NeToRi System

53 – Graduation Celebration

Dave blushed. "Well, I'll look forward... to both," he said.

She smirked enjoying his reactions. "So will I," she teased.

They enjoyed the dinner, the food and service was impeccable. They even shared a nice dessert.

Jackie scooped up a spoonful of the tiramisu, but held it up to him instead.

It took him a moment, but he quickly took a bite with a wide smile. Inspired by her he ended up doing the same which they continued until the slice they were sharing was gone faster than they expected.

They had been relatively well behaved during dinner, but once they got home all brakes were off as they finally vented the lust that had been building up for the past few hours. They just kept going until they passed out together in bed. They could worry about the mess the next day.

The last day of the course was a little different than the others as instead of focusing on cramming in the knowledge an experience they needed most of the afternoon was spent going over the things they learnt to make sure they had picked up enough of the knowledge required.

Though it wasn't as formal and rigorous as a test at school since they would still have the capability to brush up on their experience a little during the apprenticeship if they performed too bad they could still be denied the apprenticeship. No one wanted to have an apprentice that couldn't even learn the basics after all. If they failed they would either need to give up or re-take the entire course including the fee associated with it.

Their instructor walked back in to their tiny classroom at the end of the day. He had a serious look on his face, which was unusual since he usually had a very sunny disposition. "So I know you've all worked hard for the past week. Just hard work isn't always enough though..." he said.

Vanessa looked very nervous and even Jake seemed a little worried.

Dave wasn't very concerned. He felt it would be strange if he didn't pass. He was convinced if even he didn't pass then no one in this week's class passed.

Finally a smile broke upon the instructor's face. "But I'm happy to say in this case it was. You all passed. We will email you the schedules of who you can apprenticeship with so you know when to come to the gym for this period," he announced.

Vanessa had a relieved smile. "Yes! Now we need to celebrate! We're going for drinks," she said excitedly. She didn't even think about how Dave was technically still below the legal drinking age. With how tall and broad he was now it was easy to forget though because it made him seem a little older than he really was.

Dave smiled watching her infectious excitement. "Ok. You're in charge this evening then," he said.

She shot Jake a look that told him he didn't have much of a choice so he ended up hesitantly nodding in agreement.

The instructor watched them with a smile. "Well I would join you, but I have plans with my fiancee so it'll just have to be you three tonight. Maybe we can make up for it some other time as co-workers," he said.

Vanessa quickly dragged Dave and Jake towards the changing rooms, excited to get started on their night on the town. She pushed them towards the entrance to the men's locker room. "Hurry up and finish up quick," she said before heading through the door to the women's locker room.

Despite her hurry Dave and Jake still ended up getting out first. When she finally did she dragged the two of them to a bar downtown. She decided where they were going since Dave was too young to know where to go and Jake.... was Jake. He was a nice guy, but he definitely wasn't the life of any party. Neither of them expected him to provide good bars to go to so they didn't ask.

They ended up in a pretty nice place. It was a bar focused more on having fun with friends than living it up by dancing and purely finding someone to take home by the end of the night. There were various tables for pool, air hockey, foosball. There were dart board on the walls and even a few arcade machines. All sorts of things for people to play together while enjoying their drinks.

One thing they learned rather quickly was that Vanessa had a slight competitive streak as she insisted on do-overs regularly when one of them, mostly Dave, beat her at one of the games. Thankfully though competitive, she wasn't too sore a loser and it was all in good fun. Another was that Jake apparently couldn't hold his liquor very well as he started flushing after even his first drink which got a chuckle out of them. It also helped him loosen up a little. He was still the more uptight one among them, but a little more talkative than he usually was.

To Dave's relief he managed to get drinks without being carded. It seemed with the improved physique this was happening less and less. Due to this they were able to enjoy the night freely. Halfway into the evening Jake ended up having to leave. Something about his mom and the next day. That didn't stop Dave and Vanessa though who continued playing games and getting progressively more drunk throughout the night.

They were having fun together and getting to know each other a little more. Though they had spoken a little during classes they had still been more acquaintances rather than friends since they hadn't had enough time to get to know each other better, but spending some time outside of the classes and with alcohol involved seemed to be changing that.

Dave wasn't doing too bad, but Vanessa who was like a foot shorter and probably at least 50 pounds(22.6 kg) lighter than him just couldn't handle the same as he could. It seemed she was the kind to become a slightly flirty drunk from what he was seeing. By the end of the night he decided to take her home, because he didn't completely trust her getting home without issues in her current shape.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 16+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Bring Me The Horizon - Various Tracks

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