NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 59 – Not a Quest

Jason stands there and stares at the monkey goblin for a moment. Being asked for help isn’t the strangest thing. Despite the System trying to run this world like it was ‘real’ it is still a game. Not getting a Quest isn’t that out there either. After all it is hard for the System to generate a Quest off of something so vague. It would have to decide what constitutes ‘help’ and they would need how much of it to complete the Quest. However, having a monster request help and that monster being cognizant enough to ask for something so open-ended? Weird doesn’t even begin to describe it. Jason had heard of similar quests before but it was always specific and most likely guided by the System.

Stumped by this odd turn of events he can only ask for clarification, “I wouldn’t mind helping but what do you expect? I am not that strong you know? Just traveling along the edge of the wasteland is as far as I can manage. Sure I will be able to pass through but that doesn’t help you.”

The monkey goblin nods at this, “True what I ask is hard to put down in words. As my tribe is now, we are fragmented. It would be helpful if that was not the case but I don’t know how you would begin with breaking our instincts. Along with that we are trapped in this wasteland and the constant threat of death is over our head. In fact, our first problem as I already mentioned may be what keeps this second one at bay. However, to get out of here we need to come together. I have laid this out to other Travellers that pass by and they referred to it as a Catch 22. None of them even knew where to start either and without a real Quest declined to help. I suspect the only reason they didn’t just wipe us out is their level was too great to get anything from killing us. Maybe a scholar could figure out the answer but why would they come out here? This might be our home but we can admit it is a dangerous and forbidding place.”

That bit about a scholar tickles something in Jason’s mind. He asks the monkey goblin to give him a moment to think. After sitting down he starts turning something over in his mind, “I know someone who might be able to help. Andrew back in Shine Fish Village could figure this out. However, he is the head magus there so must have some kind of responsibility. Plus his area of study is the System so I need a hook to get him to even consider this. That crazy old man is powerful enough to traipse out here, but he needs a reason to do so. Though this is perfect now that I am thinking about it. One of the weird things about the System is how if categorizes whether a species counts as monsters. Being on the outside and knowing this is a game makes it clear. Some species are labeled monsters just so the System doesn’t have to work too hard and can just give them low quality AI. No matter how real the world seems there still has to be a limit of how many child or greater level AIs it can run. However, there must be an ingame reason for this as well or it would fall apart. Though you can somewhat consider it to have fallen apart already just from this tribe. They aren’t feral goblins but they aren’t civilized either. If they get out of here, then that might change but for now they straddle the line. Now all I need to do is figure out if I should help them. From what I can see they have no one besides the three leaders above level 20. That could be a ruse though. If they hid a bunch of high level animal goblins deeper in the wasteland, I wouldn’t know. All that might be stopping them from reeking havoc on the surrounding area is that they are stuck near the wasteland. Though if I hand it off to Andrew that might be for the best. I can’t properly judge this but he should have spells that will let him know what is up. As long as I tell him my worries then if he comes out here it will be on him. Well I guess that does it. Since I can’t decide, calling in someone else wiser than me isn’t a bad choice.”

With his mind made up Jason gets back on his feet and turns to the monkey goblin, “I know someone who might be able to help you. Now I can’t tell you if he will but when I get the next town, I will send him a message. That is the best I can do for your tribe.”

The monkey goblin tilts his head, “Can’t you Travellers just send messages wherever you are? We would like the help as fast as possible.”

Jason stops himself from frowning. That was a bit pushy and makes him think his suspicion might not be that far off. Still, he responds though not giving the whole truth, “The person I know is an important researcher, and I only did a simple Quest for him as part of his studies. While we can send messages from wherever we need more of a connection than that.”

A slight frown followed by a sigh are all the monkey goblin shows before continuing, “Fair enough, I guess we can wait. While small my tribe controls this next range of space for a couple of days in the direction you’re going. Continue your journey and hopefully you will get us the help we need.”

With a simple nod to the three animal goblin elders Jason heads further into their lands. All the while thoughts of how fishy this is percolated in his head, “A small and weak tribe yet controlling this much land? Saying they are the same tribe when the herbivores are practically driven out of their area if where they met me is anything to go on? Sure they made a scene of having that elder herbivore but thinking back there was a clear imbalance. Most of the non-omnivore elders in that middle group happened to be of the carnivore variety. Something is clearly rotten. I suspect if I could have messaged someone my life would be measured in how long it took to relay the message. Still going to tell Andrew of course. He will love this excuse to make a small trip. All I have to do is relay my suspicions and things should be fine.”

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