New Love

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: New Love

The tavern has two corridors, the public one outside and the staff passage here.

It was during the day when it was not open for business. There was no one here, and it was relatively dark. If he hadn’t been pulled in, Jiang Yun wouldn’t have found anyone hiding here.

Lu Nianzhi took her behind the wall of the corridor, in a corner where no light could shine, hugged her so intimately, and said ambiguous words. Jiang Yun’s heart tightened for a moment. He didn’t expect her to be so bold. There were people in the aisle not far away, and they could be discovered here at any time.

Although there was a thick wall, Jiang Yun still didn’t dare to answer aloud, worried that someone would hear it or break in suddenly, she subconsciously grabbed the man’s hand wrapped around her waist, her body slightly freeze.

Lu Nianzhi held a slender lady’s cigarette between his fingers and lit it, but before he could smoke it, the scarlet sparks were burning, slowly swallowing the cigarette body little by little.

She originally came here to smoke to pass the time, avoiding the people in front of her, but unexpectedly waited for Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun smelled the smoke, and when he looked down, he saw what was in this man’s hand, and he almost got burned just now.

She has smoked this cigarette, Helan, and the taste is relatively mild.

After knowing each other for so long, she didn’t know that Lu Nianzhi could smoke, and it was a little strange to see it with her own eyes.

Jiang Yun wants to smoke this. He is not too addicted to smoking. When he was young, he was ignorant. At first, he tried it out of curiosity, but then he couldn’t quit. After quitting a few times, it didn’t work. scolded, and Qin Zhao was angry about it, so she had to quit more than once.

When she found out that Qin Zhao had cheated on her, she was quitting smoking again. Her hands were shaking slightly when she was addicted to it.

Now that she smelled the smell, she couldn’t help but take a second look.

Dissatisfied with her distraction, Lu Nianzhi turned her to face him, “What about you, were you angry just now?”

There were only the two of them in the empty corridor. Although their voices were low, they always gave people a sense of unease that they would be discovered at any time. This man’s hand was still on Jiang Yun’s body, and his body was tightly pressed against him, very restrained.

The dim environment made Jiang Yun unable to slow down, but he didn’t dare to do anything, for fear that his movements would attract other people, so he had to whisper, “Let go…”

It was obviously a rebuke, but because it was said too lightly and too lowly, there were two more warm kisses, as if there was something special about it.

Lu Nianzhi didn’t let it go, but moved up, stroking her thin back.

Jiang Yun’s whole body was tense, and he raised his head slightly to look at this person.

Unlike her nervousness, Lu Nianyi didn’t worry about someone coming. He raised her chin with the hand holding the cigarette, and gently rubbed his fingertips, “I’m worried that Qin Zhao will come to you later?”

Jiang Yun was not in the mood to deal with her, and grabbed the hand on his back, “They are all here, don’t make trouble.”

Lu Nianzhi didn’t speak, he turned his finger to the corner of her mouth and rubbed it repeatedly.

This person always has a lot of small movements, all over the bed and under the bed. He likes to slowly grind Jiang Yun’s patience, and he will not give up until the last moment.

After touching the corners of his lips for a while, Lu Nianzhi gradually turned his fingertips to Jiang Yun’s rosy lips, his tone was indifferent, without any ups and downs, “Tast it, it was a favorite before.”

Jiang Yun was stunned for a while, not understanding what it meant, but before he could calm down, the other party gently fed the cigarette into her mouth. He wiped his red lips against Lu Nianzhi’s fingertips.

The person’s fingertips were slightly cool, and her lips were hot and humid, with sharp contrast.

The smoke is mint-flavored, cool and refreshing.

It smells like the perfume on Lu Nianzhi’s body, very comfortable.

Jiang Yun involuntarily took a breath, and even his throat became a little cold now, as if he was about to dip into his bones, and the stamina was completely opposite to the light taste. Jiang Yun was a little hopeless, he was quite nervous at first, but after being manipulated like this, he had a cigarette in his mouth, and the worry just now faded a lot.

From last night to now, she has never touched a cigarette. She already committed it. She also planned to take two puffs when she went to the bathroom to relieve her anxiety. Now that she has one in her mouth, she instantly feels much better and is comforted.

Lu Nianzhi touched her throat that was swallowing and sliding, “I saw you smoked before, so I bought two packs and kept them.”

The tone of his speech was a lot softer than before. It was tough before, but now it is suddenly gentle, inexplicable.

Jiang Yun let out a breath of misty white smoke, and glanced at her suspiciously, but the light in the corner was too dim to make out the expression on this person’s face.

“When did you start smoking?” After a while, she asked suspiciously.

I had never seen Lu Nianzhi smoke before, and he had no such bad habit. In fact, only a few of these people in the tavern can smoke. This thing is very harmful to the body. If you smoke it for a long time, it will give birth to various small problems. Once you become addicted, it is difficult to quit.

“Not long ago, just a while ago.” Lu Nianzhi said, helping Jiang Yun to remove the cigarette, “Just have a taste.”

Jiang Yun glanced at her suspiciously, but still said: “Smoke less, try not to touch.”

Otherwise just like her.

“I know.” Lu Nianzhi replied, he deserved it, but he put the cigarette that Jiang Yun had in his mouth into his mouth as he spoke, as if he didn’t mind it at all from someone else’s mouth.

The cigarette holder was a little wet, and there was a very shallow circle of teeth marks—Jiang Yun liked to bite the cigarette holder lightly when he was smoking, and he couldn’t control himself.

Lu Nianzhi’s lips were relatively pale, she opened her lips slightly, lowered her head slightly, and the moment she put the cigarette in her mouth, she couldn’t help but curl the tip of her tongue slightly, gently pressed against the cigarette holder, and then closed her lips and took a deep breath. .

Jiang Yun took all these actions in his eyes, paused, and then looked away, pretending that he didn’t see anything.

This kind of behavior is too intimate, indifferent to each other, and too indulgent. She has never done this with anyone, let alone a cigarette together, and she seldom takes cigarettes given by others.

As if seeing through what she was thinking, Lu Nianzhi’s eyes sank, and he put the slender cigarette back into her mouth. Jiang Yun didn’t refuse, so he complied with it, Xu was moving too fast, and accidentally bit the other side lightly.

The warmth of his fingertips made Lu Nianzhi stop, and he half-drooped his eyes.

The faint smoke emanated, involving the two of them.

Jiang Yun was stunned, this was just an unintentional move, but she didn’t dodge because of it, but continued to hold the cigarette, lowered her eyelids silently, took a soft breath, and then slowly exhaled the smoke.

The more you avoid it, the more embarrassing it becomes, so it’s better to go down.

Lu Nianzhi’s fingers were still on her lips, but he didn’t expect her to do this. The man didn’t move for a long time, until he felt Jiang Yun was exhaling smoke, and then he retracted his hand.

This back and forth gradually became a little wrong. At first, Lu Nianzhi took the initiative, but now it’s the other way around.

Dingding stared at Jiang Yun for a while, Lu Nianzhi couldn’t help curling the corners of his mouth, raised his hand to help Jiang Yun straighten the messy hair on his chest, and then fed her cigarettes, as if serving.

She is very arrogant. She is usually indifferent, so she is a little closer to the friends around her, not to mention feeding people cigarettes, and she is not even willing to light a fire. Now it is a little bit more intimate with Jiang Yun Neither is divided.

Jiang Yun was not used to it. After a while, he turned away the cigarettes that were brought over, “Okay, it’s time to go back.”

If you don’t go out, someone should come to look for it.

Lu Nianzhi snorted, but he didn’t let go. He didn’t move for a long time, just looked down at Jiang Yun.

I don’t know what this person is going to do, Jiang Yun pushed him a little and shouted softly, “Lu Nianzhi…”

She seldom called this person by name, but now she was calling him by his first name and his surname, which meant a lot of urging.

If you really have to go out, if you stay in it for too long, it will cause suspicion if you don’t leave, and it’s hard to explain it to others.

It’s a pity that someone didn’t seem to be in a hurry at all, not only did not let go, but also smothered the smoke at once, and came over. This man held her lips, swallowed all her urges and worries, and hugged her tightly.

She didn’t expect that she would suddenly do this, Jiang Yun was stunned, and didn’t react until her waist was clamped, and immediately pushed the person away. But after all, Lu Nian took a step slowly, the other party seemed to have expected what she would do, and grabbed her hand tightly and pressed it against the cold wall.

The half-burned cigarette was broken and held in the tightly clasped hands of the two.

This kiss was direct and quick, without any warm prelude, and it went deep almost as soon as it entered, leaving Jiang Yun no room to react.

Lu Nianzhi clasped Jiang Yun’s hand and didn’t let it go, holding it so hard that Jiang Yun felt a little pain.

The half of the cigarette was in their hands, and it was rubbed soft, and the white skin was about to be rubbed.

Perhaps it was too uneasy, and the throbbing heart was beating non-stop. At this moment, Jiang Yun’s palms were dripping with sweat, hot and humid, and his back was stiff.

She wanted to push the person in front of her away, but the kiss was too quick. Before she could do anything, Lu Nianzhi withdrew.

Jiang Yun was stunned, still holding the half of the cigarette in his hand.

Lu Nianzhi touched the corner of her mouth again, his breath warm and well-proportioned.

“You can go…”

The aisle was still so quiet, but I could hear the voices outside from time to time, and the group of people were making trouble again, not knowing what they were talking about.

Jiang Yun went to the bathroom, calmed down and acted.

Coincidentally, when they came out, they bumped into someone, Qin Zhao.

After waiting outside for a long time, Qin Zhao came to look for her. Seeing that this man was standing outside silently, Jiang Yun was startled and frowned slightly, “What are you doing here?”

Qin Zhao said, “Come to find you.”

I don’t know when this person came, and if she saw anything that shouldn’t be there, Jiang Yun pursed her lips unnaturally, and snorted as if she didn’t care.

But before reaching the bathroom door, Qin Zhao suddenly asked, “What were you doing in the corridor before?”

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