New Love

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: New Love

Jiang Yun stopped, and his calm heart was clenched again. When he looked up, Qin Zhao’s eyes were sharp, and he looked at this side deeply, with no expression on his face.

At this moment, she seemed to be strangled by the throat, and she would lose her life at any time, but then she became calm again, still calm and calm, and said in a steady voice: “Smoke a cigarette.”

She is a person who seldom lies. Whether it is at work or in private, she is always one, two, and two, and never hides it.

She was indeed smoking in the corridor, but she was not the only one hiding there, and she had done more than one thing.

After saying this sentence extremely calmly, she exposed the smoke that was about to be smashed in her hand, looked at Qin Zhao magnanimously, and asked in a slightly bright tone: “What?”

How blatant the person in front of him was when he cheated, and how unscrupulous Jiang Yun is now.

Qin Zhao didn’t say a word, and stood in place not to let go. She lowered her gaze and looked at the half wrinkled cigarette, the fine strands of hair hanging down on her forehead blocked most of her face, making it hard to see, whether she was thinking or not. hesitate.

Jiang Yun remained silent, quietly confronting him, waiting for her to speak.

She thought that she was like this, with a face of restraint and restraint, she would definitely have an emotional attack, but after a while, Qin Zhao breathed a sigh of relief and chose to believe.

“No, just ask casually.”

For a moment, Jiang Yun thought she was just pretending, unwilling to break the fragile status quo, because once something was broken, it would definitely never be put back together again. After all, Qin Zhao has concealed her derailment so deeply, but she doesn’t want to let her go, and she is still holding on tightly to this day, perhaps trying her best to cover it up.

But Jiang Yun found from her eyes and demeanor that she really believed it, without the slightest suspicion.

Jiang Yun was stunned for a moment, not expecting to pass so easily.

The Qin Zhao at this moment is the same as she was back then. They both have absolute trust in their hearts, but they are in different situations.

She gathered her thoughts and didn’t bother much, then nodded, “Go out.”

After saying that, he threw the wrinkled cigarette into the trash can beside him, turned around and left.

Qin Zhao followed, and grabbed her hand when he was about to reach the end of the aisle, with a little strength, afraid that she would throw him away.

It was too late for Jiang Yun to break away. The tavern owner and the others saw them coming out hand in hand, thinking it was a reconciliation, and smiled and greeted each other twice. She didn’t show it too clearly, she turned her wrist secretly, trying to get out of Qin Zhao’s restraint, but she couldn’t move too much, and she still couldn’t break free.

When it was noon, the owner of the tavern politely kept everyone for dinner. Some people had to leave in the afternoon, but Jiang Yun didn’t stay, and used the previous excuse as a shield. Kindly let her go first.

Before leaving, Jiang Yun found that Lu Nianzhi was not there, and he didn’t know where he went, maybe he had left long ago.

When she went out with her front foot, Qin Zhao followed with her back foot, and she couldn’t pull it out.

Jiang Yun is not in the mood to talk, nor does he want to tear his face and make a fight. He is so far away from the tavern, so he prevaricates Qin Zhao: “I want to go out, I don’t have time, I will talk later.”

“Where to?” Qin Zhao pulled her again.

Jiang Yun stopped and endured his impatience, “Over there in the southern district.”

“I send you.”

“Need not.”

But Qin Zhao still insisted, “I’m fine this afternoon, I can take you there.”

Jiang Yun grabbed his hand without a trace, dodged half a step to the side, unwilling to touch him, “You didn’t drive here, and you still wear stilettos, how can you send it?”

“Just go to the intersection in front of you and take a taxi.” Qin Zhao said, leaning closer, but he didn’t grab her hand any more. He should have sensed her impatience and forbearance, and knew that he couldn’t push too hard.

But even so, Jiang Yun still said: “I can take a taxi by myself, don’t follow.”

Qin Zhao refused to let her go. Seeing her hesitating to speak, he murmured for a moment and said softly, “We haven’t seen each other for almost five days.”

This has never been the case before. No matter who goes on a business trip abroad, he will never be so alienated and indifferent after returning to City C. Jiang Yun’s response was so abnormal that he was so unfeeling like her.

There are some things Qin Zhao knows very well, but he doesn’t want to face it.

Jiang Yun wouldn’t do what she wanted. He was already impatient, raised his hand to stop a taxi, and bent over to sit in, no matter what the person behind him had to say or what his mood was.

She has been messed up enough recently. When she first found out, she almost lost her mind and couldn’t find her direction. She finally calmed down. Now that Qin Zhao is still concealing herself, she is still so at ease, as if nothing had happened, and all derailment had happened. It was she who was suspicious out of thin air, and she still couldn’t contain the anger in her heart. The more she came into contact with this person, the more it seemed that when she first discovered the clue, she couldn’t control her confusion.

Seeing that she got into the car so resolutely, Qin Zhao went over to lock the door and said, “I’ll find you later at night.”

Jiang Yun ignored it.

“You moved to the old house?” Qin Zhao asked.

North Street is a commercial street, and at noon is a period of high traffic flow. The middle-aged driver in front of them, no matter what they do, turned around impatiently and asked, “If you don’t get in the car, get out of the way, and there’s still traffic behind you. Now, don’t waste time!”

Jiang Yun’s face was as usual, but he was not angry: “I’m sorry, I’m in trouble.”

She pushed Qin Zhao’s hand away and closed the door.

“Sister,” Qin Zhao said quickly, “I will wait for you at the old house later.”

Jiang Yun turned his head and said nothing.

There were other cars urging behind him, and the driver didn’t stop for a moment. He started the car and left as soon as the door was closed, but after a while, the distance became farther and farther, and soon he could no longer see each other.

The driver was short-tempered, but he was a good man. After driving for a while, there were fewer cars around, so he looked at the back in the mirror. Seeing Jiang Yun was silent, he asked aloud, “That was you just now. Friends, what’s the matter with the quarrel?”

Basically, people in this business talk a lot, not to mention the long and short pipelines, and they always have to chat with passengers.

Jiang Yun tilted his head to look at the lush trees flashing by the roadside, and after a while of silence, he replied slowly, “No.”

The driver smiled and thought it was duplicity. Young people, when their temper came up, it was like this, and they were very impulsive. He glanced at the mirror again, then turned the steering wheel to turn, and said in the tone of someone who came over, “I think she cares about you a lot. She was so anxious just now, for fear of missing something. People are not bad, but they are actually good.”

The driver didn’t understand, there was nothing to explain, he thought they were just good friends, and regarded them as ordinary conflicts between young people.

Jiang Yun would not take these to heart, withdrew his gaze, was dumb for a moment, and hummed perfunctorily.

Everyone said that Qin Zhao was good, whether it was a friend or someone who was not very close, she once thought so.

Leaving North Street, Jiang Yun did not go to the South District, but went to the university town to seek refuge with his friend He Yu.

Qin Zhao is so persistent, she definitely can’t go back to the old house these two days, otherwise she will have to entangle again.

He Yu is Jiang Yun’s classmate and friend. They have known each other for many years. He Yu is a relatively low-key person, and now he has opened a coffee bookstore near the university town.

She and Qin Zhao knew each other, but they didn’t know each other very well. They didn’t talk much when they met. They had little contact with them, and only had frequent contacts with Jiang Yun. It was the best choice to go to her.

Jiang Yun called from the car and told He Yu that he wanted to stay for two days. He Yu didn’t ask a word, and replied, “Yesterday I was thinking about being free this weekend, should I go to your place, just in time? If you want to come, I don’t have to go.”

The two of them had the best relationship when they were studying. After graduation, they both stayed in City C to work hard. They didn’t miss meals and travel. It’s just that Jiang Yun has been busy with work in the past two years and has been on the rise. To accompany Qin Zhao, the contact with He Yu gradually diminished.

But fortunately, there are fewer contacts, and the feelings will not fade.

“Busy in the store?” Jiang Yun asked, counting the time, it was lunch time, the weather was so hot, the business of the coffee bookstore must be good.

Sure enough, He Yu replied: “Well, there are more people at noon, and they all come in to buy water, so I can’t be busy. What about you, don’t go to work today?”

He Yu didn’t know that Jiang Yun had resigned, and thought it would be over at night.

Jiang Yun said: “No, I have to rest for a while.”

On the other side of the phone, He Yu paused, thinking that she had heard it wrong. She was busy with the phone between her head, and she must have sensed something was wrong. She wanted to ask a few questions and then stopped, and finally changed her mind and said, “In the car?”

Jiang Yun said in a calm tone, “I’ll be there with you soon.”

He Yu was silent for a moment, Xu Shi was thinking about what to say, stirred the drink in his hand, and said softly: “That’s okay, I don’t have time here, come and help me.”

Jiang Yun hummed, “Then I’ll hang up.”

He Yu should be fine.

There is no need to say much between friends, and there is no need to speak too clearly, just a few words to understand. In the past, Jiang Yun put too much emphasis on love, and put Qin Zhao in front of himself and everyone else, no one could compare, but now it’s all in vain, and he doesn’t know how to tell others about this.

When it was good at the beginning, how could I have imagined that this would happen, if I could have predicted it earlier, I would not have been so careful.

No matter how thorny you are all over your body, or your attitude is cold and hard, no matter how free and easy you are in front of outsiders, if you lose in this emotional game, you lose.

Maybe a failed relationship is like this, even if you try your best to break free from the shackles of the past, but in the process, no matter what, you have to get rid of the big teeth and blood swallowing.

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Yun slowed down and rubbed his eyebrows a little tiredly.

WeChat for payment after getting off the bus.

Remembering that there was a friend request that could not be processed before, Jiang Yun clicked in again, hesitated, and clicked to accept.

The WeChat account of the blank avatar immediately appeared at the top of the chat interface, with a self-contained message:

“Lu Nianzhi”

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