Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy

Part 47

Chapter 54


It ended up taking 30 minutes before Marcy and Lisa left the room, thirty minutes during which it slowly dawned on Marcy that she was really free from that bastard. As they emerged from the room, they were nearly instantly greeted by Linda, standing tall and confident as always. Marcy couldn’t help but blush as she looked at the tall imposing woman standing there in nothing but her lingerie, and not even a full set as her panties were missing.


Sure Linda had seen her like this plenty of times, but it never failed to make her blush. “Hello Marcy, are you alright? I really hope you are, thanks to Lisa’s notification and bravery we’ve been able to take care of John, you can mark my word that you will never see of hear from him again.” Linda reassured as relief washed over Marcy, coming from her mouth that assurance had even more merit. Linda always got what she wanted, her will was law, that much Marcy had learned from spending time with the imposing red haired woman, but right now that was a great thing.


Despite all she had put her through Marcy couldn’t help but feel grateful to Linda. Compared to John she was alright, and if you were perfectly obedient like she was, Linda wasn’t too bad in general. If anything Marcy had quite liked their private time in Linda office. I had always been John and what he might do that she had really feared and for helping Lisa to dispose of the bastard Marcy could only  consider Linda one of her hero’s. “Thank you so very much Miss Linda, you and Lisa both.” Marcy spoke softly but sincerely, maintaining the utmost respect towards Linda.


“You’re very welcome Marcy, there is one thing I discovered while Lisa was freeing you and you need to see it. I’m afraid you won’t like it, but I believe you need to know.” Linda spoke calmly but clearly. She was very satisfied with how grateful and respectful Marcy seemed. A far cry from the arrogant loud guy she had once been.


Hearing those words Marcy couldn’t help but get a sinking feeling. What had she uncovered? Had John leaked her predicament to her parents after all? Was her life over? Pale as a ghost Marcy followed Linda into the open door that had always been locked to her. Seeing all the camera angles John had of both his house and Marcy’s room she couldn’t help but shudder. From this very room this bastard had been controlling her life for so very long. It was almost surreal to come here, but that wasn’t anything she didn’t know already making her wonder why Linda had brought her in here.


That was before Linda opened a tab to what looked like a porn site at first glance. It took a second or two for her to realise that it wasn’t just a porn site, but her porn site, the one John had threatened her with in the past, but which he had apparently thrown online where it was thriving, judging from the amount of likes and lewd comments under every video and picture.


“Apparently John has created a site with all the footage he gathered from various camera’s in your room and his house, video’s of you and him, of you alone and even of you and Lisa. He seems to have edited her face out of it as well as his own, but from a map I found I’m afraid he eventually planned to blackmail Lisa with the raw footage where she’s fully visible and recognisable. You on the other hand have been made a porn star I’m afraid.” Linda explained as Marcy’s jaw dropped in sheer shock and horror. How many people had seen her on there? She really hope that there was no one on there that she knew or even without being around John would still have destroyed her life.


“C…Can you delete it? you have to delete it, please this and all evidence of it needs to disappear as soon as possible.” Marcy blurted out after slightly recuperating from the shock. She really hoped it wasn’t too late yet, that the damage wasn’t too big.


“Well we could delete it, but I’m afraid that’s not a particularly great option. You know how the internet is  right? Once on there you can never really root it out. I’m afraid your video’s and pictures are on there forever. Luckily it seems to be a rather niche part of the internet so the chance of people you know recognising you on there is slim. Even if they do I don’t think anyone would want to come forward to admit they saw it. So I think you’re relatively safe.” Linda explained, trying to put Marcy at ease at least a little.


“If you look right here, you can see that your website is generating 3500 bucks a month which I would say is a pretty nice income. If you delete it all that revenue will be gone and it will just freely circulate on internet fora. If you keep the site but don’t touch it any more I think that revenue will slowly grow to zero, but you’ll probably have a nice income for months to come.” Linda explained while Marcy’s  shock grew yet again.


That was a lot of money, more money than she ever earned with anything before. Hell all the summer jobs she had ever done probably only combined to that monthly revenue her site was making now. Maybe Linda did have a point, with it being out there she might as well try to make some money off of it, it wouldn’t change what John did to her, but at least it was some kind of compensation.


“There’s also a third option. You could continue to upload to your site, from the looks of it the video’s of you and Lisa together are the most popular ones, so if anything you could start to earn even more. In any case, the 10k your site has already generated is yours for certain.” Linda finished, as Marcy was shocked again.


10K that was more money than she had had in her account to begin with. An account that had been reduced to zero by all the things she had been forced to buy, maybe she could afford to make college a little more comfortable after all. Her parent’s paid her study fees, but she would have to account for everything else. With that kind of money she could probably afford a rather nice place especially if she had a continuing income to support it. It was certainly tempting, but she couldn’t believe she was contemplating to further her career as an amateur porn star. A little worried she looked up at Lisa, after all Linda had suggested she’d be part of this as well.


“Wow that really is a lot of money and a lot to think about. I’d definitely be open to help make an update every once in a while if you decide to carry on with this. Of course the choice is yours Marcy, it’s not my face on the net, so I shouldn’t make the call, just know that whatever you choose I’ll be there for you my sweet sissy, I’ll support whatever decisions you make, we’ll figure this out together.” Lisa said as she kissed Marcy gently on her cheek.


Marcy’s heart fluttered as she heard those words, Lisa’s support meant the world to her and she was so happy to have it. Still it didn’t make the choice any easier. She never imagined she would become a porn star, not even when she was a guy. It would have been a hard no, but as Linda had pointed out, she was one already whether she wanted to be or not so she might as well profit right? Then again, profiting meant keeping up the exposure instead of slowly letting it fade out into the archives of the internet. It was a very hard choice, but not one she needed to make now she figured.


“Maybe we can just keep that site for now? I mean just to see how it goes. I don’t know if I’ll want to actually upload to it ever again, but enjoying the revenue for as long as it comes in couldn’t hurt right? In any case I really want to grab my clothes and get out of this horrid place as soon as possible.” Marcy eventually said to the secret satisfaction of both Lisa and Linda. Keeping this site alive did seem to have a chance still.


“Alright, there’s no need to wait for me girls, I’ll handle this place. You two take care, and if there’s anything you two need don’t hesitate to call me. Oh and Marcy, I was wondering, are we still on for Wednesday? I could really use your help at the store, it would be very appreciated. Your outfits are all paid off, but I’m sure we can come to an agreement on compensation.” Linda asked, with a smile, via Lisa she would surely be able to keep tabs on Marcy, but actually seeing her on a regular basis would be preferable.


“Uhm, yeah, I could come on Wednesday, I don’t have anything planned yet anyways and if it’ll help you out then sure.” Marcy softly spoke. She felt like she owed Linda big time after freeing her from John and after how her life had been under John’s control she had learned to always say yes. Besides she was extremely horny which didn’t help her decision making one bit. There had been some fun time at CC’s even if it was embarrassing, but then again she was so used to embarrassment and teasing that it had even started to grow into a turn-on on it’s own.


Getting out of this place wasn’t the only reason she wanted to leave after all, if anything wanting to get fucked by Lisa was an even bigger motivator. Being tied up in front of all her homemade porn like that had really gotten her ass aching for cock and the longer she waited the more urgent the need was becoming. His cock was probably the only redeeming quality John had, a real cock felt better than the strapon no matter how realistic that was. That being said Lisa’s dildo was very nice as well, she wouldn’t miss John in the slightest the minimal benefit of his cock came nowhere near close to making up for everything else about him. She still couldn’t believe he was really gone, but she was so relieved for it.


“You’re a life saver Marcy, I’ll be looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday. I’ll make sure you won’t regret it. Now go, I’ll be able to handle myself here.” Linda said with a huge smile as Lisa and Marcy headed down stairs where Marcy collected her clothes, got dressed and left for her room as fast as possible.


With them gone Linda made went on her way to gather all of John’s toys like the cuffs and such he had collected to toy with Marcy, she was sure that Lisa and Marcy would find a use for them at some point. With that done she gathered up all the camera and sound equipment John had installed throughout the house, followed by his computer and monitors. If Marcy decided to carry on with her porn career this would come in very handy. With that the house was ready for John’s wife to do with as she wished. It was no longer her concern as she went home to celebrate her successful project.


Back at Marcy’s place they had gone straight up to her room where the first thing they did was to remove all the camera’s she had been forced to instal way back when this had all started, those camera’s that had been controlling her life for so long. It was such a relief that she would finally know privacy again. With that task done Marcy turned straight to Lisa. “So uhm, Lisa, I was wondering if uhm maybe you had brought your dildo so we could you know celebrate?” Marcy awkwardly asked.


She was wildly embarrassed, to be asking such a thing right after being freed from the bastard who basically used her as just a hole, but she couldn’t help it. It was one other thing John had fundamentally changed about her, he had made her ass the centre of her sexuality and cranked up her libido to the max. She should probably try to break what in all essence was a sex addiction, but it just felt too good to give up, maybe she could try to break her addiction some other time she figured as the need to get fucked was all overpowering right now.


“Oh you cheeky little slut, you’re already thinking about cock again, well who am I to say no to that? I don’t have my dildo with me, but I’ll go fetch it right away. Why don’t you get ready in the mean time?” Lisa teased as Marcy blushed heavily, she kind of hated being rubbed into it like that, but Lisa was right, she was a slut, even back at the house when Lisa had called her her sweet sissy Marcy hadn’t minded too much, over all this time she had been called these names so frequently that it just felt right. She was definitely more of a sissy and a slut than she was a guy, that much was certain.


Then again she wasn’t about to waste any time as she made a quick dash for the bathroom, stripped and jumped into the shower, eager to get ready for Lisa and was all the filth from over at John’s away. She even went as far as to give herself a another enema even if she didn’t have to, she just wanted to remove as many traces of that bastard as possible. It felt so good to get ready for something she truly wanted instead of getting ready for John and getting spied on in the process.


After her enema she didn’t even hesitate to shove her big butt plug back in, it was just routine by now. She didn’t even consciously think about it anymore, and even if she would her ass felt way too empty without the big plug stuffing it. Still a plug was nowhere near as good as a cock was, god she was so looking forward to Lisa’s dildo already horny as she was it was all she could really think about, something thick and long going in and out of her ass massaging that special spot.


Cleaned and showered Marcy minced back into her room to select the lingerie she wanted Lisa to find her in. Mincing came pretty much natural at this point and it would require conscious thought not to mince. Just like putting on her makeup and rolling a delicate pair of peach coloured sheer stockings up her legs was pretty natural for her at this point. It was only when she was fitting her tiny chastity cage through the front hole of her panties that she noticed it was still there. More than an hour had passed since she had been told she was free from John and only now that she was confronted by the cage she remembered it was even there.


In all this time she hadn’t once thought about freeing her cock and it shocked her. Maybe she would ask Lisa if she happened to have found the key on John? She could hardly even remember how her cock looked anymore, how playing with it felt. She remembered being a little over average and that playing with her cock felt amazing and explosive, but nowhere near as long and intensely satisfying as getting fucked did. She remembered how it had been mostly limited to one orgasm and needing a break after that, while getting fucked yielded her orgasm after orgasm. In any case it would be nice to have her cock back, and maybe just maybe if Lisa gave her permission, use it for what it was intended.


If not then Lisa’s dildo would more than do that much was certain, her butthole was already twitching at the thought as she seductively laid down on her bed, waiting for her girlfriend to arrive which she did not long after Marcy had gotten in position. Lisa’s eyes really twinkled upon seeing Marcy like that. Marcy had clearly embraced the sissy within her and Lisa couldn’t help but love it to bits, she felt kind of bad for liking Marcy way better as her helpless sissy, but clearly with no one forcing her into anything, this was clearly what Marcy wanted right now right? She for one was more than happy to give it to her.


“Mmm, my sweet sweet, sissy, look at how pretty and cute you look wating on me like that. Now for what reason could you possibly have dressed up like that, where you hoping to get something from me my dear Marcy?” Lisa asked with a big toothed grin as she walked up to Marcy, carefully stroking all the way from her stocking covered ankle, up to her hip her side, tweaking one of her sensitive nipples through the hole in her special bra who’s small cups were now filled with small mounds of flesh. It got a squealing moan out of Marcy, one Lisa instantly took advantage of by kissing her full on the lips, invading her helpless mouth with her tongue as she deeply kissed her sissy girlfriend. She couldn’t help but step right back in her role of domme seeing Marcy like that, feeling her shiver under her touch as she claimed her. It made her sopping wet.


Marcy for her part was in heaven herself. Lisa’s touch had felt like heaven, and while her teasing words were plenty of cause for embarrassment, she couldn’t help but admit that she was thrilled to be taken control of like that. It made her feel cherished and slightly used at the same time, a confusing but wonderful combination. If anything she felt even more turned on than she had before Lisa had entered.


When Lisa broke off the kiss Marcy spoke up instantly. “Please Mistress Lissa, I was hoping to get your cock, please I need to be fucked so badly.” Marcy gushed in near desperation. It was a bit of a bummer, that Lisa didn’t have a real cock, but she had never wanted to be fucked by anyone so badly as she wanted to get fucked by Lisa now. She had always loved Lisa, but after the rescue she loved her more than ever. She only now realised that she had called Lisa Mistress, but somehow that just felt right.


Lisa for her part couldn’t physically smile wider hearing Marcy call her Mistress like that. It gave her validation she needed to stay in domme mode and she wouldn’t want it any other way, luckily Marcy seemed to agree. While she had casually loved Mark, she loved sissy Marcy to bits, and she wanted nothing more than to be the best domme girlfriend she now needed.


Without hesitation or show Lisa quickly kicked off her shoes, pants and hoodie leaving her completely naked, already wearing the big strapless strapon she and Marcy loved so much. “Oh if that is what you want then I will be more than happy to provide.” She said as she nearly jumped on the bed, pushing Marcy’s legs open before slightly lifting her hips so she could better line her cock up with Marcy’s ass. In no time at all she pulled the plug out, spit on her cock and quickly eased it into Marcy’s eager hole without much resistance whatsoever.


Marcy squealed in delight as she felt the big intruder massage her insides in such a wonderful way. Lisa was a little rough, but she didn’t care one bit as she soon had her first orgasm, even reaching her second before Lisa came herself. For the better part of an hour they kept on going until both collapsed in each other’s arms completely exhausted. Without a condom Marcy had squirted her loads all over her and Lisa’s crotch, but that hadn’t stopped either of them as Lisa’s dildo had squirted deep into her ass. It was messy, but that was more than alright.


“That was amazing Marcy, I really couldn’t imagine myself a better partner than you.” Lisa eventually spoke after catching her breath. She sealed her words with a deep passionate Kiss on Marcy’s very eager lips.


“I couldn’t imagine myself anyone better than you either Lisa, thank you so much for sticking with me, you’re the only one that kept me up right all this time. I love you. Uhm, before I forget, did you happen to stumble on a key of sorts for my chastity cage? I would kind of like to use my cock again if that is okay with you at least. I don’t want to push you or anything, but well I never had sex with my cock before and I would love to find out how that feels whenever you are ready and up for that of course, like I said I don’t want to push.” Marcy rambled, feeling so awkward to be asking for sex.


Lisa couldn’t help but giggle a little. The way Marcy asked and her claim of before she forgot were just too cute and precious. How could she say no to that. “I did in fact find a key that might fit so we can try, and otherwise we can ask Linda if she doesn’t have a spare or anything. You’ve definitely earned yourself a reward, but I have one condition that cage goes back on and I’ll be your key holder, that way you’ll always have something of mine with you and I something of yours. Don’t worry though, when we are together all you need to do is ask nicely.” Lisa grinned as she gave Marcy another kiss, then pulled her cock out and plugged Marcy’s hole back up.


A big bright blush spread across Marcy’s face as Lisa laid out her terms. Key holder sounded so official and a little scary as well if she was being honest, yet she couldn’t help but feel her butt twitch at the thought. The fact that Lisa said she could always ask to get her cock unlocked was pretty amazing, besides it wasn’t like she wasn’t used to wearing that cage by now so putting it back on was no big deal to her, Lisa was right, it would give them something to always remember each other by when they were apart. “Yes Mistress Lisa, I’d love for you to be my key holder.” Marcy blushed.


“Good, why don’t you stand up and hold your hand’s behind your back? Let me take care of this.” Lisa said with a smirk as she stayed in firm control. In no time at all Marcy was standing before her as she had asked, her cage was so tiny at this point that it barely peeked through the hole in her panties. Lisa actually had to lower Marcy’s panties to fully get to it, but once she did she wasted no time, within moments she had Marcy’s cock unlocked, or at least what remained of it as both she and Marcy couldn’t help but gasp.


Marcy’s cock had severely deteriorated under the ever tight and smaller growing cages along with the hormones she had been taking through her condoms. What remained could best be described as a nub. Her cock head looked nearly glued to her pubic area, the flesh connecting it was rather thin and about an inch long if one was generous with their measurements. With the head included Marcy’s cock was just short of an inch and a half, hell if one would pull on them a little Marcy’s nipples would be as big as her cock by now.


It came as a complete and utter shock, sure the cage had been tiny, but neither Marcy nor Lisa had expected it to be this tiny once free. Marcy’s once a bit above average cock had melted away. “I…I’ve always been a grower, I just need to get hard.” Marcy blurted out, too shocked to accept that this was her cock now, she hardly believed it mattered and Lisa sure as hell didn’t, but trying to appease the shock she decided to at least give it a try.


Moving her head forward Lisa quickly sucked Marcy’s cocklette in between her warm wet lips, flicking the slick head with her tongue as she tried her hardest to get it hard. Other than getting a few soft moans out of Marcy, there was no reaction however. Lisa’s mouth and tongue felt great to Marcy, but not really better than it felt to get her nipples sucked and played with. It felt nowhere near as good as getting fucked did either, still she and Lisa both tried to make it work.


When after a full five minutes Marcy still hadn’t grown a bit harder than she was at the start Lisa decided to try up the ante a little. Pulling the plug out of Marcy’s ass, she quickly shoved two fingers up there and started working them in and out in rhythm with her sucking. Marcy instantly started moaning louder, yet her cock remained as limp as ever all the way up until she came in Lisa’s mouth, dribbling a small amount of clear watery liquid but not much more.


It felt amazing, like every orgasms did, but as soon as Marcy started coming down from her high she realised that it didn’t feel like it should have at  all. The pleasure Lisa’s mouth had provided quickly faded compared to the intense sensations of getting her prostate massaged. The attention to her cock was nothing compared to the attention to her ass, forcing her to come to terms with how well and truly John had messed up and changed her whole sex experience. She would never have wanted to give up anal for how good it felt, but this made her realise that no matter what anal was her only option. She would forever remain a virgin with a cock this small and unable to get hard.


Although she hadn’t thought about using her cock in a long time, having nearly forgotten it was there until she got confronted by it, the fact that it no longer worked still hit hard. Whatever remained of her cock was just a memory of a life that seemed ages ago at this point. John might be gone but his influence had well and truly changed her.


Lisa couldn’t help but feel awful for Marcy, she had never quite thought about the consequences this cage could have, but now that Marcy’s cock clearly wouldn’t do anything any more, all she could do was be there for her. Getting up she once again hugged Marcy tightly like she had in John’s room. “Shhhh, it’s okay my sweet sweet Marcy, I can’t even begin to imagine how hard this much be for you to cope with, but know that no matter what it won’t make me think any less of you. I love you just the way you are, and nothing will change that. It’s okay, it’s going to be okay.” Lisa said, gently cradling Marcy as she mourned the loss of her cock. She hadn’t had one in a long time, but she had always just thought that it would be there when the cage came off.


Then again it wasn’t like her cock had ever made her feel as good as her ass did, she doubted that she would want to use it often even if it had worked. Getting fucked felt so much better than she imagined doing the fucking did, so at least it wasn’t the greatest loss. At least that was what Marcy told herself as it made things easier to cope with.


In a way Marcy felt worse for Lisa than she did for herself as she would no longer be able to give her girlfriend whatever she wanted. Lisa’s claim that she loved her just as much and that it wouldn’t make her think any less of her, really helped ease that worry as she realised full well that she had no choice but to accept it herself. It would take time to fully accept it, but if she had been able to start to slowly accept becoming John’s live in sissy then she would certainly be able to accept this in time.


“Thank you so much Lisa for being here for me, you are the best. Would you mind locking it up again? I think it’s best if I just don’t have to see it for a while.” Marcy finally spoke up after getting herself over the biggest shock. Pushing this away probably wasn’t the best way to cope with this, but then again, it wasn’t the worst either. Forgetting about her cock was something she inevitably would have to do as she didn’t have one anymore, or at least not one that could be considered a functioning cock anymore.


“Alright Marcy, whatever you wish.” Lisa said, somewhat surprised as she picked the tiny cage back up and locked it back on before pulling Marcy’s panties back up. She couldn’t help but think how cute the little cock would look peeking through the hole in those panties, maybe with a pretty bow to decorate it, but right now the last thing she wanted was to cause even more confrontation. All she needed was patience to let Marcy cope with this on her own.


“I don’t know about you Marcy, but I have gotten quite hungry. I do think I heard at least one of your parents come home. Should I head down and pick up something for us to eat in your room?” Lisa asked, trying to provide a distraction while also trying to ease the stress by ensuring Marcy wouldn’t have to go out and meet her parents while she was still coping with this.


After getting a nod of approval Lisa quickly dashed down. Both Marcy’s parents were home, and she had a nice chat with Marcy’s mother as she prepared sandwiches for the both of them before heading back up and having dinner on bed while they watched a movie. Just before going to bed Marcy asked Lisa if she could fuck her again which she was all too happy to do as she brought them both to a couple more orgasms to conclude this very intense, but all in all great day. Finally they could be with each other whenever they wanted, and they had never been closer before.


For the first time in what felt like forever Marcy felt truly at ease as she drifted off to sleep in Lisa’s loving arms finally she had a bright future to look forward to, the issues she still had to face couldn’t ruin the relief to be rid of John and finally be in control of her own life again.


(If you liked this story and would like to read way more along with a ton of other stories then please check out my page on SubscribeStar: I have ran into trouble with Patreon, but since SubscribeStar  doesn’t accept PayPall you can still follow me there, just make sure you connect your discord account to your Patreon account if you do so you don’t miss out on my content. . On my SubscribeStar and Patreon this story has now ended with 49 parts total. There are also a ton of other sissy stories to be read on there. A new big feminisation story as voted by my patrons will take over from this one.


Next to that my story is also available as a bundled book at: and )

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