Nightmare Mode (DBZ Gamer!SI)

An Earthly Ambush (13.2)









[Sexy] Ranfan:


[Earthling Cooler Force Slave]


Age: 25


PL: 2,550


HP: 75/200


TKI: 25/25


Reputation: 0/0 (Neutral)


[Sexy] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally sexy, being unafraid to utilize this sexiness to get what they want.


Not a top-tier one, but still a waifu. 


“You alright?” Gray asked, giving the woman a friendly smile.


I should’ve thought that through. I didn’t need to kill that guy.


Despite his thoughts, there was a feeling of satisfaction building within him.


“A-Ah… yeah?” She asked back, staring up at him, a confused look in her eyes.


“Great! You can put those away, y’know? Not that I mind.” He said, gesturing to the woman’s breasts, which were still out.


“Ah, r-right!” She said, quickly pulling her shirt back up. Gray reached down his hand, grabbing her hand in his as he pulled her to her feet. 


“That was unnecessary,” Saeko said, walking up behind him.


“Maybe, but I didn’t want any witnesses. If he went and told Raditz I was saving the enemy, it would cause some unnecessary trouble.”


And… I just wanted to kill someone strong.


The satisfaction he got from killing his fellow Saiyan was worrying, but he couldn’t push the feeling away. Even if he was far weaker than Gray, he was still a Saiyan. A member of the warrior race. A conqueror. 


And I killed him so easily.


“No witnesses? But I’m a witness!” Saeko teased with a smirk on her face, dragging him from his thoughts.


“Yeah, but are you gonna go snitch to Raditz?” Gray said dismissively. 


“Of course not.”

“Um…” Ranfan started, shuffling so she was behind Gray, not-so-subtly trying to hide from the view of the other Saiyans, who were mercilessly massacring the soldiers on the hill, “Why did you help me?”


Gray turned around, directing a rugged smile at the woman, “How could I just let such a beautiful woman die? It would be a loss for the entire world!”


Am I smooth or what?


Ranfan turned beet red, a big smile appearing on her face, “R-Really?”


+400 Reputation with Ranfan (For saving her) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]]


+200 Reputation with Ranfan (For flirting with her) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]]


What is up with people gaining so much reputation lately? I know I saved your life and all, but damn.


“No,” Saeko interrupted, deadpanning at the woman, “What he means is, ‘I need to keep someone alive for information and you have big tits, so I picked you.’”


Partially right. She’s a waifu, and I’ll get more brownie points with Goku for saving her, but yeah, we do need to keep some of them alive to interrogate.


“O-Oh,” Ranfan’s face blushed slightly as her smile widened.


+200 Reputation with Ranfan (For being attracted to her breasts) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]]


What the fuck is going on?


Gray glanced up as the Saiyans were finishing up their massacre, a mountain of corpses lying in the snow.


They must all have been forced to fight. Their backup plan was terrible. Taking the high ground against people who can fly? Firing laser guns at Saiyans? This can’t be Cooler’s true army.


“I’m Gray, by the way. This is Saeko.” Gray said, gesturing toward Saeko as he realized he’d been watching the massacre for a few seconds too long.


“Oh, yeah! I’m Ranfan!” She introduced herself, but a moment later a voice hollered down from the hill.


“What do you mean you didn’t leave one?” Asuna’s voice rang out, and the small girl looked comical as she glared up at the giant form of Raditz.


+10 HREG for surviving an ambush! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


+10 EREG for surviving an ambush! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


+10 INT for fighting smartly! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


Guess they finished up already.


“Those rats didn’t deserve to live! Why should I let one survive when they were so cowardly?!” The large man shouted down at her, his face twisted in irritation.


“Because we need information, you idiot! Our landing zone was attacked! We don’t know who they were, or why they did it!” Asuna responded, staring up stubbornly at Raditz, “We don’t know what happened to the rest of the Frieza Force soldiers that were supposed to be here! Do you ever think?!”


“Protect them,” Gray said simply to Saeko, gesturing to the pile of martial artists as he floated up into the air and flew toward Asuna and Raditz.


“I didn’t wanna, so I didn’t! Those stupid ants couldn’t have told us anything important anyway!” Raditz argued back, his face red as he clearly realized he was in the wrong, but not being willing to admit it.


“We need information! IN-FOR-MAT-ION!” Asuna sounded out the syllables as she jutted her finger at him, “Ever heard of it?”


“Relax,” Gray said as he reached the two, “I kept a few alive, so we can get information from them.”


“Huh? I said to kill all those rats! Are you disobeying orders from your captain?!” Raditz asked him angrily, too prideful to let the topic go.


Gray pushed down the urge to argue back angrily, his pride flaring up at Raditz’s demeaning words.


“It was the martial artists - the fighters,” Gray stated, clarifying when he saw Raditz gain a confused look on his face, “They fought back, so they’re not cowardly, right? If we had to leave some alive, it should be them, yeah?”


“Ah! Good thinking, kid!” Raditz said, clapping him on the shoulder, “The cowardly rats shouldn’t live, but those who fought with pride and honor should!”


I’m glad you're so easy to manipulate.


“Good job, Gray!” Asuna said, smiling gratefully at him, then turning to Raditz as she tried to appease him after their fiery exchange, “It’ll be a hassle to take a bunch with us since we don’t even know if there is a stronghold anymore, so you can kill all but one, Captain!” 


“No,” Gray shot down her statement, “If we only have one, we don’t know if they’re lying or not. You need multiple. Interrogate them all separately and see if their stories match.”


“Woah,” Asuna blushed, staring at him with wide eyes, “Where did you learn such wise interrogation tactics, Gray?!”


This is the most obvious shit, Saiyans just aren’t very smart. It’s not necessary either, probably, but I want them all alive to get in the Z-Fighter's good books as quick as possible.


“Read it in a book, or somethin’,” Gray said lazily as he waved her question away.


“It is safe to assume that the Freiza Force on Earth has been completely wiped out,” A female voice said, and Gray turned to see Celia floating towards him, not a hint of blood on her Saiyan armor.


“Finally showed up, royal brat?” Raditz scoffed at her, “You missed the whole battle.”


“I left planet Vegeta last,” Celia explained, “Since I’m here, that means the whole squad landed already. There are 32 remaining out of the initial 51 that landed.”


Gray looked around, realizing that the small group of 4 Saiyans that had been here when he arrived was now a much larger crowd.


We lost 19 men to that pathetic ambush attempt? 


Gray assumed that most of the men died in the way that Raditz’s would’ve if he and Saeko hadn’t arrived - firing Ki blasts wildly as they refused to retreat, being worn down by the barrage of lasers until they didn’t have enough energy to survive.


A painful scream rang out, and Celia turned her gaze to the side, staring down the hill, “31 now.”


Gray followed her gaze, seeing that she was staring at Saeko, whose sword was embedded in the back of a large Saiyan man.


“Hah?! Is that tagalong killing my men?” Raditz asked, looking more annoyed than angry.


“She wouldn’t without reason,” Celia said dismissively, “Don’t act like you care so much. If you did, you wouldn’t have let the other 19 die in the ambush. Even if the lasers were weak, sitting in the middle of an ambush is the peak of idiocy.”


“Bastard,” Raditz growled at her with a glare, “You weren’t even here. That damn ability of yours is annoying.”


“First,” Celia started, ignoring Raditz, “We need to interrogate the survivors. Me and Gray will do so. The rest of you should go scout those buildings.”


Celia gestured her hand toward the scattered buildings that Gray had seen earlier, looking to be 5-6 tall stone structures with a couple hundred feet between them.


“Hmmph,” Raditz glared at her, “When did you become the captain? I’ll interrogate them, bastard. You can go look at the buildings.”

“Stop whining,” Celia said calmly, causing Raditz to glare even harder as his face twisted with irritation, “We both know you’re just saying that so it doesn’t look like I’m ordering you around. We can say that these are suggestions, Captain.”


Celia made air quotes as she stressed the word, “My ability will make the interrogations much easier, and you don’t want to do that boring stuff anyway. There might be more enemies in the buildings. You’d rather fight them than talk with a bunch of Earthlings, right?”


“You’re lucky you’re right, brat,” Raditz scoffed, turning away as he walked toward the crowd of Saiyans, who were all mingling lazily as they kicked around corpses, looking for any survivors.


“Um, thanks for your help, Gray, Celia!” Asuna said, smiling brightly at them as she turned to go after Raditz, “If we run into anyone, I’ll make sure to keep a survivor this time!”


“Damn, am I glad to have you on my side sometimes,” Gray said appreciatively to Celia as he watched Asuna and Raditz gather the group of Saiyans.


“You should be,” An unusual small smirk forming on her emotionless face, “I’m useful, and you can stare at my ass all day. That’s more than the rest of the girls can say.”


“They’re not useless,” Gray said back indignantly as they started floating upwards, flying toward Saeko, “Saeko was the only reason we got out of that ambush, y’know?”


“Yes, I suppose she’s useful,” Celia said as they approached her. She was standing next to Ranfan, the pile of unconscious martial artists behind her, “But, logically, the rest don’t have much value beyond you staring at their bodies.”

“That’s a lot of value,” Gray said simply.


If I gotta battle for my life on the daily, I might as well have some hot babes with me, right? Who cares if Asia isn’t much help in battle when she’s got a nice bubble butt? It’s not like Bulma or Chi-Chi ever helped Vegeta or Goku much in a battle. I think Chi-Chi just complained most of the time when the entire world was in danger.


They landed next to Saeko, and Celia looked at Ranfan, then back at Gray, “I’m not surprised in the slightest that this is who you chose to leave alive.”

“Hey,” Gray said indignantly as he gestured to the pile of martial artists, “I left them alive too, alright? I don’t just look for hot girls!”


“Yeah, you only mostly look for hot girls,” Saeko said with a smirk.


“You don’t have room to be like that right now,” Gray said, raising an eyebrow at Saeko, “Why’d you kill that guy?”


Gray gestured to the Saiyan corpse on the ground.


“He was being annoying,” Saeko bristled, “He arrived late and missed the fight, so he wanted to kill them.”

Saeko pointed towards the pile of unconscious martial artists. Gray nodded approvingly at her.


“Anyway,” Celia looked Ranfan in the eyes, “You’ll answer some questions, right? I’d rather this not be difficult…”


“Yup!” Ranfan said, the girl giving Celia and friendly smile, then looking at Gray, “You saved me, so I don’t mind. Though, can we go somewhere warmer?”


Gray looked at the girl's outfit, which was a pair of long loose-fitting jeans, and a sleeveless black shirt that was tight against her, showing off her large breasts through the thin fabric. Overall, it looked more like beach wear than ice-cold-mountain wear. 


“I don’t know where…” Gray trailed off, looking around the winter wonderland around them, the only possible source of warmth being the set of buildings, “We could fly off these mountains, but I don’t know where more enemies might be, so I’d rather not go in blind.”


“We’ll go in there,” Celia said, pointing towards a spot in the snow a few feet away, “There’s something under there. A couple of weak energy sources.”


“That’s the door we came out of,” Ranfan supplied helpfully, “There’s heating in there, that’ll work!”


They walked over to the trap door in the snow, Saeko easily finding the hidden handle as she opened it. They climbed down a ladder, a gust of warm air blasting into them as they did. Gray glanced around as they reached the bottom, seeing a long tunnel stretching out with various jail cells on each side. 


“We were being held here,” Ranfan supplied sadly at his look, “We were the backup plan. Our job was to hold someone off long enough for the rest of them to get on the high ground. If any of us lived, they said we would be set free.”

“I’ll go get the other fighters,” Saeko said, turning back to the ladder, “They’ll die of frostbite up there. I don’t care about any of this stuff anyway.”


“You can start without me, Gray,” Celia said simply as she started walking down the tunnel, “There’s a few energy sources down here. Weak ones. I’ll deal with them quickly. Then, I’ll go check out the soldier's armor. Scouter-blocking technology is a big deal. Explain everything to me later, please.”


Both girls left, leaving Gray and Ranfan standing alone in the tunnel.


“So,” Gray said, locking eyes with the woman, “Start from the beginning. Don’t leave out anything. Tell me everything you know about the state of this planet.”


“Alright,” Ranfan sighed, looking up into his eyes, “Have you heard of the Red Ribbon Army?”




Gray Tanaki:


[Saiyan D-Class Recruit]


Age: 15


Wallet: 46,150 Coins


Lvl: 10 (33,000/75,000 XP)


PL: 31,972,700


Available Points: 300


HP: 90,720/91,450


TKI: 179,825/179,825


STR: 315


AGI: 350


END: 290


INT: 455


CHA: 145


LUK: 455


KI: 395


HREG: 206


EREG: 206


Skills: [Observe LVL 5], [Running LVL 6], [Determination LVL 4], [Ki Control LVL 9], [Ki Gun LVL 5]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 4], [KI Suppression LVL 5], [Ki Sense LVL 2], [Pushup LVL 4], [Punch LVL 4], [Kick LVL 4], [Jump LVL 4], [Flight LVL 4], [Prediction LVL 2], [Zenkai Boost LVL 1], [Cognitive Acceleration LVL 1], [Ah! Lord Frieza! LVL 1]


Perks: [Gamer’s Mind], [Gamer’s Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Sayian], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]


Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 1]


Party: [Saeko, Celia]




AN: Thanks for reading, hope y’all enjoyed! Chapter 14 will be out on Wednesday, or you can read it right now on my Patreon! It’s more of a setup one, but Chapter 15 is when shit really goes down.


That’ll be out one week from now on here, or Wednesday on Patreon, and is going to end up being pretty much 2-3x longer than the usual chapters. (This is also why Patreon is still only 1 chapter ahead atm - that’ll be changing to 5 ahead soon, but I’ve been spending my time writing and rewriting chapter 15 a bunch of times instead of writing ahead.)


Also - recently posted two more stories. One is an SAO fic, and the other is a DXD dungeon gamer fic (both harems). Check them out if that sounds appealing!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.