NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 58 – More Animal Headed Goblins

Not knowing what to do about the rabbits Jason settles down for another night of meditation. This time though he keeps a shred of his awareness to see what happens. Then the nightly gathering of young rabbits happens, and he is almost shocked out of his cultivation. Within a half hour tens of rabbits have surrounded him.  Throughout the night while he can’t tell that they are evolving he notices them switching out with new rabbits. Unnerved by this Jason shuts off his perception of the world and focuses on meditating. Next morning he comes to like usual and after a quick look around checking for rabbits Jason scratches his head.

“I don’t know why the rabbits where here last night. In fact, I don’t know if this has happened before. Though I will have to remember to check in the future. As it is however I can’t focus too much on that. There is still that goblin mutant to worry about. I can’t be certain it had others. For all I know whatever creates things in this place gave it a loincloth. That assumption though is risky and the more likely situation is there are more of them with other animal parts.”

With those thoughts out of the way Jason cleans up his camp and continues his journey. It is not long though before he notices the elephant goblin trying to shadow him. The rabbits had kept it away but now that Jason is on the move it follows close by. Wanting more insight on the goblinoid Jason continues on as if he hadn’t seen it. This pays off as more goblinoids join in following him. At first, just a couple of other herbivore headed ones. A sheep here, a lama there, and even what Jason identifies as a fruit bat. Then the group stops growing. Half an hour passes and still they follow him. Jason ignoring them and the goblinoids trying their hardest to be stealthy.

Things come to a head when in front of him Jason spots another similar-sized group of goblinoids. This gathering though is comprised of carnivores. The herbivore group shift around and shiver but do not back down. Now standing between the two groups Jason comes to a stop. There isn’t any hiding that he notices them now. For a few minutes that seem to never end everything stops. Even the ever present insects quiet down as a palpable tension fills the air. Eventually the deadlock is broken by a third group of goblinoids. From the side next to Jason a smaller group makes themselves known. While they somewhat follow the apparent theme by being mostly composed of omnivores but mixed in are several elders from the other two factions.

From among this new group three of the oldest-looking goblinoids step forward. The first among them has the head of a monkey and to its sides are an elephant and an owl. If before things were quiet they are now completely silent. Neither of the other sides move as this trio of elders come forth. Once the elders are only a few paces from Jason they stop. Then from behind the owl and elephants back the two take out parts of a staff and hand it over to the monkey goblin. Without turning to them it receives them and with a well-practiced twirl they snap onto something behind its back. A slight twist in opposite directions and a couple clicks follow before the monkey goblin release the bottom section and brings out the completed staff from behind its back. Connection the two pieces is an elegant construction of metal seemingly made of gold and silver.

With a look of satisfaction the monkey goblin taps the ground three times with the staff. Nothing happens. A look of frustration and three harder taps. Still nothing. The monkey goblin now looks angry. Grabbing the staff with both hands the monkey goblin slams it into the ground 3 more times leaving visible dents in the ground. Finally, this is enough as the staff glows. There are a couple of flickers but a stern glare from the monkey goblin and the staff glows steadily. Satisfied the monkey goblin talks. While what it says sounds like any other monkey howling through the staffs, magic Jason understands what is being said.

“Okay man, listen up. You seem like a decent sort, what with not killing my nephew and how the rabbits chill with you. Our tribe has been at this here wasteland for much too long. I won’t lie and claim we used to be three eyed goblins. Enough searchin would find you info on how this place doesn’t affect the ‘noble’ races or whatever other jank term you want for it. However, the way this place changes you be special. While we are still ‘monsters’ as you travellers so love to call use it has given us a path towards greater things. If that is we can get out of here. As you came from that direction then you have seen the dead area. Yeah, that just cycles through the wasteland clearing out the ‘failed’ experiments as it were. Least that is how I understand it. Far as I can tell failure means developing a mind of your own. Course this is mostly my speculation. Could just be some poison beastie meandering around. Though it seems to target any thinking sorts. Used to be a nice little village of pygmy land sharks that had the tail of a chimera in that dead zone. Weird sort, the snake tail was the smart bit. Makes you wonder about an actual chimera doesn’t it? Anyway I have a bit of a quest for you. No not a System quest, this isn’t concrete enough for that. By the Realms there might not be an actual way to complete it. However we can’t do anything. Our contradictory nature sort of hobbles us though I have a sneaking suspicion it is also what stops our elimination. If we could get along whatever runs this place would recognize us as being ‘wise’ or something. Anyway we are getting away from what I want of you. Once you leave the wasteland, please get us some help!”

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