Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy

Part 38

Chapter 43


Lunchtime passed by rather quietly. Stephanie, like everyday had prepared a healthy lunch for her and Linda. As instructed by her stepmother this morning though she had to make two big portions one for Linda and one for Stephanie to share with Marcy. Usually Stephanie only got to make a small portion for herself. Stephanie was the one to go serve Linda her food and drink in her office while she and Marcy were expected to eat in the employee lounge.


Neither Stephanie nor Marcy really said a lot as they shared their meal. It was a bit awkward even. Stephanie still felt bad about how she treated Marcy looking back at all their previous encounters. Marcy on the other hand was still a little reluctant to grow too open with Stephanie, scared that somehow her being nice was just a ruse or something. While their food was a rather generous portion, sharing it among the both of them left them both with rather little.


Apart from both of their reservations to speak freely to the other, there was also the fact that neither of them really knew what to say. They didn’t really have any subjects to talk about they were comfortable talking about. All of them were shrouded with enough embarrassment to prevent them from sharing. They were both so immersed in the sissy lifestyle that they had nothing else to talk about.


While the soft nylon and slippery satin felt great on their smooth skin it wasn’t something they really wanted to admit, especially not with how they all fit into Linda’s CC fashion, tailored into the most over the top and embarrassing outfits. Makeup wasn’t something either of them really liked to discuss either despite Stephanie’s expertise and Marcy growing expertise


Then all that was left was pretty much their sex life which equalled most of their free time. Being with John was something Marcy absolutely wanted to push from her mind and while her trio with Lisa and Chelsea had been fun, she was still embarrassed to admit she had liked it. It was just wrong, a trio with two hot girls with her being the one to take the cock.


Stephanie had the same problem, while Linda was an absolute bombshell every man would want to be with, she took no pride in taking her strapon on a daily basis despite how amazing it always felt. She didn’t took much pride in serving all the people Linda set her up with either maybe, just maybe things could change now that Victor, or rather Vickie lived with them. Her stepmother was doing a real number on him, but he definitely was stronger than her. She just hoped they could find a way to escape before he succumbed to Linda too much.


Maybe the only thing both of them would feel comfortable with sharing was gossip, but they were afraid of Linda having eyes and ears in the employee lounge so they didn’t do that either. Instead they just finished their meal and touched up their makeup afterwards. “Uhm, Stephanie, would it be okay if I called my girlfriend for a moment? In private I mean.” Marcy asked shyly once they were both ready again.


As much as Stephanie wanted to say yes to let Marcy have something nice in her day, she couldn’t, not without her stepmothers permission. She was too scared to just grant permission herself without running it past Linda first. “I uhm, I don’t know, my step mommy is the one who makes the decisions.” Stephanie awkwardly replied with her bad lisp, seeing the quick look of disappointment cross Marcy’s face.


Asking Stephanie for a favour had been scary, having to ask Linda would be a whole other realm of scary though. Having to face Linda was scary enough not to even want to ask. Linda just had a way of making her feel nervous and embarrassed at all times. Even if she didn’t do anything Linda still had that effect on her.


Feeling bad about how she had treated Marcy before and now about not being able to help her Stephanie fidgeted nervously. Then an idea popped into her head, maybe she could help. The way in which she could help was something that scared her, but maybe it was a good shot at redemption. Maybe she could go and ask her stepmother if Marcy could make a call.


For about a minute Stephanie carefully contemplated her options. She just like Marcy was very intimidated by Linda, but she did owe Marcy this one. “Uhm, Marcy, maybe I could go and ask my step mommy if you can make a call. I can’t really promise anything, but I can try.” Stephanie offered somewhat anxious and reluctant.


Nearly instantly Marcy’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. She realised it wasn’t a guarantee just yet, but the fact that Stephanie wanted to face Linda for her really meant a lot to her, it proved that Stephanie really had changed. For a moment she was so overcome with joy to the point where she couldn’t contain herself, letting out a slight squeal she rushed forward and gave Stephanie a hug only to instantly back down as she realised what she was doing.


Stepping back she looked down at the floor, somewhat embarrassed over her overly girlish display of joy. “Uhm that would mean a lot to me Stephanie, thank you so very much for doing this no matter the outcome.” She said softly.


Stephanie couldn’t help but smile, clearly Marcy was starting to forgive her and at least feel a little more at ease around her. It was more than she hoped for and probably more than she deserved. As great as it was though it meant she herself was left with a very tough challenge, convincing her stepmother, it was enough to force her smile away replacing it with a look of slight worry. “In any case, I think I’d better get going then, the less time we waste not working the better. Maybe you could go and vacuum the store, show my step mommy you are working already?” Stephanie nervously offered.


“Yeah, I’ll get right to it. That’s a good idea, once again thank you.” Marcy exclaimed as she took the vacuum cleaner and headed back into the store, nervous, but at least now she could hide between the rack of clothing. Cleaning in this semi public space wasn’t the worst anymore, she was actually more worried about Linda’s reaction, glad she didn’t have to face the woman herself.


She was actually also nervous about her reason for calling Lisa. These past few days under John’s control made her realise she had to escape that asshole as soon as possible. If her parents thought she was trans it would already explain a lot of things and at least ease off some of the pressure John had over her. It would make going back to her old life nearly impossible, but then again the thought that she could go back completely was probably just an illusion at this point. Being a girl and being seen as a girl would at least be preferable than being seen as a sissy even if she didn’t fully like that thought. It was her best option.


Lisa already thought she wanted to be a girl, or at least a sissy, Marcy didn’t really like the way in which she embraced it and showed her support, but it was easier to deal with and less embarrassing than explaining the whole John situation. In any case Lisa accepted this new her and if she came out to her parents she would need all the moral support she could get.


Marcy was just cleaning the second row when she spotted Stephanie mincing back to her with a nervous smile on her face. “I managed to get you permission to make a call now, but in order for you to get it we need to seduce a guy into the store and give him a blowjob afterwards. I didn’t know if you’re call was this urgent, but I needed to decide as my step mommy wasn’t very patient.” Stephanie lisped nervously, hoping she hadn’t screwed this up by making promises Marcy didn’t want to keep. Knowing her step mother there was no backing out of this anymore.


Seducing or blowing another guy wasn’t really something Marcy was happy with at all, but she didn’t blame Stephanie, she knew Stephanie had done the best she could. Besides it wasn’t like this was her first time blowing someone. It certainly would beat having to give John another blowjob. This call would be a first step towards never having to give him a blowjob ever again, at least that was what she hoped.


“Oh I guess we can do that, I mean it shouldn’t be too hard from what I learned spending most of this morning in the store front. A lot of guys seemed to be more than happy to stare. So uhm I guess I should go make use of that call now?” Marcy said blushing a little as she was really talking about seducing a guy. Mainly she wanted Stephanie to feel at ease that she had made the right call.


“Yeah you definitely should I don’t think my step mommy would be too happy if we delayed too long. Have fun!” Stephanie lisped, a bit awkwardly, but relieved she had made the right call. She herself was never eager to seduce guys either, in fact it was one of the things that remained most embarrassing even after all this time. Having sex with guy had become frequent occurrence for her, but having to seduce one, compared to being lend to one made such a difference, she always felt like such a slut doing it.


Moving into the employee lounge Marcy fished out her phone and quickly called her girlfriend hoping she would be able to pick up the phone now. Much to her surprise it didn’t even ring a second time. “Hello Marcy, to what do I owe this pleasure? Aren’t you at work? Do you miss my strapon this much you horny little sissy?” Lisa picked up the phone with an excited teasing tone.


It was enough to get Marcy to break out blushing instantly. “Uhm no Lisa, I do miss you, but that’s not why I’m calling. I have something important to ask you and I don’t have much time. Miss Linda wouldn’t be pleased if I was on the phone all afternoon. Anyways, what I wanted to ask you is if you’d please support me on Friday when I’ll come out to my parents as trans. It would mean a lot to me if you could just be by my side.” Marcy replied nervously. She couldn’t believe she was really going through with this, saying it out loud felt so strange, wrong even, she still wasn’t sure if she even wanted to be a girl, or a sissy, but she really had to break John’s hold over her. One thing was certain though given how much she had changed claiming to want to be a girl was the least embarrassing option for her now.


Lisa on her turn couldn’t believe what she had just heard it definitely came as a surprise considering she had known that Marcy didn’t actually want to be a sissy. She had just used the ruse as it being the only conclusion she could draw from what she pretended to know. With Marcy never coming clean to her she had been able to play the supportive girlfriend while getting to live out her every selfish dominant desire. She didn’t really know how to feel about this, although she guessed it didn’t have to mean much difference for her apart from getting to enjoy her feminised boyfriend more openly.


“Oh of course Marcy, if I can help I’ll be glad to. I’ll be there for you. We can make a fun day out of Friday then meet your parents when they come home.” Lisa explained not wanting to screw this up. Despite how selfish she had been she still loved her now sissy boyfriend, she still cared about her even if she had put her own desires ahead of Marcy. If anything this sudden desire of Marcy to come out made her feel guilty. She couldn’t help it thought, it was stronger than herself.


“Great, thank you so much Lisa, I have to go now though since I’m still at work.” Marcy said as she hung up the phone after Lisa said her goodbye. She was already feeling so much better about herself, she might get out of John’s clutches after all, one step at a time though, but that moment couldn’t come soon enough for her. Now she had a task to get to though, she didn’t look forward to it at all, but if she didn’t do it Linda would certainly be mad.


Lisa on the other hand was left with a whole lot of soul searching to do. She was also nervous about coming forth with this to Marcy’s parents, how would they react? Would they blame her? Not knowing how she was supposed to really deal with this all she called Linda.


Linda was very surprised hearing Lisa’s story, surprised and pleased. She couldn’t be happier, the first project she got to start with her store was turning out so well. While she doubted Marcy was really trans, it pleased her to hear how she was fully embracing her girly side now. If she went public with this there truly would be no way back anymore. Not that there were many ways back left to begin with. Linda insisted that Lisa would be there to support Marcy.


While the women were talking over the phone Marcy minced back out in the store completely oblivious about their call. She had bigger things to worry about like that guy she and Stephanie had to seduce. “How was your call Marcy?” Stephanie tried asking politely with her bad lisp without pressuring Marcy too much.


“It was okay, thank you again for asking Miss Linda for me. So should we get to seducing a guy right away? Or what should we do?” Marcy asked nervously, hoping that somehow some way they could skip out of this predicament. Although she guessed blowing a guy wouldn’t be that hard. She had done it plenty of times she had to admit to her intense shame.


“We should get to it right away, I doubt my step mommy will be pleased if she has to come out of her office to remind us. Uhm, one more question would you prefer to kiss the guy while I blow him or blow him while I make out with him. We both have to do something or step mommy won’t be happy.” Stephanie lisped, wanting to leave the choice to Marcy in an ongoing effort to make it up to her. As the senior sissy here and since it was Marcy who needed a favour the choice for what she wanted to do should have been hers.


The question really caught Marcy off guard. Neither of those options really sounded like anything she wanted to do, but she was grateful that Stephanie offered her the choice anyways. The more time she spent with Stephanie the more she started to like her. They were in the same boat and Stephanie really seemed to mean well. She was slowly but surely convinced of that.


What she wasn’t so convinced of however was her own choice. She blushed fiercely realising she couldn’t even really choose between kissing or sucking cock. Before all of this her choice would have definitely been kissing as the thought of pressing her lips on someone else’s lips was preferable than going anywhere near a cock. Now after dealing with so many cocks, one of them being John’s nasty member the thought of making out actually sounded that much more intimate to her than sucking another cock did. In fact making out with a guy somehow managed to gross her out more than just giving another blowjob did at this point.


Marcy really couldn’t believe she was about to say this. “If you don’t mind too much Stephanie, I would prefer to suck his cock.” She wasn’t quite sure whether this was the right call or not, and she was definitely more than a bit embarrassed actually choosing to give a blowjob, but she just couldn’t help but shake the thought that it was the least worst option. Her life had really devolved if giving head was her least worst option.


Stephanie was a bit surprised when Marcy picked the blowjob, but she definitely understood it as she herself would have preferred that as well for what she guessed were the same reasons as Marcy. Marcy had chosen though and she would respect her wish. “Alright Marcy, then just please follow me, just smile and do as I do. I’m afraid we’ll have to get a little intimate, guys always seem to like that, but if we do this good we’ll have this task done in no time.” Stephanie explained in her oh so recognisable lisping voice as she minced towards the front of the store while Marcy nervously minced behind her.


She gulped as they made their way to the store front and in between the mannequins where she had drawn attention from everyone all morning. Just thinking back to it made Marcy’s blush intensify, the last thing she wanted was to go back up here, but she guessed it made sense. How else were you supposed to attract the attention of a guy to seduce him inside. As much as Marcy disliked being on such display she knew it was their best shot, although with how Stephanie looked it probably wouldn’t be too hard to seduce a guy. She remembered how she had been fooled before she knew Stephanie’s secret.


Once Marcy made it up on the heightened storefront she was surprised by how Stephanie suddenly turned her way and placed her hands on Marcy’s waist. “Okay Marcy, this is going to be a little awkward, but I think this is going to work best if we make out a little. I’ll keep an eye out for if we catch anyone’s interest enough to invite them in.” Stephanie said a little nervous for Marcy’s reaction.


It made sense, two girls making out was always hot, and was bound to turn a guy on. Marcy guessed she looked way more like a girl than a guy and if all the reactions she had gotten were any indication she guessed a lot of guys found her attractive. Stephanie was pretty enough as well, their relationship hadn’t been the best until now at least, but she certainly wouldn’t mind making out with Stephanie. In fact she had never been able to deny Stephanie wasn’t attractive, not even after finding out her secret in the beginning.


Marcy didn’t really know what to say or if she should even say anything, she just blushed so Stephanie took the lead taking Marcy’s hands and placing them on her waist before placing her own back on Marcy’s waist. This was very awkward for Stephanie as well, but if she had to make out with anyone she definitely preferred it being Marcy, she would surely beat the guy she would soon have to make out with.


Stephanie definitely anticipated that their candidate to seduce would be found quickly, most likely the first guy who passed by. With how she and Marcy looked and knowing most men’s eagerness for a little adventure of the sexual kind especially with what seemed like two hot girls, they would probably even succeed if they just stood there, but Linda would never be pleased if she saw that they half assed it.


Gently leaning forward Stephanie planted a kiss on Marcy’s lips, feeling her tense up a little in surprise, but eventually she melted into the kiss. It was a shy kiss, an innocent one even, as neither Marcy or Stephanie was used to taking the lead. Slowly but surely they grew into it a little more. Their tongues gently extending until eventually meeting halfway. Their tongues exploring each other felt strange, they had never kissed someone with a tongue piercing like they had yet. The way in which these piercings touched was just weird.


As their kiss dragged on both sissies were losing themselves a little into each other’s arms. This was by far the best kiss they had enjoyed in a long time. A gentle kiss with an equal, both carefully exploring instead of having to take a possessive tongue in their mouths. For a moment they forgot all about what they were suppose to be doing here, until Stephanie opened her eyes and noticed they already had a couple of viewers, three guys to be exact, it looked like a group of friends, college students she guessed who started clapping and cheering when Stephanie broke the kiss.


Overcoming her shame Stephanie continued with the task at hand. She pointed straight at the guy on the left, he looked to be mixed race, but most importantly he looked like the least threatening one of the bunch. He looked rather average, maybe a little on the slender side. If she had to guess he stood at about 5’9”. His skin was deep mocha in colour giving him a rather special look paired with his  steely blue eyes. His hair was black as tar, hanging down to about chin length  in neatly arranged natural spiral curls.


Giving the guys a moment to figure out who she was pointing to Stephanie, then beckoned the guy inside. She pointed between her and Marcy then pressed her tongue in her cheek in a way that made it pretty much impossible for him not to get she meant a blowjob. The guy looked more than a bit embarrassed, not really knowing how to react, but his friends were cheering and patting his shoulder in what Stephanie guessed was an encouragement. Marcy just stood there and smiled feeling more than a bit embarrassed herself. She didn’t want to screw Stephanie’s efforts though.


Eventually the guy gave in and made the step into the store where Stephanie and Marcy instantly greeted him having stepped out of the store front. He looked a little shy, while he’d definitely want some fun with these two girls he was embarrassed about being put on the spot right there on the street in front of his two friends. Both of them had urged him that he couldn’t pass an opportunity like this up so he had somewhat embarrassedly agreed.


“Hey sweetie our boss is out for a moment and me and my friend got a little lonely. We got talking about how we’ve always wanted tot try something naughty on the work floor, but we’re both more into guys. Luckily you came by to help us out with that. Why don’t you follow us to the back room? It’s a lot more comfortable back there.” Stephanie lisped as she took one of his hands. Following her example Marcy took the other hand as they guided the guy to the back of the employee lounge.


While the outrageously girly outfits, and now this bad lisp should have been a big hint that something was off about this situation they guy didn’t really care. His cock was rock hard and all he could focus on was how he couldn’t believe how he got so lucky with these two hot girls. He usually didn’t get lucky with the ladies, and although he got the attention of plenty of girls with his mysterious looks he never really noticed it. He was too shy to take the initiative as well, but since Stephanie had made it painfully clear what she wanted he couldn’t refuse.


“I would love to help girls, any time I mean if it can brighten your days. I’m Jonatan by the way.” He said with a somewhat cocky undertone, it was more of an act than his personality, but he didn’t want to screw this opportunity up. He had heard about how girls loved confidence. He also decided not to bring up how strange the outfits in this store looked or how bad Stephanie’s lisp was. He didn’t want to anger them after all.


“Hehe, you’re the best Jonatan, well I’m Stephanie and this here is Marcy. Pleased to meet you.” Stephanie giggled as they both minced next to him to guide him into the employee lounge where Stephanie suddenly stopped in the middle and caught him completely by surprise by kissing him full on the lips.


Marcy took this as her cue to get started as well. She didn’t really want to do this, but at this point she really couldn’t stop. It would get them in trouble with Linda, and after all the effort Stephanie had put into this she couldn’t disappoint her fellow sissy. Letting go of Jonatan’s hand she crawled in between Stephanie’s legs. It was really awkward to basically sit underneath her skirt, but it was the only way in which she could access his crotch. She had to hike Stephanie’s skirt up though It was awkward seeing her black satin panties with white lace detailing up so close and from such an angle.


Sided by Stephanie’s slender black nylon wrapped legs she undid the buckle on the guy’s pants and fished out his rock hard cock barely able to supress a yelp as it nearly hit her in the face. It was between seven and eight inches if she had to guess. Luckily Stephanie was tall enough on her heels to allow the cock to pass underneath her crotch, allowing Marcy the room to suck it.


Wrapping her lips around the dark purple mushroom head Marcy started sucking for all she was worth, working his cock with her pierced tongue in all the right ways. She just wanted this to be over as fast as possible, although considering the cock she had been sucking nearly nonstop these past few days this wasn’t all too bad. It had a slight hint of musk, to it, but so subtly that she was pretty certain Jonatan had showered this morning. It was pretty much as clean as a cock got, the main taste coming from the precum that had leaked from watching her and Stephanie kiss.


Jonatan simply couldn’t supress a gasp feeling Marcy suck him like a pro while Stephanie sealed her lips over his. All these sensations mixed along with the feeling like he was worshipped by these two hotties was simply amazing, way better than he had ever thought a blowjob could feel. These girls definitely knew what they were doing. At this rate he wasn’t going to last long at all.


Not even Stephanie could supress a moan. While she wasn’t all too keen on kissing this guy the way Marcy’s head rubbed against her bottom, putting a slight bobbing motion on the big plug up her bottom just turned her on greatly. She couldn’t believe she had turned into such a terrible butt slut over time. This bobbing sensation wasn’t enough to make her cum, at least not any time soon, but if it were to get a little more aggressive that might just happen.


Back in her office Linda was pleased watching the live feed of her sissies going at this guy. Given a wing sissy Stephanie had definitely upped her seduction game and she could see from the way in which the two sissies had kissed that they had buried the hatchet. She probably couldn’t count on Stephanie being hard on Marcy anymore, but that was okay, Marcy was turning into an excellent sissy, her makeup skills were on point, her mannerism and mince was good and she was very obedient. If she had a school for sissies Marcy would graduate with flying colours.


Jonatan had been an interesting choice as well. He had a nice starting frame to make a good looking sissy with little efforts unlike his very muscular black friend or the burly looking brown haired kid that had accompanied him. Although she would have no problem turning any of them into a sissy, Jonatan would definitely be the easiest. She was itching to just barge in there and ‘catch him’, but she decided to be patient. She wanted to check out whether or not Jonatan deserved to be made a sissy. If she deemed he deserved it then this little video would serve as perfect blackmail material.


Right now she just went back to work further planning on how to deal with John. The plan was slowly starting to shape up, although it hinged on a few factors to succeed. Marcy would just have to be patient a little longer if all went well.


Meanwhile in the employee lounge Jonatan ended up filling Marcy’s mouth with a huge load of his cum in what was the best orgasm he ever had. He was somewhat embarrassed that he had only lasted about three minutes, but wow that girl could suck.


While Jonatan still stood there completely amazed Marcy swallowed his load and Stephanie broke the kiss. “That was amazing sweety and while we would love to keep on going I’m afraid our boss might be back soon. We really can’t risk her seeing us here, so if you don’t mind would you please hurry out of here?” Stephanie asked, just wanting this to be over as soon as possible.


Jonatan didn’t take it personally, he just looked shocked that these girls would cut things this close. “Uhm yeah, of course. I… I’m going, that was amazing girls. I so hope I can see the two of you again some time. Thank you so very much.” He said still basking in the aftermath of his orgasm as he awkwardly pulled up his pants and rushed out as fast as he could, high fiving his buddies as he made it back out.


Marcy and Stephanie both were glad it was done. “Uhm Stephanie, thank you very much for taking care of all the socialising for me. I wouldn’t have known how to do all of this. Without you I would have probably still been up there trying to seduce a guy.” She said.


Stephanie doubted it. Marcy looked hot enough that even a small hint would have been enough to get a cocky overly confident guy to step inside. “You’re welcome. Let’s just tidy ourselves up and head back to work shall we.” Stephanie said, very glad that Marcy seemed to warm up to her a little again, but also worried that Linda would call them out and punish them for slacking in here.


The rest of their afternoon passed pretty much uneventful. The only thing on Marcy’s mind was how in a few hours John would be here to pick her up and spend the night with him again. Despite  how much embarrassment she had had to endure here she didn’t want her work day to end. She didn’t want to go back to John, but sadly that time was nearing.


(If you liked this story and would like to read way more along with a ton of other stories then please check out my page on SubscribeStar: I have ran into trouble with Patreon, but since SubscribeStar  doesn’t accept PayPall you can still follow me there, just make sure you connect your discord account to your Patreon account if you do so you don’t miss out on my content. . On my SubscribeStar and Patreon this story has now ended with 49 parts total. There are also a ton of other sissy stories to be read on there. A new big feminisation story as voted by my patrons will take over from this one.


Next to that my story is also available as a bundled book at: and )


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