Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy

Part 46

Chapter 53


Walking back to John’s place Lisa was filled with mixed emotions. On the one hand she shuddered thinking back to the bastard’s smug face which would probably only be more smug now that she was wearing his dried up cum. Cum which still smelled up to high heavens. It was so gross and incredibly shameful as she hid her head deep into her hoodie. At the same time however she was thrilled to finally hold the power to put an end to this mess. A feeling that had been cranked up way high after experiencing first hand just how bad John was.


Somewhat anxious Lisa played with the syringe hidden in her sleeve. All she would need to do was remove the cap, jab and lower the plunger. It sounded easy enough, and she was happy that her sweater was baggy enough to hide nearly her entire hand in relaxed position so it wouldn’t look too suspicious. Yet she was insanely stressed. She didn’t even want to think what would happen if she failed, if John noticed before it was too late. If he found out too soon it was game over for her and Marcy, one misstep could screw up both their lives.


Arriving at John’s door just after three o’clock Lisa rung the doorbell, she might look jittery and nervous, but luckily that could easily be explained by what John thought she was here for, that and of course the fact that she had just crossed the neighbourhood with his cum on her face, still a big shock despite it being hidden quite well under her hoodie.


“Ah there you are Lisa, if I didn’t know any better I would say you were growing into a full fledged cock addict. I see you’re still dressed in those same old baggy clothes. You really want to spend a lot of time on your knees don’t you? Anyways why don’t you take of that hood of yours so I can see if you even get to suck my cock or not?” John grinned loving how nervous and devastated Lisa looked.


His grin only grew bigger as Lisa quickly swept back her hood revealing her dried cum stained face framed by her pretty hair. She hated John’s games he was playing once again, but right now she was more determined than ever to play along. “I did as you asked, now can I please come in Master?” Lisa impatiently asked.


“Hahaha very eager to suck my cock again indeed. I’m glad to hear you have learned from last time, showing respect instead of starting with that silly name calling again. Cause remember, sucking my cock is a privilege and you should treat it as such. If you test me too much you’ll lose the opportunity and a day with Marcy, but I guess losing the opportunity to blow me is worse isn’t it?” John laughed.


Then without warning his hand shot forward and grabbed Lisa’s chin, forcing her to look form side to side as he carefully and gleefully inspected the dried cum on the girl’s pretty face. Lisa was falling for his scheme easier than anticipated with what a tough nut she had seemed. Apparently she was all bark but no bite though and John could only cheer that on. The sooner he got her completely under his thumb the better really.


“Good, it looks like you kept your end of the deal, wearing your facial proudly then again, it’s not like that’s that big of a deal for a slut like you is it? If anything wearing my cum on your face is a reward for you isn’t it? Anyways, I guess that means I should keep my end of the deal as well. You’ve earned yourself the right to beg me to suck my cock nicely. Maybe ask me to repaint that face with a second layer and I might just let you in.” John said pushing his luck as he loved the shock on Lisa’s face. For a moment she looked like she was about to protest, but eventually she just swallowed her pride. Just the way John liked it, swallowing her pride before swallowing his cock.


Lisa had to give it her all not to lose her temper, but she already know that screaming now would only make John’s demands worse, or even worse get her sent home. That was the last thing she could afford not when she was this close to saving her Marcy and herself in a sense.


“May I please come in to suck your cock Master? I would love to get my face repainted with a fresh warm layer of your glorious seed.” Lisa gushed. She didn’t sound all too sincere as she laid it on thick, but John didn’t care. The fact that she degraded herself like that before him was simply amazing.


“Well of course Lisa, how could I say no when you beg like such a pathetic cock guzzling bitch. If that is what you truly desire in life then who am I to deny you this pleasure.” John laughed as he finally allowed Lisa to step in, before leading her back to the living room where he plopped his ass down on the couch, his ratty bathrobe falling open and revealing his limp cock.


“You know the drill slut, kneel down and no hands. I think you’ll be relieved to know that your sissy boyfriend douches her ass twice a day, cause my cock has been lodged deep up there while you were gone. She just can’t seem to get enough of my cock, or to stop cumming once she gets going, her fans all love it.” John taunted, unable to resist showing off the control he held over Marcy.


Aside from a pissed look that made John chuckle Lisa chose not to react to what he just said. Instead she quickly got down to her knees and like this morning lowered her head to fish up the tip of his cock with her mouth only to then proceed to massage it with her tongue to get it hard. It was gross as ever as John’s cock once again had a strong musky taste and smell to it.


If all went well however this wouldn’t take too long. The only reason she was putting up with this was as a distraction and it seemed to be working wonders as she saw John smirking down at her face. He paid no attention whatsoever to the subtle movement in her baggy sleeve as she fumbled a little to remove the cap from the needle.


It took a minute to do it with just one hand, but subtlety was key here, the less was visible of her action the better chance she had of succeeding. Luckily John still didn’t care a single bit. Using her hands was forbidden so he paid them no attention, especially not with his cock slowly but surely growing hard in Lisa’s warm mouth.


This absolute pleasure came to an abrupt stop however as John screamed loudly feeling a sharp pinch in the underside of his thigh. Reacting instinctively he reached down and grabbed a firm hold of Lisa’s wrist pulling it up to see the syringe. “What the fuck did you just do you fucking bitch?! Oh you will pay for this! What did you inject me with.” John screamed in her face as Lisa pulled off of his cock, her triumphant smirk changing to one of intense fear.


Why wasn’t this working? Why wasn’t the bastard down yet? Had Linda delivered the wrong kind of syringe? Had she been on John’s side all along? It was possible seeing how he had been her initial client sending Marcy her way. If that was the case then she was so fucking screwed. There was no telling what John would do now that he realised she had played him, but one thing was certain this would not end well for her. With his firm grip on her wrist she had nowhere to go. He was stronger than she was and he had already shown himself to be plenty of twisted. Not only that, but her screw up had screwed Marcy just as much if not even more.


Seconds ticked by slowly as one doom scenario after another coursed through her head. Her panic only grow more and more with each one as John started to pull her up, anger in his eyes. Lisa was trying to brace herself for what she feared was coming next. Then before he even pulled her all the way up she suddenly felt the force of his pull weaken, as did his grip on wrist.


Opening her eyes she could see a certain confusion and worry replace the anger in his eyes. Worry that grew to panic as it started to dawn on him what had happened. “You fucccc druuuuug meeeee biiiiiii” John tried to say, but he didn’t even have the strength left to move his mouth or keep his eyes open for that matter. Now that the drug was starting to work it seeped away his strength rapidly as his hand simply fell off Lisa’s wrist while the girl stood up while a certain relief washed over her.


Her heart was still thumping in her chest as she wasn’t quite over the shock of what had just happened yet. Thinking about it, it made sense that even this fast working drug needed a few seconds to be pumped through his entire body and take effect. It hadn’t taken more than thirty seconds all together, but those thirty seconds of doubt were some of the most terrifying ones of her entire life. So terrifying that she still couldn’t quite manage a smile.


“This one’s for what you did to me, and this is for what you did to Marcy you sick fat bastard. It’s time to pay up for all your sins starting with the one you left on my face!” Lisa shouted as she gave John two hard swift kicks to his nuts before he could fully pass out. The soft gurgle she heard from him got her satisfied that the bastard still felt it, as only a few seconds later he seemed to be fully gone. Laying there on his couch almost like he had a cardiac arrest.


Once her anger slightly calmed down she checked his pulse and breathing just to be sure, both were slow, but fine and steady. She couldn’t care less about what happened to the bastard, but she didn’t want to go down for murder either. If that were to happen she could probably get out on a self defence claim after what he did to her and Marcy, but it would launch an investigation which would bring out all Marcy had done anyways, that and probably her and Linda’s role in this.


It took Lisa a few minutes to come down from her panicked adrenaline rush, but now stuck with John passed out on the couch it was time to contact Linda. After all she had a plan right? “The bastard is down, the coast is clear.” She simply texted then put her phone away. A confirmation that Linda was coming arrived seconds later. While she waited for that to happen though Lisa decided to clean herself up some.


That bastard’s cum had been stuck to her face for way too long and she needed something to desperately wash away the taste of his cock as well. Luckily the bastard had some soap and mouthwash up in his bathroom right next to the bedroom where Lisa could hear the boxes playing all the scenes off of Marcy’s website at full volume. She knew Marcy was in the room right next to her, but now was not the time to save her. First she needed to tie up some loose ends so she could be the hero.


Feeling a lot better already now that her face and mouth were at least clean Lisa carried on her search finding what she suspected was John’s control room. The room was locked though and with how John let Marcy roam freely to do his cleaning she guessed that he had the key on him. With that in mind she headed back down. This time a smile instantly crossed her face as she saw John still well passed out on the couch as he would be for the coming few hours.


A quick search of his pockets yielded two keys, one small one that seemed to belong to a padlock and a larger one that seemed to belong to a door. That and John’s phone which quickly unlocked with the help of facial recognition. Sitting herself down Lisa started fleshing out John’s phone, deleting every trace of her conspiracy and Linda, as well as all video’s and back-ups she was shown in before going to his camera programme and shutting those down as well.


Pleased with her efforts so far Lisa was just about to go back up to try the key, guessing the small one belonged to Marcy when she got a message from Linda saying that she had just arrived at the door. Jumping up from her seat Lisa rushed to the  door unable to wait to see what Linda’s plan for the bastard was.


Opening the door she was instantly greeted by the familiar sight of Linda wearing her regular store outfit. What surprised her was that Linda wasn’t alone. A shorter woman about Lisa’s height was standing next to her. She was slightly chubby, with dark brown hair in need of new colouring judging from the slightly greying roots. The woman was wearing a pair of black leggings and a rather simple dark blue blouse.


“Hey Lisa, this here is Donna, John’s ex wife. She’ll be taking the bastard somewhere he won’t be able to bother or harass anyone. After all she has more than a few reasons to get back at him after he threw her out with practically nothing after he became increasingly obsessive demanding and twisted.” Linda explained.


“Hello, first of all I would like to tell you how sorry I am you and your boyfriend have had to deal with that pervert in the capacity you did. I know it’s not my apologies you need, but trust me, you will never get his so don’t get those hopes up. You can rest assured however that he will get his due. I’ve inherited a small farm from my aunt and I think it will be the perfect place for John to spend his days. After all he has been a pig all his live so I don’t think he will mind carrying on with that kind of life all too much.” Donna said with a telling smirk.


“Now if the both of you wouldn’t mind, could you help me get the bastard out to his car. I doubt that I can carry him alone and I would rather get going as soon as possible. The farm is still a while away and I don’t want to risk him waking up until I got him ready for his new life.” Donna exclaimed.


“Oh yes of course, with pleasure even. The sooner that bastard is out of sight the better really. I’ll stay behind for another while as there are still something I need to take care of over here, but after that I will be more than happy never to set foot in this place again.” Lisa cheerfully responded as she cleared the way for both women.


“You’re right, it’s best not to lose too much  time, but there is no need to worry, I have been insured that the effect should work plenty long enough for you to make the drive home and get him all ready for his new life. I’ll stay behind with Lisa to help her deal with everything, then as promised the house will be yours to do with as you please.” Linda chimed in, very happy that her plan was coming to fruition.


As they all arrived in the living room an instant look of disgust spread across their faces. Lisa hadn’t really bothered to touch John other than searching his pockets. As a result he still lay there with his once again limp cock on full display. “He won’t be using that thing anymore.” Donna quickly grunted as she walked to the couch and proceeded to grab John by one of his arms.


Without much hesitation Lisa grabbed his other arm and with a swift pull they drug John off the couch not bothering to be careful in the slightest. His ass hit the floor hard and when they dragged him off to the garage he hit his legs on more than one object. It was sure to leave him with a couple of bruises when he woke up, not that either woman present cared at all. If he had a bruise he deserved it they all thought.


Arrived at the car Linda’s help was needed to move John into the passenger’s seat of the car where they fastened his seatbelt and propped his head up on a pillow to make it look like he was asleep. “There we go, thank you for the help ladies and like I said, don’t worry about this asshole, society’s going to be safe with where he is going. Once you are sure that you won’t need to fetch anything from the house anymore I’ll put it up for sale. I’ll try to find a nicer buyer for the neighbourhoods sake. In any case, goodbye.” Donna said as she stepped into the driver’s seat of John’s car.


“Alright, good luck Donna, if you need help you have my number and in the meantime I’ll ask around to see if I don’t know a potential buyer for the house.” Linda replied as she and Lisa waved Donna off as she drove off with he past out John in his very own car which would go up for sale as well.


“Now that we’ve taken out the trash let’s have a look at what exactly John was all up to. Is Marcy somewhere  save or does she need immediate looking after?” Linda asked as she closed the garage and turned her attention to Lisa with a grin. She felt ecstatic, her plan had worked, the bastard was gone and Marcy would end with someone she deserved. Someone she thought would keep the sissy in check while also being respectful towards after all with all the changes Marcy had gone through both mentally and physically Linda doubted that she could fully return to normal.


She just hoped that she would get to show herself as one of Marcy’s saviours as well so she could comfortably keep tabs on her. Her projects were the closest thing to children she ever planned on having and she remained convinced that society was off better for it. As long as she was sure they wouldn’t return to their old ways Linda was happy. It always required a guardian of sorts, but the more docile the sissy the nice the guardian they deserved in Linda’s mind.


“Marcy is up in John’s bedroom, watching just about every video from her website on full volume. She won’t be able to hear us at all. In the meantime I have already wiped John’s phone, and I was just about to go check out the locked door which I think is hiding his computer set up. So let’s go check that out shall we?” Lisa said holding the door key.


With that the woman made their way up the stairs to the locked door. Just like Lisa had suspected the key fit revealing a desk with two big monitors and already running computer. Lisa shuddered seeing just how much camera angles there were, John had full view of Marcy’s room at her home, but also a view of his kitchen, backyard , living room, bedroom and even his own bathroom. Pretty much every place were something was happening or could happen was watched, but active recording only happened when activated. For the first time Lisa saw just how tied up and naked Marcy truly was, it made her want to help her, but first she needed to save her own ass.


Going through the tabs John kept open she was shocked to how the website he had made for Marcy showed an official revenue, the one she and Linda could see, but also an unofficial one that was way higher. They thought Marcy was creating a monthly revenue of 700 bucks a month, but in reality she was way more popular. She earned about 3500 bucks a month which was way more than any student job or anything of the like. On top of that, there was 10k of what John had earned on Marcy stashed away on a hidden account.


“Oh my, it seems like Marcy has turned into quite the cash cow for John. I think you should transfer that money to your account, or hers, after all John won’t be using it anymore. If you look at the stats on the video’s the content you made with Marcy also seems to be the most popular, so if anything the two of you earned this money. Are you going to keep this website going? I mean if you strip all this camera equipment, you have everything you need to keep on creating content. Hell if you created some specific scenes you could probably even boost those numbers quite a lot.” Linda said, kind of amazed at just how popular Marcy was on the net. No wonder her own store had been getting a lot more views.


“I don’t know Linda, I didn’t quite expect this, to be honest I was just planning on destroying it all, so Marcy wouldn’t have to worry about it, but I wasn’t expecting this. Hell this is enough to comfortably sustain the both of us through college and more. Besides once on the net always on the net I fear so even if I shut it down now, those video’s are probably still out there. Maybe I should ask Marcy what she thinks, she’s the main star after all and well I’m tired of lying to her, she should know and get to make her own decisions. I would definitely be willing to help her make content if she said yes though.” Lisa replied kind of stunned.


Then her eye fell on something else, John’s personal fap folder featuring all the unedited content without Lisa’s face cropped out. She felt so disgusted and violated that the bastard had been saving this to fap to. She knew he would have seen it uncropped, but the thought that he was saving it was just sick, not only that but there was also a template for a second website called “Horny Bitch Lisa” with a POV shot of her sucking his cock as the header. Luckily that one hadn’t gone online yet, but there was one video titled “Lisa’s first facial” queued up for a potential future launch.


Pissed and violated beyond believe Lisa instantly deleted it and every trace of it. She knew it was kind of hypocritical, but her face wasn’t linked to porn on the web yet and she wanted to keep it that way. For Marcy it was too late already so she might as well profit off it right? When it came to the uncropped video’s of her and Marcy however she stopped deleting for now. “That’s it, I think I’m just about done to go and save Marcy. Could you stay here so it looks like I went on to save her right away? Oh and maybe you should inform her about the website you discovered while I was gone.” Lisa said after making sure that all traces of her time here were gone.


“Good luck, I’ll be waiting in here then.” Linda casually said pitying Lisa after she had caught a glimpse of what the girl had been through to keep Marcy save this morning. She was very please however that Lisa had come back on her thought to delete Marcy’s website. It was good advertisement for her store and if they went through with it, it would only serve as further motivation to keep Marcy walking the sissy path.


Back in John’s room Marcy was still laying on the bed like she had this morning. All the porn she had been watching, porn with her as the main star was slowly starting to rub off on her again. Where she had been glad not to have to be the one dealing with John when she got escorted back here, she was no once again longing for his cock up her ass as it pulsed around the base of her big buttplug. She couldn’t believe she had grown so horny again, but damn look at how she seemed to enjoy herself on screen. Not only did it turn her on, it served as a warning that John could still expose her to her parents and make her look like his completely voluntary slut who had heavily feminised herself just for his cock. A fear that strongly kept her in line.


Like before Marcy didn’t hear the door opening over the sound of her own moans and John’s grunts as he pumped his cock into her. It wasn’t until a person entered her field of vision that she knew she wasn’t alone anymore. Her first thought was John and more specifically his cock, but as the person walked straight for the television to shut it off Marcy realised that it wasn’t John, but a girl, it was Lisa, fear instantly gripped her as Lisa turned towards her.


Shit she was so screwed, how the hell would Lisa ever be able to respect her again now that she knew she was John’s bitch. Why did that bastard let her in here? She had done everything he had asked of her and more so why did he still decided to bring out her secret and ruin her life. Tears started streaming down Marcy’s face as she could see her life crumble before her. “I’m sorry for betraying you Lisa, I’m so sorry you had to see this.” Marcy cried out when Lisa removed her gag.


Much to her surprise however Lisa didn’t seem mad, not at all, instead she just silenced her with a tender kiss on her lips. “Shhhh, there is no need to apologise, this isn’t your fault, it was all that sick bastard. If only I had known. Don’t worry though, he is gone now. He is far away where he can never hurt you again. Everything will be alright now, I promise. Now let me help you out of this mess here.” Lisa shushed Marcy, silently groaning a little as she could smell John’s cock on Marcy’s breath, it instantly brought back the nasty memories of him.


“He’s gone? How?” Marcy asked in shocked disbelief. She was slowly starting to think that she would never get away from the bastard yet here Lisa was claiming everything was going to be alright. If that was the case then this would definitely be the best day ever as she stated crying tears of joy, her emotions going from one extreme into another as Lisa quickly untied her only to sit next to her and pull her into a tight hug.


“The bastard tried to blackmail me into giving him a blowjob, threatening that he would otherwise show your parents what you have been doing for him. He threatened to ruin your life and make you his permanently to only let me see you while sucking his cock. I just couldn’t let that happen, I couldn’t let that bastard ruin you my sweet Marcy. I instantly called Linda, luckily she had been working on a plan to deal with that bastard herself after she saw how he treated you and she kicked it right off, ensuring me that he would never bother anyone anymore.” Lisa softly spoke as she kept on holding Marcy close.


Marcy was shocked hearing what John had tried to do to Lisa, she was nearly certain that if he got his way Lisa would have ended up in a similar situation like she did. If anything it embarrassed her the knowledge that it was all because she never managed to stand up to John that she had ended up like this, and that she had potentially dragged Lisa down with her. It was one thing Marcy really didn’t want to have on her conscience.


Luckily Lisa wasn’t as easy as she had been, she still couldn’t quite believe her girlfriend had managed to stand up to John in such a way, that she had done so to protect her. If anything it made her love Lisa even more, this further proved that she needed Lisa in her life, if not for her then she would have ended up as John’s permanent bitch with no where else to go it seemed. She really cherished this moment here in Lisa’s arms, it made her feel loved and protected rather than used.


Yet at the same time she was still so very horny that she was secretly yearning to get used a little, only now by Lisa and her strapon. Her craving would be pretty clear if Lisa were to notice the pink condom attached to her cage which was filled with quite a bit of clear dribbled precum by now.


Despite everything Marcy could still hardly believe that she was set free. John had cast such an omni present shadow over her life, always watching and tracking her that it was hard not to feel like he was still watching. The only thing that somewhat confirmed it was the fact that the bastard didn’t barge in and that Lisa was here at his house.


For the first time in what felt like forever Marcy’s future looked bright thinking back to her weekend with Lisa, she couldn’t help but dream of how everyday could be like that going forward. Her parents would never find out her dirty secret and with their initial acceptance, the awkwardness between them could slowly start to fade.


She was free now, but the thought of going back to being Mark hadn’t even occurred to her yet. Hell despite her horniness she hadn’t even thought to ask to get her cock unlocked as she was barely aware it was even there anymore. It had been so long since it had been touched, It no longer strained against her cage either and the cage it self had grown so small that it barely got in the way anymore. Instead she just cherished the hug while longing for Lisa’s strapon.


Back into the computer room Linda could see everything. She had prepared herself to break the news of the website to Marcy while slightly pushing her in the direction of keeping it going. Seeing how the two of them were cuddling it was clear that she wouldn’t be seeing them come out of there any time soon. Instead she just kicked her feet up on the desk and enjoyed the show put forward by another one of her successful projects.


(If you liked this story and would like to read way more along with a ton of other stories then please check out my page on SubscribeStar: I have ran into trouble with Patreon, but since SubscribeStar  doesn’t accept PayPall you can still follow me there, just make sure you connect your discord account to your Patreon account if you do so you don’t miss out on my content. . On my SubscribeStar and Patreon this story has now ended with 49 parts total. There are also a ton of other sissy stories to be read on there. A new big feminisation story as voted by my patrons will take over from this one.


Next to that my story is also available as a bundled book at: and )


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