Nightmare Mode (DBZ Gamer!SI)

A One Man Army (19.2)







IMPORTANT: AN Regarding the new update schedule at the bottom of this chapter!




“[Kokuyo!]” Gray thrust his arms forward, the gigantic pure black beam shooting out from between his palms. It tore through the air, sending shockwaves into the air as it shot at Dorro. Dorro stood still, staying true to his word as he watched the attack blitz towards him.


The beam slammed into Dorro, encompassing the giant's entire top half. As it connected, a boom shot out into the forest, a shockwave flashing outwards as it knocked over all the remaining trees in the area.


For a moment, the giant looked unaffected, the blast slamming into him and shooting around him as he stood still. It swirled inches from his chest, seemingly kept away from hitting his body by an invisible wall.


0! (1,000,000/1,000,000)


Then, it inched forward. The very front of the beam lightly burned his large chest.


10,000! (990,000/1,000,000)


Gray grunted, pressing his hands forward, willing the blast to cut through the man’s unbreakable defense.


25,000! (965,000/1,000,000)


The beam continued forward, pressing through the invisible wall into Dorro’s chest. Dorro grunted, his feet dragging in the grass below as he was pushed back an inch.


50,000! (915,000/1,000,000)


One inch became two.


75,000! (840,000/1,000,000)


Two became three.


100,000! (740,000/1,000,000)


Three became fo-


“SO ANNOYING!” Dorro screamed, his lidded eyes shooting open, showcasing his black pupils. The man grunted, not moving as his body stiffened. His huge pecs flexed, and suddenly the Kokuyo was pushed back by an invisible force.


0! (740,000/1,000,000)




Gray grunted, shoving his palms forward as he tried to force the beam forward again, but to no avail.


0! (740,000/1,000,000)


“How?” Gray grunted, his energy drained as the Kokuyo cut off. The beam finished its course, dispersing into nothing as Gray’s body drooped in the air. His muscles ached, his body exhausted as his Ki dropped down to 50.


“So… SO ANNOYING!” Dorro yelled again, his foot stomping into the grass below him as Gray hovered a couple dozen feet in the air. His stomp shook the ground, the few remaining trees within eyeshot tumbling over from the miniature earthquake.


“So annoying… So annoying… So annoying…” Dorro muttered, his face twisted as he glared up at Gray, “How… How dare you… How dare you harm me…”


His fist shot down, punching into the ground as a massive crater formed around it, the ground splintering around his hand. A shockwave shot out in all directions, and a gust of wind shoved Gray’s exhausted body backward as he raised a hand to block it.


“Kill you… I’ll kill you for being so annoying, Saiyan boy!” Dorro yelled, his face red with anger.


Fuck. Whatever, time to run.


Gray shot backward, turning as he slowly flew upwards, but stopped as a huge boom sounded out below him. A moment later, Dorro’s huge hand was slashing through the air in front of him, barely missing as the giant plummeted back down to the ground.


The fuck?


Gray looked back, watching as the giant landed on the forest, now plains, floor below him. His legs tensed, and suddenly Dorro seemingly teleported above him, his huge fist slamming into Gray’s head.


Gray’s world spun for a moment, as he was shot downwards, his body flying through the air faster than he could register as he was suddenly lying in a crater.


-100,000 (45,782/231,850)


Blood flew from Gray’s mouth, his body being covered in bruises as the impact rattled through his body. Dorro landed on the ground next to him, the world-shaking as his large legs landed. He looked down at Gray, his open eyes glaring down.


“So annoying…”




Gray breathed out raggedly, forcing himself to his feet as he shot backward, creating space between him and the giant.


He’s slow, but he’s so strong. He’s just jumping - not even flying. His legs are strong enough that he can jump up faster than I can fly.


Dorro tensed his legs again, ready to launch himself at Gray at unbelievable speeds, but stopped as Gray opened his mouth.


“How… how’d you live that beam?” Gray huffed out between breaths, trying to buy time to figure out how to defeat the huge man, “It was hurting you… then it wasn’t.”


“I have no reason to answer someone about to die,” Dorro said simply but opened his mouth again anyway, “But… you’re so annoying. It’d be fun to see the look of despair on your face. It might make coming here worth it.”


Dorro’s huge body relaxed for a second, “No… it wouldn’t, but it’d be fun. The doctor put this thing in me. It lets me control my energy really well. I wrapped it around my body to stop your attack.”


Like… my Ki enhancement, but on his body? Like Ki armor? No, not exactly. It’s not just his Ki - his power level is being pulled from his body. It’s more than just Ki. That’s why his energy seemed to be around 150 Million but his power level is 400 Million. It’s coating him - surrounding his skin constantly.


Gray’s eyes widened.


That’s smart. Why haven’t I thought about that yet? I bet I could do it too, at least the Ki armor part.


“Do you get it, Saiyan boy?” Dorro smirked, mistaking Gray’s eye-widening as shock from his statement, “You could never defeat me. You did some damage when you broke through the layer I always keep around me, but I can channel all my energy into one singular point. Even Dore has to get serious if he wants to land a blow against me!”


He’s right, but now I have an idea at least. 


It was Gray’s turn to grin, causing Dorro to look at him questioningly. 


“Thanks for the info, dumbass,” Gray said simply, his hand tapping the screen that had been floating next to him for the last minute.


[Purchase Successful!]


Full Ki Restore!


-100,000 Coins!


Gray tensed his legs, shooting upwards as felt energetic again despite the injuries wracking his body.


“Running again? So annoying…” Dorro sighed as he tensed his legs as well, a crater appearing where he had been standing as he appeared directly above Gray. Gray grunted, flinging himself to the side as Dorro’s hand brushed past him. The giant fell past him again, plummeting to the floor.


Alright, let’s do this.


Gray cupped his hands at his side, staring down at Dorro as the man tensed his legs again.


“Trying that again? So annoying…” Dorro grunted, as he shot upwards, “It won’t work.”


Dorro’s fist shot past Gray’s body as Gray flung himself to the side again, a ball of Ki starting to form in his palms as Dorro fell to the ground again.


He’s strong enough to launch himself up so quickly, but his hands are still slow. I can dodge his attacks. I just need to dodge for a bit.


Gray grunted, funneling Ki into his palms again as a familiar black orb formed. It started pulsing, wavering slightly as Gray leaned back, Dorro’s fist barely brushing past him as the giant fell past him into the forest floor below again.




Gray grunted, forcing more Ki into his hands. The ball grew larger, pulsing as it sucked in the light from the dawn sky around them. 




His hands shook, electricity sparking around them as the orb grew bigger. Gray grunted, kicking off the air as he dodged another flying punch as Dorro shot up at him.




His Ki plummeted, shooting below 50% even though he’d just been at full. He forced more Ki into his palms, a burning sensation starting to form. His skin started to peel, becoming blackened as he tried to contain the growing ball.


Contain it. Not a beam. A ball.


Gray flipped over mid-air, his palms still struggling to contain the power as Dorro launched past him again, this time flinging a Ki blast at Gray after his punch missed. Gray flicked his leg down, kicking the Ki ball as it flew up at him and deflected it.




His Ki dropped below 10%, his eye twitching as his hands burned. A whirlwind formed around him, power pulsating from the orb and creating shockwaves in the air.


Now… spin it.


“FUCK!” Gray screamed as he pressed his palms inward, burning and searing his skin as he forced away the pain. His hands cupped the ball, making direct contact with the black orb as he slowly moved them in a circle. The static ball started to move, spinning in a circle.


-10,000 (35,782/231,850)


“What’s that?” Dorro muttered from below him, the man stopping his lunging attacks as he stared up in shock.


The black orb spun, picking up more and more speed as it burned through Gray’s hands. He ignored the pain, forcing the ball to spin faster. His hands moved more, becoming a blur as he spun the orbs of pure power in a circle faster and faster.


“Dorro,” Gray grunted, finally pulling his hands away as the ball spun at super-sonic speeds in between his palms. His next words came out confidently as if he was saying an obvious fact, “You won’t live this.”


“So cocky… so annoying…” Dorro growled, but he looked slightly worried as the ball spun in between Gray’s palms.


[Ankoku Rasen] Skill unlocked!


+100 XP (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


[Ankoku Rasen] LVL 1 - A unique spinning Ki-ball attack created by the Saiyan Gray.


+10 KI for unlocking a Ki-related skill! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


“[Ankoku Rasen!] (Dark Spiral) Gray screamed, flinging the orb forward at Dorro. Dorro tensed his legs staring up at the spinning ball of destruction as it blitzed down at him. He raised his hand, forming a fist as his entire body tensed. He clenched his fist, and Gray watched, out of breath, as the man channeled all of Ki into a single point. He launched his fist forward, slamming it into the spinning ball.


“RAHHH!” Dorro screamed. His fist made contact, sending a shockwave of destruction out around him as it slammed into the spinning Ki ball. The air around them shook. The ground cratering from the power being thrown outwards. The light around them flickered, flashing from white to black as the energy clash tore the very color of the world around them.


Then, the ball pressed forward.


50,000! (690,000/1,000,000)


“NO!” Dorro screamed, his feet planted in the ground below him as he pushed back. His fist pushed into the spinning ball, the entirety of his 400 Million power level energy being slammed into his fist. However, the ball pressed forward.


100,000! (590,000/1,000,000)


“H…HOW?!” Dorro screamed, trying desperately to push forward as the Ki ball cut through the coat of power protecting him, slamming directly into the skin of his hand.


100,000! (490,000/1,000,000)


The ball cut forward, slamming into his fist and cutting through it like butter. The spinning ball slashed around wildly, splashes of blood flying out as he demolished his arm, tearing through until it went fully through him. It continued forward, until eventually Dorro’s right arm and shoulder were completely missing, reduced to a flowing waterfall of blood.


450,000! (40,000/1,000,000)


“How… How…” Dorro looked down at his missing arm and shoulder in shock. He stumbled backward, falling onto his ass as his eyes were wide in shock, “How…”


“You coulda just dodged, and I would’ve been fucked. Maybe don’t be so cocky next time,” Gray grinned, his hand forming into a finger gun, “Oh, wait. There is no next time.”


His finger flicked, the bullet speeding into the downed form of Dorro. Without his protective barrier, the bullet ripped straight through his head. 


40,000! (0/1,000,000)


The giant’s body stayed upright for a moment, his face locked in shock. Then, his back fell into the grass behind him, a thud ringing out.


[Modified-Being ‘Dorro’ has been defeated!]


+400,000 XP!


+40,000 Coins!


Level Up!


+50 Attribute Points


“Fuck,” Gray groaned, his body floating down and landing on the floor as his Ki sat at near-zero. His hands were bloodied, his arms shaking from having contained the impact. His head rang from being depleted of energy twice, and his vision started to blur.


Whatever. I fucking did it. I fucking won. Fuck you, game.


He fell backward, his back slamming into the grass below as he stared up into the dawn sky. His vision was blurry, his ears ringing, and a moment later he heard a muffled shout.


“Dorro! King Cold’s forces are- w-what?! D-Dorro?!” Gray recognized the voice as Kohls. He tried to clench his bloody hands, but couldn’t as his body protested. His eyes slowly glanced over, looking at his Ki as his body refused to move.




That really took everything I had, huh?


Gray’s head spun, barely making out the form of Kohl as he shot towards him. 


Move… fucking move…


“You bastard! I’ll kill you for- GAH!” Kohl’s voice was cut off, but Gray didn’t know why as black dots filled his vision.


“Cool attack, kid. Show me how you did that spinning thing,” A voice spoke, and Gray’s last sight was a green face staring down at him.





“General, Sir! Lieutenant Dorro has been killed while investigating the newly arriving Frieza Force!” A voice rang out behind me as a soldier in green armor saluted.


“Hmm, Dorro?” I muttered, looking over my shoulder at the man, “What about the rest of his unit?”


“All dead, Sir!” The man replied, sweating slightly under my gaze.


“Heh, whatever,” I scoffed, looking away from the man, “Dorro was decent but lazy. He just had a bunch of Funfs with him anyway.”


“Ah, those prototypes are barely a loss, Sir,” A higher-pitched voice said cheerfully from behind him, “We’ll be able to mass-produce them soon!”


“Yeah, yeah,” I nodded, “Losing a couple of weaklings isn’t a big deal. We have more important things to focus on, don’t we, Doctor Gero?”



AN: Thanks for reading! Since September has ended, Nightmare Mode will go back to once-a-week updates. However, it’ll be updated more than once a week at ! The ‘Schedule Update’ post on Patreon is public to everyone and explains how Nightmare Mode, along with the other stories I will be continuing regularly (The Luckiest DnD Player, The Impossible Game, The Worst Dungeon Master, and more!) will be updated going forward. 


No stats this time…

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