NeToRi System

54 – Surprises

Dave made a call to a cab company. After he gave them the address for pickup he turned to Vanessa whose face was still red from all the drinks. "Hey, I'm going to take you home. The cab will be here in just a few, but I'll need your address," he said.

They had only known for a week so far so sharing addresses of course hadn't happened yet.

She had a playful smile and leaned in closer. She lost balance a little and grabbed onto his arm for support. He could feel her breasts press onto his arm. They were smaller and firmer than what he was used to from Jackie and Kate, both of whom fell onto the more curvy side of things while Vanessa had a sporty and slightly muscular physique instead. Not that he was complaining, he could appreciate different things about each of them.

She looked at him with a smile. "Oooh, what a gentleman," she teased.

He smiled. "Does that make you a lady?" he teased back.

She smirked. "Of course I'm a lady!" she said proudly.

Dave couldn't help but chuckle. Lady was nowhere near the first thing he thought when thinking of Vanessa.

She pouted. "Don't you laugh at me!" she said.

This just made him smile more though as it was rather cute seeing this side of her. It was refreshing compared to her usual outgoing and feisty self.

He shook his head. "Ok, but for real. What's your address?" he asked.

She smiled playfully. "Wouldn't you like to know," she asked.

He rolled his eyes. "No, but the cab driver definitely will," he retorted.

She stuck out her tongue. "Oh boo, you're no fun," she said.

He shot her a glance and finally she gave him the address.

It didn't take long for the cab to arrive. There were lots of them downtown this time of night.

In the backseat of the cab Vanessa leaned against him her head settling on his shoulder. He was sure she wouldn't last much longer, he had probably made the right decision taking her home just to be safe. He didn't want something to go wrong or someone to take advantage of her.

When they finally got to her place he had to shake her a little to get her to realise.

"Hmm what?" she murmured before waking up completely.

He smiled. "We're here," he told her.

He asked the cab driver to wait a little while he dropped her off since he still needed a drive home.

As they walked over to her front door Dave looked over at Vanessa. "That was fun, I don't get to do that often," he said.

She nodded. "Me too, I've been so busy," she said.

"We should do it again sometime," 

She nodded and started to open her front door when she suddenly paused. She turned around and seemed a little more flushed than before her eyes looking at him intensely.

She stepped closer to him and he tilted his head in confusion.

Before he realised she had pressed herself against him, wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him down and met his lips with hers. Once he broke from his shock he wrapped his around around her waist and started kissing back. Her hand slipped under his t-shirt getting a good feel of his chest.

Her lips managed to open his and her tongue slipped past them to find his deepening the kiss further. A subdued moan leaked from her mouth as she indulged herself enjoying the moment. His hands moves down her hips settling below her shapely ass holding onto her firmly.

Her arms around his neck tightened. He could feel her breasts rub against his chest. Her ass filling his hands. Her tongue feverishly wrestled with his.

He wasn't sure how long the kiss lasted, eventually they broke apart still holding each other gazing into each other's eyes feverishly. Both of them seemed unsure about what they did and what to do. Eventually Vanessa let go breaking away from him and went inside quickly. "Thanks," she said quietly before closing the door leaving Dave still dazed on her doorstep.

It took a little bit for him to process what had just happened. He walked back towards the cab still trying to figure out how things had turned out that way. It occupied his mind the entire drive home, not thinking about other things until they arrived at his home reminding him of what would be happening the next day.

When he got home Jackie was excited and greeted him with a big hug. "Congratulations! Did you have fun?" she asked.

He smiled hugging her back. "Thanks. Yeah it was nice," he said.

He sat her down on the couch. "We need to talk about tomorrow," he said.

Jackie looked at him nervously. She had been trying not to think about this very topic. Eventually she reluctantly nodded. "Ok," she said.

He wrapped his arms around her to reassure her. "Unless something comes up they should be letting him come home tomorrow. You shouldn't pick him up and don't be home alone with him until I get home," he said

She buried her head in his chest and nodded meekly humming in agreement.

He gently rubbed her back. "I don't know how he will be reacting, so I don't want you to be the first one to meet him once he comes back. At least not alone. Since no police have shown up he either doesn't remember exactly what happened or didn't want to admit to what happened. We can only see how he behaves once he comes back and go from there," he continued.

He pulled back so he could look her in the eyes. "No matter what I'll be here to protect you, ok?" he said with determination.

She looked into his eyes and his confidence seemed to be contagious as some determination entered her gaze.

She hesitated for a moment. "I don't want to be with him anymore," she said.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 16+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Falling In Reverse - Various Tracks

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