clothes no longer bothered her as much as when she had first entered this store. By now a part of her own closet was looking like these aisles.


Having found Stephanie Marcy dipped into a respectful curtesy. Remembering full well how her last day here had gone she knew better than to disrespect Stephanie although there was something about her that seemed less scary now. She didn’t look at her as harshly as before. “Hello Stephanie, Miss Linda told me to come and find you so you could tell me how I could help around here.” Marcy politely and somewhat nervously said.


“Oh yeah right, uhm well you could help me unload these boxes Josh brought in this morning.” Stephanie said with two packages of stockings in her hands. The box Stephanie was currently dealing with was tightly packed with these stockings in all manners of colours and deniers. “Just grab a couple pairs and match them with what you see on the rack.” Stephanie explained with her bad lisp as she hung up the two pairs she was currently holding.


Following Stephanie’s lead Marcy bend over at the hips, her wide short skirt flipping high into the air exposing all of her panties and stockings. It remained embarrassing, but it was how she had been taught to bend. The job wasn’t all too hard yet being in such close proximity to Stephanie made Marcy nervous.


Stephanie although she wouldn’t admit it was rather nervous herself. She knew she had been a complete bitch to Marcy who couldn’t help what had happened either. She kind of wanted to put that all behind her, but she was afraid that she had ruined that chance for good. Too late she had realised that she was playing right into her stepmothers hand by putting the blame for her missed orgasm all that time back on Marcy.


“So uhm Marcy, I hope it wasn’t too bad being called into my stepmommy’s office?” Stephanie asked somewhat apprehensively, trying to make some small talk at least. Truth was she didn’t know what to talk about every subject she could think of was just awkward. It had been a long while since she had last made small talk with anyone. All subjects that came to mind were dainty clothes, makeup and sex much to her embarrassment.


Marcy blushed big time over Stephanie’s question. She couldn’t tell her fellow sissy that she had just been fucked silly by her stepmother, or that she had actually liked it right? No that would be too awkward, then again they weren’t technically family and she was pretty sure Stephanie had felt her stepmother’s strapon plenty of times. “Uhm, yeah it wasn’t so bad. I had feared way worse.” Marcy answered hiding all details while technically telling the truth.


“Oh uhm that’s great, I’m glad to hear so.” Stephanie replied awkwardly, neither of them really daring to elaborate or knowing how to handle this situation. Their answers didn’t really leave much room to build a conversation and so an awkward silence followed as they both just continued sorting the stockings.


Eventually it was Stephanie who ended up speaking up again. “So uhm you looked a little ravished this morning. I hope didn’t have too much troubles with John. The guy really gives me the creeps how he eyes me up whenever he sees me. He looks like a real bastard.” Stephanie lisped, trying her best to sound sympathetic.


“That he is, but I can handle it. I mean I have to. It’s only three days a week.” Marcy brushed it off although she wanted to get rid of the bastard as soon as possible. The worst part about John was the way he could make her feel so good with that cock of his. She hated that even a bastard like John could turn her on and get her off like that, but she didn’t dare say anything too harsh, afraid that he would somehow find out. With that the awkward silence continued.


At least until Marcy spoke up this time. “Uhm Stephanie, thank you for caring.” She said. Clearly Stephanie was trying to be a little friendlier to her, whatever was behind that, but it felt good to be asked about it despite it being awkward and not leading to any conversation at all. Despite the awkwardness Marcy was glad that Stephanie at least didn’t want to be the cruel Mistress anymore. Then again she was carrying herself exactly as she had been taught so there was no reason for punishment.


“You’re welcome.” Stephanie replied awkwardly. Maybe she should apologise? Then again, chances were that would only make things even more awkward. At least they weren’t hostile towards each other anymore. A little step in the right direction. Afterall it was silly to think this could be solved in a few minutes while sorting stockings.


Both sissies ended up making peace with the fact that this would remain awkward for quite sometime yet there was also relief as they carried on working in silence. After the stockings were sorted all missing sizes of clothes were replenished and even a new outfit got a place in the store. With that everything that had been delivered was put into its right place.


The work had only just been wrapped up when Linda walked into the store to take charge of both of her sissies. “Ah there you are gurls, Marcy, I have a very fun new task for you. You get to be an interactive advertisement for CC’s, isn’t that great?” Linda asked with a big smirk that both worried and confused Marcy. Even Stephanie looked kind of confused. What was her stepmother up to now?


Seeing both sissies confusion Linda’s smirk only grew as she offered her explanation. “What I mean to say Marcy is that you get to take a place in between the mannequins, smile brightly and make a curtesy to every passer-by. That’s bound to really show what kind of store this is and what we stand for. Now chop chop, get going, I’ll keep an eye on you with the store’s security system so you better not screw this up. Just look pretty and welcoming. Stephanie you can come with me.” Linda explained loving the look of intense embarrassment crossing Marcy’s face.


Cleaning the store front last week had been so nerve-wracking already. She couldn’t deal with actually trying to drag the attention in such a humiliating fashion. It would make her the laughing stock of every passer-by, but she couldn’t just defy Linda either.


As she saw it there was no real other option than to plead. Convincing Linda rarely worked and as she had recently discovered while being bent over her desk she did have a soft spot somewhere for sissies. It was also very clear that she like humiliating them more than anything so it remained a long shot.


“Miss Linda, please I beg you, is there no other work for me than what you just gave me? Can’t I come along with you? Please just don’t make me do this.” Marcy pleaded as she performed a perfect curtesy for Linda in the hope that showing her the utmost respect would help her case.


“No Marcy, that’s where you can make yourself most useful so that’s what you’ll do. Besides aren’t you excited to show the world this gorgeous dress you’re working so hard for to earn back? I bet everyone will love you. My decision is final, now take your place, further stalling won’t be allowed at all. You’ve already wasted enough time or should I join you in the store front and give you spanking right there for everyone to see?” Linda asked sternly as she crossed her arms.


“I… uhm of course not Miss Linda, I’ll get right to it.” Marcy said dipping into another curtesy as she minced out to the front of the store. Stephanie felt kind of bad for Marcy, this certainly was a most humiliating job. At least she had always been allowed to stay in the relative safety of the store, not exposed apart from when she dressed up the mannequins in the storefront.


As bad as she felt she felt relief above all, relief that she didn’t have to be in that very position. Although knowing her stepmother she would find herself exactly there sooner or later. Whenever Linda thought of a new humiliation she was it’s first subject most of the times. This time she might not be the first, but there was no way Linda would spare her this particular humiliation she thought as she followed her stepmother into her office.


Marcy was a nervous wrack as she arrived at the glass front door, the place where she could slip into the storefront. She was praying that no one would see her, but she knew very well that was just wishful thinking. If she had just had to come in sight of the front door for a moment she might have been so lucky, but considering her task even if she could get into place unseen there was no way she would remain unseen. She was doomed either way and she knew it.


Only just hopping into the storefront proved to be a major humiliation already. The small step she had to take made her skirt jump up high enough to give a woman in her thirties who was out here shopping, a perfect view up her skirt. Underneath her makeup Marcy blushed bright red underneath her heavily applied layer of makeup as the woman quickly looked the other way, increasing her pace as she walked past the CC’s boutique.


The petticoats made her skirt stand out so wide that it was difficult moving in between the mannequins, but eventually she managed to find a spot in the middle with just enough space for her to move and stand, only barely so though.


Standing at attention in her pretty outfit she fit right in with the mannequins. Her nervous fidgeting with the hem of her dress, ready to curtesy for any passer-by gave her away though, as did the nervous look in her eyes since her blush was barely visible under her makeup. A couple somewhere in their mid-twenties passed by the window but out of sheer nerves Marcy didn’t curtesy. The last thing she wanted was to drag more attention than she already was. Standing here for all to see was bad enough already. Much to her relief they passed by without really looking.


“If you slip up again Marcy we’ll have to go for that spanking instead now won’t we. I want to see you perform a nice deep curtesy like you did so well for me for every passer-by. The only exception is if there are a lot of them at the same time. I don’t want you to ruin things by rushing into curtesy after curtesy. Quality goes above quantity so take your time with each one.” Linda said over the boutique’s intercom making Marcy shudder.


Having to curtesy was bad enough as it was, not only would getting spanked by Linda be very painful it would be even more humiliating. She had to do this, she had to curtesy so she could prevent worse no matter how nervous she was about it.


Her next test arrived pretty much right away. In the form of two women who looked to be in their late thirties or early forties on a shopping spree judging from the bags they had with them. Nervously Marcy dropped into a deep curtesy the moment they passed by. This sudden movement in their peripheral vision obviously startled the women as they looked at the storefront in shock, figuring out what had just happened. Marcy did her best to give them a big bright smile.


Their shock was followed by a series of giggles as they figured out what had happened. On all their passes before they hadn’t really looked at this strange store simply because one look had told them that the clothes here weren’t their style. Now the store and Marcy in particular had their undivided attention as they walked on slower than before, gossiping among themselves until they disappeared from view. Marcy was certain that the gossip was all aimed at her and she wasn’t wrong. It felt so shameful just stupidly smiling as they laughed at her.


Even more confronting was the fact that she apparently fit in perfectly among these mannequins. The same ones she had thought of as outrageous, ones she hadn’t even notice represented males at the start. After all there was no other reason as for why these women would otherwise have been startled why the couple before didn’t even notice her.


Now that she had noticed this it only became more apparent. She intentionally waited a bit longer than necessary at times to make her curtesy and each time the passer-by’s only seemed to notice her or the store for that matter when she curtseyed. Standing here had really made her one of the sissy mannequins. She didn’t know how to feel about that. Had she really come such a long way? Sure she had never been the manliest of men, but passing as a sissy mannequin was something she had never dared imagine.


During her embarrassing curtseying task Marcy discovered that there were a few big archetypes of people. There were people who seemed embarrassed and somewhat disgusted themselves, quickly looking away and increasing their stride. Then there were those who looked at her and the store with a weird lust in their eyes, a lust that made her shudder. There were also those that made fun of her and last there was a smaller group that eyed her with a strange sort of fascination, the strangest thing about these kind of people was that they tried being sneaky, almost embarrassed to look even.


The ones who looked at her in that lustful way and the ones making fun of her were the worst for a big part because they were the ones spending most time in front of the window. These were often the ones who also ended figuring out what was going on, another shocking revelation for Marcy.


Apparently most people didn’t really look past her dress or extremely girly appearance. It wasn’t something she had noticed until a guy walking by eyeing her up hungrily had looked shocked and somewhat horrified all of a sudden. A shocked horror that probably stemmed from the fact that he had been eyeing up an lusting over what he suddenly realised was another guy.


It happened more than once and while some where suddenly shocked and appalled by their initial attraction, others seemed to be even more intrigued. Those were the one who scared her the most as whenever Linda noticed them she simply couldn’t help but make Marcy tease them even further. “Why don’t you blow him a kiss Marcy? I’m sure he’d love that.” “Give him a limp wristed wave Marcy, show him what a big sissy you are.” Or “Flip up that skirt and show him your panties Marcy.”


Each and every command given by Linda was humiliating beyond believe. They were so provoking and numerous times Marcy feared one of these guys would take this flirting as an invite. A fear Linda only fuelled by saying things like. “Maybe we should ask them in so you can practice your blowjob skills.” Or things like. “Next time it might be nice to put your phone number on the window. I’m sure you would score more than a couple of flings.”


While most of the lustful looks came from guys, there were also a couple girls passing by who looked very interested in her. A demographic that was changed completely when it came to the people who made fun of her. Those were almost exclusively girls and women in groups. They were the worst of all, often staying in front of the window for a long time on end, revelling in making her do embarrassing things.


At least that seemed to be the case for the girls who looked to be in their early twenties. The more mature women were less invested in poking fun at her. Just like those who lusted after her these girls also took a while to figure out she was in fact a guy and not a girl in one of the most ridiculous outfits ever. When they figured it out the hilarity only seemed to grow and with one particular group of girls this confrontation was one long drawn out torment.


They seemed to have no intention of leaving Marcy be and under Linda’s watchful eye Marcy had no choice but to indulge these girl. They looked a little alternative, leaning to the goth seen Marcy thought and once they found out she was in fact a guy dressed like a sissy their interest had been spiked big time.


One of them gave Marcy a curtesy in return yet the smirk told her mutual respect wasn’t her goal here. I suggest you curtesy back to that nice lady Marcy.” Linda said over the income, enjoying the show big time as she had Stephanie bent over her desk to give her special dildo another test run. Putting Marcy in the store front had been such a great idea, it was entertaining and so many more people had looked at her store than usual. So far non had made the effort to enter though, but that was alright, a little publicity went a long way. Gossip was bound to spread and as it spread people were bound to get ideas.


Some guys looked fascinated, an embarrassed look she recognised as wanting to be the one in that dress. Linda was nearly certain these would check out her online store, not daring to go in. A pity considering those were her favourites, they reminded her of her first real love and she wanted nothing more than to encourage them to be themselves. As much as Linda loved the power and that delicious humiliation she got out of those toxic guys, punishing them by turning them into great big sissies. Nothing was as satisfying as making those who wanted to be pretty accept themselves.


Then again, they needed to be the ones to take the first step. The last thing she wanted was to invite them in and potentially scare them away for good. They’d find their way eventually she hoped and if a curtsying Marcy brought attention to her store, the attention they might need to find her then that would be great.


Without real clients coming in just yet she just enjoyed the show as the girls kept playing with Marcy while Linda was growing to her third climax fucking Stephanie who just like Marcy shared a love hate relationship with her newest toy.


The girls had a blast making Marcy twirl for them, making the sissy blow kisses, even filming her much to Marcy’s increasing anxiety. What if these videos would get spread? Would her secret be out? A scary part was that she wasn’t even sure it would be out given how much she had changed while shutting everyone out. As much as it should be a relief not to be recognised as Mark she also realised that it was because she had become such a big sissy during this time.


Eventually being forced to be these girl’s interactive plaything through the window came to an end. Not because they grew bored, but because Stephanie who looked positively flustered appeared at the side of the store front. “Marcy, my mommy told me to come get you our lunchbreak has arrived. She also told me you should give these nice ladies a goodbye wave and curtesy before joining us in the employee lounge.” Stephanie lisped, blushing herself as these girls spotted her as well. Knowing it would displease her stepmother if she didn’t she also performed a curtesy for these girls before mincing away.


Marcy was all too glad this was finally over. A final limp wristed wave and a curtesy was peanuts compared to how these girls had made her show her panties front and back to them and everyone who cared to look. Having done what she had to she quickly minced out of the store front, catching how the group of girls performed a curtsy for her before bursting out in laughter as they finally walked away.


Lunch had arrived meaning her work day was halfway through already. It was a big relief and a scary prospect at the same time. She might be relieved from Linda, but it was John who would pick her up and she would be stuck with him until tomorrow which was bad news as well.


(If you like my story and would like to see more and support me please consider joining me on Patreon: . On my Patreon this story has now ended with 49 parts total. There are also a ton of other sissy stories to be read on there. A new big feminisation story as voted by my patrons will take over from this one.


Next to that my story is also available as a bundled book at: and )

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